11/02/2002 Entry: "Warnings from long ago and yesterday."

Lincoln, Roosevelt and Kennedy warn of Bush
by Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Robert Kennedy

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. ... corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong it's reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."
Abraham Lincoln

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic State itself. What, in its essence, is Fascism, but ownership of government by an individual, by a group or by any controlling private power."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
Robert Kennedy


Viewer Commentary: 17 comments

Thanx VOXNYC. Guess I will write you from the gulag now. My only "sin" was trying to put up a few windmills in Maine and leveling the playing field for small power producers (clean energy).

Posted by Frederick John Munster Jr. @ 11/03/2002 12:44 AM EST

"If we find our government in all its branches rushing headlong, like our predecessors, into the arms of monarchy, if we find they violating our dearest rights, the trial by jury, the freedom of the press, the freedom of opinion, civil or religious, or opening on our peace of mind or personal safety the sluices of terrorism, if we see them raising standing armies, when the absence of all other danger points to these as the sole objects on which they are to be employed, then indeed let us withdraw and call the nation to its tents."

Posted by Thomas Jefferson @ 11/03/2002 02:01 AM EST

The more we are all driven my the dollar, pound, yen etc. the more we all are guilty of fueling the corporate pigs. The goverments are getting afriad, as we all have power to find information, in the uk only 2 years ago we made 1471 a telephone id system avaible to us, when other countries have had it for years.
We are the Goverment watch dogs, as they watch us, every time we log onto the internet, millons of tiny programs logg our details. e-mails are read, peoples computers are tapped.
I have firewalls set up, but these are produced by the massive corporate dogs, all of whom have hands in each others pockets.
The sooner the people know the truth the sooner we will be free.
Watch out Bush, Blair your times are numbered, no longer can you hide, your power is weaking as we all find out the truth.
Thanks again voxnyc, you are our forum for spreading the news.

Posted by zimzimzimmer @ 11/03/2002 02:09 AM EST

vox, once again a superb analysis. me thinks you should get the next Nobel Peace Prize :-)

Posted by ewar @ 11/03/2002 05:03 AM EST

It is time to begin to change our society so that we each provide each other services - a cashless interchange of value provided to each other unemcumbered by taxation and the fueling of war and tyranny throughout the world. We must begin the develop small communities of inter-reliance and value for and by each other, free of corporate and political interventions. This new order of barter will allow us to live free and free of those attempting to control us - WE CAN WIN, but WE MUST THINK OUTSIDE THEIR CONFINES THAT THEY HAVE CREATED FOR US...

Posted by Time for a change in our society @ 11/03/2002 12:04 PM EST

As long as most people behave as Sheeple then we have not yet turned the tide. But there is a ray of sunshine. Most of the young people I talk to, bless their cynical hearts, believe Bush Knew. Further some people are waking to the knowledge of our pseudo-elections being rigged and having predertermined outcomes.
Next step is to convince more people that such terms as "Left" and "Right" are irrelevant. Tyranny is tyranny whether it is Bill, Body Count, Clinton or George, War for Oil Profits, Bush.
Know the truth, fight for the truth, and that is the one thing the political slugs cannot defeat. It's like having a nice little Salt Shaker in the garden. Helps eliminate the pests.

Posted by Publius @ 11/06/2002 08:56 AM EST

C/ Eusebio Navarro, 12
Kofi Annan 35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
UN Secretary General Spain
26 August 2002
Dear Secretary General,
I thought you might be interested to know the reason why President Bush has turned a little less belligerent in his war rhetoric in recent weeks.
At this point in the Great Game the United States, acting alone, cannot attack another sovereign state. She must have diplomatic cover, and the wider the better. At minimum she must have the full support of and active participation by the United Kingdom, with its UN veto.
The Sovereign of the United Kingdom is Queen Elizabeth II. The people are NOT sovereign: the people do NOT control the UN veto, and they do NOT appoint the Prime Minister. Both powers (and virtually all others) are vested in the person of the Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II. Everyone must swear a solemn oath of allegiance to that person, or they do not get appointed .
Since 1990 a fraud has been perpetrated against the British people, a fraud identical to the one perpetrated by Lord Clive Hollick and Malcolm Wall against the workers at Anglia Television. Since that time the leader of the largest parliamentary party has NOT been appointed by the Queen as Prime minister. Both Major and Blair allowed the rest of the world to believe that their election by the people conferred the post of British Prime Minister. NOT SO, for the people are not sovereign. Only the Sovereign can appoint the Prime Minister, and this she chose NOT to do.
From the fall of Thatcher to the Council of Europe at Feira the British “Prime Minister” has been an impostor acting beyond his powers. True power has been wielded from behind the scenes by the Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth herself. Queen Elizabeth, hiding behind impostors who were happy to deceive the world and pretend they were in command, has waged all of the wars since Desert Storm. A game of double bluff has been going on all these years.
The Security Council of the United Nations confers the highest legal authority of all. As such it is a supremely moral entity, acting in the name of the Creator here on His creation. The Security Council is under the control of the five Permanent Members – USA, Russia, China, France, and UK. Yet there is no way that the British people can rid themselves of the British Crown or the Windsor family. There is no Republican Party because republicanism itself – in any form – is illegal and under penalty of death under the Treason and Felony Act of 1848.
The question is, for how much longer will the rest of the world tolerate the presence of an hereditary dictator Queen as a Permanent Member of the Security Council? Perhaps you should ask them all the question.
Queen Elizabeth has gone to great lengths to ensure she is not seen to use her dictatorial powers. She operates in the shadows behind her front men, Major and Blair, with their “democratic mandate”. I, John Cleary, am a victim of the tyrannical powers wielded by Queen Elizabeth II and have been fighting the tyrant for more than eight years. My first victory came in November 1999 with the downfall of Lord Jeffrey Archer. My technique since then has been the same. Write directly to those who shelter behind plausible deniability, copy the letter to those with a direct interest, and send out between 100 and 200 blind copies to others with an indirect interest. By this technique I have been able to demonstrate to sceptical observers that not all is as it seems in the United Kingdom and the United States. The wider diplomatic community are aware of my activities and they are watching the British intently. Queen Elizabeth now cannot use her power to provide the diplomatic cover that Bush requires. Hence the less belligerent war rhetoric emanating from Washington.
I tell you these things, and provide the attached list of my writings (1 November 1999 to 24 July 2002), not from a sense of self-aggrandisement, nor a desire to take credit for myself. Those things no longer matter. But I want to make sure my two little girls one day learn why it was they lost their daddy in 1994.
Yours sincerely,

John Cleary BScMAMBA

cc China, France, Russia (with attachments)

Date Recipient/Title of Document
01.11 1999 HRH The Prince of Wales
01.02.2000 Lady Mary Archer
03.04.2000 Hon William & Hon James Archer
17.04.2000 Janet Reno
29.05 2000 Janet Reno
14.06.2000 Tony Blair MP (delivered by hand 19.06.2000)
24.07.2000 First Affidavit ( Wandsworth Council v JP Cleary)
01.10.2000 Second Affidavit (----------------- “ --------------------)
29.11.2000 Third Affidavit (----------------- “ --------------------)
29.07.2001 I Accuse Lady Mary Archer
08.08.2001 Mary Archer’s Fraud
04.01.2002 HRH Prince William of Wales
19.02.2002 Slobodan Milosevic
17.03.2002* Patrick Cox MEP
06.04.2002 Patrick Cox MEP
17.05.2002 Patrick Cox MEP
05.06.2002* Robin Cook MP
05.06.2002* Romano Prodi
30.06.2002* Patricia Hewitt MP
24.07.2002* John Ashcroft
24.07.2002* Harvey Pitt
(NB * = attached herein)

Posted by john cleary @ 11/06/2002 01:28 PM EST

C/ Eusebio Navarro 12
John Ascroft 35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
United States Attorney General Spain
(Correos Certificado 24 July 2002

Queens Bench 1994-C-2024
JP Cleary v Anglia Television

Dear Mr Ashcroft,
Further to my copy letter of 30 June 2002.
As senior law officer of the USA you have a statutory interest in this matter for at least four reasons.

FIRST the corporation then known as MAI changed its name, first to United News and Media, then to United Business Media. UBM is listed on the NASDAQ Exchange and has many publications in the United States. Its CEO is Lord Clive Hollick and its COO is Malcolm Wall.

SECOND the crime syndicate behind the Anglia fraud is the same as that which lay behind the fraud at Lloyds of London (see Cleary to Janet Reno 17 April 2000 and 29 May 2000). Read TIME MAGAZINE (Atlantic) February 21 2000 and see how the Windsors went after and destroyed gullible wealthy Americans with the help of Citibank and JP Morgan.

THIRD the Windsor gang is the prime mover in the “pump and dump” scam currently playing on Wall Street. Two examples, one past and one still to come. Global Crossing CEO Gary Winnick was knighted by Prince Charles, and his sidekick Lod Cook was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. IBM Chief Executive Lou Gerstner was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. All three men swore an oath of allegiance to the British Sovereign. Much of the $739 millions looted by Gary Winnick are held in gold bullion with the Bank of England in his lawful British subject name of Sir Gary Winnick. At this very moment he is shorting IBM and the market as a whole through the Bank of England Nominees, waiting for August 14.

FOURTH Ronald W Reagan, George HW Bush and William J Clinton have each sworn an oath of allegiance to the British Crown. This foreign power with the reconquest of America in its heart.
So don’t you dare try to send this letter back to me.
Yours sincerely,

John Cleary BScMAMBA

Enc. Cleary to Janet Reno 17 April 2000
Cleary to Janet Reno 29 May 2000
Cleary to Romano Prodi 5 June 2002

Posted by john cleary @ 11/06/2002 02:01 PM EST

We are the most "lied-to",deceived country in all the world. I live like an alien,like looking at fish in an aquarium.I wonder if there is a bottom to this evil heart of man.Then there are coincidences that revive me.I realize that things are not out of control.There had to be a Judas to free us from sin.Someone had to be the bad guy for the good guy to look good. God is not raising sissies. All of us must cross the Jordan. Death is not the end of life,but the abscence.The lie cannot exist without the truth. The lie is a witness to the truth. God speaks and George twists it all to pieces.The stars(governments)shall fall from the sky and the moon(church)shall be turned into blood(death).
Im a foul-weather friend.
Watch out there is a devil in your living room on CNN.
Take care my beloved slaves.
goto hell you pieces of shit motherfuckers that steal our life.
YOur hell is heated and waiting.

Posted by AquariumViewer @ 11/06/2002 10:30 PM EST

The Cashless Interchange poster above has it right.

Those of us in the victimized opposition are in the vast majority, and have among us technical and logistical chops to develop secure transactions, and secure lifestyles, that will make it difficult for fascists to deal with.

Anyone with links, posts, and ideas on this subject are invited.

a) secure transactions, both information like these posts, and stores of value, i.e. anonymous money-equivilents.

b) secure distribution of goods and services.

c) how to survive and thrive in Bush's Terrorist Economy, in current and future income-producing activities. The more we avoid giving our money and time to the cabal, the stronger we become.

d) how to find and hold real estate and living environments in safe and long-term ways, and lessen the fear of appropriation.

Posted by General Ripper @ 11/17/2002 12:37 PM EST

The Cashless Interchange poster above has it right.

Those of us in the victimized opposition are in the vast majority, and have among us technical and logistical chops to develop secure transactions, and secure lifestyles, that will make it difficult for fascists to deal with.

Anyone with links, posts, and ideas on this subject are invited.

a) secure transactions, both information like these posts, and stores of value, i.e. anonymous money-equivilents.

b) secure distribution of goods and services.

c) how to survive and thrive in Bush's Terrorist Economy, in current and future income-producing activities. The more we avoid giving our money and time to the cabal, the stronger we become.

d) how to find and hold real estate and living environments in safe and long-term ways, and lessen the fear of appropriation.

Posted by General Ripper @ 11/17/2002 12:37 PM EST

Has anyone ever considered the direct licnks between the assassinations of JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King Jr, and John Lennon (and a large number or others). Is it really that these great indiviuals were the result of fanatic, single assassins conducting there own form of war or vengeance. Why is it that four of the most brilliant members of society can be slain here in the U.S. while supposed terrorists are impossible to even trace?

Posted by Me @ 05/11/2003 07:00 AM EST

Has anyone ever considered the direct licnks between the assassinations of JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King Jr, and John Lennon (and a large number or others). Is it really that these great indiviuals were the result of fanatic, single assassins conducting there own form of war or vengeance. Why is it that four of the most brilliant members of society can be slain here in the U.S. while supposed terrorists are impossible to even trace?

Posted by Me @ 05/11/2003 07:01 AM EST

Has anyone ever considered the direct licnks between the assassinations of JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King Jr, and John Lennon (and a large number or others). Is it really that these great indiviuals were the result of fanatic, single assassins conducting there own form of war or vengeance. Why is it that four of the most brilliant members of society can be slain here in the U.S. while supposed terrorists are impossible to even trace?

Posted by Me @ 05/11/2003 07:01 AM EST

Has anyone ever considered the direct licnks between the assassinations of JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King Jr, and John Lennon (and a large number or others). Is it really that these great indiviuals were the result of fanatic, single assassins conducting there own form of war or vengeance. Why is it that four of the most brilliant members of society can be slain here in the U.S. while supposed terrorists are impossible to even trace?

Posted by Me @ 05/11/2003 07:02 AM EST

Wasn't it the great Thomas Jefferson who said the following?
"Where the people fear the government, there is tyranny. Where the government fears the people, there is liberty."
Well, folks, HERE is our problem: this government, you know, the government that USED TO BE OURS, simply doesn't FEAR US any longer...the answer is with each of us!!!
Voxfux RULES!

Posted by Lori LeSabre @ 09/06/2003 03:19 AM EST

Roosevelt was the biggest detriment to our libtery this nation has ever known; don't forget he gave us the Slave Survailence Number, uh I mean, Soclal Security Number.

Posted by libdave @ 12/31/2003 07:33 AM EST

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