04/01/2003 Entry: "CNN DIARY - A CRONICLE OF LIES"
by voxfux
Here should be a cronicle of the lies and slants and disinformation of the CNN government propaganda channel. When possible note the exact time of the reported CNN/CIA Psyop.
Viewer Commentary: 78 comments
by voxfux 108 comments
by voxfux 58 comments
And so far not a single reply to any of these comments from you Vox.
Quite unlike you.
What happened to you when they took you off the net?
Its raining
Posted by three little birds @ 04/01/2003 05:44 AM EST
· DynCorp Devastation of Civilian Life in South America Looks Like Ground Clearing and Depopulation on Behalf of the Oil Companies
· Burning Chemicals Produce Same Gas Used in Nazi Death Camps
Stopping the hard drug trade, ending a 35 year-old civil war, eliminating human rights abuses and returning political stability to one of the oldest democracies in the Americas all sound like good ideas, but the bottom line in Plan Colombia has more to do with big business, and particularly the oil business, than any of the above.
by Peter Gorman – Special to From The Wilderness
(An earlier version of this story was published in
The Fort Worth Weekly on March 13, 2003)
© Copyright 2003, From The Wilderness Publications, www.copvcia.com. All Rights Reserved. May be reprinted, distributed or posted on an Internet web site for non-profit purposes only.
March 31, 2003, 0100 PST (FTW) -- "On the worst days, there are sometimes more than 30 of them," she says. ‘They come in with nothing but their muchilas, backpacks. They’ve left everything to get out of Colombia. Or even worse, they come from our own border here in Ecuador. They are sick. Some have sores and rashes. They can't breathe; they complain their joints ache or that they can no longer see clearly. No one believes us but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true."
The woman paused. Her name is Sister Carmen Rosa Perez and she is a nun working at the Iglesia Miguel de Sucumbios in Lago Agria, the largest city in Sucumbios, one of the districts that fronts the Putumayo river. Across the river is the Colombian province of Putumayo, a remote region in northwest Amazonia that has become the center of both Bill Clinton’s Plan Colombia and George Bush’s expanded Andean Initiative. Sister Carmen’s job since October, 2000 has been to see to the refugees from Colombia’s raging civil war and get them properly registered. In two years she and the other nuns at the church have registered 3,676 refugees of the combat. The vast majority has come from Colombia, to escape the violence of the right wing paramilitaries, the AUC, the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the FARC, or the Colombian military. But in the past several months, she says, there are more and more Ecuadorians passing through the church as well. They come because they have been brutalized, either by the conflict spilling across the river that separates the two countries, or by the loss of their crops to the defoliation that plays such a key part of Plan Colombia.
"At first they came to escape the violence, but now they mostly come to try to find work and food to feed their families. The spraying has killed all their crops, all their animals, even the animals of the forest are gone."
The Business of Plan Colombia
When Bill Clinton unveiled Plan Colombia in late 1999, its stated goals included eradicating the coca and opium poppy plants used to make cocaine and heroin, respectively, while helping the Colombian government end its civil war, reduce human rights abuses, and reestablish political stability through aid to its military and police forces. There was beauty in the Plan’s simplicity: eliminating the plants which produced the drugs that generated black market funding for its civil war would almost solve all the problems facing Colombia simultaneously. And while President Bush has expanded Plan Colombia’s vision—along with renaming it The Andean Initiative—to include the deconstruction of all "terrorist groups" operating in Colombia, he’s kept the other stated goals in place.
Yet Plan Colombia may not have been fueled by a sense of US righteousness nearly as much as it was by the push of big business. The war in Colombia had been raging for more than 30 years, after all, before the US decided to get involved. Cocaine use had already peaked during the crack epidemic of the late 1980s and ‘90s and was on the decline long before intervention in Colombia became a White House imperative. But in 1996, the US-Colombia Business Partnership was founded to represent US companies with interests in Colombia, and a well-financed lobbying effort for just such intervention began. The companies represented by the Business Partnership included the Occidental Petroleum Corp, the Enron Corp, Texaco and BP Amoco, among others. Each had huge stakes in Colombia.
The early winners in the $1.3 billion Plan Colombia sweepstakes that Congress approved in 2000 were three military contractors. Sikorsky Helicopters, of Stratford, Connecticut, secured a $360 million contract for 30 Black Hawk helicopters; the Ft. Worth-based Bell got a $66 million contract for 33 of its Huey helicopters, and DynCorp, out of Reston, Virginia had an ongoing contract for crop fumigation renewed for two years for nearly $600 million. Thus DynCorp, a company which primarily utilizes former military personnel for its government contracts worldwide became the lynchpin of Plan Colombia. St. Louis-based Monsanto, the pharmaceutical giant which had provided Agent Orange as a defoliant during the Viet Nam war was also a beneficiary as one of its products, Roundup—glyphosate— was chosen as the Plan Colombia herbicide.
The biggest potential winners in the Plan Colombia sweepstakes though, the oil companies, will have to wait a while for their payoff, but when it comes it will be a good one. The US Geological Survey Hollin-Napo Unit, part of the World Petroleum Resource Assessment 2000 was released just prior to the passage of Plan Colombia in April 2000. What it indicated was that there were between 130 and 300 commercially viable but undiscovered oil fields in the region covering Southern Colombia, northeastern Ecuador and northwestern Peru. The heaviest concentration of those are in Putumayo in Colombia and across the river in Sucumbios, Ecuador. Estimates of field size begin at 1 million barrels—less is not commercially viable—and top out at 750 million barrels. But those estimates may be low: One of the fields pinpointed in the Survey was discovered in 2002 and has 1.41 billion barrels of proven reserves, doubling Ecuador’s known oil reserves.
But standing in the way of most of the oil exploration in Putumayo is civil war and coca; in Sucumbios there is the protected reserve status of much of the land and it is diligently protected by local and foreign environmentalists.
Another issue that exists in both Putumayo and Sucumbios is the difficulty of pinpointing oil reserves because of the thick jungle canopy that covers much of the region. Satellite photography, an invaluable tool in oil exploration, cannot see through forests.
Gordon Staples, Research and Product Developer for RADARSAT, a Canadian Satellite Imaging company says that "In the dense forests of Central Canada geologists see variation in forest-type which implies geological formation—they can read the topology despite not seeing it. But in areas of dense tropical jungle the geology is that much more complex. In other words, the differentiation between oil deposits and subsurface water deposits is considerably easier if there is no ground cover."
Coca in Colombia
There are more than 200 species in the Erythroxylaceae, or coca, family, but only two have a high enough cocaine alkaloid content to have any commercial value: Erythroxylum coca v coca, or Bolivian coca and Erythroxylum novogranatense v novogranatense, Colombian coca. Both species have been cultivated for at least 3,000 years and the plant’s leaves have traditionally been utilized for religious, social and medicinal reasons. But until recently, only Bolivian coca was used in the manufacture of cocaine. It grows well in the moist tropical forests on the eastern slopes of the Andes mountains in Bolivia and Peru at altitudes ranging from 1,500 to 6,500 feet and has an alkaloid content considerably higher than any of the others.
Despite its lower alkaloid content, during the mid-1990s, when Colombia overtook Peru as the world’s number one producer of coca, Colombian coca was pressed into commercial use because Bolivian coca doesn’t grow there. Colombian coca grew well on either mountain slopes or in the sweltering lowland jungle and was particularly draught resistant.
With a lesser alkaloid content, meeting 70-80% of the world’s demand for cocaine necessitated growing more acreage than was needed with Bolivian coca, which led to major increases in acreage under cultivation in the last 10 years. Colombia, for instance, was estimated to be growing about 250,000 acres as late as 1998. But State Department numbers suggest that during 2001, Colombia had roughly 420,000 acres under cultivation, an increase of 40% over four years. That increase, much of which has taken place in the southern Colombian state of Putumayo, has been a perfect pretext, generating numbers that justify Plan Colombia’s key stated component of coca eradication in the media, and therefore the US public’s eyes.
During 2001, the first year spraying was done under the banner of Plan Colombia, US Ambassador to Colombia Anne Patterson estimated that 198,000 acres of coca were fumigated, much of that in Putumayo. But with the onset of Plan Colombia came the onset of problems for the people in the region. Farmers claimed that despite US assurances from the State Department that spraying would be pinpoint and only utilized on coca crops of more than seven acres, thousands of people with small family farms were sprayed as well, got sick and were ultimately displaced by the spraying. Additionally, there were complaints of animals dying and food crops poisoned.
The US denied the allegations, insisting that the product being used, a variant of Monsanto’s household herbicide Roundup, was safe. On April 30, 2001, shortly after Plan Colombia’s coca fumigation began, William R. Brownfield, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs wrote in the Philadelphia Inquirer that "The agent used in aerial eradication is the herbicide glyphosate... It is one of the least harmful herbicides to appear on the world market… Accounts claiming that glyphosate causes damage to humans, animals and the environment are unfounded."
Deputy Assistant Secretary Brownfield was either misinformed or lying. Four months before he opined in the Inquirer, Dutch journalist Marjon van Royen had published an admission by the State Department in the Dutch newspaper NRC Handlesblad, that it wasn’t Roundup, but Roundup Ultra that was being used in the spraying in Colombia. Additionally, the State Department admitted that a Colombian product called Cosmoflux was added to the spray mixture as a surfactant to help keep the herbicide on the plant long enough to do its work. But with their admissions, the State Department was quick to add that both Roundup Ultra and Cosmoflux were approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
That was nonsense. The EPA had never heard of Cosmoflux and according to a spokesperson even now they have not tested it: "We don’t examine products made for use in a foreign country."
The question of whether it was Roundup or Roundup Ultra that was being used, and the presence of Cosmoflux is not a minor one in the context of the collateral damage spraying might do to food crops, animals and people. Roundup Ultra is considerably stronger than the regular Roundup found in garden centers. It was only approved for use in the US in November 2001, and then only for certain commercial, non-agricultural applications. The handling instructions correspond to the highest Environmental Protection Agency toxicity rating, Class 1, while common Roundup falls into the lower, Class 3 rating. Aside from Roundup Ultra’s toxicity, there is also the question of the chemical formulation of Cosmoflux. Scientists who have requested the Cosmoflux formula to conduct such testing have been told by the State Department that the information is "proprietary" and "classified."
Despite US denial that Roundup Ultra combined with Cosmoflux is hazardous to humans and animals in Colombia, the warning label of common Roundup alone suggests otherwise. Regarding humans: "Do not allow workers into treated areas for a period of four hours." Regarding animals: "We recommend that grazing animals such as horses, cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, tortoises and fowl remain out of the treated area for two weeks." Regarding plant life: "Avoid contact of herbicide to foliage, green stems, exposed non-woody roots or fruit of crops, desirable plants, and trees because severe injury or destruction is likely to result."
The Roundup label makes particular note of drift as well, under a section boldly headlined "ATTENTION," in which it is stated in capital letters: "AVOID DRIFT. EXTREME CARE MUST BE USED WHEN APPLYING THIS PRODUCT TO PREVENT INJURY TO DESIRABLE PLANTS AND CROPS."
Those warnings were more accurate than Deputy Assistant Secretary Brownfield’s assessment of the damage the fumigation campaign was doing. Two health and environmental studies were carried out after complaints from campesinos were made shortly after Plan Colombia spraying began: one in southern Colombian department of Putumayo and the other in the northern Ecuador province of Sucumbios. The Colombian study, by biologist Elsa Nivia between February and April of 2001 indicated that more than four thousand people in Putumayo were suffering from acute eye irritation, respiratory problems, heart arrhythmias, skin lesions and rashes, temporary paralysis and temporary blindness among other health problems. Additionally, thousands of animals had died, and food crops were destroyed.
The Ecuadorian study, done in May and June of the same year under the direction of Dr. Adolpho Mondonaldo was even more revealing, as Ecuador was not supposed to be sprayed or affected by drift. Dr. Mondonaldo, studying villages at distances of two, five and ten kilometers from the Putumayo river on the Ecuadorian side found that 100% those living within two and five kilometers of the river suffered the identical symptoms as those living in Putumayo, Colombia. Among those people living 10 kilometers from the river 89% suffered identical symptoms. And as in Colombia, damage to food crops was severe, reaching 85-90% reduction in production.
The US State Department would not comment on the studies.
The complaints were not coming from those with what the US described as "commercial plantations"—more than seven acres. The vast majority came from farmers who, as a CIA 2002 bulletin titled "Coca Factsheet, A Primer" noted, had less than one hectare of coca under cultivation. And the complaints were not coming only from what the Colombian government repeatedly called "environmental extremists." In the Spring of 2001, the German government complained that chemical drift had destroyed several fishponds they’d underwritten; Colombia’s own Human Rights Ombudsman office contacted the State Department to call for an end to the fumigation. Klaus Nyholm, chief of the United Nations drug control efforts in Colombia weighed in as well, claiming that the spraying was driving coca farmers to clear new areas of virgin jungle in which to grow.
The indigenous peoples of Putumayo also complained bitterly about the spraying in an open letter to the Colombian and US governments and several environmental groups. The letter, dated July 10, 2002, was titled "SOS From the Indigenous Peoples of Putumayo." It was signed by members of 13 distinct tribal groups and reads, in part, "We hold the Colombian government responsible for the misery, hunger, destruction and violence that fumigation causes in our territories. Fumigation is death. Fumigation is ethnocide. Glyphosate kills. It destroys food crops and pastureland and contaminates the water…. The indigenous people of Putumayo reject the cultivation of illicit crops. But we equally reject the violent methods with which it is combated."
The closest the US has come to accepting that there might be problems came on September 5, 2002, when the Bush Administration, presented a report on the health and environmental risks of glyphosate to Congress. In it, it was noted that aerial spraying of herbicide "may cause eye irritation to farmers on the ground" but poses no "unreasonable risks or adverse affects'' to humans or the environment. Environmentalists railed against the report’s results, noting that the Administration was investigating its own program with no outside oversight.
In addition to the problems caused directly by the spraying of the toxic Roundup Ultra-Cosmoflux herbicide mix, according to the product’s safety sheet, when Roundup is burned "4% of the volume released into the air is acetonitirile." Acetonitrile is methyl cyanide (CH3CN), which is metabolized into hydrogen cyanide (HCN) by the human body, the same gas used in the Nazi death camps. It is so dangerous to humans that the safety instructions include a caution that "When burned, stay out of smoke," and goes on to note that "firefighters or others who may be exposed to vapors or products of combustion should wear full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus."
Drug Enforcement Administration documents produced in connection with early glyphosate spraying of Colombian marijuana fields list some of the hazards of inhaling burning glyphosate as "chest pains, cough, abdominal cramps, dyspnea [difficulty breathing], nausea, headache, chills, lassitude and fatigue." Other DEA documents conceded additional health problems include "pale to ashen-grey skin, shallow pulse, hypotension, transient paralysis and tachynea."
The issue is important because the coca growers in Colombia, like the farmers throughout Amazonia, utilize the slash-and-burn method of agriculture: they cut a section of forest and burn the vegetation on it to produce potash, which enhances soil nutrients. "There are no tractors here," says Sister Carmen of Sucumbios, who was raised in Colombia. "The people also cut and burn their fields after spraying and we think they are suffering for breathing of those burning chemicals. But there are large interests here at work, political and economic interests."
The State Department’s Rebecca Brown-Thompson was unaware that 4% of the volume released in burning glyphosate would metabolize into hydrogen cyanide. "But then why is that a problem?" Told that the farmers in the region were slash-and-burn agriculturalists, she pleaded ignorance. "I didn’t know that. They really do that there?"
Getting the Drift
The drift problem from the fumigation campaign has reached the point where Sister Carmen says the "frontier region has changed drastically since Plan Colombia’s inception."
Cesar Cerda, a Quichua Indian whose village in Sucumbios is near the Putumayo frontier says "The planes come to the river. Sometimes they come to our side and spray. Even when they don’t the spray comes across the river and kills our food. Our platanos, our yucca, our coffee is all gone. Even our animals are dead, and there are no animals to hunt in the forest because they have gone somewhere else."
Asked if he or his representatives had complained to the government, Cerda said they had. "They won’t come because they say there is no problem here. Why? Because they have made pacts with the United States. But the truth is that life on the river has changed since Plan Colombia started."
Sister Carmen says that both the church where she works and the indigenous groups have sent repeated requests to Quito, Ecuador’s capital, asking for an investigation of the drift that has come into Ecuador. "They always promise they will send someone but they never have. Our government backs Plan Colombia, so why should they come? In whose interest would it be to investigate the complaints of the victims?"
Despite official denials, the drift of glyphosate affected so many people that a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the people of Sucumbios against DynCorp was filed by the International Labor Rights Fund in September, 2001. The suit alleges that the drift in Ecuador is purposeful, rather than the result of pilot error or an accident of wind. Among the allegations in the lawsuit are that "the American oil industry maintains a lobbying group in Washington D.C. under the name the U.S.-Colombia Business Partnership that lobbies the Congress of the United States, and the Executive Offices and related agencies of the United States, for continuous funding and expansion of Plan Colombia.
"Plaintiffs further allege on good faith, information and belief that contributing members to the U.S.-Colombia Business Partnership, include Texaco, Inc., Occidental Petroleum and BP Amoco, which have or expect to have oil interests in the region of Ecuador where Plaintiffs reside…
"Plaintiffs allege…that the spraying of Plaintiffs’ persons, lands and livestock with toxic fumigants is nothing less than an act of mercenary war carried out surreptitiously by the DynCorp Defendants…"
The State Department’s Brown-Thompson says the suit is unfounded. "We use satellite imagery to pinpoint areas to be sprayed, then send in planes to verify the presence of large areas of illegal crops," she says. "After that, the crops are sprayed, and subsequently those sprayed areas are checked to see that no additional crops were affected."
Calls to several crop-dusting companies in the US southwest found that to limit drift, spraying is done at an altitude that was equal to the height of the plant being sprayed. But reports from Colombia and comments from the US State department indicate that the spraying in Plan Colombia is generally being done at heights of 50-100 feet. Crop-dusters, as a point of pride, like to touch the plants they are spraying. "The planes are never more than one-to-three feet from the ground when we’re spraying cotton, maybe 5 feet when it’s corn," said one pilot at Ballard’s Crop Dusting in Winter, Texas.
Asked how much drift would occur with a plane flying at 10 feet, the pilot said, "at least 50 feet on either side of the plane."
Corky Wilson, owners of Wilson Aerial Spray in Lockney, Texas, agreed. "Hell, if you’re flying at 10 feet you’re not crop dusting. You’re burning. The only time we do that in Texas is to kill mesquite trees."
Told that the US admits its planes frequently spray at altitudes of 50-100 feet, Wilson laughed. "You’re burning the whole forest now. Hell, at 20 feet on a windless day you’ve got a 150 foot drift on either wing. At 100 feet you got a cloud that might travel miles."
An Allegation
While most of the problems related to Plan Colombia appear to be occurring along the border regions of both Colombia and Ecuador, startling new allegations have been made that spray planes are going deep into Ecuadorian Amazonia. Inez Sheguango Fonaqen, a Quichua Indian and the Regent of the territory along the upper Rio Napo, claims that central Amazonia is also being fumigated. "Planes come into Ecuador regularly," she told this reporter. They are spraying the jungle here, killing the jungle and jungle animals here."
Asked how they could come in unnoticed, Shenguango says "They come at night with no lights and fly over the jungle. I have asked the government for film camera to prove it, but the government won’t give me one. They say our communities are inventing the problems and inventing the story."
Two things do hint that she may not be off the mark. The first is that in July, 2001, US Ambassador to Colombia Anne Patterson told reporters "there are…plans to outfit some crop dusters with night-vision scopes to enable pilots to spray after dark, when they are less exposed to fire from guerrillas, paramilitaries or farmers who grow coca."
The second came from the State Department’s Rebecca Brown-Thompson, who, when asked about the possibility of night incursions into Ecuador, said: "They cannot be our planes entering Ecuador. But I can only speak for the US Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. I cannot speak for other areas of government."
If the allegation were true, of course, it would be proof that at least one key element of the Plan Colombia/Andean Initiative campaign really is to defoliate the region, and if that were true it could only be to get at the commodities the region has to offer. Oil is a known commodity. There may be others.
New Oil Leases in Putumayo
While the allegation made by Inez Sheguango may or may not finally be proven true, the presence of oil, and plenty of it, in both the Colombia department of Putumayo and the Ecuadorian province of Sucumbios is a reality. Aside from the ITT field, earlier this year Colombia’s state-owned oil company, Ecopetrol, signed contracts with two firms to explore for oil in blocks located in Putumayo. Canada’s Petrobank Energy and Resources has contracted to explore 30,000 hectares in Putumayo’s Moqueta region, while the US Argosy Energy International has signed a contract to explore the 20,000 hectare Gayuyaco area. Ecopetrol has estimated that Putumayo has a minimum of 2.4 billion barrels of undiscovered oil reserves. Ecopetrol is hoping to sign several more contracts in Putumayo before the end of the year.
It is difficult to imagine that oil company representatives met with ranking members of the State Department and explained that if the rainforest and people in southern Colombia and northern Ecuador were eliminated, they would deliver enough oil to cushion against any future problems in the Mideast. The time delay in drilling and delivering the oil to market precludes this. But the fact is that the entire planet is running out of oil, so longer term concerns are just as important. Nevertheless, even if the intentions of Plan Colombia/the Andean Initiative were honestly to eliminate the cocaine and heroin and take the money out of Colombia’s civil war the fact is that Plan Colombia will finally be about oil.
The pursuit of rebels by the Colombian military in the south, along with the spraying of coca fields there, is forcing both the rebels, as well as the campesinos, to cross into Ecuador for safety.
And pressure on both groups is about to increase, as the US doubles the spray area in Colombia in 2002 to fumigate 90% of the coca crop, and in 2003 plans to fumigate 100%. But with the drift in Ecuador already eliminating a large segment of the population on the border, and with the added pressure of thousands of refugees cutting new fields from the jungle there, it shouldn’t take long to have the entire region cleared of both people and rainforest.
At that point the oil fest can begin in earnest.
Because the coca plant is very slow growing, the questions that come to mind when thinking about all the plants the US has paid to have eradicated in Colombia are: where do the new plants come from and when do they have time to mature?
According to US State Department documents, the Bolivian coca plant, the world standard for making cocaine until the mid-1990s, takes three years from seed to first harvest. Colombian coca, which supposedly replaced Bolivian coca as the world’s standard in the late-1990s, grows considerably faster because it is planted from cuttings, not seed. A 2002 CIA bulletin titled "Coca Fact Sheet: A Primer" suggests that when planted from cuttings it can be harvested in as little as 6-8 months.
The same CIA Fact Sheet suggests there are between 14,000 and 45,000 plants per hectare (about 2.5 acres) of coca. If we average that out to 20,000 plants per hectare, there would be 8,000 plants per acre.
Last year, under the aegis of Plan Colombia, more than 250,000 acres of coca were destroyed in Colombia. This year that number will increase to nearly 400,000, or almost every acre of coca under cultivation in Colombia. At 8,000 plants per, that comes to 3,200,000,000 plants. That’s three billion, two hundred million plants.
Where are the cuttings for next year’s crop going to come from if we’ve wiped out their entire crop this year? Where did this year’s three billion cuttings come from if we wiped out most of the crop last year?
Cuttings come from mother plants. If we assumed that a mother plant was capable of producing a startlingly high 1,000 cuttings per annum, there would still need to be 3,200,000 mother plants somewhere. Where are that many mother plants being kept? Has anyone bothered to look for such a large greenhouse?
Of course, even if there were such a greenhouse in Colombia, there would still be the question of distribution: How on earth would anyone distribute three billion cuttings without being noticed?
Those questions were posed to the State Department, which had no real answer. "I’ve never thought of that before," said Rebecca Brown-Thompson, spokesperson for Rand Beers, the Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. "Why don’t you ask the Drug Enforcement Administration?"
A DEA spokesman responded with: "I get what you’re getting at, the numbers don’t add up. But Plan Colombia has nothing to do with the DEA. That’s State Department all the way."
The reason there is no answer is that there are no cuttings. There might be some, of course, but not three billion, not three million. Colombian coca growing, on the scale it’s grown to during the last decade, is now done like it is done in Bolivia and Peru, from seed. Which means it takes three years to grow. And since we’ve been wiping out more and more of the crop annually, there are fewer and fewer mature plants to harvest. Next year, if we’re being told the truth, there won’t be any. Which means there won’t be a harvest in Colombia.
That should wipe out the world’s coca supply for at least three years, at a minimum, by which time any stored cocaine will have hit the streets and been used up. The world ought to be coca-dry.
It won’t be. The prices probably won’t even fluctuate. And if they don’t it will mean only one thing: that the elimination of coca from southern Colombia has no effect on world supply. Which will suggest that it never did, that the coca that produces the world supply is grown elsewhere, maybe in unsprayed, protected valleys, or that Peru and Bolivia are still producing sufficient supplies, despite a reduction in their crops.
Of course, that would suggest that Plan Colombia is a sham. That the spraying of southern Colombia and the collateral damage it’s causing—displacement of thousands of people, loss of legal crops and animals and rainforest defoliation—are being done for other ends.
What are those ends? Oil is an obvious answer. There may be others. We won’t find out for a while, but keep your eyes on it. It’ll become apparent soon enough.
—Peter Gorman
Posted by loner @ 04/01/2003 08:17 AM EST
when i got on about 30 minutes ago it had been nuked vox.
Posted by loner @ 04/01/2003 08:39 AM EST
The IRAQWAR.RU analytical center was created recently by a group of journalists and military experts from Russia to provide accurate and up-to-date news and analysis of the war against Iraq. The following is the English translation of the IRAQWAR.RU report based on the Russian military intelligence (the Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU) reports.
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March 31, 2003, 1828hrs MSK (GMT +4 DST), Moscow - During the night of March 30-31 the situation on the US-Iraqi front became increasingly more critical. All indications are that the coalition has launched a new attack.
Following a three-hour-long artillery barrage and several nighttime aviation strikes the coalition forces came in contact with the Iraqi troops near Karabela and attempted to move around the Iraqi defenses from the east.
For now the coalition is limiting its actions to probing the forward layer of the Iraqi defenses, attempting to assess its density and organization after nearly five days of artillery and aerial bombardment. There have been no reports of any coalition breaks through the Iraqi defenses in this area. At the same time morning radio intercepts uncovered a large US military convoy moving around the Razzaza Lake. At the moment it is unclear whether the purpose of this movement is to get to the town of Ar-Ramdia or a wider maneuver leading to the town of Al-Falludja.
Another [coalition] convoy numbering up to 100 combat vehicles was seen near the town of Al-Hillah moving in the southeaster direction 30 kilometers from the strategic Baghdad-Basra highway. Given there is no Iraqi resistance this coalition force will be able to reach the highway by today’s night. So far there were no reports of any losses in this area.
The US forces resumed attacking Iraqi defenses near An-Najaf. The US group of force in this area has been reinforced with at least three reserve Marine battalions and now Americans are trying once again to capture this key town. According to the US intelligence Iraqi defenses in this area number up to 3,000 troops aided by around 1,500 volunteers and [Ba’ath] party activists. The Iraqis here are armed with around 30 T-55 and T-62 tanks, up to four artillery batteries and more than 300 various anti-tank weapons. The town is being stormed by the elements of the 1st Marine Division numbering up to 6,000 troops assisted by 80 tanks and 60 artillery systems. Additionally, aerial support is provided by up to 40 helicopters. So far the Americans were unable to push the enemy. Early today morning an American tank was destroyed near An-Najaf. At least two of its crew were killed.
Intensive exchange of fire is continuing in the vicinity of An-Nasiriya. The US Marines have so far been unable to side nth staging area they captured seven days ago on the left bank of Euphrates. The bridge connecting this staging area with the main coalition forces is nearly destroyed and is under constant fire from the Iraqi defenses located in the riverside city blocks. This is the reason why the [coalition] troops holding the staging area can only be reinforced by small and lightly-armed units and only during nighttime. During the past night alone the Marines holding the staging area sustained 2 killed and 5 wounded.
The situation [for the coalition] is complicated by the fact that the residential blocks occupied by the defending Iraqis come to the very edge of the river, giving a significant advantage to the defenders who control the river and all approaches to the river. Currently the coalition artillery and aviation is methodically destroying these blocks in an attempt to push the Iraqis away from the shoreline.
Intercepted radio communications indicate that the Marines engineering units are ordered to build a pontoon crossing up the stream from An-Nasiriya and move up to three battalions of Marines and troops from the 82nd Airborne Division to the left bank of the Euphrates for a future strike in the rear of the An-Nasiriya garrison. The coalition command would have been ready to bypass other defended crossings on the Euphrates if it wasn’t for one problem: the entire group of forces has only two pontoon units. Any new pontoon units will arrive not sooner than in mid-April.
A standoff between the Basra garrison and the British marine infantry is continuing in the area of Basra. Using localized attacks the British are attempting to “lean” on Basra as closely as possible and to tighten the blockade, but so far they were unsuccessful. Thus, during the last night the British attempted to take the town of Al-Hasib located 7 kilometers southeast of Basra. The British plan was to reach the Al-Arab River and to slice the local Iraqi defenses in half, separating Basra from the defending Iraqi forces on the Fao peninsula. Up to a battalion of the British marine infantry supported by armored vehicles entered the town of Al-Hasib from south but in less than an hour they were stopped by Iraqi fire and requested aviation and artillery support.
Fighting for the control of the town is continuing. At least two British soldiers were killed and three were wounded in this battle. One British armored personnel carrier was destroyed. British commanders are reporting killing 50 Iraqis and capturing 10. In the area of the As-Zubair River port, which was declared to be under full coalition control just a week ago, a British patrol boat was attacked. The boat was carrying its crew and a marine infantry unit. As the result of the attack at least 4 British soldiers were killed and 9 were wounded.
The official coalition losses are, to put it mildly, “falling behind” the actual figures. The 57 dead acknowledged by the coalition command reflect losses as of the morning of March 26. This information was provided to a BBC correspondent by one of the top medical officials at a field hospital in Al Kuwait during a confidential conversation. “We have standing orders to acknowledge only those fatalities that have been delivered to the hospital, identified and prepared to be sent back home. The identification process and the required standard embalming takes some time – occasionally up to several days. But only the command knows how many casualties we sustained today and you will learn about it in about three days…” [Reverse-translated from Russian] This conversation was taped by the journalist and sent to the editor via a cellular phone network.
Based on the radio intercepts and internal information networks of the US field hospitals as of this morning the coalition losses include no less than 100 killed US servicemen and at least 35 dead British soldiers. Additionally, some 22 American and 11 British soldiers are officially considered to be missing in action and the whereabouts of another 400 servicemen are being established. The number of wounded has exceeded 480 people.
US experts at the coalition command headquarters studied the cases of destroyed and damaged M1A2 tanks and various APCs. The conclusion was that without a doubt the Iraqis do possess modern anti-tank weapons but so far use them on a “very limited scale.” Only three tanks have been hit by guided weapons which destroyed these tanks with the first hit. The rest of the tanks were destroyed with more standard weapons. Some of the most common causes [of destroyed armor] include: anti-tank guns (about 40% of all hits), man-portable rocket-propelled grenade launchers (25% of hits), and landmines (25% of hits). Effectiveness of anti-tank artillery has been particularly high. “Impacts by high-velocity projectiles do not always destroy the tank and its crew. However, in 90% of all cases the tank is disabled and the crew is forced to abandon the tank on the battlefield…” – says the report that was distributed to the commanders of the forward units for analysis.
Russian military analysts are advising the Iraqi military command against excessive optimism. There is no question that the US “blitzkrieg” failed to take control of Iraq and to destroy its army. It is clear that the Americans got bogged down in Iraq and the military campaign hit a snag. However, the Iraqi command is now in danger of underestimating the enemy. For now there is no reason to question the resolve of the Americans and their determination to reach the set goal – complete occupation of Iraq.
In reality, despite of some obvious miscalculations and errors of the coalition’s high command, the [coalition] troops that have entered Iraq maintain high combat readiness and are willing to fight. The losses sustained during the past 12 days of fighting, although delivering a painful blow to the pride and striking the public opinion, are entirely insignificant militarily speaking. The initiative in the war remains firmly in the hands of the coalition. Under such circumstances Iraqi announcements of a swift victory over the enemy will only confuse its own troops and the Iraq’s population and, as the result, may lead to demoralization and a reduced defensive potential…
Russian military analysts believe that the critical for the US duration of the war would be over 90 days provided that during that time the coalition will sustain over 1,000 killed. Under such circumstances a serious political crisis in the US and in the world will be unavoidable.
(source: iraqwar.ru, 03-31-03, translated by Venik)
Posted by loner @ 04/01/2003 10:14 AM EST
Look at this transcript:
This is the transcript of Hans Blix's February 14 presentation to the U.N. Security Council on the progress of the inspection effort in Iraq.
Now look closely how the propaganda works;
At first glance these two texts seem identical;
but here's the twist.
When Blix is giving his comments on the Iraqi effort something scary happens:
This is the bbc version:
"Not least against this background, a letter of 12 February from Iraq's National Monitoring Directorate may be of relevance."
And Heres the CNN version:
"Not least against this background, a letter of the 12th of February from Iraq's National and Monitoring Directorate may be irrelevant. "
Posted by AntiWar @ 04/01/2003 11:53 AM EST
Here's a good one from CNN:
"Close to 10,000 Iraqi troops surrendered in the first three days of conflict; on Saturday, Iraq's 51st Infantry Division, a 200-tank-strong corps charged with defending Basra, told U.S. commanders it was giving up."
Awestruck: A surprise attack
By Romesh Ratnesar
Monday, March 24, 2003 Posted: 6:08 PM EST (2308 GMT)
Then this "surrendered" Iraqi 51st Infantry Division counterattacked the British outside of Basra and the number of Iraqis "surrendered" dropped to under 4000 several days later...
Posted by MR. ELEVEN @ 04/01/2003 01:38 PM EST
yeah like cnn has a iota of credibility
ADMINISTRATION COMMENT: Dear Loner. Please review the final two paragraphs of the following article please. http://www.voxfux.com/archives/00000079.htm
we need to keep on topic when necessary. We need to reduce excess large postings of text 9Please post links when possible unless it is absolutely critical that the information be archived here. And if possible we requested that commenters choose "handles" more fitting for the goals and aspirations of this forum. Handles that imply strength or unity or something clever or beautiful, and avoid handles that are self deprecating, silly, goofy, pathetic. You get the picture.
My feelings about this is if I get an otherwise thoughtful comment but it is signed by someone who uses the name "Pathetic loser" I am going to think that the post came from some FBI cointelpro type looking to discredit the forum. Let's keep it dashing - remember who the real heros are and name yourself accordingly.
Posted by loner @ 04/01/2003 02:09 PM EST
VOX COMMENT: Each time Saddam Hussein appears on video, the deceivers at CNN/CIA trumpet the bogus and completely fabricated "Big Question" that is on "EVERYBODIES MIND" that being - "IS IT REALLY SADDAM IN THE VIDEO OR IS IT ONE OF HIS DOUBLES AND IS THE VIDEO OLD?... DUHHHH?"
The idea of these "distract and confuse" questions is a classic Psy-op tactic to attempt to occupuy what the CIA apparantly believes are 250 million VERY SIMPLISTIC AMERICAN MINDS. To distract us away from thinking about the big question which is really on everybodies' minds, that of course being, "WHY HAS THE WORLD TURNED INTO SHIT SINCE THE DAY THIS FUCK, GEORGE W. BUSH HIJACKED THE REIGNS OF THE PRESIDENCY."
That's the REAL question on everybodies mind.
This bogus, "Is it Saddam or is it Memorex," distraction and diversion does not even exist in any other media outlet except in the giant American media monolpolies of CNN, Fox and the other masters of the American lie. No other reputable major foreign media operation is even mentioning this big bogus question because it is so patently a rediculous non issue.
There are no major leading non American, "experts," who are even giving credibility to this non question, because it is so very obviously a non issue - the tapes are real. End of story. Sure since they are taped there is a delay, whether the delay is an hour or 8 or 10 hours is of little matter to anyone EXCEPT THE AMERICAN MASTERS OF LIES - THE CIA AND THEIR MEDIA OUTLETS SUCH AS CNN.
Each time a new video airs the American liars issue the same BOGUS question as to it's authenticity and each time it appears that it is indeed genuine. Yet as each new video rolls out the CIA/CNN keep on rolling out the SAME BOGUS DIVERSIONARY QUESTION. That somehow this video is different from the last video which they said was bogus but in fact turned out to be genuine.
What the CIA is attempting to capitalize on is the public's mistrust and detection of the many BOGUS CIA MANUFACTURERED OSAMA BIN LADEN VIDEO AND AUDIO TAPES.
So let's be clear: Most of the Osama Bin Laden Video and Audio tapes "Found" by the CIA are in fact manufactured by the CIA, but all of the Saddam Hussein tapes are unquestionably genuine and are not even the subject of spectulation by the worlds leading experts on such matters. The only people on the planet who are speculating about the authenticity of the Saddam Hussien tapes are individuals and organs of the US government who are attempting to decieve the American population (because the rest of the world easily see's through the transparant American lie)
Those organs of the US government are, the CIA, CNN, Administration officials, Bush, Pentagon, State Department, The major US media.
These are the liars. These are the enemies of the American People - the enemies of the world.
Posted by voxfux @ 04/01/2003 07:53 PM EST
Vox, that's very true and obvious to anyone with half a brain who can get one eye open as I like to say. Here's a list of the cities each of the major US tv news networks brazenly anounced as being "taken" by the US/UK only to end up untaken later.
Thursday, March 20, 7.33pm
US-led troops have taken Iraqi border town of Umm Qasr, Iraq's only deep-water port in the south, wires and TV report.
Counter claim
TV reporters, including Mark Austin on ITV's News Channel, challenge the claims. They have it on Iraqi authority that Umm Qasr has certainly not been taken. "Iraqi troops deny anyone has surrendered."
Friday , March 21, 11.35pm
Admiral Michael Boyce, chief of the British defence staff, confirms the off-the-record briefings received by media in Kuwait and southern Iraq. "Umm Qasr has been overwhelmed by the US Marines and now is in coalition hands," he says.
Further confirmation
Friday, March 21, just after midnight
US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld says US forces have taken Umm Qasr. The fog of war thickens.
Saturday, March 22, breakfast time
TV reporters on Sky and BBC say Umm Qasr have witnessed fighting and dispute claims that the port has been has been "taken". They explain the new town is under coalition control but the old town is putting up resistance and therefore Umm Qasr cannot qualify as "taken".
Challenged again
Sunday, March 23, 05.53am
A heavy firefight breaks out between US Marines and Iraqi forces, witnesses say.
Confirmation again
Tuesday, March 25, 9.53am
Reuters: "The southern Iraqi port town of Umm Qasr, where US and British forces have faced Iraqi resistance for days, is now "safe and open", a British commander said on Tuesday. Brigadier Jim Dutton, commander of the British Royal Marines' 3rd Commando Brigade, told reporters he hoped the first ship bringing aid to Iraq would arrive within 48 hours."
...where an hour is a long time in the military calender.
Tuesday, March 25, 8.13am
Reuters: "British military spokesman confirmed on Tuesday British troops were probably going to go into Basra to battle irregular fighters resisting US-led invasion forces in Iraq's second city. "We are meeting resistance from irregulars, members of the Fedayeen, who are extremely loyal to Saddam Hussein's regime," group captain Al Lockwood told CNN television. "They are lightly armed, and very small in number, but they are terrorising the citizens of Basra and we will probably need to go in and meet any resistance."
Fresh claim
Tuesday, March 25, 9.16am
Reuters: a British spokesman said on Tuesday British troops would not enter the southern city of Basra to battle irregular Iraqi fighters - contradicting an earlier statement. But the British did consider Basra a military target. "We're not going into Basra, it's simply considered a target," a British military spokesman at Central Command headquarters in Qatar told Reuters. "The reason it is a potential target is because it has an enormous political and military importance in the area."
Saturday, March 22, 11.12pm
US forces have captured Nassiriya in central Iraq, according to wire reports from Iraq.
Fresh claim
Sunday, March 23, 1.30am
US forces say they have captured Nassiriya, international wire services report.
Alternative claim
Sunday, March 23, 10.21am
US-led forces suffer heaviest casualties so far with stiff resistance at Nassiriya, Najaf, Basra and Umm Qasr.
Exasperation begins to show
Sunday, March 23, 5.50pm
Defence analyst Francis Tusa says on Sky News: "We have now been told three times that Nassiriya has been captured. How many more times are we going to hear this?"
Battle goes on
Monday, March 24, 11.43am
US Marines were still bogged down early on Monday at the southern Iraqi city of Nassiriya, the key to opening a second route north to Baghdad, after taking significant casualties there on Sunday.
Friday night, March 21
Wires, TV and radio report official claims that coalition commanders have accepted the surrender of the 8,000-strong 51st Iraqi infantry division near the southern city of Basra on Friday.
Counter claim
Sunday March 23, 10.33pm
Reuters: "Iraqi officials denied US statements that the US commander of the Iraqi divison had surrendered, which US officials said on Friday."
Counter claim number 2
Monday, March 24, 3.22am
New York Times wire service: "US officials were quick to announce the surrender of the commander of the 51st Division. On Sunday they discovered that the 'commander' of the surrendered troops was actually a junior officer masquerading as a higher-up in an attempt to win better treatment."
Posted by MR. ELEVEN @ 04/01/2003 08:15 PM EST
CNN,Bush and their puppetmasters think they can pull off WW3, that much is obvious. With the public hopelessly buying the "support the troops or be labeled unpatriotic." pigeonhole, every free minded person will be at risk for the great roundup which I'm fearing will come very soon. We must band together. Only then can we be saved.
Posted by FightTheFuture @ 04/01/2003 08:58 PM EST
"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately".
—Franklin, July 4, 1776
Posted by valis @ 04/01/2003 09:11 PM EST
Steven...i really hope you are right but i very much doubt that you are...
Posted by Becky @ 04/02/2003 02:19 PM EST
Check out this movie an you will see the "ONE" in Red who is responsible for this War! He is in charge of the entire USA Military!
Cardinal Egan’s American Intelligence Network includes the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Secret Service, Military Intelligence, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Mafia Commission. He is the Military vicar of the USA military, meaning he is in charge of "all" the military!
Posted by Esaua @ 04/02/2003 03:21 PM EST
American-Made Mystery
Speech Backdrop Snafu Had White House Thinking Out of the Box
By Katy Textor
S T. L O U I S, Jan. 22 — At first look, the stage for President Bush's speech on the economy in St. Louis was set perfectly. The White House, long known for its catchy, attention-grabbing backdrops, had designed a gigantic banner made to look like stacked boxes stamped with "MADE IN U.S.A."
To television viewers around the country, the banner was indistinguishable from a real wall of boxes made in the good old U.S. of A., which were perfectly lined up on either side of the banner.
For an event meant to draw attention to the president's plan to help small businesses hurt by the sagging economy, it appeared to be another hit designed by the White House advance staff, known for their eye-catching "made for TV" backgrounds.
The pitch was to deliver the president, concerned about the economy, taking time out of his busy schedule to visit a mom-and-pop company he says would save thousands of dollars under his tax-relief plan.
The problem was that the real boxes surrounding the president at the scene of his speech — a small shipping and receiving plant, JS Logistics — should have read: "NOT Made in U.S.A."
The president was introduced by the company's owner, John Cochrane.
Mystery Tape Job
Next to the banner and stacked around his podium were hundreds of boxes labeled "Made in China" — and Taiwan and Hong Kong. Someone apparently became aware of the mixed message, for white stickers and brown packing tape were mysteriously taped over the true origin of the real boxes that travel through the trucking and warehouse business daily.
Many of the boxes also had handwritten numbers meant to represent routing codes written across them with markers.
White House officials traveling with the president today said the tape job came as a complete surprise to them. Deputy press secretary Claire Buchan attributed the cover-up to an overzealous advance office volunteer and said the matter would be taken up through the appropriate channels.
Workers busily taking apart the stage after the president's departure were chuckling over the incident. No one in the group could say exactly who was responsible. One said, "They just sort of appeared yesterday."
-One problem though, why would they have to tape over a painting that they made?
Posted by Raul @ 04/02/2003 04:40 PM EST
Here is the link for that article:
Posted by Raul @ 04/02/2003 04:43 PM EST
-This is off topic, but it might be important. What is your opinion Vox?
Tensions run high at Langley over agency project
Busy as they are with the war, concerns are high at CIA headquarters over the possible public exposure of an important and very secret intelligence project the CIA is currently running in partnership with another government agency. This effort has been important to the war on terrorism. More than $60 million in U.S. funds, perhaps much more, has been spent since its launch. It is being conducted under the cover of interlocking private companies, a couple of which are genuine businesses and a couple of which were created as shells and registered abroad. The majority of directors of one of the real businesses, unaware of their own firm’s covert activities and secret source of funding, recently voted to sue one of the other companies, also a link in the chain, in a relatively small-potatoes financial squabble. Now there’s a counter-suit, and nasty charges that threaten the entire project. A public courts filing, albeit somewhat masked, has yet to draw reporters’ scrutiny.
Posted by Raul @ 04/02/2003 04:46 PM EST
the biggest lie to date is the date that the war (can you call this a war?) started..My west coast calendar says it started on March 18. Does anybody else get the feeling that Purim was a manipulation by Saddam and that the intelligence the Pentagon received was bogus just to draw the Americans into the conflict on the Jewish holiday that celebrates Esther's intervention?
Posted by eric swan @ 04/02/2003 08:02 PM EST
Conspiracy Convention 2003 May 24th & 25th @ The Santa Clara Marriot
2700 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: 1 408-988-1500
Fax: 1 408-352-4353
Greetings to all truth-seekers and freedom-fighters! Thank you for visiting the official website for CONSPIRACY CON. This annual conference is a bold and serious approach to serious issues, dedicated to providing a forum for those who say what few are willing to say and facilitated in an atmosphere of goodwill, integrity and fun. Each year several of the most controversial speakers in the world gather to share their knowledge of many different issues (rarely or never addressed by our controlled media), which profoundly affect us all. Just some of the subjects covered are: Mind Control, Secret Societies, Shadow Government, The Federal Reserve, 9-11, Occult Technologies, Suppressed Knowledge, New World Order, etc.
The primary goals of CONSPIRACY CON are to directly expose and analyze the "real" problems and the "real" problem-makers of yesterday, today and tomorrow, as well as to provide courses of action and potential solutions to the challenges that are placed upon humankind by these forces, which (for the moment) may seem invisible, perpetual and insurmountable.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Join us each year and gain the knowledge that will truly set you free…
Brian William Hall
Executive Producer
Posted by Raul @ 04/02/2003 10:26 PM EST
I am writing this during the complete media fogout/meme of the most important battle in the gulf. It makes the free-minded individual wonder whats being pulled while the cameras are turned. More than likely some fairly heavy resistance from the Iraqi people who don't want the old Pax Americana worked in thier country. The land will be stained red while the corporate controlled media treats war as entertainment.
I wonder what the reaction would be if the sheople actually saw thier troops blowing a 17 year old's head off in high def surround sound?
Peace and Courage.
-By the way this site is being obviously hacked by some thugs, less than 25% of my own posts get through. How much do they pay these guys to mangle congregation on internet forums anyway?
Posted by FightTheFuture @ 04/03/2003 12:43 AM EST
False Stories So Far Reported
During the first week of the war, according to the normally conservative Editor and Publisher magazine, these reporters put out no less than 15 stories that have since proven false. They are:
Saddam Hussein killed or severely wounded on day one (March 20)
Iraqi command “decapitated.” (March 22)
City of Umm Qasr captured (March 22)
Iraqi soldiers refuse to fight – Surrender in droves (March 22)
Iraqi citizens greet Americans as liberators (March 22)
Entire division of 8,000 Iraqi troops surrenders (March 23)
Banned Scud missiles launched against Kuwait (March 23)
Fedayeen militia are few in number and pose no threat (March 23)
City of Basra captured (March 23)
City of Umm Qasr captured for real (March 23)
Captured chemical plant in Najaf produced banned weapons (March 23)
City of Nassiriya captured (March 23)
City of Umm Qasr really really captured for real (March 24)
Major anti-Saddam rebellion occurs in Basra (March 24)
Republican Guard convoy of 1,000 vehicles heading south to engage US troops (March 25)
Posted by Green Earth Al @ 04/03/2003 09:07 AM EST
"To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Join us each year and gain the knowledge that will truly set you free…
Brian William Hall
Executive Producer
Don't be fooled by this bullshitter. Most of these speakers are right-wing nutbags, particularly Stan Monteith. Don't waste your time or money. It may even be an intel op to discredit legitimate researchers.
Posted by DA @ 04/03/2003 12:14 PM EST
I assume people have already checked out this CNN/Military Psyops story but here it is again:
Posted by MR. ELEVEN @ 04/03/2003 04:49 PM EST
Welcome to the new century of the NWO.
I hereby present am excerpt from the sequel to George Orwell's 1984:
"2003", by the renowned author George W. Bush (with the help of the Party)
The Principles of AMCAP(1)
1. War is Peace
(The War on Iraq is the peace of the Americans)
2. Freedom is slavery
(Iraqi slavery grants our dear Iraqis numerous freedoms, including:
-Freedom from Liberty
-Freedom from Property
-Freedom from relatives
-Freedom from life
-Freedom from mortal shells)
We are quite sure that they will welcome us with garlands for that matter. Long Live Operation Iraqi Freedom (from ---)!
3. Ignorance is Strength
As long as the Yankees don't know, the Party can do anything it likes. This is accomplished by Project Mockingbird (and the other rubbish that spews forth in magazines) Heck, they may even have that thing that makes stuff for the Proles' reading!
end of excerpt.
May God BLESS America. It really needs it.
AMCAP - AMerican CAPitalism
INGSOC - ENGlish SOCialism
Pretty scary, huh?
Posted by DF @ 04/03/2003 06:42 PM EST
7:40 PM March 3rd
The lying piece of New World Order shit, Wolf (The Liar) Blitzer, reports that intense American explosions are tearing Baghdad apart, and that electricity is out throughout the city, then he goes on to say, "It is unclear why the lights have gone out."
Earth To Wolf: Could it possibly be those intense American explosions coming from the sky? Whaddya think? Maybe the explosions huh? - You fuckin' lying immoral piece of human shit.
CNN also regretfully reports that the young American hero"Jessica Lynch" who they are pumping up to be the face of the New American heroism, an example to all young Americans, was in fact not shot at all, counter to the widely publiced "Multiple Gun Shot Wounds." It's much better for publicity purposes if she actually had multiple gunshot wounds.
The New York Post is reporting that she was tortured.
She is also reported to have held off a battalian of Iraqi Republican Guards with a brave display of machine gun fire. Yea sure.
Lucky for her, she was white and blond. Because if she was black there would have been no fanfare for her, no heroic tales, maybe not even a rescue.
Welcome to the New World Order
Full of fake heros - nearly all of them white.
Posted by voxfux @ 04/03/2003 08:35 PM EST
8:59 PM March 3rd.
Dumb nameless faceless female newsreader with a hairdo and self tanning cream announces the "New Debate" which is of course the very same big debate that kept "everybody's" mind occupuyed yesterday and the day before and the day before that and pretty much every day of the war. That big debate of course being: "Is it Saddam or his double??? or is the tape old."
Each time they put fourth that BIG QUESTION. And each and every time it unquestionably turns out to in fact be Saddam and be reletively recent. Yet each time CNN puts fourth this non question to supposedly keep the dumb people's mind's occupuuyed while they rape the Oil resources of Iraq.
Big debate, Everybodies talking about it, Everybodies thinking about it. We keep telling you every five minutes that that is what everybody is talking about it.
Fact is: Nobody gives a shit about it. It's a fake diversionary question.
Posted by voxfux @ 04/03/2003 09:17 PM EST
I don't know about the rest of my anti-Bush/nwo friends out there, but I love the band Ministry. In context of the latest American "hero" to be paraded in front of the propaganda machine's cameras, I thought I would present the lyrics to Ministry's Hero:
they get you ready to fight
the fuse is ready to blow
you shoot to kill on sight
they call you g I joe
you never wanted to stop
the smell of burning flesh
the hero marches alone
across the highway of death
it's not a matter of rights
it's just a matter of war
don't have a reason to fight
they never had one before
you're just a killing machine
he's come to take you down
we take the gas that we need
and pump the blood on the ground
they're gonna set you up
so they can take you down
they're gonna suck you dry
they've left the blood to be found
they're gonna rip you apart
you're gonna burn at the stake
cos when it's time to collect
it's only heroes who pay
Posted by Stratik @ 04/04/2003 12:45 AM EST
I am collecting information regarding media deception.
I created a mailing list for those interested in this topic.
The home for 'internet alzheimers' is http://watts.writch.com
If you want to subscribe to the list, send mail to majordomo@watts.writch.com.
Say, 'subscribe dcr' in the body of the message. It will respond appropriately.
I noticed that this post corrupts the email address (you will have to add the .com).
If you still have trouble, email me (writch@writch.com). You will have to use the 'magic word' (spamless) in the subject line to get through my filter if I don't know you yet.
Posted by writch @ 04/04/2003 01:18 AM EST
I think that people whould BRAND CNN as "COLONIZER'S NEWS NETWORK".
It is VERY IMPORTANT that CNN is really seen for what it is - i.e. a VERY IMPORTANT TOOL for the insane American Administration (i.e. Bush and his cronies) to exploit, lie to and deceive the world and American people in order to help the American oil and weapons companies.
As they say, America has been hijacked and we r just too helpless (or perhaps dumb!) to realize it.
Posted by Sam @ 04/04/2003 05:14 AM EST
This indirectly ties to CNN... recently on a local news channel they reported that a "CNN Poll" found that 66% of Americans thought that anti-war demonstrations should be illegal.
I have no idea if this was in reference to a real poll, if the poll was hacked by pro-war types, or what, but I keep thinking that the only reason they would possibly publish such a figure would be as psy-ops against the peace movement. It validates the pro-war goons, makes them think they're right, makes them think we're wrong, and may even steel their determination to mess with us and do us bodily harm. Terrifying stuff.
Posted by Jeannine @ 04/04/2003 12:23 PM EST
Mainstream media outlets like cnn et al. have lost all credibility and I ceased watching them long ago.
I've heard more about this alleged fake saadam conspiracy from voxfux than from any other source.
If there really is no such thing as bad publicity, both cnn and the CIA owe voxfux for bringing so much attention to them with this article.
Posted by Dominic John @ 04/04/2003 12:27 PM EST
Nice to have you back Vox ?!!!
so amBUSH has his heroin & his oil market nearly all to himself its all just absolutely sickening.
here in the UK the news here is putting out utter shit that the population is getting behind the war which is strange considering 80% were against it from the off.
the whole fucking world was against it but not USA or UK and whats as bad is the Scottish flag on the challeger tanks which does my head in & that a high % of the brittish army are scots ,
getting rid of the auld enemy covertly or what.
ps vox ive posted before in an anti bush manner of course from my other computor and the e-mail is totally fucked up and I canny sort , mare power tae yer elbow vox.
Posted by Omni Radar (highland) @ 04/04/2003 03:52 PM EST
cant post email
Posted by Omni Radar (highland) @ 04/04/2003 03:55 PM EST
Missed you a lot VOX. Im so happy to read you again. BEWARE EVIL PIECES , THE WHITE KNIGHT IS ON THE AIR ONCE AGAIN.
Posted by whitepawn @ 04/04/2003 06:15 PM EST
So we now know there is a considerable movement here.Action must be the next step...the only way to defeat the monster is to become a monster.If they pull off another fake terror attack,its due time that the people pull off attacks of our own.CNN and Fox news should be the first to go down.Its in the pentagons strategy to take down communications first in any war...so in our war against this new empire,information must go first.Atlanta is their headquarters.Seek and ye shall find us. 04/31/03
Posted by Delmart Vreeland @ 04/04/2003 07:01 PM EST
Posted by shotgun @ 04/04/2003 11:06 PM EST
CNN is sold as package in my area in Surrey England. It comes with the History and Natural History channels. I have just cancelled my subscription for CNN & History Channels. I suppose I will miss the Natural History channels, but at least the 'Crap' is off my screens.
Posted by Jilay @ 04/05/2003 05:34 AM EST
CNN - Communist and Nazi News
Propaganda Worthy of an award...
Posted by Complicit Media @ 04/05/2003 10:19 AM EST
Delmar Vreeland is dead , so why is he posting here. it must be a cia scam to incite people to violence to give them an excuse to run us all in.
Posted by ciabuster @ 04/06/2003 01:41 AM EST
Glad to see you back Vox! I am grateful to you and a few other sites on the net for exposing the truth vs the evil lies we are being force fed by CNN et al. I hope enough people wake up before it's too late. We need to take back our country from these megalomaniacal plutocratic scumbags hell bent on a global world war ending in all of us being incinerated by nukes. That's not the end I had in mind for myself, family and friends.
Keep up the the excellent work and continue to expose the lies of satan's disciples for what they are: lies.
Posted by julie @ 04/06/2003 11:46 AM EST
The Algerians, during the Gulf War, caught on to the lies emanating from CNN and nicknamed it "La CoNNerie", a French word which roughly translates to Bull S**T, but more literally means stupidity.
Vox, not to be confused with Fox ;), gives me renewed hope that all is not lost and our VOICE will be heard.
Posted by Leila @ 04/09/2003 12:48 AM EST
Vox wrote:
>>"My feelings about this is if I get an otherwise thoughtful comment but it is signed by someone who uses the name "Pathetic loser" I am going to think that the post came from some FBI cointelpro type looking to discredit the forum."
You think anyone cares about what you think, let alone the FBI?
Posted by Skip Smith @ 04/09/2003 08:14 PM EST
RE: My post on the CIA article of toppling saddams statute that I made in that comment thread. When I try to go to the comment thread after my post a pop-up comes up and locks me in. It say "moron".
Did I hit a nerve with born again brain dead christian? They never have intelligent answers, they just follow the lead born again bush zombie and try to stifle my freedom of speech with their childish moronic actions. Makes me feel good to know that there is a burr in their butt and they cant answer it. lol. I just can't help myself cause "mikey made me do it" :)..Later you loser.
Posted by mikey made me do it @ 04/10/2003 03:01 AM EST
Posted by your site's buttons been messed with tonite @ 04/10/2003 03:31 AM EST
The most recent of Vox's articles:
Is not the same today (4/10/03) as it was yesterday (4/09/03). Last night at my home reading just about all of the readers' comments and an alert window popped up which simply stated the word "moron!!" and locked out the site. Last night there were roughly about 270 postings and today there are only about 19 - even though at the end of the article it states that there are 714 readers' comments.
This all leads me to believe that Vox's site has been hacked. Has anyone else noticed this? If you haven't seen it, go ahead and check out the difference in numbers of postings for that article. I guess I'm not surprised, Vox was throwin' down some pretty hard verbage about the current puppet in the oval office.
Alright that's it - just FYIin' the heads out there.
Posted by Ebb n Flow @ 04/10/2003 12:06 PM EST
The most recent of Vox's articles:
Is not the same today (4/10/03) as it was yesterday (4/09/03). Last night at my home reading just about all of the readers' comments and an alert window popped up which simply stated the word "moron!!" and locked out the site. Last night there were roughly about 270 postings and today there are only about 19 - even though at the end of the article it states that there are 714 readers' comments.
This all leads me to believe that Vox's site has been hacked. Has anyone else noticed this? If you haven't seen it, go ahead and check out the difference in numbers of postings for that article. I guess I'm not surprised, Vox was throwin' down some pretty hard verbage about the current puppet in the oval office.
Alright that's it - just FYIin' the heads out there.
Posted by Ebb n Flow @ 04/10/2003 12:07 PM EST
The most recent of Vox's articles:
Is not the same today (4/10/03) as it was yesterday (4/09/03). Last night at my home reading just about all of the readers' comments and an alert window popped up which simply stated the word "moron!!" and locked out the site. Last night there were roughly about 270 postings and today there are only about 19 - even though at the end of the article it states that there are 714 readers' comments.
This all leads me to believe that Vox's site has been hacked. Has anyone else noticed this? If you haven't seen it, go ahead and check out the difference in numbers of postings for that article. I guess I'm not surprised, Vox was throwin' down some pretty hard verbage about the current puppet in the oval office.
Alright that's it - just FYIin' the heads out there.
Posted by Ebb n Flow @ 04/10/2003 12:07 PM EST
The most recent of Vox's articles:
Is not the same today (4/10/03) as it was yesterday (4/09/03). Last night at my home reading just about all of the readers' comments and an alert window popped up which simply stated the word "moron!!" and locked out the site. Last night there were roughly about 270 postings and today there are only about 19 - even though at the end of the article it states that there are 714 readers' comments.
This all leads me to believe that Vox's site has been hacked. Has anyone else noticed this? If you haven't seen it, go ahead and check out the difference in numbers of postings for that article. I guess I'm not surprised, Vox was throwin' down some pretty hard verbage about the current puppet in the oval office.
Alright that's it - just FYIin' the heads out there.
Posted by Ebb n Flow @ 04/10/2003 12:12 PM EST
"How did we know Saddam would starve his own people? I mean, that's what he's been doing for eleven years." -- Ari Fleischer commenting on the Basra relief crisis.
Posted by MR. ELEVEN @ 04/10/2003 12:55 PM EST
"How did we know Saddam would starve his own people? I mean, that's what he's been doing for eleven years." -- Ari Fleischer commenting on the Basra relief crisis.
Posted by MR. ELEVEN @ 04/10/2003 12:56 PM EST
A Very Interesting Link:
The CIA And Saudi Arabia-
The Bin Laden Family And The CIA:
Posted by Alfonzo @ 04/10/2003 01:27 PM EST
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"
Thomas Jefferson
"Patriotism is a virtue of
the vicious."
Oscar Wilde
Why does it seem those of us who believe in the superiority of any group among us invariable predict no future, no hope?
Scarcity. Sum zero game theory. Even little children transcend the issue of credit. Leap frog, Paper stone sissors is or isn't sum zero? Take a poll. Read up. Those who believe in the superiority of some depend on other's conclusions.This is their weakness. Use it. Stop conversations entertaining slime.
You will find lots of fifty plus overconsumers foretelling the end of the world, wrapped in plastic, writhing on the couch messing with the knobs all around.
Some of us are better than others, and humans will destoy the planet and i don't want to live a long life anyway.
Jimmy Dean leave a nice young corpse, but they never do.
So *ing typical. It is to scream [inwardly].This is their religion : fear a decrepid end, individually wrapped, even.
Sum , who do not believe in the superiority of any try to see eye to eye, share a horizon by simplifying, not deriving.
For example, two simple facts discern us as freaks of nature .
How much garbage do you make?
What do you eat?
Rank aside, what is your species supposed to eat, and how would you explain to your great-great great grandkids the huge pile of garbage only your generation were capable of killing the earth with, squandering their future, their non human interests.
For every human this now has the most significance in our indulgent race to horrify the children and creatures we have not already demoralized to our state of trauma.
Play the consumer game to the tune of cumulative eco-devastaion while some are definitely better at it than others.
Fantasizing, in thirty years, Their kids still have all their reciepts.
In reality, we need to stop the renovations -mere botox injections to a period of mourning the desolate inordinate decay . Cities of meat eaters were never good for the planet. Barbequeing, weed wacking, commuting, corporate tools do not look to any future . Help them see past the grind and it's redundant futility.
Let the cows and monkeys roam - I see we let the sharks, the sheep, etc out first. Ban vehicles, garbage, leashes, schedules. It would spice up the desolation with some hilarity.
But we do too much of that these days in a rather mean spirit.
Scarcity is a sick game, only half the picture at best. First world consumer choices such as refridgerators ought to embarrass us to death -maybe someday we will live to laugh about our addiction to electro magnetic hums and hoarding mould and dust....we can only hope.
With no car, hell without a pencil, I can figure who figures we're gonna make it.
"if looks could kill they probably will "
Peter Gabriel
Posted by a real problem we can all share or ignore @ 04/10/2003 05:06 PM EST
Ok, let's ease up on the naysayers - we can take ridicule.
Personal attacks are kind of pointless though, skip.
Some of the more vehement and graphic positions are intended to rouse readers one way or the other.
There is a grain of truth in everything.
Last night's site vandalism ought to convince you who the intolerant really are, and what they get up to when cnn reports victory.
Posted by this is much better than lots of things @ 04/10/2003 07:37 PM EST
"The Reason Why"
By George McGovern
Posted by Alfonzo @ 04/10/2003 09:08 PM EST
YOUNG TARGETS: Killing kids now part of the job
April 8, 2003
KARBALA, Iraq -- When a young Iraqi boy stooped to pick up a rocket-propelled grenade off the body of a dead paramilitary, U.S. Army Pvt. Nick Boggs made a tough call.
He unloaded machine-gun fire. The boy, whom he put at about 10 years old, fell dead on a garbage-strewn stretch of wasteland.
Boggs, 21, of Alaska said he knew when he joined the Army 18 months ago he might have to make decisions like the one he made Saturday.
"I did what I had to do. I don't have a big problem with it, but anyone who shoots a little kid has to feel something," he said after fierce weekend fighting in Karbala, a Shi'ite Muslim holy city.
"I think they thought we wouldn't shoot kids," Boggs said. "But we showed them we don't care. We are going to do what we have to do to stay alive and keep ourselves safe."
Platoon leader, Lt. Jason Davis, said Boggs struggles with what happened even if he had no choice but to shoot.
"Does it haunt him? Absolutely. It haunts me and I didn't even pull the trigger," he said. "It blows my mind that they can put their children into that kind of situation."
Posted by From Detroit Free Press @ 04/12/2003 07:40 AM EST
I swear that i am hearing "Global Order" on my television in subliminal messages. Its time to take a stand and take back the rightful american symbols that the defacto government wants to hide behind. We the people are the eye above the temple of societies build, not them. We hold the power of the shield of liberty, not them. we are the eagle of freedom, not them. We are ready in times of peace and war, if they were ready why don't they put shock troops out on the streets, because they are not ready for us. We are united, even if divided, they are divided even when united and thats the only thing thats giving us the time we need. Take back the symbols that belong to we the people and lets put them to good use.
Posted by Paradox @ 04/13/2003 04:52 AM EST
i was watching CNN hoping i would see some bold outright lie.
what i saw was them talking about saddam's people accusing the cia of using cnn as a front.
message: if you accuse us of disinformation and cia complicity, YOU ARE WITH SADDAM
Posted by O.P. @ 04/16/2003 10:32 AM EST
this is USA today!!!
will it continue or you will change your bad leaders ....
I hope so
Posted by Ahmed @ 04/16/2003 06:20 PM EST
this is USA today!!!
will it continue or you will change your bad leaders ....
I hope so
Posted by Ahmed @ 04/16/2003 06:21 PM EST
vox you are an idiot. where do you get this shit from. you dont do anything but make thing up then use big words to sound smart. im on to you, you bitch.how bout you shut up and write somthing real."ahh yea the cia stages everything" and " umm the bushes killed kennedy. Get fucking real. you killed kennedy you damn dirty bastard. i hope you die od syphilis and burn in hell for your lies. Commie
Posted by 40 ouncer @ 04/17/2003 10:51 AM EST
CNN has no ecology section at their website - nothing even remotely connected with the notion of environment.
Bush's recent tax cut initiative to "spark the economy" [internal combustion obsession - almost as sad as the use of the term "cutting edge" instead of leading edge inreference to sci/tech , for those who cannot do the math use the term "cutting" to imply they needn't understand it, they need only be able to weild it] will amount to landlords buying more income property, another batch of investor fuckups like enron, evil, wasteful restaurant start-ups [if you need service to eat you are hopelessly evil] in short, all the bad points of economics will be let to flail about at the innocent.
Posted by how angry can you get about short term issues @ 04/17/2003 03:24 PM EST
in combat such as jiu-jitsu the opposition's force is absorbed to be used against them.
if no one criticized what leaders do they would take each other down. let's not inadvertently prolong the hipocrisy by propping up friction. they seem to thrive on complaints, this element of US.
Remember, only humans hate their own with such delight. We are so coddled and sickly, living in a lottery left behind by the most ugly of the ugliest speciecs .
Posession and inheritance are root core issues to consider when thinking of the future. This is not socialism - it goes much deeper than our ability to classify.
Fact: whose fact? Fact nullifies the present tense as it must be recorded and perused. We weaken ourselves this way -it's a form of credit that makes the rich richer -they profit from any fact.
open up to a greater instant reality.
harry potter books are popular why?
we want to be magic.
We forget what we used to know about magic.
Animating, influencing others is a sort of magic broadcasters like to believe they can maintain.
birds of a feather flock together
opposites attract
the latter is a logical statement that precludes the former, another logical statement...
meaning the suspension of disbelief is why we watch tv
Posted by merlin @ 04/17/2003 03:51 PM EST
Support The Arms Industries - Eat More Protein!
Posted by check that link - it's good sci and neat conspiracy @ 04/19/2003 11:04 PM EST
I must admit, I was initially somewhat surprised, and rather intrigued at the degree of factual information emanating from the mouths of the human journalists, and Lizards alike: of CNN International. Then I remembered that old adage: "the best way to hide a LIE is between two truths".
Posted by Mother Of The World @ 04/22/2003 11:36 AM EST
I must admit, I was initially somewhat surprised, and rather intrigued at the degree of factual information emanating from the mouths of the human journalists, and Lizards alike: of CNN International. Then I remembered that old adage: "the best way to hide a LIE is between two truths".
Posted by Mother Of The World @ 04/22/2003 11:38 AM EST
There are some REAL JOURNALISTS who work for CNN, just like there are some REAL JOURNALISTS who work for most other Mainstream Media Sources. These folks should be commended for at least trying to defy the ESTABLISHMENT: by letting some semblance of TRUTH issue forth.
CNN on the whole may be propagating LIES, but not always: via every single report, or analytical commentary.
Still I suppose they can't help themselves really?
Posted by Mother Of The World @ 04/22/2003 12:54 PM EST
Sorry, but I couldn't find the comments page:
I'm not as old as anybody here so I can't use any of your complicated words but I have a message that I think will speak to all of you.
Unfortunately America is a now a complete and total puppet of the Zionists. The Zionists want to take over the world, we all know this. Since the beginning of the 20th century the Jews started their campaign.
Many of you might not believe this but I believe that WWII was all a setup just like all the other wars. Hitler killed all the poor, uneducated and old Jews and the rest were left. The Jews now had an excuse to move into Palestine and steal the land which the Arabs were willing to share with them.
But obviously Palestine wasn’t enough for them; they wanted all the Muslims killed.
Do you people really believe that Israel could’ve won the 6 day war on their own, Israel which was a nation only a few months old, defeated 6 Arab Armies, including the Egyptian Air force. No, it wasn’t Israel who did this, it was America and Britain.
Unfortunately most of the people in our time are blind, and see only what they want to see, "America making peace". You know what I say to that? BULLSHIT.
The American people are being fooled with bullshit they see on CNN and FOX.
All these phony wars are costing American lives, the Zionists are using Americans to do their dirty work for them. The poor American soldiers believe their fighting for America while their really fighting for Israel.
If I, a 15 year old kid see it so how can't everyone else.
Posted by Destroy zionist regime @ 04/27/2003 03:53 AM EST
Sept2003 Reader Digest Article, pg#35 "Pumping Out Lies". By Tucker Carlson (CNN/crossfire) Must be spreading propaganda to RD target audience for this next "election".
Posted by Dude @ 10/08/2003 01:43 PM EST
Where the fuck is Voxfux?
Posted by really concerned @ 02/13/2004 12:43 AM EST
you people are doing agreat job 4 cnn
Posted by adedayo lanre @ 04/07/2004 02:52 PM EST
you people are doing agreat job 4 cnn
Posted by adedayo lanre @ 04/07/2004 02:54 PM EST
you people are doing agreat job 4 cnn
Posted by adedayo lanre @ 04/07/2004 02:54 PM EST
there is a theory hat i wuld like to get out there... VOX you have been hushed by someone or something. where are you ?
Posted by Rellik @ 07/23/2004 06:16 AM EST
there is a theory that i would like to get out there... VOX you have been hushed by someone or something. where are you ?
Posted by Rellik @ 07/23/2004 06:17 AM EST
there is a theory that i would like to get out there... VOX you have been hushed by someone or something. where are you ?
Posted by Rellik @ 07/23/2004 06:20 AM EST
no comment....
Posted by geronimo @ 09/12/2004 06:15 PM EST
They are using paradigm conspiracy as part of weapon as well. and they are using media, education, political economic events to shape our paradigm. It is more insidious than problem-reaction-solution method... because that way even if they are destroyed, their seed will remain for next civilization.
Posted by Dee @ 09/13/2004 12:29 PM EST
My name is Mr JOHN GEZI the elder son of Mr. ANTHONY GEZI,of Zimbabwe. It might be a surprise to you where I got your contact address, I got it from South African information bureau. During the current crises against the farmers of Zimbabwe by the supporters of our President Robert Mugabe to claim all the white owned farms in our country, he ordered all the white farmers to surrender their farms to his party members and their followers.
My father was one of the best farmers in the country and knowing that he did not support the presidents political ideology, the presidents supporters invaded my fathers farm burnt down everything, shot him and as a result of the wounds sustained, he became sick and died after two days. And after his death, I with my younger Brother decided to move out of Zimbabwe for the safety of our lives to South-Africa.
BUT, before he died HE WROTE HIS WILL, which reads "(MY BELOVEED SON ,I WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE SUM OF ($25,000,000=00). TWETY FIVE MILLION U.S DOLLARS WHICH I DEPOSITED IN A BOX WITH A SECURITY COMPANY IN JOHANNESBURG (SOUTH-AFRICA). IN CASE OF MY ABSENCE ON EARTH CAUSED BY DEATH ONLY". You should solicit for reliable foreign partner to assist you to transfer this money out of South Africa for investment purpose. I deposited the money in your name and it can be claimed by you alone with the deposit code. Your mother has all the documents. Take good care of your mother and brother." From the above, you will understand that the lives and future of my family depends on this money.As much, I will be very grateful if you can assist us. I with my younger brother are now living in South-Africa as POLITICAL ASYLUM SEEKERS and the financial law of SOUTH-AFRICA does not allow ASYLUM SEEKERS certain financial rights to take out of south africa such huge amount of money .In view of this, I cannot invest this money in South-Africa, hence I am asking you to assist me transfer this money out of South-Africa for investment purposes. For your efforts, I am prepared to offer you 30% of the total fund, While 10% will be set used to refund for local and international expenses and 60% will be kept for me and my family . Finally modalities on how the transfer will be done will be conveyed to you once we establish trust and confidence between ourselves. Looking forward to your urgent reply .For detailed information.
Posted by john @ 09/27/2004 05:53 PM EST
My name is Mr JOHN GEZI the elder son of Mr. ANTHONY GEZI,of Zimbabwe. It might be a surprise to you where I got your contact address, I got it from South African information bureau. During the current crises against the farmers of Zimbabwe by the supporters of our President Robert Mugabe to claim all the white owned farms in our country, he ordered all the white farmers to surrender their farms to his party members and their followers.
My father was one of the best farmers in the country and knowing that he did not support the presidents political ideology, the presidents supporters invaded my fathers farm burnt down everything, shot him and as a result of the wounds sustained, he became sick and died after two days. And after his death, I with my younger Brother decided to move out of Zimbabwe for the safety of our lives to South-Africa.
EARTH CAUSED BY DEATH ONLY". You should solicit for reliable foreign partner to assist you to transfer this money out of South Africa for investment purpose. I deposited the money in your name and it can be claimed by you alone with the deposit code. Your mother has all the documents. Take good care of your mother and brother." From the above, you will understand that the lives and
future of my family depends on this money.As much, I will be very grateful if you can assist us. I with my younger brother are now living in South-Africa as POLITICAL ASYLUM SEEKERS and the financial law of SOUTH-AFRICA does not allow ASYLUM SEEKERS certain financial rights to take out of south africa such huge amount of money .In view of this, I cannot invest this money in South-Africa, hence I am asking you to assist me transfer this money out of South-Africa for investment purposes. For your
efforts, I am prepared to offer you 30% of the total fund, While 10% will be set used to refund for local and international expenses and 60% will be kept for me and my family . Finally modalities on how the transfer will be done will be conveyed to you once we establish trust and confidence between ourselves. Looking forward to your urgent reply .For detailed information.
Posted by john @ 09/27/2004 05:58 PM EST