04/07/2003 Entry: "Former CIA Chief says World War IV is on!"

AFI Research Intelligence Briefing

james woolsey

6th April 2003 -
Is this the start of the next World War?

The last century saw the Great War of 1914-18; the Second World War of 1939-45 and the Cold War, effectively a third world war that lasted from 1945 to 1990. Many analysts, including the former CIA Director James Woolsey, believe that the Iraq campaign is really just the start of the 4th World War and one that will undoubtedly last for decades. Woolsey in a speech made to University students in California last week confirmed the rumours coming out of Washington that an occupied Iraq will act as a strategic jumping off area for further wars against Syria and Iran.

As the new Bush doctrine unfolds it will apparently become clearer that Pakistan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Burma, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and possibly even China itself are also to one degree or another targets in this new world wide conflict. The American assault on hostile regimes will be multi-faceted; in will include the use of diplomacy, economic pressure, covert intelligence, psychological, disinformation and propaganda operations and if all else fails military action ranging from the highly sophisticated use of special forces up to and including full scale war.

As part of the preparations for a new World War the CIA has embarked on a massive recruitment campaign in foreign countries. Elements that would normally have been avoided because of extremist, racialist or criminal connections are now considered acceptable allies, while the NSA and FBI have been ordered to get their operational readiness quickly into order and markedly increase their analytical capability as well. This has so far been largely hidden by constant references to the requirements demanded by the War on Terrorism, however this is now clearly only a second front in a much larger conflict. Indeed evidence would seem to suggest that it was only the intervention of Tony Blair that persuaded Washington to attack Al Qa'ida and the Taliban in Afghanistan first in the aftermath of 9-11, rather than initiate an immediate assault on Iraq as many in The Whitehouse and the Pentagon originally intended.

Whether in agreement or not with the new aggressive and interventionist American foreign policy, few can seriously doubt that under the guise of bringing 'liberation' and 'democracy' to oppressed peoples, the United States intends to dominate and control the entire region of the Gulf. This will provide Washington with a vital strategic position from which to project its power into the key oil rich Central Asian states of the former Soviet Union where a new confrontation is undoubtedly building rapidly with both Russia and Communist China. The United States is also looking to expand its worldwide network of strategic military base's either by making far greater use of facilities under its virtual total control such as Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean or by much enhanced co-operation in such important area's as Oman, Singapore and Ecuador.

Woolsey in a brutally frank speech said "As we move toward a new Middle East......over the years and, I think, over the decades to come ... we will make a lot of people very nervous." The former CIA director added by personally identifying the President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and the leadership of Saudi Arabia "We want you nervous. We want you to realize now, for the fourth time in a hundred years, this country and its allies are on the march and that we are on the side of those whom you, the Mubaraks, the Saudi Royal family, most fear: We're on the side of your own people" This is an interesting concept for the United States and perhaps these opening campaigns in a new World War to be waged against the Islamic countries and the remnants of the Communist 'empire' will produce many surprises, not least that many of those America aspires to liberate may well prove unwillingly beneficiaries of Washington's best intentions.

Viewer Commentary: 37 comments

The sad thing is everyone is a target--including Americans.

Posted by Raul @ 04/07/2003 10:05 AM EST

Does anyone know Delmart Vreeland's current status? I hear rumors of his death are greatly exaggerated. Is something going down in Atlanta on 4-31-03? Anyone know?

Posted by Raul @ 04/07/2003 10:08 AM EST

I for one, openly welcome our new masters with open arms. /simpsons reference

Posted by Stephen @ 04/07/2003 10:46 AM EST

Then theres North Korea to stir things up,like they didn't know !!!

Posted by an american forever @ 04/07/2003 11:10 AM EST

I wonder this every day. What does your average american really believe? Do you all believe that you are under constant "terror threat" ?? That there really is some turban-clad maniac behind every tree just waiting to "get" you?? It's amazing how ignorance fertilizes more ignorance. If the cloak of your current government's activities were lifted, I believe the USA would have a civil war. People would realize just how manipulated and controlled they truly are. As a country full of people who do nothing but trumpet their liberty and freedom, do you not see how COMPLETELY orchestrated your lives are? The huge lie being sold to you is the fact that your GRAND AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE is under attack. That we must defeat the "axis of evil" (this "axis" never could have existed without the US military's permission, I'm sure it was viewed as "investing in the future" militarily speaking). That we must budget more for military, less for EDUCATION. Well, I guess the easiest masses to manipulate and control are the most ignorant. I believe that MAINTAINING YOUR FALSE SENSE OF LIBERTY AND DEMOCRACY IS YOUR DEATH SENTENCE.
unless, of course, you actually chose to wake the fuck up.....heaven forbid.
oops gotta go.......Survivor's on......
Goodnight America, wherever you are.

Posted by GREATWHITE @ 04/07/2003 12:07 PM EST

Go here for some truth.


Why doesn't CNN push a story like this ??
Guess it wouldn't be " American".

Posted by GREATWHITE @ 04/07/2003 12:46 PM EST

World War IV - Woolsey Speech at Nat'l War College
(more lies and crap in one speech than in the history of the world)

"So as I got in, I said to the cab driver, “I see your paper in the front there. Did you read that piece about President Clinton’s speech yesterday?” He said, “Oh, yeah.” I said, “What did you think about it?” He said, “These people don’t hate us for what we’ve done wrong. They hate us for what we do right.”

You can’t do better than that. We’re hated because of freedom of speech, because of freedom of religion, because of our economic freedom, because of our equal -- or at least almost equal treatment of women -- because of all the good things that we do."

I thought we've already been over this.

Posted by valis @ 04/07/2003 12:54 PM EST

And this motherfucker, Grade A 911 suspect, arms profiteer,& Likudnik ( www.jinsa.org ) is being touted as a member of the new Iraqi Wolfowitz/Jay Garner regime???

Posted by Kermit Roosevelt @ 04/07/2003 03:42 PM EST

Newspapers are typically less than 10% news items. The bulk of what goes into them has always been human interest stories and adverts. The notion of no news being good news made this palatable.
The threat of nuclear war once had families building bomb shelters in their back yards. Now nuclear war is a phone-in, corrupt poll topic for discussion. The level of inanity hasn't budged, nor the hype.
Rational thought confounds the interpretation of transcendental relationships . It's like trying to knit with razor blades. Often, what is presented to us as fact meant to bolster an opinion has correlates with much more pertinent situations. In rational thought, one fact cannot prove another. Yet this is the premise of news reporting - you listened yesterday - you'll listen today.

If we had a way of life worth defending, [ie. highest homicide rate, environmental damage]
then we would need not impose it on others or worry about losing it.

Here's a supposedly trite human interest story designed to relieve cnn viewers from so-called important issues.

A giant squid was netted off the coast of New Zealand. The reporter gushed and giggled though his obvious glee, "Well it sure makes you wonder what else is down there."

Reality check :
trawlers use sonar
only drop nets where they think fish are
fish are pretty much fished out globally
sonar spotted giant dead squid [starved from lack of fish or poisoned from garbage dumping]
crew thought it was wriggly life meant to fill their wallets once killed.
it already was dead - ha ha
still made some money from the reporting, and helped some giggle.

We all know that those nets are cut loose at the slightest problem, left to fish as long as nylon lasts drifting in the ocean currents, and some of us know that humans are anatomically herbivores with no natural right to kill. Eskimos know that fat has twice the energy as flesh. They could not be vegetarians owing to their geographical location. Why did they go up there? Humans are run by the worst of us. We have done everything to get away from ourselves at times of over-population, scarcity, disease, war, or just for the hell of it.
Some of us actually feel empowered\superior when confronted with our record of destruction. We are our own worst enemy, as well as the planet's, yet we are capable of facilitating life's advance from the solar system.

You could say we have been fooled into technological advance due to our distrust of each other. Science is full of the musings of people trying to transcend a brutal reality, not to mention art or religion. Problem is, the worst of us always seem to benefit from what ought to advance the condition of all life.

When we agree that a seed is worth a piece of metal all manner of dysfunction is implied, for what is a piece of metal worth? Who shall we let decide?

Rational thought is discontinuous. A union within a union is violence.

Hard core, graphic depictions of human activity rank tops in what keeps geezers gawking at the tube, forgetting their alzheimers, living to go to wal-mart.


These stations promote heart disease, cancers -leading causes of death [for non-humans as well]. Let the sick twits watch. The more they watch the less able they will be to trash the environment via wal-mart, although their trips to the hospital for x-rays etc. makes for a lot of nuclear waste.
It's not all bad, just nowhere near right. Entertaining distrust of each other flies in the face of advances we have made. Distrust seems to be the core element of our entertainment. News is entertainment. We have better things to do with our attention than to be mired in a duality only as valid as it is entertaining.

For the time being, it is imperative voices of dissent be heard - vox - that background on george bush [shooting frogs] says so much more than any direct statement of character. I'll bet he couldn't publicly kiss a baby with any success 9 times out of 10. Sadly, many adults don't see it. Thank you, just don't burn out, man.

I'm trying to look to the future. There must be scenarios of sustainable human activity not copy-righted to any ethnic, political or religious philosophy.

Imagine all the power hungry assholes gone.
[once in a while - for your health]

leaders, secrets, weapons and bloodshed - four concepts interdependant - you can't have one without the other three.
This time has been prophecied by free masons and american indians alike to be the time we deal with the "four legs of the table".

I see vox hammering away at leaders and secrets. Most of us do not realize our system of classification is the most violent thing about us, and that all issues are weapons. Cryptography is classed as a munition by the military.

waiting for the alphabet to explode.....

Posted by I am not here right now @ 04/07/2003 03:59 PM EST


you are typical of some stupid fuck wit believing everything they here.

"the good things that we do", pull your head out of your arse and smell the rest of the shit going on.

Posted by pissed off aussie @ 04/07/2003 08:09 PM EST


Is it that people are this naive?? Are there really people in America that think Operation IRAQI FREEDOM has anything to do with liberating the Iraqi people? Sorry Valis, but with each passing day, your "rights" and "freedoms" and "liberties" are eroding, disappearing, evaporating. How much more will your government limit your freedoms (in the name of "homeland security") before you come out of your coma??
This is nuts. Aussie is right on. If only the American public would educate themselves and not devour everything coming out of their televisions, BUSH WOULD BE FUCKED!!! PEOPLE ARMED WITH KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING ARE THE BUSH REGIME'S WORST NIGHTMARE!!TURN OFF CNN------THE 24-7 WAR INFO-MERCIAL-----------.


Posted by GREATWHITE @ 04/07/2003 08:37 PM EST

hehe "pissed off aussie" sounds more like he's been pissed on, or maybe he been drinking Fosters and is now pissed? One little font error and he flies off the handle, with no idea who he's talking to.

Regarding America, civil war, and WWIV, you can take it to the bank that the Illuminated Order of the Rosey Palms will not rest until they are safe from the threat of outsiders. That's the entire plan: hide and conspire, because they know that the only people who agree with corporate globalism are low self-esteemed wannabe Nazis. Little-dicked Armani-suit wearing, trophy-wife divorcing, half-educated inbreds.

Believe me, I know, I grew up in a "sailing community". Or if not, ask Vox himself.
If you think Bush ain't a racist, then you're an idiot. He hates everyone, especially those not associated with the royal bloodlines. But most of all he hates himself.

Now, there is but ONE way to spare a few tens of millions of American Patriot lives over the next few years, and that is to put a libertarian in the White House in 2004. Duly note that this person will likely have at best begrudging coverage in the media, and of course will be targetted for a "Wellstone-ing".
Ron Paul (TX) is probably my first choice, followed by Harry Browne. It's honestly a shame that Lyndon LaRouche has such poor name association, because his economics are strong. Oh well.
Ideally, the NWO's would have little idea that they were likely to lose, thereby reducing the likelyhood of assassination.

I fear that if if Hillary or John Kerry gets elected as a "anti-Bush" democrat, we'll be in FEMA camps within a month.

Time to get serious, kids. Stockpile those weapons. Keep low. Be prepared, because thousands of soldiers are reported to be surrounding our country to "impose order" when us patriots shake loose these chains.
Liberty is a fact, not a gift from some blue-blooded crack-head.

Get ready.

Posted by tweak @ 04/07/2003 08:58 PM EST

Alright I've heard ENOUGH about this World War 4 bullshit. I'm SICK of it! This is textbook pychological CIA tactic of framing the debate, they are in effect creating a "meme" for everyone to follow, like 2+2=5. It's the same type tactic they use when they say we must "give up liberty for security". FUCK THAT! World War 3 has not even occured (WW3 = CIA blows something up in the U.S.) yet somehow it has been declared WW4. Hey there's a good "meme" to keep repeating over and over:

WW3 = CIA blows something up in the U.S.

WW3 = CIA blows something up in the U.S.

WW3 = CIA blows something up in the U.S.

Sorry CIA I'm not 'down' with WW4 lingo.

Welcome back Vox, glad to see you kicking the NWO in the teeth with a steel tip boot again!

Posted by Underdog @ 04/07/2003 09:27 PM EST

I think pissed off aussie may not recognise irony, but we still have plenty here to be scared of.

Our white/-australia policy prime minister is dragging us along with Bushy boy to bring freedom to our Iraqi friends, its just a pity that a lot of the "liberated" will be in graveyards.

Australia is becoming your 51st state, and whilst the media parrot out the US State Dept. briefs as news, the free-trade scum are over here writing up a plan to destroy our economy.,

whilst the govt use their involvement in Iraq as a lever to push through anti-terrorist (or is that anti-freedom) laws.

I am sickened, and there are many here who will not take anymore.

Keep up the work vox, we have nothing like this here, as our laconic attitude makes us willing sheep to NWO order.

Posted by another aussie (but still pissed) @ 04/08/2003 12:05 AM EST

re: I am not here right now

Your post was the best thing I have ever read in the vox forums. Brilliant bit of writing, man. I do beliee I will have to print your words out.

Posted by stratik @ 04/08/2003 07:00 AM EST

Y'all do realize I was quoting from Woolsey's speech at Nat'l War College?

Posted by valis @ 04/08/2003 11:18 AM EST

I read an article with this guy on a main streem web site last week. I thought it was kinda strange that they would put something like this on their site... Now if i could remember where i saw it.
I guess their are just some news media people out there tying to send the same message that sites like this one are trying to do, just proves that more are asking questions that need to be asked.

Posted by canadian nationalist @ 04/08/2003 01:31 PM EST


Send A Message To The International Criminal Court At:


Posted by Alfonzo @ 04/08/2003 02:07 PM EST

Man, periodically I've checked to see what became of VOX, since your run in with the NWO. I'm glad to see you've made it thru, I hope it's REALLY you and not an agent collecting names. I'm paranoid, can't help the way I think.

Anyway seems to me the BushBoys seem to be rushing us down the road. What could possibly be motivating the most powerful men in the world to hurry? Like they're on a time schedule, not set by them.
Nibiru? Cosmic upheaval? In following the exploits of the NWO boys, let's not follow so closely as to not notice where they are headed. Ancient writings, biblical texts and prognosticators from every culture point to the same ending. Do you want know how we crash or how we can avoid it? I'm from the how to avoid it school. Key phrases that indicate what the hell is going on... "the first will be last and the last will be first." "the jews who are not." "what comes around goes around" "as above so below" I used to be frightened about what karma had instore for the good US of A, but I quit worring about self and now focus on helping others, get their mind right. Don't get me wrong, I chuckle at the attempts the media to confuse and mislead, and I used to get upset, but I recognize that most people will not wake up until it's too late, that is why there will be "a great gnashing of teeth" Those of us who are conscious of a higher level of understanding, which probably include people reading this, should recognize you can't dodge karma, it's like a REALLY SMART bomb, it will ring your doorbell and pretend to be girlscout selling cookies, if you have invoked its principles. But it will get you. Unfortunately my brothers and sisters of consciousness the USA is due,
because of our consume now (People, animals and resources) ask questions later, bomb and take their oil even later. A leadership based on true reality would seek sources of energy that would not run out. But our leadership is like the scientists who thought the world was flat, and everything revolved around MAN (in the anglo-european sense). They were proven wrong from the close observation of reality. Look closely my brothers and sisters, not at who's driving the car but the condition of the road. Not how the driver is driving, but why you are riding in the NWO car. Time to get out and walk. Because the driver is drunk, and he's headed for destruction. "Come out of her my people..."
Get your spirits aligned with your creator who ever you perceive it to be. For if you are to be judged it will based on how close your heart, mind and spirit are in tune with the Creator's Reality. Man's reality is false, and will be exposed soon, as it is every 250,000 years. Ask the Atlanteans. Either you prepare to evolve to the higher plane of understanding or you fail and suffer the consequences of your karmically charged actions. TRUTH, PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY and WISDOM are the cornerstones of true civilization, you would think we would have learned that by now. Are you ready for the wave?
Peace be unto you...IMHOTEP
One block at a time!
P.S. Welcome back VOX, keep the knowledge flowing.

Posted by imhotep @ 04/08/2003 03:49 PM EST

Man, periodically I've checked to see what became of VOX, since your run in with the NWO. I'm glad to see you've made it thru, I hope it's REALLY you and not an agent collecting names. I'm paranoid, can't help the way I think.

Anyway seems to me the BushBoys seem to be rushing us down the road. What could possibly be motivating the most powerful men in the world to hurry? Like they're on a time schedule, not set by them.
Nibiru? Cosmic upheaval? In following the exploits of the NWO boys, let's not follow so closely as to not notice where they are headed. Ancient writings, biblical texts and prognosticators from every culture point to the same ending. Do you want know how we crash or how we can avoid it? I'm from the how to avoid it school. Key phrases that indicate what the hell is going on... "the first will be last and the last will be first." "the jews who are not." "what comes around goes around" "as above so below" I used to be frightened about what karma had instore for the good US of A, but I quit worring about self and now focus on helping others, get their mind right. Don't get me wrong, I chuckle at the attempts the media to confuse and mislead, and I used to get upset, but I recognize that most people will not wake up until it's too late, that is why there will be "a great gnashing of teeth" Those of us who are conscious of a higher level of understanding, which probably include people reading this, should recognize you can't dodge karma, it's like a REALLY SMART bomb, it will ring your doorbell and pretend to be girlscout selling cookies, if you have invoked its principles. But it will get you. Unfortunately my brothers and sisters of consciousness the USA is due,
because of our consume now (People, animals and resources) ask questions later, bomb and take their oil even later. A leadership based on true reality would seek sources of energy that would not run out. But our leadership is like the scientists who thought the world was flat, and everything revolved around MAN (in the anglo-european sense). They were proven wrong from the close observation of reality. Look closely my brothers and sisters, not at who's driving the car but the condition of the road. Not how the driver is driving, but why you are riding in the NWO car. Time to get out and walk. Because the driver is drunk, and he's headed for destruction. "Come out of her my people..."
Get your spirits aligned with your creator who ever you perceive it to be. For if you are to be judged it will based on how close your heart, mind and spirit are in tune with the Creator's Reality. Man's reality is false, and will be exposed soon, as it is every 250,000 years. Ask the Atlanteans. Either you prepare to evolve to the higher plane of understanding or you fail and suffer the consequences of your karmically charged actions. TRUTH, PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY and WISDOM are the cornerstones of true civilization, you would think we would have learned that by now. Are you ready for the wave?
Peace be unto you...IMHOTEP
One block at a time!
P.S. Welcome back VOX, keep the knowledge flowing.

Posted by imhotep @ 04/08/2003 03:51 PM EST

Nice post imhotep. Good food for thought. Sometimes it does feel like trying to raise awareness amongst the sleeping masses is like trying to fill a bathtub using a teaspoon. Maybe what's coming is completely unavoidable. Maybe people ARE aware, but the reality is so grim that it MUST be ignored. Otherwise, people would have to finally admit that their lives are pointless and selfish.

Posted by GREATWHITE @ 04/08/2003 04:01 PM EST

It is said:
when you know what a secret is
you know know what all secrets are

bad medicine, poison , that which you can't express
the worst of us
that which leads us
our intent

that which clings to us
or we cling to to mistakenly

a secret is what the others think of man
if you ask man

Posted by get outside troops @ 04/08/2003 04:41 PM EST

Get in line, aussies, we already have a 51st state... it's called "Israel".

here's a joke going around to this effect: "Why should the U.S. make Israel the 51st state?"

Answer: So it will only have 2 senators instead of a hundred.

Posted by jungophile @ 04/08/2003 06:31 PM EST

Here is a list of things most of us already know or suspect...

1. GWBush is working for somebody other than the citizens of the USA. if you look real close you can almost see the strings when he talks. Public Enemy was prophetic when they said "Don't Believe the Hype" & "911 is a Joke"

2. Israel has somehow gained
control of US foreign policy. Now what's good for Israel is good for US..A. Iraq was never a threat to the US. But it WAS a threat to Israel. Our relationship to Israel is is the albatross hanging around our neck. Now the US must kill Muslims until Israel feels secure? Security will never come from killing people.

3. Jews ARE NOT THE PROBLEM, Zionism is the problem. How can a people who know first hand about atrocities,
turn around and treat the Palestinians the same way. What's next they 'll have their own FINAL SOLUTION. The people calling themselves Jews
today are actually Khazars, Eastern Europeans who converted to Judaism between 875 & 1250AD. And even to this day will not admit their true origin if they know it themselves. Hence the Biblical text ,
"the Jews who are not"
This lie of Eastern European Jews is what Zionism is based on. All the negative stereotypes and traditions supposedly based on Jews are actually Khazaric in nature.This lie is why there is no peace in the middle east.

4. Do you know a better way to fight a 100 million (CHINA) man army, than to release a disease that would cut that army down to size before a war even breaks out. Check out the timing of SARS, check out the origin. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS NEW DISEASES. The term NEW DISEASE is a dead giveaway that it was created. NEVER TRUST ANYTHING The World Health(Death) Organization says.

5. They will never find Osama or Suddam. If they found them who would play the part of the BoogieMan?
Orwell's 1984 lays it out. You ever notice how the media descibes the Psych-Ops of the US like these tactics would never be used against US citizens, yeah right! Never finding Osama & Suddam will be the rational behind total US lockdown. Your looking at the last few months of free speech.
If you're smart you'll pay attention to how Iraqi citizens dealt with Suddam. Because critics of the BushBoys may suffer the same kind of consequences. Practice your Pod People voice or your Stepford Citizen voice. "George Bush is the best president we will ever have." Do this only to move among the sheeple without being detected.

6. Never receive a shot as innoculation against the "Disease of the Week". Beware of the "Mark of the Beast " I think they may try innoculation or citizen cards to try to instill this mark electronically. Hold out as long as possible. If it actually turns out to be a Mark, invest in magic markers or tatoos, fool them as long as you can.

If you notice I try to lace humor with my doom & gloom, it goes down better. Try it on sheeple near you!

Stop worrying about the end, be at peace with your creator. Educate and enlighten those who are ready. Crack jokes, make love, etc. If its time to go, have all your spiritual bags packed and be ready.
Watch the stars, the enlightened will notice the signs. When you see the two suns don't freak, stay within yourself. When you see aliens, recognize God is bigger than the earth and man's concept of him. When you think the world is about to end as we know it, recognize we don't know everything. Hang on to the simple pleasures of life. Death is not the worst thing that could happen to you. Was birth the best thing? Maybe death is birth to the higher plane. Why fear death. Why fear what could happen. Isn't embracing fear what got us here in the first place. Once you get your head around that, what will they scare you with?
Peace be with you...Imhotep
Constantly in the process of evolving.

Posted by imhotep @ 04/08/2003 08:43 PM EST

I have an alias. I don't use it in circumstances which require standing up for your beliefs.
There are many participants on this site that want clarification from Vox. Where and wuz sup?

VOX COMMENT ANNOTATION: What the fuck are you talking about?

Posted by eric swan @ 04/08/2003 09:52 PM EST


Posted by Julie @ 04/09/2003 02:25 AM EST

War on Terra

So bring on the 'planes
that bring down the towers
nothing's the same
all's hearts and flowers
while we go insane
counting the hours
until the game
gets devoured

"This is" they said
"War on Terra"
which fills me with dread
-maybe my error
but George Dubya's dead
eyes stare blank as a mirror
while Blair bobs his head
and the Pope gently quivers

And so we must ask
who is bad guy and good
who's Sherriff of Nottingham
who's Robin Hood.
When push comes to shove
who's the Man in the 'hood?

And when we decide
who to boo who to back
we will split and divide
and devise and attack
and be fuelled by the lies
that keep us on track
while the rich and their spies
just laugh at our backs.

We don't like the taste
but we like to see blood
on the screen, laying waste
while we're washing down bud.

How different to haste
-driven trenches in mud.

And those in the know
say please go and shop
take your part in the show
or the economy will stop.
And those in the know
also tell us that God
is running the show
which I find rather odd.

And the flames of the fire
will fan out and burn
until we get higher
until we learn
we have just one desire
to return to our home.

Until then,
keep in mind it's a game
don't think 'Us & Them'
when we're all just the same
we are born and we live
eat, fuck, shit, pass away
it is all ours to give
or take away
we choose how we live
day by day
beyond all this
what can we say?

Posted by Logokid @ 04/09/2003 11:20 AM EST

imhotep: exactly my point earlier. there is a difference between Jews and Zionists. Zionism will be the author of the United States destruction. Nuff said.

Posted by anubis @ 04/09/2003 07:20 PM EST

Hey, I noticed as soon as I started making fun of the idiots on this site, the comments section for the CIA Iraq celebration conspiracy was shut down. Coincidence .... OR CONSPIRACY?!?

Posted by Skip Smith @ 04/09/2003 08:11 PM EST

Posted by Goatse For Peace @ 04/09/2003 08:29 PM EST


A crimson sky, a poisened gas to breathe, it will be loud, the earth will move beneath our feet. Close your eyes and feel the buzz. Believe.

Posted by a person @ 04/09/2003 08:51 PM EST

mindless idiots, everyone of you follow this vox like a long lost messiah losers

Posted by haha @ 04/09/2003 10:15 PM EST

We do live in teresting times

Posted by Boris @ 04/09/2003 11:11 PM EST

We do live in interesting times

Posted by Boris @ 04/09/2003 11:12 PM EST

We do live in interesting times

Posted by Boris @ 04/09/2003 11:14 PM EST

We do live in interesting times

Posted by Boris @ 04/09/2003 11:14 PM EST

Hey VOX. Ignore these ignorant idiots who are posting nonsensical empty posts trying to mess up your website. All it proves to me is that you are hitting some raw nerves on some rather silly sheeple who can't retaliate in any other way but to be disruptive ignoramuses. It's easy to go with the flow and "think" exactly the way youre being TOLD to think, BUT IT TAKES BRAVERY AND GUTS TO GO AGAINST THE GRAIN.
Keep hitting hard VOX. WE LOVE IT!!

Posted by GREATWHITE @ 04/10/2003 04:28 AM EST

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