10/09/2003 Entry: "De Aanvallen van het Centrum van de Wereldhandel waren een Binnenbaan. (De CIA)"

"De Aanvallen van het Centrum van de Wereldhandel waren een Binnenbaan. (De CIA)"
Geheime VS Krachten plannen voorwendsel voor beperking
by voxfux


Een grondige wetenschappelijke analyse van de stortvloed van gebeurtenissen, mensen, landen, motivaties, propaganda, persoonlijkheden en geschiedenis betrokken bij dit huidige moment in de geschiedenis, leidt tot alleen één conclusie: Dat clandestiene krachten loyaal aan George Bush senior bezig zijn met het voorbereiden met het aanvallen van het Amerikaanse volk, de schuld leggen bij Islamitische terroristen en de aanvallen gebruiken als een excuus voor een totale inperking van afgescheiden, basisvrijheden van burgers, gewone democratische processen en in de verwarring dat volgt zullen ze ongecontroleerd oorlog en agressie voeren tegen Irak en andere Islamitische landen en overigen die natuurlijke hulpbronnen hebben en vooral oliebronnen waar deze schaduwgroep van petrochemische en leger-industriëlen dorst naar hebben. Hun ultieme doel? De verovering van Eurazië.

Driekwart van de wereldbevolking en hulpbronnen zitten op de landmassa van Eurazië. Het is de voornaamste focus geweest van Buitenlandse Zaken en militaire strategen sinds de presidentiële Nationale Veiligheidsadviseur, Zbigniew Brzezinski het twintig jaar geleden schetste als de voornaamste Amerikaanse "verplichting". Betekenend: Om te overleven, MOETEN we veroveren. Maar wat moet dat met al die landen dat we zullen gaan veroveren? Volgens Brzezinski en zijn kliek van aanhangers in Defensie en Buitenlandse Zaken voor wie zijn schrijven een deel van de bijbel zijn – is het voor hun eigen bestwil.

Het probleem wat Brzezinski zegt, is dat de meeste doorsnee Amerikanen geen zin hebben in kruistochten van globale verovering. Tenzij… er een plotselinge dreiging is. In zijn laatste boek, "The Grand Chessboard" ("Het Grote Schaakbord"), drilt Brzezinski zijn aanhangers niet meer dan vier keer dat alleen plotse en schrikwekkende dreigingen Amerikanen zou prikkelen tot globale verovering.

Met de openings-salvo van 11 september achter hen, zijn Amerikanen juist nu "stormrijp gemaakt" voor hun eerste "Vuile Bom"-aanval. Als er een ooit zo sinistere en voor te stellen catastrofisch middel is geweest dat zo volledig beraamd is, zo zwaar gepromoot in de media en ultiem aangestuurd op wat bijna zeker een dramatische conclusie zal zijn van een door de media opgestookte profetie – om eerst gefabriceerd te worden in onze voorstelling en dan gematerialiseerd in werkelijkheid – Het is de vuile bom. Om onze analyse heel duidelijk te stellen het volgende: De radiologische vuile bom waar veel over opgeschept is zal NIET worden gedropt op het Amerikaanse volk door welke Islamitische terroristen dan ook, maar door de schaduwachtige groep van Amerikaanse inlichtingen-uitvoerders aan de zijde van George Bush senior (de vader).

Amerikanen zijn nou langer dan zes maanden "bewust" gemaakt van de vuile bom en hebben de "herinnering" aan de vuile bom stevig gekoppeld aan "Islamitische Terroristen". Zo is het gedaan. Het wordt de "Back Story" (het "Achterwaarts Verhaal") genoemd. En het vormt een onderdeel van de voorbereidende propaganda die inlichtingendiensten Psy-op (psychologische operatie) noemen. Deze Psy-ops omvatten in werkelijkheid bijna 70% van alle menselijke en kapitale middelen die onze regering overlevert aan een bepaald geo-strategisch doel – alleen 30% bestaat uit kogels en bommen.

Maar zels de vele miljoenen gespendeerd aan het schilderen van deze uitvoerige Psy-op plaatjes, is er geen forensische analyse voor nodig om wat lastige aanwijzingen er binnenin te onthullen – Iets verschrikkelijk fout in het plaatje. Zoals een overkill aan Hollywoodse special effects – allemaal glitter maar licht van verhaal, zijn de psy-ops die ter zijde staan van vuile zaken van Amerika's industrie, leger, inlichtingen triade de ondeugdelijke draaiboeken die veel te wensen overlaten. Wat dit betreft wijzen de aanwijzingen alleen naar één conclusie. In hun race naar een globale overheersing bereiden deze inlichtingendiensten de inleiding van aanvallen op Amerikaanse burgerdoelen voor. En leggen de basis van het voorbereidende grondwerk om deze aanvallen een maximaal politiek en psychologisch effect te geven. … Wat volgt is een HEEL afwijkende uitleg van de verschrikkelijke aanvallen op 11 september. De heersende mogendheid van onze regering kan herkend worden aan het "moordlustig tekeergaan". … Deze terrorisme is van oude rijke mensen die doodgaan. Het is hun laatste eerbewijs aan vitaliteit. Hun vergeefse oude vastklamping aan kracht als het van hen wegglipt. Deze aanvallen komen van oude mensen op jonge mensen, van rijke mensen op arme mensen. Deze terroristische aanvallen zijn de meest geschikte en efficiënte mechanismen die ze over hebben om hun futiele druk voor globale overheersing aan te zwengelen. … 9-11, een interne klus? – Wees er maar zeker van. De les van zelf opgewekte terrorisme als een middel om het Amerikaanse volk beet te pakken en in oorlogsrazernij te laten ontsteken, is een diep onderdeel van het spel ontwerp van de meester van George Bush jr.'s regering – Zijn vader, George Bush sr. en de groep van industriëlen die hij dient. Brzezinski's boek is in feite de Bijbel van de Bush Groep en is nu standaard koffietafel decor in elk kantoor in het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en het Pentagon.

Gelijkertijd een effectief middel zijnd om de massa voor te bereiden op de komende oorlogen die nodig zijn om ongewild het arrogante Pax Amerikana van de industriëlen aan wereld's volkeren op te leggen, is het ook gemakkelijk en onpeilbaar alsook een zeer voordelige vorm van populatiebeheersing. Met een angst ingeboezemd volk onder een strak juk en niet hoeven buigen voor publieke opinie of compromis met een onwillige Senaat – The sky is the limit bij wapenverkoop en -winst. Waar deze schaduwgroepen van private clandestiene inlichtingen-uitvoerders ook opduiken, kankergezwellen, auto-ongelukken, moorden, vliegtuigrampen, aangetaste economieën, andere ongelukken, burgeroorlogen, olie-oorlogen, burger onrust, volkerenmoord, zelfmoord en vernietiging van documenten, dit alles… gebeurt gewoon. Hier is wat gebeurde… - een klein terugwaarts verhaal. Dit is het vreemde verhaal van een diner-afspraak. Een dinerafspraak dat op de agenda stond om plaats te vinden op 31 maart 1981 – de dag volgend op de vreemde moordpoging op het leven van Ronald Reagan. Reagan was de president. En George Bush sr., de zeer ambitieuze voormalige CIA-directeur van Texas was de Vice-President.

Wat deze dinerafspraak zo speciaal maakt deze avond komt door de gasten. Hou je vast, want het volgende nieuws zou je een rilling moeten bezorgen. De dinerafspraak werd gehouden in het huis van Neil Bush, de zoon van de vicepresident. De gast van de dinerpartij (wat snel afgeblazen was na het nieuws van de mislukte poging op het leven van de president), was Scott Hinckley, de broer van John Hinckley die zojuist die middag verscheidene schoten had afgevuurd in Reagan's borst, een halve inch verwijderd van het hart van de president – een halve inch van het plaatsen van de vader van zijn vriend, George Bush, in het Witte Huise. Laten we nu even pauzeren en hierover nadenken. Wat we tot nu toe hebben is de zoon van de Vice-President gekoppeld aan de broer van die vent die zojuist probeerde de president te vermoorden. Neem een moment om je dat te laten doordringen. Zoek het op in Google: "neil bush scott hinckley dinner". Kijk zelf maar.

Wat was het antwoord van het Bush team op deze koude onthulling van de geplande dinerafspraak? Ze barricadeerden zichzelf achter een muur van de grootste PR Firma's van het land en gaven het volgende commentaar: "Dit verschrikkelijke toeval heeft de familie Bush geschokt. Onze condoleances gaan uit naar alle betrokkenen. En we hopen dat we de zaak zo snel mogelijk achter ons laten." (sic) Ik zou het maar hopen. Als ik de Vice President was en ik had zojuist een mislukte moordaanslag voorbereid op de President van de Verenigde Staten, zou ik ook hopen om "de zaak achter me te laten".

Het Bush Team besloot met het verhaal mee te gaan dat het alleen maar een donker "toeval" was. Dagen erna zag Washington de intensiefste witwasserij van welk nieuwsonderwerp dan ook dat ooit witgewassen is. Wat het grootste, meest onderzochte verhaal van de 80-er jaren zou moeten worden, was uitgewist uit de geschiedenis. Ze draaiden het schoon van de voorkant, achterkant of middelste pagina's van alle grote kranten. De enige keer dat het OOIT genoemd was om te verschijnen op de landelijke televisie was bij een korte opmerking van NBC's John Chancellor die helemaal gevloerd was door de ontdekking ervan en noemde het tijdens zijn nieuwsuitzending tegen de wensen in van de NBC leiding. De NBC greep snel in en sensureerde het. En de onthulling was NOOIT MEER BIJ EEN TELEVISIEPROGRAMMA GENOEMD. Geen kans hebbend om de geschiedenisboeken te halen, kwam het verhaal weer boven bij de opkomst van het Internet, maar daar gebeurt ook iets. Het wordt van het Internet gegooid terwijl je dit leest. In 1999 kon iemand bijna duizend onafhankelijk artikelen vinden over dit zeer onthullende verhaal, maar toen opeens verdwenen de pages en sites met dit verhaal stuk voor stuk. Vandaag zijn er alleen maar een paar sites die het verhaal in leven houden. Er waren duizenden verwijzingen ernaar, nu zijn er een armzalig handjevol.

Maar wacht, het wordt nog gekker. De dagen na de schietpartij kwam naar buiten dat sinds 1970 zowel George Bush sr. en John Hinckley sr. (de vader van de moordenaar) vrienden waren en collega olie-industriëlen in Texas en Colorado. Wat een toeval is dat toch weer! Aardig toevallig, vind je niet?

Hier is nog een toeval: in 1978 leefde Neil Bush in Lubbock in de staat Texas terwijl zijn broer de campagne voor George W. Bush leidde voor het congres. Raad eens wie er nog meer in Lubbock woonde dat jaar? John Hinckley jr. Loopt er al een rilling langs je rug? Als niet zo is, zou dat wel moeten. Normaal zouden zoveel toevalligheden alarmbellen moeten laten rinkelen in een normaal functionerende democratie en zouden er zo ongeveer duizend artikelen in de grote mediabladen moeten staan, of er moest op zijn minst één onbevreesde ziel in het congres zijn die op zou staan en een onderzoek van het congres eiste. Nou, er was er wel één. Er was slechts één congreslid die deze kracht bestreed – congreslid Larry MacDonald – Maar raad eens? Zijn vliegtuig stortte neer. Velen vermoedden dat de beruchte vlucht Korean Air 007 neergeschoten was door de Russen, toen het onverklaarbaar vloog in Russisch luchtgebied als een inside deal door zwaargewichten in de clandestiene onderwereld in ruil voor zekere onaangetaste Russische bemoeienis in plaatsen als Centraal-Azië en elders in de jaren erna. Dat is weer zo'n toeval. Maar terug naar het verhaal van de twee duo's van broers.

Een persontmoeting peilde de broers over hoe zij en Hinckley in relatie stonden met elkaar in die tijd in Lubbock. Zowel Neil en George (onze huidige President) antwoordden dat het "denkbaar was dat ze in in relatie met elkaar stonden, ook al konden ze zich dat niet herinneren". Weet je wat dat betekent? Het betekent dat de Bush broers toen heel goed wisten dat er bepaalde personen woonden in en buiten Lubbock woonden en mogelijk andere plaatsen die in staat waren om elke krachtige ontkenning door de Bushes te weerleggen, dat ze nooit Hinckley hadden ontmoet. Daarom moest hun verhaal zijn wat het was, "denkbaar".  Anders zouden de Bush jongens in wat we allemaal kennen als typsiche leugenspraak-stijl simpelweg krachtig elke bewering tegenspreken en heftig zo'n ontmoeting ontkennen. Je hoeft geen raket-wetenschapper te zijn om dit uit te vinden. Je hoeft geen foto te hebben van alledrie om te weten dat ze alledrie in Lubbock waren. ANDERS ZOUDEN ZE KRACHTIG HEBBEN ONTKEND. De Bushes' stomme zet van het "denkbare" commentaar vertelt het hele verhaal. Het onthult ook dat de Bush jongens toen ook slordig waren met hun geheime operaties, net als nu. Dat gezegd hebbende, eindig ik met nog een verhaal – heb medelijden voor de arme mensen die in Lubbock wonen, die deelgenoot waren of getuige van zulke ontmoetingen tussen de drie, omdat, de betrokken persoonlijkheden in acht nemend, zouden allange geleden "zelfmoord gepleegd" hebben of een "auto-ongeluk" gekregen hebben of "uit het raam gevallen" zijn. Of een andere soortgelijke "ongelukkige" voortijdige dood.

Ken je geschiedenis.

Ik wed dat zelfs als je een grootschalige zoektocht zou doen naar alle personen die een onvoortijdige dood in en rond Lubbock te wachten stond van de periode van 1981 tot 1990, je waarschijnlijk niet één spoortje van bestaan van hun meer zou vinden. En weet je waarom? Omdat dat de specialiteit van Bush is. Door het in de hand hebben van publieke dossiers wissen ze voorzichtig en systematisch elk spoor van een persoon of gebeurtenis in staats- en federale gegevensbanken.  Als je de Gouverneur van Texas bent, laat je simpelweg je privé-firma een routine-doorlichting plaatsvinden van de databases, de records waar het om gaat lokaliseren en ze verwijderen. Er is niemand op het niveau van de staat die zelf ook maar de macht heeft om je aan te vechten. Dat is waar Bush sr. veel tijd en energie in gestopt had, toen hij Vice President was en President. Eerst het uitwissen van zijn vader Prescott's vervelende kleine daden uit de gegevens, toen die van hemzelf. Het lijkt erop dat zoonlief zijn lessen goed geleerd heeft. Dat is wat ze op het moment doen – Verwijderen, herschrijven en uit de geschiedenis wissen. En ze doen het openlijk.  Probeer maar om je Vrijheid van Recht op Informatie uit. Vette kans.

De Bush groep heeft zich nooit geloofwaardig verantwoord voor dat huiveringwekkende onverklaarbare dinerafspraak. De gangbare pers heeft NOOIT meer dat verhaal betreden. Het blijft één van de meest huiveringwekkende voorbeelden van de macht van de nieuwe donkere hand om echte gebeurtenissen die echt hebben plaatsgevonden te vermorzelen, essentieel om willekeurig de geschiedenis te scheppen. Welkom bij de Nieuwe Wereld Orde van bedrog, moorden en machtsgrepen. …

Diegenen die naar de top van deze schaduwwereld kunnen zweven zoals George Bush sr. dat kan, lanceert naar believen terreuraanvallen op het Amerikaanse volk en kijkt naar de verdraaide ironie als hun populariteit rijst. Het is de oudste formule in het boek – hoe meer Amerikaanse burgers ze in het geheim vermoorden en verminken, hoe populairder ze worden. Hoe meer soldaten ze in gevaar brengen voor hun eigen persoonlijke wraakacties en profijt gevende motieven, hoe fabelachtiger ze rijk worden. Het is een klassieke formule onderhand. Het werkt ELKE keer. Je hoeft alleen maar de geschiedenis te onderzoeken van de welgestelde Bushes sinds de ommekeer van de laatste eeuw en je zal zien dat het hun formule is voor wapens en oliewinsten.

Schaduw-"Public Relations" zwaarwichten zoals de Bechtel Groep, Wackenhut en een zekere – nu impopulaire – Carlyle groep investeren alleen zwaar in mogelijke gebeurtenissen die leiden tot het gebruiken van kracht om volken aan zich te onderwerpen. Wackenhut is een regeringsleveranciers met diepe banden met zowel inlichtingendiensten als het leger. Deze private leveranciers is verantwoordelijk voor onder andere de loop van het Amerikaanse gevangeniswezen. Ze hebben ook hun eigen zeer dodelijke privé-leger – zo ook de Bechtel Groep. Er is een grafiek voor nodig die bedrijven indexeert volgens de statistieken zoals, zeg maar…hoeveel automatische wapens hun "Public Relations" groep bezit. (Dit onderwerp zou moeten voorkomen op een nationaal referendum, samen met een paar andere die ik later zal voorstellen.) Een snelle doorlichting van de Carlyle groep. De Carlyle Groep is eigenlijk een groep van politieke insiders die mislukte militaire leveranciers opkopen voor geschikte basis-prijzen. De reden waarom ze de mislukte afgeprijsde bedrijven opkopen is omdat het Ministerie van Defensie volgens de toegewezen regels vereist, dat bedrijven voor een tijdje bestaan voordat ze toegestaan wordt regeringscontracten te betreden, om duidelijke redenen. Vervolgens doen ze, met hun status van 'insider' en alle parate vereisten en vertoningen, 'insider' deals met hun maatjes in het systeem voor die of dat wapensysteem en kassa! Dat is de Carlyle Groep in een notedop. Wie is aan boord van de Carlyle Groep? George Bush sr., James Baker, John Major, de voorzitter is Frank Carlucci – voormalig Minister van Defensie en worstel-teammaatje op de Princeton Universiteit en vriend van de huidige Minister van Defensie, Donald Rumsfeld.

Terreur werkt. De geschiedenis laat zien dat Amerikanen snel hun dichtstbijzijnde tiran naar de kroon zullen steken. Zoland hij een deskundige leugenaar is en niet in een seksschandaal terecht komt.

Bush is er zich welbewust van dat moord, genocide, diefstal, financiële criminaliteit allemaal aardig zijn, zolang als hij er niet op betrapt wordt ---- in de mond van één of andere stagiaire is er niets waarmee hij niet weg kan lopen. … Alleen de rijksten hebben geld – de rest van de Amerikanen zijn platzak. Toch wordt ons verteld dat onderzoeken zeggen dat meer dan de helft van de Amerikanen voor Bush zijn? Ons worden plaatjes getoond door de grote media van mensen zich opgetogen vastklampen aan Bush. … Maar in ons dagelijks leven schijnt iedereen om ons heen deze Bush President te haten. …

Het wordt de "fake out" [woordspeling wat zoiets betekent als "uitvlakking door bedrog", -wv] genoemd. Het nieuws is bedrog. Zo simpel ligt dat nu eenmaal. Ook wat de grote publieke opinie-onderzoeken betreft. Niets wordt aan het toeval overgelaten. Sinds de 50-er jaren, met de start van Operatie Mockingbird, was het plan van de CIA om alle grote media zwaar te infiltreren. En ze deden dat gewoon! De grote oude man zelf, Walter Cronkite, onthulde de top van de ijsberg door toe te geven dat hij "soms" verhalen, aan hem persoonlijk gegeven door de CIA, als nieuws doorgaf. Dan Rather wordt ook wijdverbreid verdacht als een aanwinst van de CIA. Dat de donkere macht de operationele controle heeft bewerkstelligt over de massamedia is zeer zeker. Het wijdsverspreide geloof dat Joden de media beheersen is slechts deels waar, ze kunnen de pers en de uitvoering beheersen, maar de donkere hand kan hun hand op elk moment overnemen, dus wie is de meester van de media? De diepte en het niveau van bedrog overwegend, dat bijna elk facet van het Amerikaanse leven overschaduwt, is er helemaal niets onmogelijk om te suggereren dat zelfs de Nielson tellingen zelf in alle waarschijnlijkheid ook zijn gefabriceerd. Herinner één ding, moordende presidenten en lijnvliegtuigen die torenflats binnenrammen kan soms wat gevaarlijk zijn, maar het infiltreren of kopen van onderzoeksorganisaties is een fluitje van een cent. Niets wordt aan het toeval overgelaten.

Opiniepeilingen verschijnen nu om te laten zien dat enige indicatie van afkeuring jegens Bush grotendeels worden onderverdeeld in partijlijnen. Wat dit is, is een "maskeer"-techniek. Welbekend gebruikt in psy-ops om de vraag in slechts twee termen te verhullen elk minder beschadigend dan de echte term die gemaskeerd is door zijn afwezigheid. Dus als ik zeg maar de CIA zou zijn en ik was betrokken in de 9/11 aanslagen en de onthullingen-stront is aan de knikker en bewijzen starten met het oppervlakkig linken van de CIA aan de misdaad, zou ik onmiddellijk een grootschalig campagne opzetten om al mijn handlangers in de grote opinieonderzoeks-organisaties de volgende frauduleuze poll te starten:

Vraag 1) Denkt u dat de CIA gefaald heeft bij het negeren van belangrijke aanwijzingen van de ophanden zijnde aanslagen en mogelijk meer had kunnen doen om de verschrikkingen van 11 september te kunnen doen?
Maak één keuze: Een beetje / Misschien / Mogelijkerwijs / Waarschijnlijk niet

Vraag 2) Denkt u dat de CIA alles gedaan heeft wat ze kon, gegeven de aanwijzingen die ze hadden ontvangen?
Maak één keuze: Huh? / Weetniet / Wat? / Ik geloof het wel

Zo wordt het gedaan, mensen! Door het camoufleren van het scenario als slechts één van twee mogelijke goedaardige verdraaiingen van gebeurtenissen, beheers je de uitslag en zo beheers je de werkelijkheid. Ze zullen nooit de echte vraag stellen: "Denkt u dat deze CIA … achter de grootste massamoord van de Amerikaanse geschiedenis zitten?" Want ze zullen alleen maar ingeschreven antwoorden krijgen die ze niet hadden verwacht. 'Ja, zeker weten! … Verdomd als het niet waar is! Dat heb je goed, jochie!'

Polls worden in elkaar gezet om het vooringenomen publiek te bespelen, dat dit land is verdeeld in partijlijnen. In elkaar gezet om ons te laten denken dat het halve Amerikaanse volk achter Bush staat. Dat is alleen maar … lachwekkend – het is nep.

Hier is wat gebeurt, als je de MEESTE Amerikanen confronteert met het artikel wat je nu leest. Vaak gooien mensen in het begin hun armen in de lucht en schudden ze hun hoofd. (Ze denken dat je van Mars komt.) Ze hebben nog nooit zoiets gehoord. Zo gaan ze door. Als ze bij het deel komen van de dinerafspraak, stopt iedereen en concentreert zich. Je ziet een twinkeling, een twinkeling in hun ogen. Ze zeggen: "Is dat waar?" Je zegt: "100% waar."

Ze gaan door, geconcentreerd, stil. Ze weten het. Ze voelen het. Het is een beetje beangstigend en dat is waarom ze het liever zouden negeren – maar ze voelen het. Dan beginnen ze hun verstand open te stellen.

En zo heb ik mensen zich zien openen als bloemen bij het alleen maar lezen van dit blad. Het is een alarm. Het is een sirene. En mensen horen het. Ze weten instinctief de waarheid. Onder dit dunne kleed van patriottisme zijn mensen zeer achterdochtig; mensen hebben veel opgebouwd wantrouwen en frustratie en ze staan op springen. Ze weten dat ze worden voorgelogen. Ze weten dat ze veel beter af waren voor de herhaling van dezelfde oude olie-oorlogen, dezelfde oude energie-crises, dezelfde oude dubbelspraak. Hetzelfde oude regeren door leugens en bedrog.

Amerikanen, al wijdverspreid beschouwd door sociale critici als het meest belogen volk op aarde, zijn lijdend voorwerp van een aanval van leugens, moorden, mysterieuze twijfelachtige zelfmoorden, vliegtuigcrashes, etc.; de geneugten van degenen die bezig zijn de Nazi's op fijne jongens te laten lijken. (Een tweede referendum moet – opnieuw – officieel door de regering goedgekeurde leugens, disinformatie, het willens en wetens loslaten van misleidende informatie en het openbreken van politieke processen verbieden.)

Nee, wij staan niet achter Bush. Maar een heel klein aantal wel. …

Kijk maar naar de publieke opinie-peilingen de dag vòòr de september-aanvallen – ze zeiden allemaal dat Bush in grote politieke problemen was. Zijn populariteit was al een tijdje laag – en dit kwam van opinieonderzoeks-bureaus die grotendeels waren beïnvloed en geassocieerd met de Bush organisatie. Maar toen die vliegtuigen de torens doorboorden, wist het Bush team dat zij de winnaar hadden. Ze konden de publieke opinie in WAT DAN OOK vormen wat ze maar wilden, dachten ze. En zo keerden een paar van de grootste schoften van het aardoppervlak zoals Guillianni en Bush, allebei op hun politieke … reet, terug in slechts één ochtend en verhieven zich tot de status van godheid. Bijna Goddelijk. Maar dat was slechts onmiddellijk na de WTC aanvallen.

Nu, maanden na de aanval, staat het Amerikaanse volk voor een record-aantal werklozen, een bijna lege schatkist, een geleegd fonds voor sociale zekerheid en de mensen zijn blut en ze zijn woedend. Maar weet je wat? Het maakt niet uit.

Een paar CIA polls laten en hé, zie dat eens! Het laat zien dat bijna 95% van de Amerikanen hun rotsvast vertrouwen in de omgang van Bush met onze vijanden hebben. Helaas zullen veel mensen zich er niet van bewust zijn waarom ze opeens "geloven" dat ze Bush steunen. In de Brave New World Order, vaak door simpelweg het te schreeuwen in een massamedium dat groot genoeg is, krijgt dit voormekaar. Dat is de macht van propaganda. Dat is de macht van de gezamenlijke media. Dat is de macht van de grote leugen.

En het is een simpele taak, sinds de Bush groep al de complexiteit van de grote Amerikaanse opiniemachines (CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX) in zijn spel heeft opgenomen, de baan van scheppende publieke opinie wordt een eenvoudige materie. Zoals klei, kunnen ze het vormen in elke vorm ze wensen. …

Een noot aan Amerikanen in militaire dienst: Vox staat aan jullie kant. We willen jullie helpen. We geloven dat er nieuwe militaire uitzonderingen moeten zijn voor de dienstplicht. Dienstplichtigen moeten een speciale clausule hebben op hun voorwaarden dat stelt:

"Als de oorlog een egoïstische oorlog is, gebaseerd op één of andere achterlijke Junior President's, "Pappa's Grote … Complex", dat de dienstplichtige het recht heeft om af te zien van de dienst. Zodoende zichzelf reddend van een nodeloze snoeverige voortijdige dood." Voxnyc steunt onze militairen en we willen helpen om hun levens te redden! Elk en iedereen van hen.

Sinds de uitvinding van deze techniek van "massa populatie controle door zelf-terrorisme", door de Romeinen en de perfectionering door Hitler's Nazi's, is de techniek van het aanvallen van het eigen volk een trede hoger geklommen, om de "verdediging" te zijn, bewijzend dat het de beste beheersmethode is van het leger en de industriëlen van deze om problemen vragende doorsnee volkeren. Het Amerikaanse leger gebruikte deze techniek in de omslag van de 19e eeuw om Cuba af te draaien van Spanje. We zonken ons eigen oorlogsschip de "Maine" en legden de schuld bij de Spanjaarden. De oorlogsschreeuw die de regering ontwikkelde en trompeteerde via de Amerikaanse Pers met de hulp van de Media Mogul ten tijde van William Randolf Hearst was "Herinner de Maine!" Niet erg gedistingeerd uitgedrukt maar genoeg om het Amerikaanse volk te bewegen het inpikken van het land van Spanje te steunen. Later deden we hetzelfde in Vietnam in wat we kennen als het "Golf van Tonklin Incident". Het leger zet zijn eigen schip in om gebombardeerd te worden door de Vietnamezen, zodat we kunnen binnenvallen.

In de meest recente onthulling van deze landverraderlijke techniek, werden documenten opgedoken die aantoonden dat in 1961 de gezamenlijke leiding van de regering gedetailleerde plannen ontwierp om Amerikanen te doden en Cuba ervan te beschuldigen als een excuus voor invasie. Hier volgen sommige hoogtepunten van het actieplan van de gezamenlijke leiding (Joint Chiefs of Staf):

"We zouden een VS-schip kunnen opblazen in de Guantanamo-baai en Cuba beschuldigen."
"We zouden een Communistische Cubaanse Terreur campagne kunnen ontwikkelen in Miami, Florida of Washington."
"We zouden de pogingen op Cubaanse levens kunnen koesteren in de Verenigde Staten, hen verwonden in posities om wijdverbreid te publiceren."
Een paar plastic bommen te laten exploderen op zorgvuldig uitgekiende plaatsen…
"Gebruik van MIG-type vliegtuigen door Amerikaanse piloten zou de Amerikaanse burger-luchtvaart kunnen bedreigen, het Amerikaanse vaartoppervlak kunnen aanvallen en een Amerikaans militair zoemend vliegtuig. Een goed geschilderde F-86 zou luchtpassagiers ervan kunnen overtuigen dat ze een Cubaanse MIG zagen."

Tegen de tijd dat de plannen van deze militaire wacko's het toenmalige bureau van president Kennedy, had Kennedy het plan meteen gestopt. … De Bush Groep leidt de donkerste criminele triade van olie, wapens en politieke insiders in de geschiedenis van de wereld. Het patroon van oorlogen, moordaanslagen en geheime deals waar generatie na generatie van Bushes is verbazingwekkend. Hadden de Bushes niet altijd zichzelf op dezelfde lijn gebracht met de kern van inlichtingendiensten door de eeuw heen, dan zou zonder twijfel hun criminele exploitaties nauwelijs wat op hebben gebracht of zouden ze die niet hebben gedaan in de eerste plaats. Maar zo was dat niet bij de grote patriarch (Bush sr.) toen hij eens het hoofd van de CIA was en toen president. Er is niemand over om hem te onderzoeken. En toen hij president was slaagde hij erin bijna alle gegevens over zijn families en zijn eigen misdaden te verwijderen en uit te wissen of in andere woorden ELK gegeven van de Bushes' daden van de officiële gegevensbronnen. Er is meer, ontbrekende, informatie over het presidentschap van Bush dan over elke andere president ooit.

Deze zwaar geheime groep van intelligentie operators heeft één modus operandi, ze zijn makelaars – handelend in het bloed van jonge Amerikaanse soldaten voor meer dan honderd keer het bloed van de verpauperde mensen die onfortuinlijkerwijs land bewonen van welke de hulpbronnen de Amerikaanse industriëlen dorst naar hebben.

De Bushes hebben NOOIT een oorlog gestart met enig volk anders dan de zeer armsten van de armen op Aarde – de verpauperden, shirtloze en blootsvoetse volkeren van Vietnam, Cambodja, Cuba, Guatamala, Nicaragua, El Salvador en ga maar door. En nu zijn we in oorlog met Afghanistan – het land met de laagste spendering per hoofd van de bevolking aan het leger in de wereld, net na Cambodja. Dat is lef hebben! (De enige historische uitzondering op deze regel van het alleen uitbuiten van verpauperde volkeren is toen Prescott Bush, George sr.'s vader, opgetogen de Hitler oorlog machinerie financierde toen het door Europa ramde.)

Bushes jr.'s grootvader en overgrootvader waren allebei dienaren van de dood. De overgrootvader was betrokken bij de Remington Arms Manufacturing Company toen ze  tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog ¾ van alle lichte wapens verkochten die in deze oorlog werden gebruikt – aan beide kanten! Dit is wat ze doen – dit is ALLES wat ze doen. (Vox daagt iedere afgevaardigde of verdediger van Bush uit om het tegendeel te bewijzen.)

Als Directeur van de Union Bank, financierde Prescott Bush graag de Nazi's. Er was een ingreep van het Congres voor nodig om hem te stoppen met het helpen van Hitler. Maar het was te laat. Het familie fortuin was al gemaakt. Als handelaren is hun fee: alles wat je grijpen kan in ruil voor wapens en energie-toekomsten – de verwennerij en plunderingen van de laatste benzine-oorlogen.

Het meest vooraanstaande doel van de terroristische aanvallen van de Bush groep op Amerikaanse burgers is om totale macht te bewerkstelligen – leger, politie, intelligentie en na de eerste drie, de politiek – in handen van George Bush jr. Maar in het kort komt het hierop neer, dat de Bushes tevreden zullen zijn met hun typische "terugval" mogelijkheden – de tijd die vier jaar eervol toebedeeld was aan de totale uitverkoop van de schatkist, door inside wapen deals.

De echte krachten achter het terrorisme is gestationeerd in Amerika en is op de hoogste niveau's van de machtige elite. Zij zijn de echte "Puppetmasters". … Je bent getuige van de titanic's laatste pogingen van een stervende industriële paradigma. Olie, zware industrie, alle snel verwordende dinosaurussen op een planeet dat straks simpelweg geen olie meer heeft, zijn allemaal aan het stuiptrekken in een laatste wanhopige greep naar macht, met de enige manier die ze nog hebben – met lijntoestellen rammend in torens. Diplomatie en politiek krijgen "de klus" niet meer geklaard. Deze krachten gebruiken directe actie. Terrorisme.… De verhalen door onze regering uitgebracht zijn NEP en 95% van al het corporatie-"nieuws" zijn volledig gefabriceerd. Er zijn teveel verdachte onverklaarbare en niet mis te verstane vragen zoals de veel besproken mysterie aandelenverkopen in de dagen onmiddellijk volgend na de aanslag.

Toen de twijfelachtige aandelenverkoop werd getraced en gelinkt (door een Duits onderzoeksteam – niet onze FBI of CIA) met het aandelenhuis (Brown and Co.) van de nummer twee man bij de CIA, Buzz Krongard, nam het verhaal een zeer merkwaardige duik in het niets sinds de 80-er jaren, toen het verhaal uit elkaar viel dat Scott Hinkley (de broer van de mislukte moordenaar, John Hinkley) werd vewacht op een diner op de avond van de poging op het leven van toenmalige president Reagan met de zoon van de vice-president, Neil Bush. …

Dit verhaal van deze Hinkley-Bush link was teniet gedaan in de dagen die volgden na de moordpoging, net als bijna alle vingerwijzingen naar de veelbesproken connectie van de vliegtuig-aandelen  (9-11) die uitgewist waren van elke connectie of verdere discussie toen alle sporen leidden naar de nummer twee bij de CIA – Krongard. Je hoeft me niet op mijn woord te geloven. Als je om je leven geeft en dat van je kinderen, haal je Google search engine tevoorschijn en zoek het zelf eens op. Je leven hangt ervan af. Type in "Krongard CIA airline" – dat zou je wat kleine prullerige overblijfselen moeten geven van dat verhaal, maar het is een grote.

Wat het grootste verhaal van de 80-er jaren zou moeten zijn (de Bush / Hinkley dinerafspraak) was uitgewist van de geschiedes en nu deze connectie tussen de 9-11 aandelen-transacties en een directe link naar de CIA is ook systematisch weggepoetst om nooit meer te worden genoemd door de mediafabriek. … In de dagen direct na de aanvallen, toen het verhaal "snel verkoop van aandelen in luchtverkeer" het eerst uitkwam, werd ermee opgeschept alsof het de sleutel was om de echte mensen achter de aanval te onthullen en voordat de bewijzen binnenkwamen die wezen naar de CIA-baas, wezen alle vingers naar Bin Laden als de schuldige. Maar toen de FEITEN binnenkwamen van het buitenland, die de transactie DIRECT NAAR DE NUMMER TWEE MAN BIJ DE CIA linkten, WERD VAN HET VERHAAL NOOIT MEER IETS VERNOMEN, OOIT!

Onze regering verwacht ons te laten geloven dat in deze tijd van Echelon waar nagenoeg elke transactie, e-mail en telefoongesprek toegankelijk is voor de NSA, dat ze "verbluft" zijn wie nou de snelle verkopen deed van die luchtverkeersaandelen de dag voor de 9-11 aanvallen. De aandeeltransacties werden gedaan in een aandelenhuis (Brown) die juist het aandelenhuis bleek te zijn, waar de tweede man van de CIA (Buzz Krongard) de CEO van was. Hmmmmm. …

Mensen zijn niet ZO stom. Elke dag worden meer en meer mensen ziek van dit alles en ondergaan snelle veranderingen in hun voormalige starre geloofstelsels. Ze vertrouwen de overheid niet. Ze weten dat de overheid liegt, ze voelen heel sterk dat de overheid degene is achter de 11 september aanslagen. Ze worden gepropagandiseerd op een niveau dat nooit tevoren is gezien. En hun kwaadheid stapelt zich op. En er zijn hier en daar aanwijzingen, dat het nauwkeurig geconstrueerde plot van de geheime overheid scheurtjes begint te vertonen. Er zijn teveel verhalen waarmee ze moeten omgaan en ALLE lijken ze in staat om op een gegeven moment de zaak te ontrafelen. … Het vinden van de handlangers die werken voor de puppetmasters is de sleutel dat de Bush groep zal ontrafelen.

Eén van deze Bush privé-handelaren die opdook tijdens het 2000-verkiezingsschandaal, toen het verhaal uitkwam dat een "gepensioneerde" CIA agent, Charles W. Cane, was betrapt met zijn hand in de koektrommel – eigenlijk de stembus. Hij was betrapt bij het "verbeteren" van de biljetten in Florida's Martin County tijdens de verknoeide verkiezingen van 2000. En voor wie denk je dat hij ze aan het verbeteren was? Dat klopt, George Bush. Cane is één van de weinigen van de duizend ontslagen in 1977 en die ging werken voor Bush, die ineens boven kwam drijven. Het merendeel kun je nooit verwachten te herkennen.

Eén plaats om te beginnen is de duizend CIA agenten te identificeren die ontslagen waren door Admiraal Stansfield Turner in 1977 onder het bevel van President Carter. Deze ontevreden agenten, wiens specialiteit moorden en verkiezingsknoeierij was, zwoeren wraak en zeiden tegen de toenmalige CIA directeur, George Bush sr. zoiets als "Wat nu baas?" Nu, als "Vrije Agenten", was en is er strikt genomen nul beperking of overzicht of verantwoordelijk of zelfs wetenschap van waar ze zijn of wat ze doen – ze konden doen wat ze maar wilden. …Op het eind was het resultaat van deze particulier gehouden intelligentie-organisatie één van de meest verdachtmakende gebeurtenissen in de laatste drie decennia, beginnend met de Oktober Verrassing, dat leidde tot de diefstal van de verkiezing in de 1980, de gepoogde moord op Ronald Reagan, de eerste oorlog met Irak voor olie en veel meer van Bushes greatest hits.

En hun verscheidenheid aan tactieken waren genoeg om bijna 90% van alle agenten in beslag namen, die werkten voor de diensten, om hun bezig te houden. Bijvoorbeeld, denk terug aan de beschadigende onthullingen dat "BUSH TEVOREN WIST" van de terroristische aanvallen.

Weet je nog wat er gebeurde de volgende dag? De volgende dag kondigde de CIA plotseling aan, dat ze zojuist "gekakel" hadden opgevangen, zoals ze het in "LeugenSpraak" noemen, satelliet telefoon activiteit dat aangaf dat een andere terroristische aanval waarschijnlijk direct stond te gebeuren. Het Bush Team, die zich had teruggetrokken in de hoek over de onthullingenen die zouden exploderen, lieten zelf een bom los – een gefabriceerde "Angs Bom". En dat was het – Bushes politieke wirwar verdween meteen. Dat is de macht van angst en onwetendheid als een systematische methode van controle. De media en het Amerikaanse volk noemde nooit meer de onthullingen over voorkennis…

Osama Bin Laden was gefabriceerd door de CIA. …Voor het doel van een klaargezet excuus voor een doorbraak in Centraal-Azië – wat de voornaamste focus van alle machtsgrepen is van de opperste echelons van de machtige elite in de Verenigde Staten. Net als Oswald de stroman was gemaakt in de Kennedy-moord, werd Osama ingezet om alle verdenkingen van dit terrorisme af te vangen en het excuus te zijn dat Bush gebruikt voor waarom we CENTRAAL-AZIË moesten binnenvallen en de bewaarders moesten zijn van al die olie daar. …

Dit is de helderste analyse dat mogelijk is met het patroon van de gebeurtenissen in acht nemend, historische tegenstellingen, persoonlijkheden en psychologische profielen van de betrokken individuen. De gebeurtenissen vinden plaats met de regelmaat en precisie en karakteristieke indicaties van een militaire/intelligentie – Psy-op. Zoals de niet-originele politici graag zeggen: "Vergist u zich niet."


Viewer Commentary: 5 comments

so where ya been all these months?
looking forward to some new reading.
Thought maybe you were rubbed out..

Posted by some doode @ 10/17/2003 12:17 AM EST

Could you please elaborate further?

Posted by truthblaster @ 10/24/2003 09:37 PM EST

BILDERBERGs&WALLENBERGSs&all-together-bastardbags&lapdogs; "Gentile Mafia uses Brothel Kingdom SvekJa"...(Int. English language version)

-Secretive Bilderberg Meeting Underway In Sweden, uppger Peter Starck å sin

- Tv Independet Laponia referred on 25 Mai 2001
- Let's watch clip-copy!.. - EU enlargement and the bloc's military
role, NATO's future and developments in Russia and China will top the agenda
when senior Western business leaders, politicians and a sprinkle of royalty
meet in Sweden this week.
The Bilderberg group, a semi-secret discussion forum for the Western world's
power elite, will hold its annual meeting in the town of Stenungsund on the
Swedish west coast on May 24-28, Swedish newspapers reported on Wednesday.
A 900-metre long metal fence has been erected around Hotel Stenungsbaden,
the meeting venue, to keep intruders away, regional daily Goteborgs-Posten
said, publishing a picture of the fenced-in hotel.
Anti-globalisation demonstrators are expected to protest outside and local
police see the event as a useful training exercise ahead of the mid-June
European Union summit in the city of Gothenburg 50 km (30 miles) to the
The Bilderberg group, named after the hotel where it first met in 1954, was
formed early in the Cold War era in reaction to a growing Communist threat.
Today, many critics see it as a conspiracy and an agent of a new capitalist
world order.
Bilderberg member Jacob Wallenberg, chairman of the board of commercial bank
SEB and head of Sweden's influential Wallenberg family whose empire has a
finger in most big Swedish industries, played down the group's importance.
"This is one of many meetings all over the world where decision-makers get
together," he told the daily Dagens Nyheter, which earlier published the
main agenda topics.
Invited as speakers, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair were groomed at Bilderberg
meetings before rising to fame as U.S. President and British Prime Minister
EU Commission President Romano Prodi, NATO Secretary-General George
Robertson and European Central Bank Governor Wim Duisenberg all have a past
as Bilderbergers.
"Even though no formal decisions are made...this group, together with many
others, has contributed to shaping the kind of capitalism we have today and
cemented the world's leading business elites together," Goran Greider,
editor-in-chief of Dala-Demokraten, a regional Swedish daily, said in a live
studio debate on Sweden's TV4 television.
Bilderberg participants abide by the so-called Chatham House rule, which
forbids everyone present from disclosing what anybody else has said.
"The secrecy is regarded as very provocative. Men in power talk towards
consensus behind closed doors on timely issues on the political agenda," Ulf
Bjereld, a political science professor at Gothenburg University, said.
Bilderberg members include former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger,
U.S. Senators Christopher Dodd, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, World Bank chief
James Wolfensohn, France's central bank governor Jean-Claude Trichet and
former IMF heads Michel Camdessus and Stanley Fischer.
Also listed are the chairmen of car makers Fiat, Giovanni Agnelli, and
DaimlerChrysler, Juergen Schrempp, former British finance minister Kenneth
Clarke, Dutch Queen Beatrix and Xerox Corp CEO Paul Allaire.

- Why settled WALLENBERGs in SvekJa Kingdom instead of Jew York, Sydney or
Tel Aviv...
- Because SvekJa Kingdom is most succeed oligarchie, succeed to admire the
masses like the lambs... The people is still under an a specially
anaestetic-process; means, no any danger against the financial structures...
- Are there no any revolutionatry groups, labour movements, organizations
for Laponian independent etc?..
- Many... even overclass boss of Nazi-regime took "payment" directly
from Wallenbergs, Bonniers, Ahlmark, Ehrencrona, Ehrenpreis and other chiefs
of Synagogues... This business labelled payment is collaboration between
bourgeoisie cathegories, nothing else... There are so called democratical
institutions, too.. Much more than other many countries... But they are
very successful to hart each other, not the establishment... When any of
them threats the Jewish fascist lobbies just can miss its sponsors,
financial sources...
- Incredible!... Wonderful!?..
- Yes!.. Wallenbergs find this situation right wonderful!..
- ?!

- When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: "Whose?"
- You mean?! - ...like Don Marquis

- Is it interesting? There is always a relation between false genies and
theit sponsors... Many sponsors supported by Bilderberg and Wallenberg
- I don't heard any relation on such subjects... Do you explain?
- With pleasure... Many traitors have been prized by the Imperialist lobbies
because of the neo-Zionist projects in the E.U. Specially the collaborators
who joined the missions on the China-Tibet subject, they have been

Crisis; EU confrontation Zionist Lobbies' Provocation/corruption
coverage/updated pages; full coverage...

Financial Criminal Lobbies & dirty affairs & collaborators...

- Ahhoj! I remember... Kurdinfo and Antifa comment on the financial
collaborative lobbies/neo-CONCEPT

- I have additional tales... Lobbies are giving U.S.-dollars as "prize"
(!!!) to the chosen collaborators...

- I would like to add related subjects like Aristocracy of E.U. has been
deeply scared by the Zionist Conspiracies...
- Welcome, Sir!.. You can began first!...
- My marvel includes Mister Memed UZUN, who avoid eyewitness on the Neo-Zion
- Listening!
- League Case Scandal of Nedim Dagdeviren and supported to piss off the
evidences, succéed to win $ 2 000-5 000 U.S.A. Dollars from the Zionist
lobbies / November 24, 2001

Why the Lobbies using many famous names like the "toys", for instance; the
name of Dagerman? Who is Dagerman; a Jew? - No!... A collaborator? No! Stig
Dagerman, Scandinavian ( from an Immigrant or oppressed Laponian family)
dies 31, reason: suicide, like many others who isolated in the Scandinavian
insanity atmosphere. There are many lobby groups in Europe, were been built
by the provocative Foundations; for example, Framtidens Kultur Uppsala and
The Dagerman Foundation... It is very interesting that mostly SwedoJews who
have no any common point with Dagerman or his work; they choose Dagerman
because of using his name as a mask in the Nordic communities. Those
foundations giving money to the "cheap characters" who collaborate with the
Zionist Faschists... At least many Neo-Zion members won U.S.-dollars (not
any European -!- money) from the lobbies, for instance Dagerman lobby
prized Neo-Nedim Dagdeviren's Library supporters like Mr. Mehmet UZUN etc.
In meantime an other similar Foundation (Axel Liffner Prize of Jewish
propaganda news Aftonbladet) gave ~3 000 US-dollars to an other writer;
Anita GOLDMAN... Famous provocator writer "Judinna" Goldman's "new" man is
soldier in the occupied Middle East who drives a True Holocaust against
Palestinians and other oppressed peoples of the Middle East.

- It is very interesting, both two Jew Leauges won prizes in same time:
First Mr. Memed Uzun took money and then a Jew writer, Anita Goldman prised
by Axel Liffner fifflar-committee; ~3 000 U.S-dollar. She declared that
her man Moshe was a "legioner" in the occupied Middle East and joined the
True Holocaust; Palestinian Genocide. When the Aftonbladet news wrote that
this Jew secretary oppose the "terrorizm in Mideast" but she means
Palestinians' self-defence not her husband's formerly duty(!!!), so
Svenska Freds lobby shared the second one second prize. to this close
collaborator- "Judinna" Also the lobbies doubled prizes for many types such
the under-staff" , comments UNITY:



- Mostly after the year 1995 all the Neo-Zionist members won U.S.-dollars
Euro money) from the lobbies... It is so called "upgarded in the year 2001"
specially after Sept.11Attacks and Dagerman lobby prized Neo-Nedim
false library's supporter Mr. Mehmet UZUN etc.

- Dagerman Foundation is a backstage of the dirty play... Other Foundations
are the other face for example Axel Liffner - Prize of Aftonbladet news...
Chief of Committe gave ~3 000 US-dollars to an other writer; Anita
GOLDMAN... Public (all the members of their own lobbies) didn't remember
that Jude provocator writer Goldman's man Moshe was "professional legolized
soldier" in the occupied Middle East against the people. Moshe is in the
occupied Palestine now and neighbour to the War Criminal Fascist Benjamin
Netanjahu. Benjamin is Anita Goldman's ex-lover who gave a suit as a "a
little peresent" to this famous "journalist Judinna".. Tobias Goldman is an
other relative "good boy" of MoSSad, practiced by Anita Goldman and he is
on duty now in Scandinavia in the same city.

All these similarly charlatans have been prized nowadays in the E.U. areas
because of confrontation with any aristocrats of Bruxelles and secondary
common point; all these persons have double pass: a special pass from
Sweden and second pass from The Zionaist Occupational Gang/Middle East and
these all have similar jobs; Nedim Dagdeviren's profession:
writer/publisher; Mehmet Uzun: writer/publisher; Anita Goldman;
writer/publisher/journalist; Omar Zulfu Livaneli:
writer/publisher/journalist; China Traitorous, whole Falun Gong Gang
members are: writers/journalists etc. (why not "balerin"-!!!) and have
absolutely double passport; Tobias Goldman; writer/propagand journalist by
Sve-isro Information Office (Mo$$ad's bureau in Stockholm , which
changed-legalized its name by this maneuver).
- A lot of Balkan and Irak Traitors' are too writers /journalists /artists
without any education nor skill and they almost have double pass...
- Are they really writers when they paying tax? -No! Not at all and the
daily newspaper Ha'aretz comments what/how/why all those provocators are on

- Money transferring evidence sites (open corruption of The Zionist
Occupational Gang on Internet):


- I wonder why the international institutions in
silence? - Why not!.. Biggest building is this U.N. biggest secretaries
in this brothel working for imperialist system; for instance UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who is married to a relative of the Swedish
banking family of Wallenberg, suggested at the time that some of the money
be deposited in Swedish and Dutch banks. This shurk Negro is a thief and
accepted all the amassacres against Somalia, Afghanistan, Balkan, Lebanon,
Palestine, Iraq and much more.. The biggest gifts sent by Wallenbergs,
Bilderbergs always to such secrataries...
- For further information, please visit these sources, links, related sites
and discussion forums, there many authorities discuss on above subjects
so-caled the "Open Revenge" between E.U.'s democratical institutions and
the corruptial assassini Zionist
lobbies: http://burn.ucsd.edu/archives/kurd-l/1999.03/msg00005.html



http://home.online.no/~steinhol/internasj/tyrk_kurd/tyrkia.html http://home8.inet.tele.dk/oktober/















Campaign against Arm Trade: http://www.caat.org.uk/




Solidarity Exile Committees/Revolutionary Immigrants in the E.U.:

http://www.intifada.com/index2.html http://www.IntifadaOnline.com/





Minority Rights Group of E.U.: http://www.minorityrights.org/

http://www.nadir.org/nadir/ http://www.ozgurpolitika.org/


http://www.tari.org/ http://www.united.non-profit.nl/

http://www.WSWS.org/ - There are a wonderful source
about U N., means United Nonsense..Courageous reporters, for instance read
the Independent news. Reporter Robert FISK, is a true jpurnalist; he
anlaysis the Zionist gang.. How this gang aims to create occasion for
conflicts in E.U., as revenge ; becuse of many bureucrats of E.U. support
an Independent Palestine. These authorities and independent NGOs should
oppose The Palestinian Genocide... They are playing "humanistical roles",
stinks like corrupted issues... Many organizations talking about human
rights, meanwhile, unfortunately, many Scandinavians are the traitorous
agents of the Neo-Zionist projects; read please, "La Belgique confrontée
au principe juridique de "compétence universelle" by journalist Robert FISK:

- What does it mean?
- Confrontation between EU and Neo-Zionism - I don't think so.. Well,
there is a confrontation between the capitalists and all other categories in
the communty, this is a class war... Otherway, there is no big differencies
between American weared fascists or European... Our generations were been
betrayed and educated by same historians... Officially history books looks
like both in Tel Aviv, Bisbane, Jew York or Stockholm... We should show
courage and ask why our history books prepared by the american cold war
experts? America always controls our officially education systems and
"Israel controls the United States Senate." says American Senator William
- Yes!. Human Butcher Ariel Sharon says, "We control America"... on October
3, 2001. And contunies; "Every time we do something you tell me America
will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear:
Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people,
control America, and the Americans know it."
- You can choose your newspaper in the street but your child have no such
freedom to choose histry books at school. The propagand power says for
instance "Falsificator Wallenbergs were the heroes", your child must answer
similarly under exams... When this child succeed with such methodes, means
you wn an enemy in your own family... Thus Zionist controlled americanized
manipulative sytem cretaes enemies between generations... Confrontation
between you and your child...

- What is The Truth about Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg? - He is
a heroe of masterliar Jews, overclass, fascists and collaborated sewage rats
around all these sh*t pieces...
- What a wonderful describing!.. Do you tell me about his function to build
a fake history? - He uses now like a brick on the wall of the zionist
"firewall against humanbeing"... - I am coming from Hungaria and I have
info about his finish; Hungarian Jewish thieves who named Vilmos murdered
him for a handful dirty money...

- Sweden is a manupulation center and a history falsification
base of Usrael controlled lobbies.. - I know!.. Just today I
watched on tv that the Jewish lobbies succed a new monument in the capital
city like a occupied Palestine... - I wonder why many immigrants sets
to work without language courses meanwhile many discriminated because of
their language is not "wonderful, brilliant"?.. - I met many people
too... For example after Warszawa pakt's collapse fleed manybiologs to
the occupied Middle East, Australia, SvekJa and specially the laboratory
sets on the jobs without any oppression... - Did you found any
explain about this subject?.. - Not directly... I met a family in SvekJa,
who calls for BOLDTs, escaped from Baltics by the way of so-called "official
Al Capone Raoul Wallenberg" Co's false Finnish pass and corrupted
authorities in Kingdom by the way of Jewish lobbies... A cunning mature,
drives Invandrar Publications... She explained thatall these scientists had
already one or two international languages what beenrespected... - She
lies!.. I know a writer, know six or seven language but SvekJa system set
him too the
cleaner-catch boy courses... - Yes; I understand... Jolin replied
this case too; "maybe the writer criticisedthe oligarchical targets..."
- And she publish these subjects on the Invandrar Tidningen?
Bravo!... - You will be chocked; she help to the lobbies to registrate
opposite... - Was she biology-worker in Baltics... - No!... But
system need such fa,milies to follow the people and therefore shedidn't go
to the claenar courses and nor any language course although hervocabulary is
worst when I cpompare with other immigrants... Nowadays fixed thisfamily a
credit possbility by the lobbies and Swedish American authorities,looks like
a support to publish weekly propagand
bulletin, called "Sesam".. . - Is it propagand bulletin?
- Yes!... Worst and most dangerous in the world... - Do you
explain; what you discovered by Sesam or BOLDTs although her familynever had
a single one scientist, fixed regularly credits... - I am regularly
reading all the issues of Sesam-falsification magazine and seewhat this
shurk's gang provocethere: "Immigrants always have problems... Immmigrant
prepared to accept that never been accepted as true citizen... This is a
insemination what the Zionist Fascists do against thesecond class people in
Tel Aviv... In SvekJa Kingdom, by this shurk-coup drivessame project... Look
at these pages, even the Laponians counts like the secondclass people and
never discuss serious their minority rights, work rights byindustrial
investigations of Kingdom... They handled often like the Gypsies,more worst;
they handled like prisoners on its own marks like the Palestinianswho
prisoned his own haoses there in the occupied Middle East... Do you
discussuor rights here on Immigrant pages? Never... Boldt
have credit by Sparbank and Nordea's Jew chiefs... Why? Beacuse, Boldt-gang
is the best flexible which useslike a condom against Human
Rights...According of these shurks there is no any Zionist Occupational Gang
in the world, but Palestinians are problematics... Palestinians describes
like the immigrants there, what the oppressed people behandles here in
SvekJa Kingdom... Boldt and her lap-dogs manipulate the questions of
immigrants and never answer the questions although there is two pages for
- I know a Jewish paper in USA, redacteur send letters himself and replies
later instead of the true readers... - Similarly tactic!... What
Big Brother do, Swedish hypocrites just imitate it... Not only this fetty
imbecill's Sesam, all other creit-addicted papers administrations making
copies of ordinary people's letters... mostly all these half-officially
Invandrar papers running on this line... what thelobbies, so-called
registrationsnamnden and the collaborators by the Swedishministries like
much and therefore pumping money..
- Now I have a little question; is Boldt-gangs are Jewish originated...
- More dangereous... Members, so-called "edsvurna" by the Zionist
lobbies!...But how you guess about the origins of these shurks?! - I
am not so stupid although I like sometimes discuss football, too... -
...and maybe a private question, too!.. How you can be so close to Jolin!...
- She loves small and younger Africans like a tradition by the
bourgeoisisefetties nowadays and it was plus point when she discovered I am
from Ethiopia... - More question?
- No more, 'cause I have already all the answers on this area specially
experiences by theses kind of chiefs who need my massage... This is
biology,too; bio-physique... - But why all these lobbies hate Rainer
Holm?.. Rainer is not immigrant.. - He registrated because of the critics
againt the system and projects.. - What kind of system?Whose projects,
whose rules?
- Kidding? - ?!

- Why the Wallenbergs and other Jewish financial authorities
support mostly the traitors for example the fake asylumssekrs of Middle
- Cheaper toys, thererfore... We can begin with a question, a variant of
your point... Kurdistan as an independent country = fiction ? Well, one
must be aware of the fact that a conutry with name Kurdistan never has
existed, doesn't exist and probably never will exist.

Just look at how Masoud BarZioni sells himself to the occupational troops
and the Butchers in Baghdad to secure his political power in the area
against Jalal Talebani's PUK and also the emerging Kurdsih islamists.

How and why the so called Kurd issue is treated in western media and western
politics depends completely on how Kurds and kurdish groups can be used for
western imperial and colonial purposes.

When the western states were behind Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran
and the iraqi Kurds allied themselve with Iran and joind in Iran's defence
efforts, then the "Hiroshima" in Halabja was not worth a piece of shit for
the humanistic minded western world.

The kurds were spendeble and had to blame themselve, because anybody can
support the islamic revolution without paying for it. In the case of kurds
in Turkey, everyday the turkish armey kills at least tens of "kurdish
rebells" inside and outside Turkey, without meeting any reaction from the
"world opinion".

When iraqi kurdistan get invaded by turkish army, then it's ok. But if Iran
intervene in the same area to protect Iran's national security then it's
condemned by the US as a violation of international law and they send their
naval forces (Nimitz) to counter-balance Iran. But if a bunch of Iranian
kurdish separatist supported by western countries get killed in Germany,
then you see the "Mykonos" case, with all those diplomatic consequenses
between Iran and European community.

Of course, now the EU has send back its diplomats back to Tehran, without
gaining anything, because as Germany's Kinkel several times has stated: Iran
is too important to be ignored.

The facts speak for itself. So don't expect or dream too much about an
independent state in Kurdistan.

One thing is sure, the countries in the region will never allow creation of
a kurdsih state, the kurds are too divided and dependent to different power
centers and the colonial powers are too disabled and powerless to create a
new Israel in the Middle East.

I think you as a moslem agree with other moslems in the world that even one
Israel is to much.

At best, Kurdistan can be regarded as part of the Iranian world as the case
is in today's Iran. As a matter of fact, many iraqi kurds have began to call
themselve iranian.

- One question
- You are welcome!
- What makes Iranian KDP a democratic party in the eyes of the western
states and a terrorist organisation of the turkish PKK? Why have the so
called 'democaratic experiment' in Iraqi Kurdistan failed? Why should Iran
(the 'indoeuropean' Arian country you seem to hate most of all) have to pay
the price for the internal conflicts in Kurdistan and open its border for
hundred of tousends kurdish refugees? What do your beloved US/NATO do to
help you?
- Okay!.. Whay?
- One can always pick up cheap points by critisizing Iran. I'm aware of the
shortcomings in today's Iran, but I also admit that the condition of
democracy in Iran is not worse than those in the Western countries. But the
democaracy situation (despite the current interanl conflict) in Iran is
improving, but the democracy in West is deteriorating. As a matter of fact,
even those being critical to Iran admit that the freedom of speach is the
highest in the Middle East and people can without fearing anything speak out
and they do. Even your fellow "opponents" to the Islamic Republic have
realised that the democracy in west is unable to operate as you and your
masters want it to. Despite the US/Israel/Mojahedin Khalq/KDP's severe
pressure on EU countries to break with Iran, they finally preferred to
accept to send back their ambassadors to Tehran, according to Iranian
conditions. The French ambasador gave his german college company as the last
ones to arrive. Do you remember the Rushdie case and how EU was humiliated
by Ayatollah Khomeini? Why did they come back? Rafsanjani explained it
already for seven months ago: "Europe is like a 60 years old made. We should
not run after her. It's beyond our dignity.

She will come back sooner or later. She has nowhere else to go." AND SHE

So who are you to critisize the GREAT NATION OF IRAN? Iran is the only and
last hope for the moslems of the world and something the entire human race
to be proud of.

Iran is the worst nightmare of the US administration, Israel and the rest of
world imperialism and zionism. If you want to share their misery the islamic
revolution of Iran have caused to western impoerialism, then it's your
problem. I don't mind. Be my guest.

What concerns the kurdish issue, Iran has been the only nation in the world
that has assisted kurds, only because of humanitarian reasons, despite allt
the problems the kurds has caused Iran as well as themselve.

I'm sorry to admit that the kurdish people have several times demonstrated
their lack of political maturity by believning in ideologies imported from
East and west and leaving their fate in the hands of corrupted clan leaders
serving as clients to foreign powers.

If the kurds want to save themselve, they have simply to get rid of their
narrow-minded nationalism (or to be correct tribalism) and those "democratic
parties" claiming to represent them.

Even Barzani´s "liberal" masters in Europe, state that "democaracies never
fight each other".

The most deadly enemy of the kurdish people are the kurds themselve.

By telling these things, I more and more understand why many Iraqi kurds
call themselve "iranis". The question is when the Kurds in Turkey begin to
call themselve "iranis". If you want to remain a "mountain turk", then it's
your problem. The Iranian border is still open. - Many Kurds using now fake
passports like Jewish Mafia's Al Capone Raoul Wallenbergs fake
academicians.. Fake academicians placed mostly at Uppsala university and
ut's ironical many traitor Kurds playing "assistance" roles by these
institutions... Neo Zionist Kurd Saed Tagawi is assistance now to false
scientist Polonian Fascist Julian Ilyitzki, for example...
- Barzanis were been FarmZionis...

- Not only the Krdish traitors... Swedish Sparbank and many foundations,
like fd statsråd Marcus Wallenberg, industrimagnat Jacob etc. sent money to
a radio station... What is the only requiem, you know? Radio Sydvaest
Stockholm shal prepare special programs by a Women organization...
- Organisation Kvinnonetwork? - That is right.. But how you knew so
exactly? - Because I am coming from Iran and I had two women in Iran,
Azam Qarae and Lkeila Qarai.. Qarai and Qarai borh wre e my wives tehere...
They fleed to Sweden by Tel Aviv made fake opassports... But the Swedish
Migration translated hebreish little wrong, one whore been Qarae, other one
Qaraii.. - But they are not difference to serve by
Wallenbergs!...They are working now for Zionist lobbies and prepare lie
programs afgainst the antiimperalists.. They mostly provoce against the
Muslim world's profiles and values for instance the last programme calls; "
Islam has always considered women as creatures"
- We have a comrade in radio Stockholm, he can translate what this label
means; "Kvinnors Röst, Radio Sydväst sänder nu persisik judiska Kvinnors
röst ...
- Persian Jews? But you said they were your wives and you are muslim?!
- They were muslim there... But such mobilized instruments using identities
what to fit the atmosphere!..
- ?!

- Who died this falsification master? - Which one?
- Raoul wallenberg... - Like many other mafia boss...
First the rats alloved him alone...The relatives of Wallenbergs who been
rich in Sweden want't see him again... They send torpeds and money to the
Hungarian Mafia "Godfader"s to "eliminate" the "Brother"... - But they
say now that Raoul died in Russia.. - They waited 75 years to produce
tihis lie because it'äs time to produce lies like all other provocations
what we witnessed after Socialist colaps... - Wallenberg was never in
the USSR? - People have no hidden cameras and Raoul wasn't only
single one hobby of the working class.. There were thousands of rats after
Worl War II and the Jewish lobbies invested that "cleansing" them... This is
a big deal... Think, 300 000 persons bought passports and diploms all the
academicians.. Who can see the boss again to pay the rest of the debt? Many
Jews been automaticallky university professors and gave false university
names for example Lkeif Sillbersky said that he studied at juridical
faculties in a town that never exist such place on the map.. Otherway many
people say that this fake advocate already wanted in many countries because
plunderers.. His friends say that they came from Hungaria but Sillbersky
insist that they came from Ausschwiz but never remember any true point on
Auschwitz... - I think all these mass liars cleansed many evidences.. Raoul
Wallenberg was oinly one little evidence and therefore he been "eliminated"
that all the true institutions never find any trace... He vanished without a
trace, like all others, what Ostrovsky explains..

- Did you know Swedish evangelian zionist liar Anna Lindh joined the top
secret Bilderberg meeting in Francia, 2003? - Is she the
assassinated minister of foreign affairs? - It's true!.. Doggy
assassinated for affairs by foreigns... -?!

- What are you thinking on these incredible scenes? - We must know
that our weakness is Imperialism's strength, I understand here again... - I
agree with you, Comrade Jonas Hållén! - You are welcome, Comrade Lars

- I think, democracy should work better!.. Criminals and collaborators
should be arrested!
- Should we arrest the criminals?!. Don't make me laugh! - Well, I see
the double roles and false rules of the juridical instruments... What a
shame we been forced to label it "democracy"... How thus majority of
people, thus living creators, stinky mass could be so incredible nonsense
blind meanwhile all the enormous fraudulent process?!.. Unbelieveable!...
This is a glaring injustice!.. I wonder, what goes wrong by the juridical
instruments... How can I say?! It is very strange!... You now, if you see
all these incredible cases, thick-headed attitudes... - How? Do you
explain? What is concrete that you remember? - Yes, I remember that
David Janzon, a redactional worker of Radio Islam, was sentenced to 4
months' imprisonment in October 1992, for the station's agitation "against
an ethnic group". Are the provocators of Capitalist Fascist lobbies are
really a ethnical group?! - There is so specially groups? Okay, Jews!...
It's the overclass group, nobody can imitate such shurks... -
But when you been oppressed so your accusation can only be refuseed... The
shurks are the masters 'cause they experinced a lot of cruel methodes since
many years... You can only suffer like many freedom fighters... -
Concrete cases? - Very much!... The judges of system who play
dirty rolls... It is extra incredible on Swedish justice-scenes that many
foolish judges been corrupted by Jewish authorities and they play extra
horrible rolls as pycho-proff doctor magister at policlinics... I can not
meet all the judges nor observate all the cases but I met many high-staff at
Golf Club Tenerrife, they explained... Shameful!... I can not explain here
what they say on the corrpted colleges, so awfully shameful... ... Court
material look likes simetrical sences, reasons are too similarly... Many
papers of court been published by the Bonniers, Nordstedt... Same mechanism
publish as basic Zionist propagand material, too... EU-membership... After
1995 impressed it by the democratical authorities of other
countries? - Unfortunately, it's in all frauds, much more dirty now...
If any true jurist goes to United Nations related commissions or the
independent justice authorities, so we shall most interesting scandals...
- What kind of scandals? - For instance Osmo
Vallo&Tony Mutka and other members of the "assassination on the so called
Resande Folket" cases... Märta Pettersson and others who murdered by the
"imported criminals" like Bengalian Zionist Mafia moblized in the EU;
similarly recruitment cases... Remember; what the relatiives of Tony
Deogan, Dagmar Hagelin, Anders Gustavsson demand... - Don't
make me worry with examles, don't list please much more!.. - It's not me
who create the official shame lists!.. Did you hear Osmo Vallo's two
brothers and all other relatives are arrested, too... The victims and
witness been arrested instead of murderers... Otherway, many freedom
fighters forced to be jobless and living under minimal standards... Most
famous concret case is Stefan Dimiter Tcholakov who labelled as
"laborious" and Work Rights fighters Jimmie Östergren, delegated adviser
(former grafiker) Bengt Pettersson and Ahmed Rami, because of these
bravehearts criticized the thieves by the Capitalist Jewish lobbies...
Laponians who fight for own mark and minority rights, therefore prisoned
their representative character Olof T. Johansson, the true Socialists like
Bengt Frejd, Sara Lidman, Staffan Ehnebom, so-called the "Free Speech
Fighters", anti-Capitalist demonstranter like Jan Hatto, Sten Arne-Zerpe,
Dietlieb Felderer, movements who struggle against the weapon-handlers like
Henrik Westander (before professur-chair gift) and by his side likely
flexible Calle Höglund, anti-Imperialists Hannes Westberg, Herman Schmid,
journalists Staffan Beckman, Stefan Hjertén, free-mind intellectuals like
Rainer Holm, Linus Brohult, honoured priest K. G. Hammar and hundreds of
the anti-Imperialists who been registrated by the lobbies... -
What is common with them? - Also! When a Fascist accuse them so
judges punish the reviewers, immediately... But when the oppressed people
leave any accusation acceptance, can easily be refuseed ... The requests of
them almost been absolutely refuseed... - Why the DN, Expressen and
other big papers awoid of to publich these true stories?.. They awoid of to
show the real discrimination?! Schindler's List was only a filmatic
illusion, actually the true boss never gave a chance peace in communities...
You know, Bonniers, Wallenberg, Bilderberg-gangs and "Bulldogs" drive the
Swindlers' lists, means all the honoured intellectuals been registrated on
their computers... Therefore Stockholm-Canberra changed to be second plot
area of Jew York-Tel Aviv's armed Mafia... - Yes, it's!.. But what a
lucky I have been warned before!. - The authorities are blind on such
actions.. Why? - Because every big shurk drives by the big lobbies in
this big SvekJa zionized Kingdom... - ?! - How can we could
informed and know the truth!?... - I can't reply all in two minutes?!
- Well!... I understand better... It's a modernised version of
enormous hypocrisy... And I understand why the worlkd couldn't react when
Jews slaughed people in Sabra, Shatila, Jenin... Everybody watched on tv
meanwhile druck Coca-Cola, chips, bonbons... - Like the film-druged
idiots?.. - No, Sir!... We have incredible reactions and
collaborated feelings too, remember, we all cried when we watched on the
Swindler's list, whole lies master-piece on scenes... - Shame on
double-moral masters!.. Where are the all good peoples now?! - No way to
Pessimism, please!.. Well, I see a positive case here on the Scandinavian
Jewish DN, Expressen, Menorah pages; Maximum sentence for the desecration
of cemeteries - an outrage which traditionally targeted Jewish cemeteries -
was raised from 6 months' imprisonment to 2 years. Yes, the prisonment
period raised in 1993, Spring. Then... - It should not calls for case; it's
provocation... There is no any single case in SvekJa, means nobody
sentenced, nobody improsined for desecrations.. - Maximum sentence will
be 2 years! Isn't good? - I want not talk on the sentences good or not
good... But I'm coming from Skaane and I witnessed who targeted the
cemeteries... - Who? - Jews!... I saw them... They were
there and porovoced very succesful so they manipulated sitation... Therefore
there is no prisoner after this pharagraph ' cause they aimed change the
rules... - I remember a similarly case, my mother witnessed and
told us about the foxy Jews who played theatre at the street on 30 November
in Germania... It was before WW III, Jewish fanatics crashed own glass and
won enormous generous compensation by the reasurance firms... But their
media manipulated the world by the help of american Imperialism so all the
analphabets crying on every 30 September worldwide, every year like a crying
festival, meantime the Zionist boss' laughing behind the windows...

- This is not the Cold War but a form of ongoing Cold War, what drives now
by the lobbies... This area demands the prejudiced scientists... - Why
the oppressed folk don't protest or discuss these problems... - Ever and
never! This is not the results of the football matches... People need
knowledge on biological developments... - Biological? Bur the
lobotomies and sterilization methodes were only in last century?! - System
have now most avanced methodes for instance isolation, registration and
systematically injustice... Only two tousand youngs become suicide in SvekJa
Kingdom, two times been a short news.. - Youngs?... But
adults? - They never counts by half officially pools.... Animal
lover bourgeoisie have sex-partner-dogs, counts for identification and
health rights, but not the discriminated persons... Never
mind!... - There aren't really a single one modernized democratical
- ?! - I wonder why
many immigrants sets to work without language courses meanwhile many others
been discriminated because of their language is not "wonderful,
brilliant"?.. - I met many people too... For example after Warszawa pakt's
collapse fleed manybiologs to the occupied Middle East, Australia, SvekJa
and specially the laboratory workers sets on the jobs without any
oppression... - Did you found any explain about this
subject?.. - Not directly... I met a family in SvekJa, who calls for
BOLDTs, escaped from Baltics by the way of so-called "official Al Capone
Raoul Wallenberg" Co's false Finnish pass and corrupted authorities in
Kingdom by the way of Jewish lobbies... A cunning mature, drives "Invandrar
Publications"... She explained that all these scientists had already one or
two international languages what been respected... - She lies!.. I
know a writer, know six or seven language but SvekJa system set him too the
cleaner-catch boy courses... - Yes; I understand... Jolin replied
this case too; "maybe the writer criticised the oligarchical
targets..." - And she publish these subjects on the Invandrar
Tidningen? Bravo!... - You will be chocked; she help to the lobbies to
registrate opposite... - Was she biology-worker in Baltics... -
No!... But system need such families to follow the people and therefore she
didn't go to the claenar courses and nor any language course although her
vocabulary is worst when I compare with other immigrants... Nowadays fixed
this family a credit possbility by the lobbies and Swedish American
authorities,looks like a support to publish weekly propagand bulletin,
called "Sesam"... - Is it a propagand bulletin which the redacteurs
in Jew York recommended? - Yes!... Worst and most dangerous in the
world... - Do you explain; what you discovered by Sesam or chief Jolin
Boldt or Jusek/jurists' judadominated syndical sect media runs by Göran
Boldt Co. although this zionist gang never had a single one scientist in
the family!.. - Yes, it's!.. But such chiefs are clever to use the
regularly credits of system... I am an ordinary people and regularly reading
all the issues of Sesam/Jusek falsification magazines and look at on these
pages, what these gangsters provoce: "Immigrants always have problems.. They
must complete their education and integrate to the democratical values..."
Very provocative...It means if you never been accepted as true citizen so
you must think that your education is low, complete it... If immigrated
person is non-judaic originated must complete cources to be disher, even if
man is professor.. But other immigrant who came from Warszawa and presented
himself as academician, accepted to be professor wit´hout a true diplom.. If
you criticize this dirty deal, riskable to be labelled that you collapsed on
integration... - A kind of tregistrated psycho? -
Definitely!.. This is a nonsense market... The masters of this neo-liberal
"smiling fascist process" show no pardon... Since many years the Swedish
immigrant publications run by the fascist zionist readcteurs, collaborators
and inseminate false imagination... This is a insemination what the Zionist
Fascists do against thesecond class people in Tel Aviv... In SvekJa Kingdom,
by this shurk-coup drivessame project... Look at these pages, even the
Laponians counts like the second class people and never discuss serious
their minority rights, work rights by the industrial investigations of
Kingdom... They handled often like the Gypsies,more worst; they handled like
prisoners on its own marks like the Palestinians who prisoned his own haoses
there in the occupied Middle East... Do you discussuor rights here on
Immigrant pages? Never... Boldt have credit by Spaarbank and Nordea's Jew
chiefs... Why? Because, Boldt-gang is the best flexible which uses like a
condom against Human Rights...According of these shurks there is no any
Zionist Occupational Gang in the world, but Palestinians been counted as
problematics... Palestinians described like the immigrants there, what the
oppressed people behandles here in SvekJa Kingdom... Boldt and her lap-dogs
manipulate the questions of immigrants and never answer thequestions
although there is two pages for responses... - I know a Jewish
paper in USA, redacteur send letters himself and replies later instead of
the true readers... - Similar tactic!... What Big Brother do,
Swedish hypocrites just imitate it... Not only this fetty imbecill's Sesam,
all other creit-addicted papers administrations making copies of ordinary
people's letters... mostly all these half-officially "Invandrar"
publication industry "brain washing instruments on the immigrants" running
on this line... what thelobbies, so-called "registrationsnamnden" and the
collaborators by the Swedish ministries like much and therefore pumping
money.. - Now I have a little question; is Boldt-gangs are Jewish
originated... - More dangereous... Members, so-called "edsvurna" by the
Zionist lobbies!...But how you guess about the origins of these
shurks?! - I am not so stupid although I like sometimes discuss
football, too... - ...and maybe a private question, too!.. How you can be
so close to Jolin!... - She like small and younger Africans like a
tradition by the bourgeoisise fetties nowadays and it was plus point when
she discovered I am from Ethiopia... - More question? - No
more, 'cause I have already all the answers on this area specially
experiences by such kind of chiefs who need my massage... This is biology,
too; bio-physique... - But why all these lobbies hate Rainer Holm?..
Rainer is not immigrant.. - He registrated because of the critics againt
the system and projects.. - What kind of system? Whose projects, whose
rules? - Kidding? - ?!

- Different faces but same play on the dirty scenes!..
- That is right!.. Unfortunately, a crow goes but another crow comes...
Betrayers love eacht other and they always have supporters by the financial
lobbies... For example Sparbank, Nordea, Associates thieves Co,
Citibank/CitiGroup, even CSN and other similarly ziondominated betrayers,
- More dangerous than all other classical mafia examples... Because all
these liberalized instruments have both legal and illegal leagues, different
faces on the different scenes...
- Flexible fascism!..

- Not only this case and such victims, all the
anti-imperialists are the potentially criminals, according to the
registrators of lobbies...They are suspicious in all cases, on all the
connections... - They are suspicious perhaps only on our
duties... Otherways I met an interesting gay, he talks perfect Persian like
a true Iranian citizen, practiced around of Gulf... - Dehdari? Kamali?
Tagawi? - Bijan Fahimi!.. This gay, Persian Zionist case enough to
explain any connections between many Swedes... Such "imported instruments"
help to compare with the opprtunities and opportunists for example these
persons systematically been discrimined: Staffan Ehnebom, Jimmie Östergren,
Ahmed Rami, Ernst Rainer Holm (regime critic worker, disappeared in Gaevle
city just after May Day 2003), Henrik Westander, Osmo Vallo (murdered by
police torture in Malmuu-city) and his prisoned brothers, Tony Deogan and
Anders Gustavsson (both murdered by system supported violence leagues and
prosecutors didn't accuse anyone because these poor boys weren't from
bourgeoisie cathegories in the community and both criticized sytem by any
articles before), Bengt Frejd, Olof T. Johansson, Sara Lidman, Calle
Höglund, Belay Mekkonen, Hannes Westberg, Linus Brohult, Sven Wollter,
Gunnar Thorell, Murat Yildiz, Bodil Margret Lindqvist, Staffan Beckman,
Ísmet Celepli, Juan Fonseca (when he had not so intensive interesse on
money), Ditlieb Felderer, Stefan Hjertén, Stefan Dimiter Tcholakov...
- Is it dangerous to have same name? - Very riskable!.. Nephew
Stefan forced to be psyhico because one of the his relatives in Balkan were
the anti-Zionist guerilla leaders... One of the guerillas had same name
forced for Independent Makedonia and jailed by false accusations of two
Jewish judges from Bulgaria just after 1945. Guerilla leader had no
possibility to defence himself, Jewish judges published only the false
accusations, including fictive movements who leaned weapon from Germania
under WW II. Although many corrupted judges and prosecutors were the
traitors, this power manipulated history; nobody succeed to choose what is
right what is wrong by medial campaigns... Guerillas, like "Uncle
Tcholakov" sentenced without any minimal evidence.. He died there... We see
another Tcholakov in Scandinavia, immgrated, but pursued and falled in
incredible troubles... This nephew Tcholakov, "immigrated heimatlos Stefan"
borned in 1944 as Dimiter, become a brilliant academical carrier in Sofia
university and fleed to SvekJa Kingdom, completed 180 university points but
prevented from work life, pursued, isolated, discriminated by the the Jewish
registrators, lobbies, specially the collaborators of Clas Lilja
"genetical-researcher Zionist clan" members in the Waexsjö city
university... I can add other figures, too; for example the victims from
West Front like Robert Malecki as true Vietnam deserter and as second
category; Jan Myrdal, Teddy John Frank, Frank Baude, Peter Bratt, (his
cell-shared-comrade Jan Guillou pissed off from lists because he is a
multi-milliarder rich, reached to be droged creatur at last), Dagmar Hagelin
(been pursued by Zionist lobbies who collaborated with dictators of South
America and murdered there by fascist military of Astiz.. Dagmar murdered
because her father listed as Marxist and very interesting now, his family
affected by persecution, all the relatives troubled similarly case and
systematically hunting by the Zionist lobbies), Torsten Leander (only this
one pursued person compensed as symbolic maneouver), Work Rights Fighters
Jimmie Östergren from Högdalen and his ombudsman Bengt Pettersson from Folks
house Raagsved Ghetto district, Lilian Gustavsson who is mother to Anders,
17, murdered by torture methodes of bulldog Anders Carlsberg's fascist boys
at Fyrshuset trainee center in Hammarby bourgeoisie area of capitol. After
that Anders Carlberg prized as Integration chief and poor mother Lilian
still betrays by the Jewish manipulation center Expo's "professional
- It looks like a living history...
- That is right and tv redaction collected much more figures, the names of
the victims, all the almost anti-imperialists... - The "Human
enemies" will not like to talk on such cases.. They hate the truth... -
It's true!... The profiteers of system hate human being... We collected here
hundreds of names... Count please the victims of Estonia ferry, which used
to transferring the nuclear weapons to the West and sinked by an explosion;
prosecutors hunted the criticer intellectuals not the criminal propagandists
of Jewish DN-Expressen-Menorah falsificators nor the boss of weapon
markets...... Why thus people counts in two different categories and what is
difference between two oppressed or only been registrated followed people I
don't understand... But you can notice much more if you visit Veritas Co.
Veritas fraud league is a computer and distribution which serve the
falsificators, Swedes call him "Jankele Pirat kopiormästaren!", means "Bitch
falsificator masters' bastard"... - What is common with all these
plays? What is the connection but with our tennisplayer monkey? -
That is the question... They don't know anything and therefore we are on the
duty, means their unknowledge is our gain... - Game?! -
You need go to the ear specialist, my friend; Nordic climate is not fit to
your upside... - ?!

- Please, my friend!... Take these coverages back to the archives!.. Explain
nothing there, outside;please! I'll do tanksgiving because I have only ond
year to be retired.. - Wait!.. Wait!.. My son and daughters already at
AMS and their fiancees fixed places at Länsarbetsnämnden, Migration teater's
integrationsverket.. It was difficult to be staff there, without any true
exam, nor really job interviews... We mustn't leave their situations on
risk!.. - ?!

- I witnessed any related cases... But a woman who formated this explain she
was been guilt, instead of the suspected persons... Don't make laugh on such
stories, please!... One of these writers named Bodil Margret Lindqvist wrote
a saga/story and faced PUL when the Evangelist coup of Swedish church
spioned her... But folks insist to be solidarised with Bodil Margret
Lindqvist... Dod you know, why? Resistance against discrimination... Saga on
Ulf BERG , for instance, this saga is a strong file of Bodil's works...
Saga-files are a kind of action; yes, I should remember that Bodil Margret
Lindqvist was VPK-follower rebel... - VPK? - Vaensterpartiet
kommunisterna.. Main European leftist parties changed themselves but
traditionally hate clans of zionist imperialism didn'rt change the
persecution process on the antiimperialists... - They hate human
being... - That's right!.. This is one of the reasons; yes, she was
a famous member by Communist Party... There are any related explains on her
own homepages what she been attacked and therefore cleaned many pages..
An example about the first story pages of Bodil Margret Lindqvist:
Bodil's ordinary corrected (nicked A. Maria Oilworkerson) short reserv page:

Short story creations like Comrade Bodil's extra diary pages:
http://pub.alxnet.com/guestbook?id=2346394 There are
many solidaríty groups around such anti-imperialist figures for example, the
readers' notices to the story teller Bodil:
Bodil's close friend Comrade Jörgen "Snegroy" (second nick: Kennedy Palme)
built a support page:
- ...so far you works on Internet, it's possible that anybody try to
manipulate it.....
- That is right!.. Tere are many fanatics like Livets ord and other fascist
lkeagues who attacking the anti-imperialists. - Definitely!..
Bodil's works been attacked by Livets ord... There are many server, like
Maccabi Jewish staff and fake Anti-Fa homepages... They still contunie to
manipulate... This is the true terror, advanced by technical support
- Sometimes we see good friends, who show very useful solidarity for
instance Jörgen K.; he is Bodil's close friend, struggles well. -
This is the "True Living history"... - If you have any question so
I recommend you'll call to this civil-courage symbol, "Story-teller".. Here
is the directly phone: Bodil Margret Lindqvist tel. 48 03
e-mail: 031.3310815@telia.com - 031? - Mölndal,
Vetlanda... - Wet? Land? - Yes, it's is a piece of
SvekJa Kingdom!...

- Even it's not acceptable!.. My heart says; "No!.." - What is most
unfair? - To be handled like the animals in the farm of George
Orwell.. Look at all these masters of swindler who have two-legs only
difference between the other kind of piggs... - I understand your
reactions!... But if you insist to go on the last two legs, riskable that
you can be sanctioned.. Did you heard that many people gone suicide? -
Media didn't explain...... - Whose media? Anyway there are many
people, even an ordinary list can take many pages of newspapers...
Advertisements are important than suicide victims, nowadays... - You mean
that the system can piss off... - Legalized cleansing by modernized
methodes... Hundreds of people commit suicide only in last
year... - Human? - ?!

- Bilderberg Convenes In Versailles, comments James P. Tucker Jr. and
Christopher Bollyn on 17 mai 2003
- Let's listen!..
- The annual meeting of the global elites kicked off mid May in secrecy.
However, two resourceful AFP correspondents were there to greet them,
unveiling to the world what goes on behind closed doors when the world's
most powerful meet to discuss pressing issues of the day.

The rift between American and European Bilderberg participants is widening
over both the U.S. invasion of Iraq and blind, blank-check support of
Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

These are hotly debated topics as Bilderberg luminaries began filling the
posh Trianon Palace Hotel on May 14.

Another issue high on the Bilderberg agenda is the proposed European Union
army independent of NATO. Unlike the other two major issues, this is not a
confrontation between Americans and Europeans. All Americans oppose the EU
army, but so do many Europeans. Leading the anti-army European faction is
"Lord" George Robertson, secretary-general of NATO.

French President Jaques Chirac, as head of the host state, delivered a
welcoming speech during Bilderberg's first full working day on Thursday, May
15. Chirac tried to calm tensions by recalling that, despite dissension over
the invasion of Iraq, Americans and Western Europeans are traditional
allies. France was among the harshest critics of the war and the U.S.
administration is bent on "punishing" the French.

Germany and Russia were harsh critics too, like most European states, but
Secretary of State Colin Powell, even as Bilderberg was meeting, traveled to
both those countries for make-up sessions.

Bilderberg's annual secret meeting was delayed for hours by people they
scorn as the unwashed multitudes—workers in France. Their strike on May 13
allowed only one in five planes to land at deGaulle International Airport
and at the older Orly Field in Paris.

Versailles is a short distance from Paris. The "one day strike" was so
successful—with millions of supporters filling the streets of Paris and
other cities—that it was extended through Thursday, May 15.

Bilderberg staff had started slipping inconspicuously into the Trianon on
May 13, preparing for the planned shutdown about noon the following day. On
Thursday morning, May 15, the last of the Bilderberg luminaries were
arriving in long, black limos, behind police escorts and shrieking sirens.

Bilderberg had planned to shut down the Trianon Palace at noon on May 13, as
usual, so their functionaries could arrive absent the masses. Instead, the
Trianon was open to the public until late Wednesday evening and the shutdown
occurred early Thursday morning. Then Bilderberg commenced its work.

Until last year, when meeting in the Washington suburb of Chantilly,
Va.—near Dulles International Airport for security reasons in the wake of
the 9-11 terrorist attacks—Bilderberg had a tradition of congeniality.

Three sources within the Trianon Palace are providing detailed information
about what is transpiring behind the guarded, sealed-off resort.

Bilderberg remains united on the common goal of establishing a world
government under the United Nations while retaining control over the wealth
of the Earth and all inhabitants. But on the issue of U.S. policy in the
Middle East war anger runs high.

Europe opposed U.S. war plans a year ago, extracting a promise from
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld not to invade Iraq in 2002. But the
Europeans like the war no more this year than last. There was taunting, such
as "where are all these awful weapons of mass destruction?"

Europeans are also skeptical of U.S. plans to "control" Iraq's oil for the
"benefit" of the Iraqi people. "Who are the 'other' beneficiaries?" one
asked sarcastically. So Iraqi oil money will be used to rebuild what
Americans destroyed? "How many fat contracts will go to Europeans?" came the

But emotions are running even higher on the issue of U.S. Middle East
policy. At the moment Bilderberg was gathering in Versailles, Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon was contemptuously rejecting the "road map" to peace
introduced by Bush and endorsed by the other members the "quartet"—the UN,
EU and Russia.

Powell had just visited Sharon to beg him to accept the peace plan. But
Sharon dismissed as "not on the horizon" any discussion of dismantling
Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory.

In The Jerusalem Post, Sharon ridiculed any idea that U.S. aid may be
reduced. He said no U.S. administration had ever supported settlements in
the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which Israel occupied after launching the
Six-Day War in 1967.

Referring to Sharon's arrogance toward the country that has given Israel
countless billions of dollars over the past half century while asking
nothing in return, a European Bilderberg luminary told a grim-faced
American: "you are too stupid to know when you've been insulted by a moral
mid get."

Adding to the embarrassment of Americans at Bilderberg is the fact that the
peace plan thrown back into Powell's face asks only modest moves by Israel.
It only asks that Israel abandon settlements built on Palestinian lands
since March 2001. Israel, in this initial "peace move," is not required to
give up the land it seized in doubling its size in the1967 war.

The idea of an independent UN army arose from Europe's resentment over U.S.
domination of NATO. Some suggest it be a separate force but party of, and
controlled by, NATO. But opponents in Europe as well as the United States
argue that a separate EU force would make NATO's role as the UN's world army

NATO has said repeatedly that it is no longer confined to defending Europe
but will deploy troops anywhere in the world at the direction of the UN
Security Council.

UN "peacekeepers" are on patrol at 16 far-flung missions throughout the

- I wonder what is the reason this story-teller uses a strange grammar.. Bad
english, according to the web administrations.... Worst than my chief's
school english level...
- I understand you, too!.. But you know, I met this autor, a clever girl who
can talk wonderful.. I mean, she is a successful person when she talks
plenty fluently on other matters...
- But why this girl tells her story in so incredible strange english?
- I try to explain!... Yes, I asked her about this flat language... She
replied; "When I wrote in correct english, pissed off by the bourgeoisie
dominated media"... So, after this explain I checked it and witnessed that
she has right...
- I wonder the majority been masochists nowadays?!
- Ye', it is stranger than language!... ... Maybe we are living in a period
there bourgeoisie living a social sickness like mass masochistical delusion
system... We piss off the normally attitudes...
- Also, you mean the autor aims to write good tales in bed grammar to fix
the barries of establishment on this sick medial world...
- Approximately...
- But she make folks laugh!... Please, watch this clip, super irritable bad
english.. She makes me laugh, too!...
- Sure!.. Story teller aims it... Otherwise, you are a living evidence that
she succeed to make laugh you like any other pieces of this oligarchical
- What!?..
- ...and at last this story teller added that she believe in "Mankind
changed so much, nowadays civilizated people mostly looks like a kind of
animal who can learn during laughing"...
- ?!

- This broadcasting clip remind me of "the Invisible Writers".
- What does "invisible writer" mean?
- Many years ago I knew a grizzled old playwright named Ray. He lived off
state disability checks, carried his manuscripts in brown paper bags, and
drank cup after cup of black coffee, which I poured for him from behind the
counter of the coffee shop where I worked. He had one piece of advice for
me: "Read Othello. If you want to be a writer you must first read Othello."
Ray was a blue-collar guy who had never gone to college, but he had read
Shakespeare, checked out from the public library near the furnished room
where he lived. Ray understood plot because he had lived and experienced it.
He was a born writer. Over the years I've met a diverse collection of
writers who have never been published or earned any academic credentials,
yet whose claim to the title of artist is genuine. These invisible writers
are soldiers and bakers, convicts and salesmen, winos, hairdressers,
firefighters, farmers and waitresses. Their only qualifications to literary
authenticity are their writings and their desire to write. Often the only
time they have is stolen time, and their private scrawls end up on cocktail
napkins, penciled in the margins of receipts, on any piece of paper handy.
I got to know Tom Carson during the first Gulf War, shortly after his
platoon had been sent to Kuwait. We never met in person. He had written to a
co-worker of mine who had moved on, leaving no forwarding address. When I
saw the U.S. military return address on Tom's letter, I decided to answer it
myself. We began a correspondence that lasted through the war and after he
returned to Fort Benning, Georgia. During a hectic two months, Lt. Carson
wrote 39 poems. His themes were the regimented insanity of military life,
isolation and loneliness, the wind and rain of his soul. Carson wrote his
lines in rare solitude, in a barracks or a tent. During the day, he told me,
the thoughts gathered in his head; he censored them but the forbidden words
found expression anyway, for even the U.S. Army cannot discipline the
imagination. People imprisoned in stultifying, menial jobs can summon, with
even a minimal command of language, something entirely private, unfettered
and incalculably powerful. Most importantly, it is something of their own
creation that cannot be taken away. The sense of purpose and identity that
comes with being a writer, creator of a private world, can be life altering.
I've known truck drivers who are natural-born storytellers; fishermen who
paint starkly beautiful word pictures of life on a crab boat in the Bering
Strait. I met a barely literate ex-convict whose short story about losing
his wife and child in a revenge killing for a gang crime he'd committed was
the most heartbreaking thing I've ever read. I met a ex-alcoholic who wrote
about being abandoned by her husband. In a few simple paragraphs this
uneducated woman in her mid-50s expressed a universal sense of loss in an
entirely unsentimental fashion; something that cannot be taught in any MFA
program. My own father, a novelist who was never published, once wrote about
being fired for writing on the job – a chronic problem in his lifetime. He
worked on an assembly line in a factory that manufactured radios, and the
foreman caught him writing one day while the neglected radio parts moved
past him on the belt. "I was only half a radioman," wrote my father. "In my
heart, I was a poet." As Chester Himes wrote in "The Quality of Hurt": "No
matter what I did or how I lived, I had considered myself a writer....It was
my salvation. The world can deny me all other employment, and stone me as an
ex-convict...as a disagreeable, unpleasant person. But as long as I write
whether it's published or not, I'm a writer." I met Celia at a roadside
diner, where she cooked greasy breakfasts for travelers whose faces she'd
never again see. Writing, for Celia, was a way of being elsewhere, of
undoing, undreaming, her mundane daily life. The monotony of her job and the
deadening rituals she performed daily were the inspirations for the poems
she scribbled on used order tickets. To hate your job and do nothing about
it is a failure of imagination: a true life sentence. A Frenchman I know who
was a maitre d' at one of the Washington's finest restaurants, possesses a
novel he composed in the twilight time between the lunch rush and the dinner
hour. His joy on writing it was immeasurable. That it may never be published
did not faze him. The point is that he created it. He finished it. It is
his. "Fiction completes us, mutilated beings burdened with the awful
dichotomy of having only one life and the ability to desire a thousand,"
Mario Vargas Llosa wrote. I've often looked for my old playwright friend
Ray's name in print, but have never seen it. I imagine him sitting in a
coffee shop somewhere, brow furrowed as he revises lines of his latest play,
completely absorbed in the world of his characters. I'm sure it frustrated
Ray at times, that his work went unrecognized, but it never occurred to him
to quit; just like it would never occur to him to stop breathing. It is not
strictly a tragedy that Ray's plays, the maitre'd's novel or Celia's poems
remain unpublished. Much of the work comes into being for private reasons of
the heart. If every sentence that was written was printed and bound we would
drown in a sea of words – as it is, thousands of books are hastily
published, barely read and forgotten. Writing itself is the aim, for it is
writing, not publishing, that transforms individual human experience. To
write, even in obscurity is worthwhile. As Samuel Becket put it, writing is
a way of leaving "a stain upon the silence."
- It's true!.. Wonderful described and we are listening a kind of the
"stain upon the silence", just here...

- Who rules the economy system of the satellites? - Bilderberg crowds,
nowadays.. There are other servers too, masked "projects, foundations, EU
programme" etc... For example manipulated Mål 3 and such projects... -
Who told here about the "Mål 3" projct or such projects around the
jobcentres? - It's me... and I add a list about the main betrayers on this
subject... - Her!.. I see!.. Thanks!..
- Read it to the folks, please!.. We understand the Svekish
language!... - All right!.. There were any parallel projects like Mål 3,
EU project for jobseeker academicians...
- I remember... The chiefs steal the resources...
- Yes, it's!...
- We have a documentary clip on this case, but it's in Svekish language...
No problem; I want to see the main figures on this fraud...
- You are welcome!..

- Den här Mål 3 falsifikation visar ett annat ansikte... Prickades i Bruxel
p.g.a. enorma förskingrings skandaler... Det är mycket intressant att de
soim stulit Mål3 prpojektets EU bidrag skulle vara i fängelset, blivit
omplaserade i Jobbcentra och Integration Office byråerna...
- Vem är dem?
- Redaktionen har fullständigt listan men jag löäser här bara huvudtjuvarna,
- You are welcome!..
- Mål 3 , EU projektet som jobbcentrum som drabbad plundringen... Officiella
tjuvarnas huvudfigurer: Hanna Zeland, Conny Zetterlund, Pia Zetterlund,
Magnus Skagerfält, Eija Swärd, Cecilia Af Södermalm, Agneta Rödin, Marlene
Helgesson, Marianne Berg, Jessica "Bambi" Zetterlund, Cecilia Eng, Cecilia

Marlene Helgesson, Vikdalsv. 76, 131 40 Nacka ,Stockholm Order forms
available via customers' booking phone: 00.46.8. 7183433

Pia Zetterlund, Hugins v. 1, 131 46 Nacka , Stockholm Order forms available
via customers' booking phone: 00.46.8. 7160029

Hanna Zeland, Johan Printz v. 21, 121 46 JoHannaShov, Stockholm. If you
wish talking on the hot matters, just do it; call me, lovely: Tel. 13 60, Tel. 00.46. 8.462 52 00, Tel. 00.46.8. 462 52 01 Tel.
00.46. 8.6003632 Tel. 00.46.8. 80 00 29 E-post:
hanna.zeland@integrationsverket.se Extra service reception/information
available to prepare by Ulf ÖFVERBERG, Johan Printz v. 21, 121 46
JoHanneShov, Stockholm

Anders Carlberg: (borned 1944, father: anonymous, mother: famous Jewish
"Mammele", was active on liberal Street-markets under WW II) Fascist
traineer chief built a centre, Fryshuset, Youth Trainee and Brain Washing
Center for instance arrangers travels to Auschwitz etc. and the fake
immigrants get recruitment opportuinty at this adress: Fryshuset,
Hammarbyfabriksväg 13, 120 06 Stockholm Tel.växel: 08-462 22 00 Fax: 08-462
22 19, 02 and after bloody carreer chief Carlberg prized several times,
get second and third positions by other centres for example AMS and
Integrationsverket. AMS is higher administration office over
"Jobbcentrum"-files... Integration Office select the immigrants and control
the top secret registration information during whole life all of them...
What a wonderful world, Carlberg's maitress Hanna is chef at same section at
Integration Office. Porn Industry's famous Mammele Hanna Zeland is Anders
Carlberg's vice secretary there... Anders Carlberg was member by the Swedish
Communist movements in 1968 and steal the secret info abour Eurpean
Communists and regularly sent these infos to Jew York, "Big Brother"... In
70s declared himself as 94% Moderate (according to the interview hours by
the system's Fascist media for instance Blågula frågor ultra nationalist
organization and others). Under Apartheid regime South Africa travelled
several times (to seethe museums-sick!) and collaborated with interesting
figures until 1986 declared that South Africa is best example on Nationalism
and we copied a paragrapf on that directly from BGF newspaper; ""Sydafrika
är ett exempel på att nationalismen kan vara positiv. På samma sätt kan
också vi i Sverige använda oss av den positiva nationalismen för att ena
landet. Genom att tillsammans kämpa för Sverige kan vi bidra till försoning
och enhet mellan 'gamla' och 'nya' svenskar.". When Olof Palme murdered in
1986 this chief cut his ties (travel to museums to Johannesbug&Tel Aviv)
started Youth Travel arranging to the JobCentra Auschwitz, Treblinka,
Majdanek and recommended to built Jobcentra in Sweden in the Ghetto
districts, too...

Magnus Skagerfält: Hanna Zeland's pimp but seems like officially husband
only on the state documents... Order forms available via customers' booking
phone: 00.46.8. 396184
Jan Olof Karlsson... Nu är han statsråd, samt Migrationsminister och får EU
revisöravdelningens pensionslön som plus... Fryshuset's chef, typical
Fascist doggie...

Nils Olof Berggren, Anna Lisa Stoican, Anna Lena Söderström

Annela Wikström: Drakenbergsg. 33, 117 41 Stockholm Master Mammele
Wikström works all kind of kinky XXX markets... Order forms available via
customers' booking phone: 00.46.8. 668 97 51 Hon är en av de högst
ansvarige att bedriva "Förintelselögner" och vara chef på s.k. "Levande
historia" falsifikations myndigheten. Hennes överste är Heléne Lööw lika
relaterade instrumenten hos Tel Aviv maffian...
upphandlingsenheten@lanab.amv.se, hakan.andersson@integration.stockholm.se,
karin.steffensen@integration.stockholm.se, cecilia.eng@esf.se,
borje.norlen@stadshuset.stockholm.se, dick.lindberg@vantor.stockholm.se,
love.hagerstrand@rinkeby.stockholm.se, tensta.roa@stockholm.mail.telia.com,
lena.ring@stadshuset.stockholm.se, lena.lefverstrom@vantor.stockholm.se,
infostab@stadshuset.stockholm.se, jany.plevnik@integration.stockholm.se,
info@integration.stockholm.se, goran.edenberg@integration.stockholm.se,
lena.lefverstrom@vantor.stockholm.se, lena.k.roth@skarholmen.stockholm.se,
gunilla.glatz@kista.stockholm.se, clennart@algonet.se,
jan.runfors@farsta.stockholm.se, mohammad.derakhshan@kista.stockholm.se,

Arslet-film ass surprices by via this mail:

eva.jonsson@enskede-arsta.stockholm.se, stella.fare@stadshuset.stockholm.se,
thomas.furth@pol.stockholm.se, hans-goran.olsson@pol.stockholm.se,
jan.bjorklund@stadshuset.stockholm.se, lotta.edholm@stadshuset.stockholm.se,
ann-christin.kjellman@pol.stockholm.se, inge-britt.lundin@lk.sll.se,
birgitta.rydell@stadshuset.stockholm.se, mats_sahlin@liberal.se,
caroline.lundbom@fundamerican.com, hakan.tenelius@sahlin-tenelius.com,
ulf.frideback@telia.com, helen_jaderlund_eckardt@liberal.se,
ingela.gille@vpc.se, johan.jakobsson@spray.se, bjorn.ljung@net.ptj.se,

Kenneth Sjökvist, ordförande i regionala parterskapet Phone: 41

Folkrörelserådet Hela Sverige Ska Leva: Margareta Spång Phone: 00.46.
176-131 03

Företagarnas Riksorganisation: Renèe Berglund Phone: 00.46.8. 406 17 76

Försäkringskassan: Yvonne Allnér Phone: 00.46.8. 676 15 43

Kommunförbundet KSL: Bernt Lindstenz Phone: 00.46.8. 615 94 08

Kooperativt Idécentrum KIC: Eva Johansson Phone: 00.46.8. 447 48 02

Länsarbetsnämnden: "Estonia massacre main suspect", Bordellmamman Birgitta
Heijer Phone: 00.46.8. 508 810 00

Länsstyrelsen : Tomas Stavbom Phone: 00.46.8. 785 54 40

SACO/Jusek: Göran Boldt Phone: 00.46.8. 665 29 13 (Immigrant-betrayer
publication's main figure Mammele Jolin Boldt's extra husband on paper)

Stockholms Handelskammare: Rikard Akhtarzand Phone: 00.46.8. 555 100 00

Stockholms Hantverksförening: Lars Österlind Phone: 00.46.8. 442 78 41

Stockholms läns landsting: Jan Scherwall Phone: 00.46.8. 737 51 09

Svensk Handel Region Stockholm: AnnChristin Gräns Phone: 00.46.8. 762 76 01

Svenskt Näringsliv: Lars Jilmstad Phone: 00.46.8. 762 70 00

TCO-rådet i Stockholms län: Swante Holm Phone: 00.46.8. 641 77 43

Svenska ESF-rådet i Stockholms län, Box 6815, 113 86 Stockholm; visitadress:
Rådmansgatan 70, Sth. Order forms available via customers' booking phone:
00.46.8. 457 33 00 Fax: 33 01

Gustavsson Nina, regionchef , phone 33 11, 070-556 28 70

Achmed Henrik phone: 33 04, 070-654 33 66

Göran Bergendal 33 05, 070-553 26 73 goran.bergendal@esf.se

Mary-Anne Berglund: 00.46.8. 457 33 18, 070-306 00 82

Ingalill Davidsson: 00.46.8. 457 33 17, 070-714 66 44

Chatarina Hedén: 00.46.8. 457 33 06 chatarina.heden@esf.se

Per Hollander: 00.46.8. 457 33 25 per.hollander@esf.se

Sven Jansson: 00.46.8. 457 33 07, 070-553 26 72 sven.jansson@esf.se

Yvonne Jansson: 00.46.8. 457 33 12, 070-321 07 41 yvonne.jansson@esf.se

Maria Maunsbach: 00.46.8. 457 33 09, 070-307 00 68 maria.maunsbach@esf.se

Johan Nordqvist: 00.46.8. 457 33 08, 070-552 26 55 johan.nordqvist@esf.se

Marie-Louise Norrgård: 00.46.8. 457 33 10, 070-552 26 75

Ingmar Paulsson: 00.46.8. 457 33 16, 070-556 28 61 ingmar.paulsson@esf.se

Susanna Rockström: 00.46.8. 457 33 19 susanna.rockstrom@esf.se

Birgitta Ström: 00.46.8. 457 33 13, 070-568 75 18 birgitta.strom@esf.se

Margit Unnefeldt: 00.46.8. 457 33 15, 070-579 33 96 margit.unnefeldt@esf.se

Anna-Lena Wettergren Wessman: 00.46.8. 457 33 14, 070-661 8506

Marianne Öberg-Håkansson: 00.46.8. 457 33 20, 070-550 44 20

plus; Kenneth Sjökvist, Nina Gustavsson
Frågor angående rekvisitionsblankett & utbetalning
AMS Ekonomitjänster, ESF-Gruppen; phone 32 60 - Much mor; I
understand... This is the liberalized market, actually the whores need
experieced ponces, like above...

- Vad skulle du tillägga om de leende fascistiska chefernas namn och
funktioner omkring det falska jobbcentret?
- Här har jag en lista som den finska homosexulla evangelian hora Jerker
Finnman tappat ...
- Få se!...
- Lena Thorson:BiA chefen. BiA betyder "Bistånd och arbete" (till vem

Carina Lilja: Fälstassistenternas (!) samordnare&siuonistiska
världsdominerande projektet Expodus representative och mellanhandlare, reser
mest till AUSrailia att lämna rapport oim genetiska biologiska forskningar,
experiment area Scandinavia representative..

Cristian Salas and Rebecca Ingulfsson: Carina Lilja's biträdande knähundar.
Deras mötesplatser: Lena Wahlberg & Cristian Salas: customers' booking phone Elsa Beskows g. 13, 129 55 Haegersten, Stockholm
Rebecca Ingulfsson: customers' booking phone Gimmerstav.
16, 125 71 Aelvsjö, Stockholm
Anna Axelsson: "Imported" African Jewish fascist, fått svenskt
namn i nöd av att smyga sig i samhället. secondhand instrument i
lager.&plus AMS chefernas cocksuger.
Staffan Tostar: "Imported" African Jewish fascist, fått svenskt namn i nöd
av att smyga sig i samhället. secondhand instrument i
lager. Margareta Johansson , infiltrerad Vänsterpartiet,
ordförande SDN

Jan Jönsson:Mammeles vice ordförande, judiska Folk Party's discrict
propaganda chef. Borned: 1979 i Sätra; bredvid stallet; där första
Jobbcentrum grundats och Jan blivit närmaste levande vittne detta
häststallet; vilken jävla åsnatur!.. Enligt Tel Aviv central uppdrag:
Tibet&China provokatörgruppens aktiv medlem haft direkta kontakt med Dalai
Lama. Order forms available via customers' booking phone:00.46. 70.263 47 19
E-post: jan.jonsson@liberal.se

Jerker Finnman: Finnish Evangelian Zionist lapdog. secondhand instruments
at lager. Jerker Finnman & Camilla Johansson Order forms available via
customers' booking phone:00.46.8. 7103273 Duvholmsgränd 8, 127 41
Skaerholm-Ghetto, Stockholm

Gustaf Åkerblom: "false Holocaust's false survivor" utan att drabba något,
inte heller sett något lager utom Sätra stall KZ (själv bor i Sätra).
Gustav Åkerblom, Geolog & Ann-Charlotte Åkerblom Order forms available via
customers' booking phone:00.46.8. 7101677 Fax: 16 77
Fiskarfjärdsstranden 11, 127 41 Skaerholm-Ghetto, Stockholm. Förut hävdade
att studerade i germanks lager i Polonia och därför använde titeln "
strålskyddsexpert" men senare ändrade sig att använda nya titeln "geolog",
kanske studerade (!) vidare i sina förintelsedrömmar... Född: 1932 E-post:

Lennart Brenner: Överste Åkerblom's bitredande instrument.. En av de
anställda som opererar Ghetton Skärholmen för Judiska Fp's räkning...
secondhand instrument i lager.

Kristina Axen Olin: Bill Clinton's Swedish maitress who copied the Jobcentre
project when she visited fu'ker-sucker madness Billy in Jew York, so
described by her ex-man; "avslöjar något annat som roligt att fått
chansen hamna i Bill Clitoris-on's tjänste(!)rummet på ovala soffan"...

David Zaudy: pressman/kurrier, experienced as propaganda section of Mo$$ad;
pendlar mellan Tel Aviv-Jew York-Brisbane-Stockholm och har olika typ av
press-card (av sin chef Arne Ruth) trots han aldrig studerat vid passande
linje. Fascisten har fyra namn och fyra olika pass (vilket tillfälle!):
Carl David Oscar Julius Zaudy Order forms available via customers' booking
phone:00.46.8. 205243 Herkulesg. 24, 111 52 Stockholm

Mia Zaudy, Leg. barnmorska Order forms available via customers' booking
phone:00.46.8. 381698 Liljeörnsg. 13, 165 53 Haesselby, Stockholm

Christina Elfförs-Sjödin:Gamla ordförande som BRÅ-chefen. Brå betyder
brottsförebyggande...(sic)... Bengt Sjödin, Fil. kand. & Christina Elffors
Sjödin Order forms available via customers' booking phone:00.46.8. 975029
Pettersbergsv. 70, 129 40 Haegersten, Stockholm

Halit Dogruel: "Imported" Kurdish traitor neoZion fascist... Halit's
gaycenter full fart och vinner bra på den här adressen: Alhagsvägen 64, 145
59 Norsborg-Ghetto, southern Stockholm Order forms available via customers'
booking phone:00.46.8. 53184735 (official) och direkt koppling (utan
kopplare) 94 82 Den homo-horan är secondhand instrument i
lager&male whore som delas sina nakna foton över hela världen där syns
hotran på AMS-chefernas sängar.. E-post: halit.dogruel@lanab.amv

Margretha Bjerke-Jaccard: Evangelian Zionist fascist. secondhand instrument
i lager&förskingrat AMS. Golfar nu på Åkersberga Golf&Porn Club's gröna
sängar... Hennes hallick heter Johnny Skoog Hennes XXX Center's address:
Margaretha Bjerke Jaccard, Nybodaringen 103, 117 62 Stockholm Order forms
available via customers' booking phone:00.46.8. 7491420

Ulla Britt Holmberg: Evangelian Zionist fascist. secondhand instrument i
lager&förskingrat AMS. Golfar mellan Margretha Bjerke-Jaccard&Lena

Patric Thuresson patric.thuresson@skarholmen.stockholm.se Order forms
available via customers' booking phone:00.46.413.70709

Christer Rutberg: Arbets(!)förmedlare (means, Job agent) according to the
AMS. Home of homos' address: Åsög. 181, 116 32 Stockholm Order forms
available via customers' booking phone:00.46.8. 7021881

Second cathegory "catch boys", "matures on duty": Ewa Wilman, Sylvana
Edman, Lennart Lindgren, Inger Granefjärd, Irene Näslund, Berit Karlberg,
Sören Ottosson, Kersttin Lindqist, Mariann Gustafsson, Maria Thöyrä, Eva
Åsell, Eva Stina Framvik, Eivor Pettersson, Else Erikson, Eva Linde, Karin
Ericsson, Sven Andersson, Irene Brunér Lidblom, Lambrini Giatropoulos, etc.

Koordinatörer som pumpar statliga och EU klippta pengar.. Dessa instrumenter
visar sig in te i Ghetton utan sitter i centraka områdena men förmedlar och
förhandlar lika jävigt... Backstage instruments who collaboate and betray
people all together:

Krister Lindfors: krister.lindfors@lanab.amv.se

Rose Marie Egberth: rose-marie.egberth@lanab.amv.se

Länsarbetsnämnden's kollaboratörer som förlättar förskingringen:

Birgitta Heijer: Birgitta.Heijer@lanab.amv.se

Kristina Wolff: kristina.wolff@lanab.amv.se

Nils Olof Berggren, Anna Lisa Stoican, Anna Lena Söderström

Annela Wikström: Drakenbergsg. 33, 117 41 Stockholm
Order forms available via customers' booking phone: 97 51 Hon
är en av de högst ansvarige att bedriva "Förintelselögner" och vara chef på
s.k. "Levande historia" falsifikations myndigheten. Hennes överste är Heléne
Lööw lika relaterade instrumenten hos Tel Aviv maffian...

- This is the living evidence of true concentration machine of
system... - Peoples aren't the mass of cows, of course every witness
understad the truth... The truth about the fake jobcentres which still at
work to eliminate the registrated individuals, intellectuals, minorities
like oppressed Laponians...

- Why in Sätra-stable, Vaarberg Concentration Center... - ...and both
districts are the pieces of Skaerholmen SDN... Maybe we should add the other
gehottos like Rosengaard, Bergsjön, Rinkeby?!.. - Yes, of course!..
But why only around of Skaerholm or Rinkeby, Rosengaard but not on
Östermalmstorg, Danderyd offices or the industrial areas of the
Scandinavia? - Rival... Because Zionist Imperialism needs new Harlem,
disindustrialiserade Haparanda, Qudüs Ghetto experiments to threat
civilization and new groups can be best for new experiences like the "Guinea
pigs" in the living laboratories... Anyway it's easy, it's available to
mobilize each other...It looks like the evangelian traditional little animal
sports, "hound-gray-rallies", there the animals scare each other when the
bosses' celebrate by side of this cruel arena... Did you know, the
evangelian zion infiltred authorities pay the rent of collaborated
oragnizations which allmost the settled in Skärholmen? - I heard an
enormous support but I didn't saw a plate... - Plates?! Skyltning
tänkbart om bara affären ska vara sann... I can say in english; displaying
needs if the affairs shall be true... Huh, mission and members are important
for them... Here is a list, any selected actors using these adresses as
local by their boss:

ALSADIK Irakiska kultur(!)föreningen, Älgrytevägen 51, 127 31
Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern Stockholm phone 90 06
Arabiskt consulting(!)centrum, Habib Nouira, Box 131, 127 23
Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8. 710 76 06
Bangladesh kulturförening c/o Azim Khan, Älgrytevägen 159, 137 31
Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8. 727 61 75 Meet-local:
Ekholmsvägen 189 Close to Pingstkyrkan (Church of Pingst Gang, provocation
sect operates for USrael) and they are working for Usraeli aims.. Khan clan
members in Scandinavia have a lot of fake shops and cooperativeaffairs for
instance Anwarul's Finntours in the Kungsholmsgatan 14, Stockholm
Bolivianska Sociala och Kulturella(!) föreningen i Stockholm c/o Leo
Bejarano, Falkholmsgränd 17 1tr, 127 46 Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern Stockholm
phone 00.46.8.(...secret)
Eritreanska föreningen i sydvästra Stockholm c/o Almaz-Goiton, 127 61
Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8. 532 508 98
FREDEA c/o Paez Frimurarvägen 28 ,127 33 Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern
Stockholm phone 00.46.8.(...secret)
Föreningen för Etiopier i Stockholm, Box 12, 127 21 Skaerholm-Ghetto,
southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8.(...secret)
Föreningen Norte Grande c/o Benigno Velasquez, Idholmsv. 87 127 47
Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8.(...secret)
Grekisk Svenska Föreningen i Södra Stockholm, Visitsaddress: Skärholmsgången
24, Box 23, 127 21 Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8. 710
89 82
Idrottsföreningen HANIF, Vårbergsplan 3, 127 43 Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern
Stockholm phone 00.46.8.(...secret)
Irakiska books vänner i Stockholm, Box 2068, 127 02 southern Stockholm phone
KvinnoBolaget of Persian whores in Bredaeng-Skaerholm Ghetto; imported
sisters Leila QARAEE and Azam QARAI run this centre, officially label is
"Kvinnonet"; Networ´k of legalized prostitution of Jewish porn idustry.
Mångkulturella(!) kvinno- och ungdomsföreningen i Vårberg, Vårbergsplan 60
,127 43 Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8. 740 30 10
Föreningslokal: Vårbergsplan 60, Vaarberg'nbelsen, Skaerholm.
Peru-kommittén för mänskliga rättigheter(if men are only jew friends ?!),
Box 2030, 127 02 Skaerholm; visitaddress: Vattenledningsvägen 47, Hägersten,
southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8. 18 85 22
Sandinistisk kommitté i Sverige, Ekholmsvägen 232, 127 45 Skaerholm-Ghetto,
southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8.(...secret)
Serbiska Ungdomsföreningen "Balkan" , chairman former Soldier/Wanted
Criminal Mr. Todorovic, Storholmsbackarna 2, 127 43 Skaerholm-Ghetto,
southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8. 710 61 63
Somaliska kultur(!)föreningen i Skärholmen, Brantholmsgränd 66, 127 46
Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern Stockholm phone 00.46.8. 710 29 17
Swedish Bangladesh Friendship Society, (Bengalian Mafia) district chairman
Mohiuddin Ahmed, Gröna Stugans väg 21, 127 34 Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern
Stockholm. Mohiuddin Ahmed's wife is syster to the Godfather Anwarul's last
wife... Anwarul is chief of Bengalian Mafia and officially regsitrated as
"Travel manager" in the Kungsholmen street,14, Stockholm. They arre selling
fake passports and arranging such possibilities what common with zionist
tradition for instance Raoul Wallenberg did before...
Ungerska arkivet, Box 176, 127 24 Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern Stockholm phone
Ungerska litteraturklubben Box 4062, 127 04 Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern
Stockholm phone 00.46.8.(...secret)
Victor Jara i Skärholmen, Box 45 ,127 27 Skaerholm-Ghetto, southern
Stockholm phone 00.46.8. 741 37 72
- But there are the revolutionary victims like Victor Jara solidarity, too?
- Colours of Benetton!.. There are millions of Jesus Christs all over the
world but the true poor Jesus fleed of all these shurks...
- ?!

- I know many of these organisatons, reporesentatives and adiministrators
who never worked in Sweden, nor been jobseekers at AMS.. It's maybe a
terrible thouht but a mechanism pays all their salaries, not only the local
-This is the question!.. Otherway the lobbies couldn't drug the masses.

- We told on master falser boss Raoul WALLENBERG, but he was not alone on
such business. The Zionist Rabbi of Sweden Dr. Ehrenpreis produced false
paper and sold to 10,000 Jews of bourgeoisie cathegories.
- Tradition rules instead of constitution...
- Swedish Kingdom has no constitution.
- ?!



Today's most visited recommended links
News you won't find on CNN or FOX&mice Co.s:

AAARGH: http://aaargh.vho.org/
Abunimah org.. http://www.Abunimah.org/
Abuse Survivors&Fredrik BENDTZ
testimonied: http://users.cgiforme.com/fbendz/messages/1329.html
ADC, Anti-Discrimination Committee: http://www.ADC.org/

Adelaide Institute:

ADL (American Defence League) Solidarity with Yugoslavian
People: http://adlusa.com/adl/ ADL
(Anti-Defamation Zion Criminals) Watch:

ADDAMEER, Human Rights against
Torture: http://www.addameer.org/torture/index.html Afghanistan
Liberation Organisation (ALO, Revolutionary Marxist-Maoist Organisation of
Afghanistan Working Class):
Ahram Org.:

AIC: http://www.alternativenews.org/
Al Ansar&Anvari&KurdInfo, Antisemite revolutionary community in Scandinava:
http://www.kurdinfo.com/enver/enver4.htm E-post:


Al Awda Britannia, the Palestinian Right to Return:
Al Ayyam org.:

Alexinac; Yugoslavians massacred by the Zionist military mafia's toy NATO:

Al Fatah Liberation Organization Victoria Siempre!

Al Haq/Law org. affiliate I.C.J., International Commission of Jurists,

Al Qudüs University.:

Alternative Info org.:

AlternativeMedia: http://www.altermedia.info/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=214&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 http://www.altermedia.info/modules.php

Americans Against Bombing

Americans Against World Empire:
http://www.againstbombing.com http://abbc.com/cartoons/us-aid.jpg

American occupational army executes without reason; it's enough to be killed
if people are not Jews&ass slicker
collaborators: http://www.aljazira.it/img/guerra_iraq_20_03_03/iraq_45.jpg
American state terrorism:

org.: http://www.amin.org/ Amirah/Ethnic

Amnesty International: http://www.amnesty.org/news/1996/51504996.htm
http://users3.cgiforme.com/amnesty/cfmboard.html http://abbc.com/cartoons/humanr.jpg
"cleansed" by the same league, ZOGang:

Anti-Fascist Duisburg gegen den zionistischen Imperialismus:


Anti-Imperialist Musicians (downloading easy and free) against judaized
dominance on
culture: http://www.sniper-records.net/torsvrede/e_index.htm AntiKrisGroup
Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against Zionist Imperialism:

Antiracist Network:
http://www.antiracismnet.org/main.html Anti-Semitic
Legends: http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/antisemitic.html
Anti-War: http://www.antiwar.com/ http://shell1.linetex.de/~busfahrer/pics/bush/asses.jpg

Anti-Zionist Laponian revolution supported by Mugu Liberation Movement of
Anti-Zionist Magazine
Challenge: http://www.hanitzotz.com/challenge/
Anti-Zionist Revolutionary
Kurdistan: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1074/ http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1074/israel.html
Webmaster Comrade Roni INAN's e-post: Inan@tdc.dircon.co.uk,
IntPEN@dircon.co.uk Apartheid in Fact: (Pissed off by the
Jewish Chiefs of Humboldt
Co.) http://www.humboldt1.com/~016910/BibliogZionism.html
Apartheid should be banned
worldwide: www.boycottisraeligoods.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB2&file=viewforum&f=3
Arab Human Rights: http://www.Arabhra.org/index.htm
Arthur R. BUTZ informs about Jewish
Fascism: http://pubweb.acns.nwu.edu/~abutz/index.html%20 http://pubweb.acns.nwu.edu/~abutz/dnews/
Artists&Christian Academians against
Racism: http://www.geocities.com/orthopapism/jewishracism.html

Associazione Revisionismo Storico:

Assyrian Freedom online&Assyrians against Jewish
Fascism:: http://www.mathaba.net/www/palestine/ http://www.b2g2.com/boards/board.cgi?user=mathaba

Australian Anti-Zionist News by Cassopaea:
http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/signs130.htm Aztlan: http://www.aztlan.net/
BADIL (Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee rights):
http://www.badil.org/e-index.html Barbarity transferred
from Western, what the Jews
rid: http://www.aljazira.it/img/guerra_iraq_20_03_03/iraq_46.jpg
BarnesReview against the Jewish fabrication
industry: http://www.barnesreview.org/ BBC
Documentary Center/ ( with special thanks to the staff of Panorama
Archive-BBC) http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/audiovideo/programmes/panorama/newsid_1381000/1381328.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmaedia/12380000/video/_13813228_sharon_v.ram
(Pissed off by the corrupted Fascist Jewish staff...) It was an
audiovisual doc. on Human Butcher SHARON and other Jew-Fascists'
Crimes/PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE/massacre in Sabra/Shatila/Qana...occupied
Mideast/Hypocrisy of U.N.-War Crime section's reponsible jurists, corrupted
chiefs etc. E-post: newsonline@bbc.co.uk, bbcprime@bbc.com.uk,
Bergen-Belsen Jobbcentrum Independent Initiative against
Zionist Imperialism: http://www.palkom.com/inn.htm
Belgian MotherEarth Activists against the judaized fascist dominance on the
World: http://www.motherearth.org/nowar/en/home_en.php
Beware Holy places from the ZOG, zioni occupational
gang,: http://www.hlt-palestine.org/ Beyond the
fake propaganda of the Zionist
Media: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/ Birger
studies on traditionally paedophilia&robbery&fraud connection of Zionist
Criminals: http://www.ludd.luth.se/~birger/gb_read.htm

Bob HANSSON&BURMAN&Musicians against the judaized "Big Brother"
Imperialism: http://www.highspeedart.com/hansson/bobbrev.html

Bolletino di informazione antimperialista: http://www.bollettino.it/

Books and useful information against Jewish Brain Washing
process: http://holywar.org/BOOKS.htm Boycott
Bush-it :

Brain-Washing/Kinderbücher; die die Gehirnen von Kinder wäschen:
http://www.najdeh.de/nn/dez99/bild.html (pissed off by the Germanian
E-post: redaktion@najdeh.de

Brasilian CLAJADEP against the Zionist Imperialism:

Brasilian PCML, Partido MarxistLeninista revolutionaries Inverta:

Britannian Council against the Jewish
Fascism: http://www.caabu.org/index.html
Britannian&Palestinian info center:
http://www.palestine-info.co.uk/am/publish/ Bulldogs and
lapdogs: http://zog.to/3/dogs/dg-ind.htm
Bulldog WC-mouth BUSHIT and lapdog Swedish Evangelian G.rån PETZION:

Bush-it-BLiar couple liberated (!) masses by massacre:

BUSH-it Jr. Watch; super bloody idiotic marionette of all the ages of
civilization:: http://www.bushwatch.net/ Café
Freedom: http://www.freedomsite.org/cafe/homepage.html

Campaign against Arm Trade:
Canada-Edmonton Activists struggle against Jewish Fascism:

Cartoons for think
twice: http://abbc.com/islam/roligt/roligt.htm
http://zog.to/3/cartoons/rocks.htm Cartoonized Nutwork:



Catalonia fights against the Zionist Imperialism:

Censor driven by the Zionist Imperialist
Power: http://www.jeninjenin.org/film.htm
Chechian Bohemia&Moravia Communist Party,
KSCM: http://www.kscm.cz/news.asp?menu=1&necId=321&necId2=321
Che in
Russia: http://titan.guestworld.tripod.lycos.com/wgb/wgbview.dbm?owner=CheGuevaraRussia
Che Guevara Information
Archive: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/8702/che.html
http://www.voy.com/493/ Che GUEVARA Internet
Archive: http://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/index.htm
Che lives -I-: http://www.che-lives.com/
Che lives -II-:
Che; Vallegrande Che Festival
page: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/9051/
Chicage combats Jewish Fascism: http://www.chicagoantiwar.org/
Chilean MIR against the Zionist Imperialism: E-post:
Foundation: http://www.tamkeen.org/CSOs/PSCF/Index.html
Children Rights,
emergency: http://www.kinderusa.org/emergency.htm
Children Treated
Abroad: http://www.pcrf.net/abroad/abroad.html http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/rdonlyres/BE7D33C0-CE61-407D-BCB6-D6F141561954/64/violationsEngCompressed.gif
Christians against the Jewish Manipulations Empire; Alfred OLSEN's channel
Holy War: http://holywar.org/indexholy.html
Civilized (!) Negro lapdog Condoleezza shows braveness by her
Lords: http://www.gagarama.de/bush-satire/bush-rice.htm Coalition
Military helps to the world dominance of Jewish Fascism to cleanse the Arab
Children: http://www.aljazira.it/img/guerra_iraq_20_03_03/iraq_74.jpg
CODOH: http://www.codoh.com/index_main.html
Colorado Solidarity
Committees: http://www.ccmep.org/
Comandante: http://www.el-comandante.com/Default2.htm http://www.el-comandante.com/guestlog.htm
Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru
http://www.csrp.org/ Committee of the Union of
Communists of Iran
(Sarbedaran): http://www.sarbedaran.50megs.com/new_page_3.htm http://us.geocities.yahoo.com/gb/view?member=voice_sarbedaran Committee
to Support the Revolution in Peru: http://www.csrp.org/

Communist Party of Australia,
CPA: http://www.cpa.org.au/campaign/uswar.html

Communist Party of Sweden,
SKP: http://solidnet.org/cgi-bin/agent?parties/075=sweden,_communist_party_of_sweden
Communist Refoundation Party,
Italia: http://www.rifondazione.it/pg/internazionale/english.html
Communiste Révolutionnaire Francia LCR, against Jewish Fascism:

Communist Workers' Party Finlandia,
KTP: http://www.kaapeli.fi/~ktp/english/index.html
Comrade Burman in Scandinavian Ghetto (Förort, för hård):
Comrade Raymond Luc LEVASSEUR:

Comrade Sundiata ACOLI:

Comrade Tom MANNING:

Comrade TCHOLAKOV, Stefan Dimiter:
http://web.domaindlx.com/choli/Links1.asp http://www.elcadillo.com.mx/03oct22/regine/zircus_bush.html Copenhagen
Initiative documented Crimes of Zionist
Imperialism: http://www.nejtilkrig.dk/dokumenter.htm
Court tv:
Coventry Socialist Party's Anti-Zionist
Forum: http://www.coventrysocialistparty.freeserve.co.uk/
Covert Action http://www.covertaction.org/bio_cover_Excerpts.htm
Crimes organized by the Jewish
lobbies: http://www.theunjustmedia.com/jew%20organized%20crime.htm
CSVI, Coordination for Support the People's Resistance in INDONESIA:

Cuba, si!:

Culture plunderers leagues as a project of invasion coalition of the
Zionist Imperialism:
Danemark Defence Humanbeing against Jewish Fascism:
http://www.danpal.dk/ David IRVING tells:

Defence the Child
Rights: http://www.dci-pal.org/ Deir Yassin
org.: http://www.deiryassin.org/ http://www.deiryassin.org/menu_feedback.html
Palestine: http://members.tripod.com/~freepalestine/
Danemark-Palestine Solidarity
org.: http://www.danpal.dk/english.php Dangerous
idio-animal typ among us: http://abbc.com/bush/chimp.htm

Democracy tv&radio; watch entire, now:
http://www.democracynow.org/index.pl?btid=11 Dov'e'
l'Aereo che ha Colpito il Pentagono?!

Dubliners against Zionist Imperialism:
http://irishantiwar.org/index.adp Eelam, Sri Lancaiska
Guerilla Organisation: http://www.tamilnet.com/

Einheit gegen Kinderschender/Paedophilen:

Electronic Intifada org.:

Electronic Iraq org.:
http://electroniciraq.net/news/ ETA, Euscal Herria
Journal for Liberation Basqia: http://members.freespeech.org/ehj/

EMHRN, Euro-Mediterranean Network:
http://www.euromedrights.net/english/engelsk.html Ethnic
Cleansing/Ethnische Säuberungen, Völkermord in
Palästina&Irak: http://globalfire.tv/nj/d2001/juden_luegen.htm

Euscal Herria Batasuna, Baskian Guerilla
Organisation: http://www.euskal-herritarrok.org/international/b01/eindex.htm

EU institutons are under fraud&foundation masked assassination:

European Jews aim such Family Model, what Sweden already succeed:

Evangelian&Jewish brothels selling children&most liberalized markets exposed
in the satellite regimes of USrael; top kinky one market is Swedish Kingdom:

E.Z.L.N., Mexican Guerilla Zapatista Liberation
Army: http://www.ezln.org/

FAIR - Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting

F.A.R.C.-E.P.; Colombian Guerilla
Organisation: http://www.farc-ep.org/

Fence building around the families as USraeli security model:
Finlandia-Helsinki Activists struggle against Zionist Imperialism:

Foolish Figures of Muppet Show of Human Butcher Sharony
Boss: http://www.realchange.org/ http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/rdonlyres/EE4D91A6-3F03-46AE-ACAC-4D2643AE4EE3/72/TargetingmediaEngcompressed.gif
Foto Coverage&Shame on Humanity!

Francia movimento d'Internationale fight Jewish
Fascism: http://site.voila.fr/PENN974/

Fredrik BENDTZ expose the libearalized Pedo-markets of zioni Kingdom Sweden:

Freedom and Justice:

Freedom Journal of Mumia
Abu-JAMAL: http://www.mumia.org/freedom.now/ Free
Speech; Love to Informative
World:: http://members.tripod.com/~ukulju/links_2.htm
Free Speech org.&tv; watch it, just
now: http://www.freespeech.org/ http://www.freespeech.org/ramfiles/genocide.ram

Free Speech Rights and its enemy number one; ADL
gang: http://www.fpp.co.uk/docs/ADL/index.html
French-Palestinian Solidarity
Associations: http://www.palestine-france.com/

Genocide on Iraq:
Genocide Survivors'
Testimonies: http://www.alnakba.org/testimony/testimony.htm

Genosse HÖJEBERG singt so schön noch
immer: http://www.sub.su.se/forint/antis15.htm
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography:
http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm http://www.ostara.org/images/bu_bl.gif
Germanian Journal's English Redaction:

Germanian Kommunisten kämpfen gegen die zionistischen Faschisten:

Germanians advice the selfdefence against the Zionist Imperialism:
http://www.ostara.org/ http://www.ostara.org/images/saddam.jpg
Germar RUDOLF informs about the jewish dominated falsification
industry: http://www.vho.org/ Goetheburg city
Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against Zionist Imperialism:
http://www.stoppakriget.nu/ Greecia-Athens Initiative
against the judaized Imperialism:

GreenLeft: http://www.greenleft.org.au/

Greenpeace knows that there is NATUR in the OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, too:

Halmstad city Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against Zionist
Imperialism: http://hem.passagen.se/fred.i.mellanostern/

Hank ROTH's news center:

Hiroshima&Nagasaki; Fascist face of Zionist American massdestruction:

Holand Initiative against Jewish Fascism:

Holocaust on
Arabs&relatives: http://www.hoffman-info.com/palestine.html
Holocaust-Industries of the Zionist Imperialist
profiteers: http://globalfire.tv/nj/d2001/juden/idxjuden.htm Humanistas
Budapest against the judaized Imperialism:

Human appeal of Holand
scientists: http://www.omroep.nl/human/tv/muur/heelboek010/heelboek010.htm

Human Rights in the occupied Middle
East: http://www.derechos.org/human-rights/mena/iot.html

Human Rights Center of Filistinia:

IAP: http://www.iap.org/links.htm

ILPS, Int. League of People's Struggle:

Independent Institute against the Jewish Fabrication Industry:

Liberation: http://www.cpiml.org/liberation/year%202003/June2003/Foreign_Policy.htm
Indict Human
Butcher: http://www.iap.org/massacres.htm
Indonesian PRD against the Zionist Imperialism:

Industrial Lie Mechanism&Traditional Fabrication and Holocaust Bluff of Jude
Psycopats: http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/id44.htm

Indymedia - Belgium

Incest victims&witness Solidarity testimonies on Criminal Abit DUNDAR

Indymedia guests talking on commercialized abuse cases of Zionist Satellite

Intifada Online:

Intifada Online forum:

International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)

International Action Center

Communists: http://www.vcp.nu/vcpnieuws/links.htm
International Solidarity
Movement: http://www.palsolidarity.org/
Investigation Committee on Ariel Sharon's crimes against
humanity: http://www.petitiononline.com/warcrime/petition.html
IRA, Ir(a)landia's Liberation Army:

IRSM, Ir(a)landia's Socialist
Workers: http://irsm.org/irsm.html Iranian
Marxists: http://www.trife.com/sevnska/art/22-7-1m.htm Israel
is losing, because the Lie-Imperium of the Jews has no future:
http://www.bushwatch.com/comment.htm http://www.nata2.info/humor/bush/iraq%5b1%5d.jpg

Italia forza struggle against the Jewish
Fascism: http://www.forisociali.org/
Italiano Comrados against the Zionist
Imperialism: http://www.italiapalestina.it/sito/index.html
Jail can't prevent the truth; 'cause TRUTH is stronger than
jails: http://www.altermedia.info/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=208&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
Japonian peace activists struggle against Zionist
Imperialism: http://peaceact.jca.apc.org/ Japonian
Communist Activists against the Jewish Fascism:

Jeff RENSE's ZionismData
archive: http://www.rense.com/Datapages/zionismdata.htm
Jericho Movement: http://www.thejerichomovement.com/

Jesus Christus killed by the Fascist Jews:
Jewish-Zionist plots were been exposed by the Australian Freedom Fighters:
Jihad for the liberation of Humanity:

Jim KOPP and other true Christians demasked the Zionist
Barbarity: http://www.christiangallery.com/ Joe
VIALLS talks on the ABUSE cases&Jewish Pedo Abit Dundar&NEFEL Clan
Fascists: http://www.joevialls.co.uk/myahudi/packrape.html
John BALL exposed the Jewish lies around the JobZentrum-files:

comments: http://www.johnpilger.com/ Joseph
comments: http://zog.to/3/harsch/hr-ind.htm
Journalists who always been censored:
http://www.gregpalast.com/ http://abbc.com/cartoons/democracy.jpg

Kampf gegen zionistisches Königreich:
Karl MARX warns about the Talmudic Fascism; traditionally
Barbarity: http://www.theunjustmedia.com/karl_marx_on_the_jewish_question.htm
Karutzar; Bulgarians against the Zionist Genocides:

Korean progressive network: http://english.jinbo.net/

Korean news-Democratic People's Republic of Korea:
http://www.kcna.co.jp/index-e.htm E-post: eng-info@kcna.co.jp
Kristiansand-city Independent Initiative against Jewish Fascism:

KurdInfo, Antisemite revolutionary community in Scandinava:

Kurdistan Liberation/Guerilla
forum: http://guerilla.hypermart.net/discus/
E-post: Kurdistan_lib@hotmail.com

Kurdistan Recognizes the Armenian Genocide:
http://www.cilicia.com/armo10i_kurdistan.html More info on: Kurdistan
Exile Parliament and Conflicts between Kurdish People and Jewish
Occupational Mafia: : c/o:
Haydar-Isik@t-online.de http://www.kurdistan.org/Articles/olson2.html

Labor versus Capital in the heart of Jew World Order

Laponian Anti-Zionist Marxists in solidarity like Comrade Lars
TÖRNMAN: http://mailman.t0.or.at/mailman/private/infopalestine/Lars_Törnman/AntiZionistRevolutionaryLaponians

Laponian Anti-Zionist movements&Partisans&symphatizers of party:

Laponian people struggle against the EU-masked judaized Swedish Imperialism:

Legitimate George WCmouth BuSHIT:

Leonard PELTIER Defence Committee: http://www.freepeltier.org/

Law society: http://www.lawsociety.org.uk/ E-post:

Current&Japonia: http://www.ngy1.1st.ne.jp/~ieg/index-e.html

Linköping city Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against Zionist
Imperialism: http://www.valet.nu/fredsnatet/

Liberated people by the massacres of Zionist Occupational Imperialism


Lysekyl Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against Zionist Imperialism:

London Initiative struggle against Jewish
Dominance: http://www.stopwar.org.uk/ Los Angeles
Labor Bureau of Communist Party: http://cpusa.org/article/archive/0/20
Los Angeles Working Class fight back the Zionist Imperialism:

Lubnania exposes the Jewish Barbarity:

Luxemburg Gauche
Party: http://www.dei-lenk.lu/sujet/article.asp?id=105&sub=37
Madrid Solidarity against Jewish Fascism:

Mafia BERLUSCONI-MUSSOLINI Bastard serves for second Godfafther Butcher

Malta-Vanetta's grafitti activists struggle against the Jewish
dominance&Zionist Imperialism:

Manipulation around terrorism is the contemporary face of Big
Brother: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/wtc.htm Masonry

Massacres of the Zionist Occupational Gang,
(Z.O.G.): http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/2367/massacre.html (pissed
off by Yahoo stafff; also, Yahoo=Yahoodi) E-post: MaSeeHi@bigfoot.com

Massacre Responsible Nucleo-armed Mafia Z.O.Gang:

Media lies: http://medialies.com/ Meister
ECKEHARDT (discrimined Jurist of Scandinavia) informs against judaized
Imperialism: http://www.den-svenske.com/michel_friedman.htm
Mexican delegation against Jewish
occupation: http://www.palestina.com.mx/
Melbourna Activists struggle against Zionist
Imperialism: http://www.vicpeace.org/
Militarist Barbarity modenized instead of modernized civilization:
Militarized Mafia's systematical
terrorism: http://www.skrewdriver.org.uk/terror.html

Montreal-Canada Federation Info against
Imperialism: http://www.fiiq.qc.ca/ Most wanted
terrorists: http://abbc.com/bush/

Media Watch
org.: http://www.pmwatch.org/

MERIP org.: http://www.MERIP..org/

Middle East
Facts: http://www.mideastfacts.com/ Mideast
Chamber org.: http://www.mideastchamber.com/
Miftah org.: http://www.miftah.org/Forum.cfm
http://www.miftah.org/guestbook/gbook.cfm M. S.'s Che
E-post: moud@hotmail.com,

MultiCruelity of Jewish
Barbarity: http://www.alkhilafah.info/massacres/
Museum of Jewish Crimes against Humanity:

Music Activists (Sniper Records&Tor's Vrede) against the Zionist dominance
on Culture:
(downloading is easy and free!.. Try it just now, enjoy
yourself!) http://www.sniper-records.net/torsvrede/e_index.htm http://www.bushflash.com/idiot.html
http://pub.alxnet.com/guestbook?id=2495619 Musicians
united against the commercialized Incest&Pedophilia leagues:

My Lai Massacre 1968
http://www.pathfinder.com/photo/essay/mylai/mylaihp.htm http://www.pathfinder.com/photo/essay/mylai/mylaicon.htm
NATO; a military toy of the zionized Imperialism:

Natvan demasked the Zion fraud:

Neglected Stories of the dismissed writers&discriminated artists:

Net Activist: http://www.dkp-ml.dk/netactivist/index2.htm

News from
reality: http://www.hereinreality.com/carlyle.html
suppressed: http://holywar.org/suppress.htm
New Yorkers against Jew York Terrorism:
http://www.unitedforpeace.org/ New Zealand Initiative
agaisnt the judaized Imperialism:



Norrbotten&Laponian Party struggle against the EU-masked judaized Swedish

Norrköping city Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against Zionist
http://norrkopingmotkrig.webbsida.com/ Norway-Communist
Party: http://www.nkp.no/e-index.html Norway
Defence Humanbeing against Jewish Fascism:

Norway Solidarity Committees:

Occupation Cartoons: http://www.baha-cartoon.net/occu/occup.htm

Oli-fever costs your future:

Opinions&Expressions banned by Zions? Send it us, we Free Speech Group
expose it and combat the Jewish Imperialism
http://www.ruf-ch.org/ http://www.ruf-ch.org/Leser.html
Organized crime-a bloody
exposition: http://w1.858.telia.com/~u85819409/altinfo/Bilder/
Oslo is already ready to combat the Jewish
Lobbies: http://www.ingenkrig.no/ Östersund city
Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against Zionist Imperialism:
Paedophile-league exposed by the victims&oppressed relatives:

Paedophilia victims&witness Solidarity testimonies on Criminal Abit DUNDAR

Palestine campaign:
E-post: info@palestinecampaign.org

Palestine Center: http://www.PalestineCenter.org/

Palestine chronicle: http://www.palestinechronicle.com/
Palestine Return
Center: http://www.prc.org.uk/ Palestinian
Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Palestinian Solidarity org. in
Finlandia: http://www.palestinegd.fi/links1.htm

Pancyprian for Human Rights-Int. Current News&Info
Center: http://members.spree.com/stelios/4index/full/missing.html
http://members.spree.com/stelios/main/main.htm http://members.spree.com/stelios/hr06/derynia.htm E-post:
THEOCY@cytanet.com.cy, Partisan Laponian
revolutionary Olof T. JOHANSSON's appeal:

Bulletin: http://www.passia.org/index_bulletin.html http://www.passia.org/guestbook.htm

Passion to own marks:
http://www.cactus48.com/passion.html Peace turned to

Philippines Militants struggle against the Zionist Imperialism:

Planet, Palestinian Academicians org.: http://www.planet.edu/he.shtml

Plata Girón's Che composition:

PNA, Palestinian Government: http://www.pna.net/

Palestinian Restitution and Reparation (CPRR). Council&Petition for refugee
rights of return: http://rightofreturn.org/be-active/petition
Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Center -
Shaml: http://www.shaml.org/ Palestine Remembered.

Palestine Times monthly:

Peace Movement Aotearo

PetitionOnline against War Crimes:

Petroleum giants suck the blood of Nigerian
people: http://w1.858.telia.com/~u85819409/altinfo/goil0004m.gif

Police Brutality: http://www.october22.org/

Polonia; Niet Okupacja!..


Prag Activists against Zionist
Imperialism: http://www.mujweb.cz/www/irak/
Prison of David Stern rounded human
being: http://images.ucomics.com/comics/ta/2003/ta030731.gif
Protest net: http://www.protest.net/

PTB - International: http://www.ptb.be/international/indexen.html

Puerto Rican independentista movement: http://www.redbetances.com/

Puerto Rican political
prisoners: http://www.wco.com/~boricua/POWS/
Puerto Rico resistance movement:

Push Bush-push BLiar-push Bush-push BLiar!
Racism exposed:

Racist Nature of
Zionism: http://codoh.com/zionweb/ziondark/zionracdex.html

Massacre: http://members.terra.net.lb/buddy/qana/massacre.html

Radio FS-Internetional; listen to the Free Speech Internet
Radio: http://www.fsrn.org/news/
Real player basic is enough to listen (or read) the Radio FS worldwide,

Recorded testimonies on the halfofficially abuse cases:

Red Stars struggle against Incest Crime:

Reindeer eliminates by judaized Swedish Imperialism:

Remains Ethnical
Cleansing: http://www.allthatremains.com/index.html Resistance
http://www.iacenter.org/palestinian_resist.htm Revolutionaries
from Scandinavia demand; "Stop the persecution process on the
demonstranters&Laponians!": http://www.revolusjon.no/

RSP, Irish Republican Socialist Movement:

Russian Granata against the Zionist
Imperialism: http://www.russgranata.com/
Relativity theorie on the relations of blood and
profites: http://www.opensecrets.org/2000elect/index/AllCands.htm
SAEPO (Säpo), Scandinavia's most corrupted, manipulated, Jew controlled
marionettes, security falsificators exposed by Anders SVENSSON:

SANA, Syrian Arab News Agency:
http://www.sana.org/english/En-Images/israeli_terrorism.htm http://www.sana.org/english/En-Images/israeli_terrorism.htm
Santa Talmudian Pedophile Bastards exposed by Germanian
Comrades: http://www.gagarama.de/ Sápmé-people's
Human Rights threatened:

Scandinavian CivilCourage Network Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia
against Zionist Imperialism:

Forum: http://www.palestinagrupperna.a.se/forum.htm
Scandinavian Students Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against Zionist

Scotland&Deir Yassin solidarity:

Scotland-Glasgow Activists still fu'king judaized Bastard Tory BLiar:

See on the Sea&around the Sea how they suck people's red blood what USrael

Selected Sites of Vietnam
Veterans: http://www.oz.net/~vvawai/org/links.html
Serbian Defence against Zionist Imperialism:
http://serbiandefenseleague.com/ Set free Freedom
Fighter Abdullah OCALAN:

Set free the Five Cubanos:

Set free Hussam KADER and all Palestinian prisoners:
http://www.hussamkhader.com/english/default.html Set
free Indian Poet Leonard PELTIERI:
Set free Jonathan POLLARD:

Set free Marwan BARGHOUTI:

Set free Nuclear Weapon Whistler Comrade Mordechai VANUNU:

Set free Mumia ABU-JAMAL:

Set free "Black Panther" Revolutionary HUEY:

Set free Osmo VALLO's brothers and all other innocent Gypsies in Sweden=stop
such second USrael process in the EU:

Set free the Freedom Fighter Ulla Roder!
Set free the Free Speech Fighter Ernst ZÜNDEL:

Set Free Slobodan MILOSEVIC:

Shadow United Nations: http://home.wanadoo.nl/shadowun/

Silenced Voices' org.: http://www.dfn.org/

Socialist Worker:


movement: http://www.palsolidarity.org/
SolidNet: http://solidnet.org/cgi-bin/agent?parties

Spania-Barcelona Activists against the judaized
Imperialism: http://www.noalaguerra.org/

Spania Antorcha Marxist Leninista against the Zionist Imperialism:

Speak Truth, so you can be stronger against
Barbarity: http://www.speaktruthtopower.org/index_main.html
United Nations; "U.N.-Racism Conference 2001 and U.S.-Model
hypocrisy" http://abbc.com/cartoons/laughing-wall.jpg E-post:

Sri Lanka against the Zionist Imperialism:

STOP AID to the Fascist Z.O.Gangs !:
http://www.stopaidtoisrael.com/ Stop Torture (Warning:
Mo$$ad's new face Shin Beth Assassination Gang etc are available to read
and manipulate all the messages, specially on such Human Rights
NGOs...Mo$$ad uses cookies on
Internet..) http://www.geocities.com/STOP_TORTURE/ E-post:
pcati@netvision.net.il Stop the "Preventing of Work
Rights" of Anti-Fascists, like the case of antisemite
revolutionary&antiimperialist demonstrant Stefan Dimiter TCHOLAKOV and
isolated Laponian Jouko JOKINEN:
http://web.domaindlx.com/choli/Links1.asp http://on.starblvd.net/meet/Entertainment/TV_Shows/dbzelite/

Stop-Fascism: http://www.stop-fascism.org/zionist_fascism.htm

Stop the "Registration process of opinion"=democratical masked cleansing on
the intellectuals who struggle against the Zionist Imperialism:

Sudan&African immigrants cry for ABUSED CHILDREN in the capitalist system:

Suryoyo (Assyrians&Chaldeans etc.) demasked the Neo-Zionist Criminal Kurds:

Sydney Initiative against Zionist Imperialism:
http://www.cpa.org.au/campaign/anti-war.html Tahrir daily
Tari Research
Institute.: http://www.tari.org/ http://www.guestbookdepot.com/cgi-bin/sign_book.cgi?book_id=94841 Webmaster;
Louay AL JONDI; e-post: laljondi@hotmail.com

Terror Alerts were the simple traditionally lies of the judaized
http://www.etherzone.com/2003/wats021703.shtml Terrorism
is the origin of
USrael: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/jun2003/irae-j21.shtml

Testimonies of the survivors of Zionist Ritual Abuse; evidences on a
Scandinavian sect of neo-Zionist criminals who suspects of Incest; this
Jewish sect still recruits the criminal clan members from occupied Middle

Toronto-Canada Activists against Jewish
Fascism: http://www.tcaswi.org/ True Holocaust
what HITLER never did, but the Jews:
http://www.aztlan.net/holocoust.htm Tupac Amaru's
Revolutionary Marxist Movement (MRTA).

Tv-Internetional; Anti-Imperialist news on the Free Speech tv Rami:
http://rami.tv/ http://abbc.com/islam/roligt/big/rislam26.gif

Ukrainian People against the Jewish Disinformation:
http://www.ukar.org/defe.shtml http://www.ukar.org/antizio1.gif
U.N.-Embassies of Palestine: http://www.palestine-un.org/

Observators: http://domino.un.org/UNISPAL.NSF?OpenDatabase http://abbc.com/cartoons/bush-please.jpg

U.N./Relief to Palestine: http://www.un.org/unrwa/

Vancouver-Canada&Rafah-Palestine solidarity:

Vietnam Veterans:
http://www.oz.net/~vvawai/index.html Violations of
International Law&ICJ authorities (!!!) didn't
react:: http://this.is/jenin/
The Waco Massacre:
http://serendipity.magnet.ch/waco.html WAFA News
Bureau: http://www.wafa.pna.net/EngText/IndexE.htm

crimes: http://www.deoxy.org/wc/wc-index.htm http://www.nata2.info/humor/bush/motulab_2003-01-17_21-19-00.jpg War
profiteers: http://www.warprofiteers.com/ http://www.nata2.info/humor/bush/money.jpg What
Really Happened:
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/ Where is the Plane,
Flight 77?!

Wilhelm TELL against the Zionist Imperialism:

centre: http://www.wclac.org/stories/jenin/Buried%20Alive.html
Women's Peace
initiative: http://www.womenspeacepalestine.org/incidentreports.htm
Workers' Party of Belgique,
W.P.B.: http://www.wpb.be/icm.htm Workers
Party of Iralandia:
http://www.workers-party.org/wphome.htm E-post:
info@workers-party.org Workers' World

World Organization against Torture:
http://www.omct.org/ E-post: omct@omct.org
WSWS, World Socialist Web Site/Eine Webseite von USRAEL-kritischen
Sozialisten im Kampf gegen Zionismus, Judentum und die Verbrechen der von
Zionisten kontrollierten US-Regierung:
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/sep2001/isra-s01.shtml http://users.cgiforme.com/socialistica/cfmboard.html

Yilmaz GÜNEY
Forums: http://www.yilmazguney.com/haberler/political_news.htm
http://www.yilmazguney.com/forums/_disc2/00000012.htm http://www.yilmazguney.com/forums/_disc2/0000000d.htm
http://www.yilmazguney.com/Guest/mesaj_sayfasi.htm Zionist
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/7891/feedback_form.html http://www.MidEastFacts.com

Site&Brand New Infos about the Massacres and Collaboration acts& Z.O.Gang's
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (International rules, Palestinian Law and
Punishment source).

11 September 2001 caused by armed Mafia USrael:

That's all Folks!.. This is an alphabetical/selected portals list for all
Good People around Planet Earth who are anti-War, anti-Imperialist,
anti-Racist., anti-Zionist and anti-Fascist; who want to Fight Back and
build together a Better World and this work is a tribute to Revolutionary
Comrade Carlo GIULIANI

...and remember what Comrade Ernesto CHE GUEVARA says:
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade
of mine!" Mirror links and main reason to create the mirror
pages: The amerojudaized Corporate Mafia Gangs and its lackeys in the
Z.O.Gangs definitely want to shut down the Anti-Fascist sites! Here are some
mirror sites if you can't get through to the one above and you find the
useful sources&informative supporters of all above
sites: Amateur plot on 9/11 and plenty of evidences that
may hang George WCmouth Bush: http://web11.superb.net/www.nodomain.com/
American Free Press:

BusssSH'T flash: http://www.ericblumrich.com/
Buying of the president:
Documentazione sull'infiltrazione dei nemici nella

Daily Catholic:
Fair: http://www.fair.org/international/iraq.html
Global search: http://globalresearch.ca/
IA Centre: http://www.iacenter.org/

Information Clearing House:

Italiana-Al Jaziree:

Il "mazzo di carte" del regime di Bush:

Israel Shamir criticizes military Mafia USrael:

Jewish domination of the diamond business:

Lega contro gli espianti di organi vitali a cuor battente:
Liberate America from Israel:

Liberty instead of Jewish Neo-Liberal Fascism:

Le jeu de cartes du régime Bush:

Mass Destruction of Iraq:

Marx against Zionist
Imperialism: http://www.rcgfrfi.easynet.co.uk/marxism/articles/
Messaggi subliminali:
http://digilander.iol.it/subliminale MideastFacts:

NO WAR for military Mafia USrael!..:

Opium Lords:
http://www.jfkmontreal.com/home.htm People's
Investigation of 9/11:
http://www.politicalgraveyard.com/ PR
Watch: http://www.prwatch.org/

Propaganda Matrix:

Public action exposes WACO-Massacre: http://www.public-action.com

Piss off the militarized Fascist Mafia USrael!

Real Terrorism-Massacre portal:

Perpetual War Portfolio:

Racist Jewish High Priests of Globalisation:

Reclaim the media:

Romanian Communist
Party: http://solidnet.org/cgi-bin/agent?parties/063=romania,_romanian_communist_party
Sinn Fein:

Stop us military aid to israel:

Third World research: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/index.html

GlobalFire: http://www.globalfire.tv/nj/03en/politics/crimesvsculture.htm

Tradizione e Comunità:


Ukrainian Archive exposes the judaized Imperialist Barbarity:
http://www.ukar.org/asper/asper01.html http://www.ukar.org/

U.S Financial Aid To Israel:

USrael=Fascist State Terrorism:

Una Storia Segreta :

USS Liberty:

Israel is losing, because the Lie-Imperium of the Jews has no future:
http://www.bushwatch.com/comment.htm Journalists who
always been censored: http://www.gregpalast.com/
Neglected Stories of the dismissed
writers&discriminated artists: http://www.hermes-press.com/NN1.htm
Terror Alerts were the simply traditionally lies of the
judaized Imperialism: http://www.etherzone.com/2003/wats021703.shtml

World Socialist Organization exposes US is simply pet of
Zionism: http://www.wsws.org/sections/category/news/na-milit.shtml
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/sep2001/isra-s01.shtml http://mysite.freeserve.com/plakat2/posters/eddies/StalinSpiritXL.jpg?0.27949592336198925

World Messenger:

Don't forget this foto, imperialist barbarity///CHILDREN SHALL OVERCOME!..

Solidarity regards fr Kandalaksha-Piteaa in the northern EU's occupied Palestine; colonized Laponia

...location; reel truth; colonized Laponia; like occupied Palestine of EU

Posted by Ulrica Piteaaaian @ 12/01/2003 08:18 AM EST

Protest Poetry: Volume: INSPIRATION of WORKERS...(Int. English language version)

Inspirational tv documentary clips on the dismissed workers/poetrical formated
thoughts&spontane attitudes of the oppressed peoples:

"Coalizional Crowds" around Swedish
dressed clan/
so-called system's pet "utrikesshurkister horan"/ Anna Lindh, extra
"Fynd"/ driven only by the league of Danderyd/
ceremonies ongoing, 'cause "Show must go on!"/
like a bloody parade of system/
contemporary circus/
SosisZioni Imperialist profiteers/
get the cheapest chance/
watch the fake sadness of crowds/
inspirational tv documentary clips/
on the dismissed workers/
poetrical formated thoughts of the oppressed peoples/
don't miss to testimony the historical scenes/
rally to lie, rally to spread Jewish propaganda/
tradition of Bonniers, Wallenberg machines...

Christer Pedersen

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs

first episode:
the tongues promise a new epoch/ but we testimonied the cemented brains

second episode:
Kofi Annan celebrates/ United Nonsense festival/ at United
Nations circus

third drop, then folk calls over/
hello there/
shurk mister, his minister/
what does celebration of new year mean/
if massmurderer Human Butcher/
same shurk, same cruel bastard Sharon/
docka looks like little different coloured, Annan/

...and all the top chiefs around of human blood/
vad does Schutzpach mean/
as long as massacres ongoing/
like a process/
at first Human Butcher rules/
at last Kofi puppet certifies?

Urho Lapplander

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs


exploitation of Anna LINDH looks like the theatral shows/ around

ceremonies around Anna Lindh, look like J. F. Kennedy, Olof Palme cases/
did you witness/
massmedial shurks/
tv commentaries/
the first 100 examples/
100% procent Jews
most clever to manipulate/
flexible foxies experienced on such cases/
eager to manipulate/
lie machines at work/
hate process ongoing/
all the classes of communities/
forces against each other/
all over the world/
freakness on the scen/
traditionally zionist play/

Magdalena Wierup

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs



heja, mest eftertryckta, hej på dig/
detta väckte civil-courage tankar inom mig/ efteråt skrev jag Lappland's/
näst minst satiristiska dikten för dig...

peka på direkt/
bedragaren Pet/
den giriga/
plundringsligornas/ pestsmittad leende Pet/
fega fett/
ljuger mest/

som utestänger/
mest hedervärda kritiker/
storskallig fet/
pet Pet/
som alltid står bakom/
sina sionherrarnas svans
symply Sharon's bastards/
lika fega som G.rån modell fett/
det är det/
visa med pekfingret/
säg sakens namn rätt/
petsionens valp kallas Pet

Unne Schamansson
fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs



leende anställda av judiska ondskan/
motstrider humanistiska önskan/

om detta/
må vittnena berätta/
för tystnar vi/
då riskerar dominerande/
språkrör bli kvar/
i herrens tjänst att propagera/
betyder mänskligheten tystas/
då kommer att/
fienden höras/
då kan historien upprepas/
då kan judiska kapitalets våldet/
åter triumfera/
sugen att massakrera/
liksom hänt i Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, Berlin, Hanoi, My Lai, Belgrad,
Qabul, Jenin, Shatila, Qana, Sabra, /
och med mera, flera/
glöm inte de modiga hjältarna/
F 16 används mot försvarlösa/
judar mossad små barnen, flickorna/
avrätttas under paletter av pansar, stridsvagnarna/
medan Bonniers medien, dess valpar drogar världen/
kommer nya Sharonibastarder på secenen/
känd att vara brutala/
slaktas vidare tusentals tappra/
vardera Che Guevara/
många flera andra/
varje levande minnet/
upfyller önskan/
varje glömt namn/
är en seger för ondskan

tell ye' your children/
now and then/ smash elimination processen!...

Arbetssökande Lättluradefolketsson

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs



many ministers were been massacred in Afghanistan/
Vietnam, Irak, Chechenia, Somalia, Balkan/
nobody talked on them, if they were human/
then high society used snake-tongue on the Human Rights/
but first today we hear a puppet scared/
from her own kinky front/
USrael's satellite Sweden's whore/
chocked all the puppets how it should so easy/
danger was on these creatures, too/
if they like or not...

al these shurks/
who never accepted the Human Rights/
of others/
should no have a rigt/
to talk on the humanity/
if they like or not/
if these very strong or not/
anybody should explain/
the voice of Zionist Imperialism/
isn't worthy for us/
than my Grandfather's donkeys' fart...

Aasne Seiersted's exman

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs



condolences to the people/
who had trouble by judaized oligarchie/
who really been plundered victims/
betrayed so deeply unfair/ under minister jurist Anna Lindh&Co.

jag var redan färdig med examen/
då du kanske börjat juridiska linjen/
som inte ens klarat uttala "convension"/
blandade ihop typiskt evangeliska sion/
medan mina översättningar nådde i fem språk/
lästes som skolläxa av Céline Dion/
kortfattad, världsberömd publikation/
men vilken horaktig tur, ofattbart/
du och andra mästarfifflar fått allt/
jag drabbades utanförskap, tvingades att/
lämna arbetsansökan, praktisera förgäves o sådant/

förtryckta samhällsklasser/
inte idioter/
tiden går, tiden kommer/
man vaknar, bevittnar vad som händer/
schakaler gynnar schakaler/

som svansar varandra, lika fega skurkar/
kunnat inte fatta mina förväntningar/
vad ni krävt intygades med pärmar/
så kallades "arbetsansökningar"/
hamnat bara i era papperskorgar/
då ditt gäng annonserat för en kontorist/
när det gällt mitt namn, visade sig lurigt/
vad borde jag säga då, bara fint/

du är gående/
vi är kvarleende

Olle Greenwall
fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs


condolences continue/ to the true victims/
but the nonsense of overclass

my all the roses/
only to the braveheart man/
who been scared whole life/
and therefore scared regime's chief/

when he been scared so cruel/
nobody heard him/
då hördes inte/
when he forced back/
all the overclass members/
and iits staff cried/
what a wonderful circus!..

han som slutat att tystas, utan röstat/
på sitt sätt straffat/
en av nonsense horor av systemet/
som tvingades att göra endast den/
att bli räknad, visa existensen/
en fom av röst, slå tillbaka den/
sionismens marionetten/
vad som hon förtjänat verkligen/

till den/
modiga mannen/
som offrat/

Alter Amnesty

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs



only we/ oppressed people cried until this moment/
high classed crocodiles didn't heard/ any sound/ just first
their member been scared/ the crowds had no any idea/
until this moment/

we never been heard/
because the masses almost been droged/
now cries the hypocrite Anna Lindh's clan members/
we say; "Listen to them;/
listen and understand how they master shurks/
and see their true faces!"..

imperial of/
machine's rat/
minister Anna/
hah, ha!

even whores havd/
only one heart/
can shakes/
and stop/
to fawn on/
hah, ha!

Lars Bengtsson

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs

although you was been labelled "minister"/
never responsed to high qualificied/
out of her close clan members/
collaborated lapdogs/

this is one of usually application forms/
definitely last one/
result will not difference/
because you had no reflect before/
living creatur for all such cases

Birgitta Dahlqvist

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs


system's "Catch Lady"/ been used even/
after her death/ in fact/ if this braveheart man should
after lapdog Anna Lindh comes jackal Laila Freivalds/
this greedy embezzler sitting now/ at the top freakness of foreign
definitely he should avoid/
spend his golden time/
he never should cleansing/
at first this female marionette

Ewa Carlberg
Ewa Carlberg@yahoo.com

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs


you was my colleague/
because you just began/
when I successfully examined at law faculty/
everyone remembers how incredible lowest was your capacity/ on the juridical
you never succeed pronounce for instance "constitutional"/
blended with evangelian zional/
well, your clan exposed it's traditional/
like a joke you get the higher job, at last at the foreign affairs/ without
qualification but dominational/
like a kind of virus, your lobby saved you characteristical/
and you gave opportunities to your collaborated lapdogs/
behind the sosis capitalist mask and glamorous conferences on justice, moral/
well, we had one common point, similarly tittles, "jurist"/
but it's a fake destiny, only overclass/
and the boss of thus dirty mechanism, a lot of Jewish ass/
plundered people's wealth, all the official possibilities/
meanwhile I been discriminated and betrayed/
since 15 year not a single job chance, like the slaves/
no any answer on my all the letters/
although many criminal recruitmens/
I can say here many names, fake immigrants/ who never had true diplom
nor exams/
placed at administrative sections around you/
I hadn't get any single chance for an inteview/
and you never replied my gentle applications/
therefore I have nothing to left with this last letter/
no reply, as usually; but this time I am sure/
nothing difference for me, you lived or not lived/
but you was very foxy, lied to the peoples/
foreign affairs, means you betrayed whole world/
when your administration needed a simply male secretary/
I sent another letter to be an ordinary staff, refuseed/
a staff showed, my coverages were directly thwroven in the garbage can/
like your true fascist fathers, you showed what you can/
since so many years I been handled like a "citizen Zero"/
you smiled and gone like an over creatur/
now I imitate you/
you are dying/
I am smiling

Jobless Jurist

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs


Working Class witnessed a new version of/
crocodile tears of directorial team/ at the last propaganda funeral/
a bite performed circus/
of system's ministerial instrument/
called Anna LIND insetad A-class BLIND

look at all these shurks/
at the first line sitting the Jewish shurks/
for use opportunities/
manipulate funeral, too/
therefore they "holy person" declared puppet minister/
after premier G.rån Petsion/ USrael's staff Heliga Birgitta Heijer who
massacred Estonia 852 passangers/
and now we witness another one Holy Petsion, Anna Lindh/
both bulldogs and lapdogs/
all the around of Bonniers-brain washing machine/
been common on same screenpaly/
in this stinky theatre

Cecilia Lund


fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs


...instead of the crowds/
we send our best wishes/ to the hundreds of thousands jobless/
dismissed workers/
oppressed minorities/
true asylumseekers/
registrated revoutionaries/
honoured intellectuals

Anna Lindh was/
to the real equality/
contemporary human values like work rights/

because she was/
never by the side/
of the oppressed people, outraged working class/

Anna Lindh was/
an academician who hated other academicians/
who not choosen by the financial dominance/
showed ignorance/
when a lot of discriminated/
registrated intellectuals/
forced to go jobless/
well-masked ongoing troubles/
typical, this shurk marionette too was/
a member of Evangelian Zionist intolerance

we have nothing to win if such foreigners coming to the scen/
and we have nothing now to left when such cloakrats cleansing from the scen...

Bella Morian non_slavery@Laponia.org
Addition/attention: ~500 000 registrated/regime critics/independent
intellectuals/anti-Imperialist individuals of Working Class
fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs


no, it's not true/
there are no connex such leagues/
beyond Anna Lindh assasination/
look at the backstage/
very clear/
there is no true evidence/
on the zionist lobbies/
without a trace this time/
they are not the beyond this case/
but front

Brian Lindberg
fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs


nowadays every rats/
introduce himself a kind of doctor, instead of kinky ass/

many oppressed people/
became suicide/
they counted for "zero citizens"/
nobody talks on their situation/
is it moral level in a healthy community/
nobody asks...

but when you react against imperialism/
instead of kill yourself/
so all these execution staff, rats/
all kind of megaphoines/
crying all together/
labelling you "psyho"/

what we witnessed in SvekJa Kingdom/
one of them oppressed heroes/
used self-defence right/
reacted a bite hard/
against the system/
what a ministerial masked whore represented/
at least, action man succeed to be héard/
otherway, it's not imported now/
the droged masses find this reaction not so fanny/
or massmedial shurks caricaturize him so worst/
se the reality, it's a fact/
a man reacted/
a man who belong to the biggest army of the world:
betrayed peoples/

result is important. not the numeric of monkeys/
in fact/ jobless man ended a film/
a scenario which regissed/
by a group the financial lobbies and puppets/
like Evangelian Zion Church member Anna Lindh/
gone with the autumn wind/

we all the oppressed people/
have a taste now/
to go to the cemetary/
and piss off on the gravestones/
of all the such glamorous chiefs/
the rats will collect there and smell it...

Martin Wendel
fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs

LOOKS LIKE a bite FAMILIAR TradiZional/ AFFAIRS but completely
neo-liberal/ just advanced internal/ more than classical
it's clear in the beginning like all
classical scenes/ Swedish Foreign minister Anna Lindh was been murdered/
when her officially husband Bo Holmberg was/
"Landshövding", like a kind of Gouvernor, in Södermanland/
who obligatory moved to capitol city Stockholm/
but spended time in Solna district/ there are adult entertaintments/ instead
of mourning on the fake relation/
plus amusement, there was a football match/
means police forced about hooligans, ID control/
then find a suspicious, Bonniers pointed him an 35-years old instrument/
well-known Svensson but was not Svinsion nor Petsion/
ho lala, poor Per Ola, Mijailo MIJAILOVIC, alternative like bonbons/
losers on all fields in the system, fit all of the kinky scenarios/
"absolute figure", according to the Jewish massmedial machine/
he was punished by this propaganda mechanism long time ago/
Lindh been a new popular version, fit to such figures/
droged masses repeat what Tel Aviv pumped/ but Ola Svensson's only wrong,
he clapped for same team/ on the same side of Bo Holmberg, Anna's fake
husband/ during this clap-hunting period/ wrong time, wrong
restaurant, wrong teams all the against one/
both Bo and Ola couldn't understand/
what happened/
until the morning 17 September 2003/
remember, Absolute Vodka is Swedish product/ plus ecstasy trafficking is
free under such luxury games/ staff explained what does this razzia mean/
same staff did same operation last year,/
just same place, in Solna against the several brothels/
one of them runs already by a Mammele, Inga-lill Holmberg/
a retired Komvux teacher/
"komvux" means adult school/
yes, at least this new center in Solna server for adult hobbies/
like the Jew controlled weapon markets/
neoliberal pedophilia, animal sex/
and underground casino sects/
screenplays aren't so much different by/ bourgeoisie's encounter pitchs/
like different face of these bitchs/ Djurgården, Hammarby team shows/
as long as high society battle around such dirty profits/
"Bordellmamma Inga-lill" is member to same Evangelian Zionist clan/
calls Holmberg, Wallenberg, Assberg, Sillberg, Horaberg/ talmudian chain of
all robbery kindbergs/ after three days of Lindh's death, the massacred
Balkan got an extra smack/ Nadina Imamovic deported/ to be blind there/
nobody heard cries/ media was busy in chaos/ meantime another one Holmberg
used this bloody case/ Barbro Holmberg been placed as Migration Minister/
such jackals dominate Scandinavia, nowadays/
allowed since Swedish zion-bastard Kings/
never mind, I don't try to create any connex/
nobody needs such effort, 'cause/ there are plenty of living evidences
in daily life/
both directors, actors and vice maitress/ all of type of the system's
stinky ass/ around us/ a kind of family affairs/
well, hardy and bloody sometimes/
otherway nothing else...

Bosse Hermansson
fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs


if system sucks/
the blood of children/
of working class/
traditionally freakness/
we accept that/
like the normal attitude.../

it's today's paradox/
when al these oppressed/
people began response/
then massmedial shurks cry on all the world/
they forget on Anna Lindh case, too/
our voice wasn't so strong/
but our hands are the important pieces of working power/
it's not joke, at least/
Swedish Evangelian Zionist minister Anna learned/
our hands are very strong/

cloakrats created this system, not we/
they left no space such feelings/
no mercy!..

Linda Carlsson

fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration process memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen
Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system's collaborated lapdogs

Internationalist intellectuals&dismissed workers united, struggle all together
against the Zionist Imperialism!..



Solidarity regards fr 94494 Jaevrebyn in the northern EU's occupied Palestine; colonized Laponia

Posted by Protest poetry collected by CBN staff&Bella Morian @ 01/04/2004 12:14 PM EST

Where the fuck is Voxfux?

Posted by worried, actually @ 02/13/2004 12:49 AM EST

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