by voxfux


Absolutely positively, in the months leading up to the next presidential election, a clandestine military/intelligence operations group linked to George Bush Sr. will execute a strategic pre-election terrorist attack in America designed to kill Americans and send this country into martial law. This strategic pre-election attack will be perpetrated by the same group of clandestine military/industrial/intelligence terrorists, linked to Bush Sr., who perpetrated the September 11th attacks. The preparatory memes are surfacing everywhere. Bush Sr. and the military/industrial/intelligence cartel he fronts for, knows that America has had enough of this retarded jerk son of his, he knows that America has had enough with the Bushes and their type, and their murderous war profiteering looting rampage, and so in order to survive, this cartel will execute a strategic pre-election attack on Americans and as usual, make it look like Islamists did it. Then of course their allis (scum) in the media will once again trumpet this idiot son of his as a hero who has once again "come into his own" as he bravely visits the contamination zone live on the CIA controlled disinformation network, CNN.

It is a near certainty that Bush Sr.'s private fanatical ultra right wing intelligence operations group has, since the mid 1970's, maintained stocks of biological and chemical agents from strains that this group would have originally acquired when Bush was Director of Central Intelligence. Bush was ousted as CIA Chief by Admiral Stansfield Turner acting on President Jimmy Carter's orders. He knew it was coming. Bush was canned along with 1000 fellow CIA agents. Lots of deadly strains of biological and chemical agents went missing from the sloppily guarded government labs during this period. CIA had a lot of the stuff laying around CIA labs - against Nixon's 1972 presidential order banning the CIA from maintaining such lethal stocks. Considering the psychological profile of Bush (Sr.) and his loyal (desperate) operators and considering the historical background of Bush (Sr.) it is a near certainly he would have assured the acquisition and control of these terrorizing bio-agents to use at some unspecified future date in order to consolidate his quickly building criminal empire. He would not have let the opportunity slip through his criminal fingers to acquire such killing power, because if you know anything about these elitist yuppie establishment sociopaths know that for them, they believe that their "power" ultimately comes from their ability to stealthily kill anyone who could seriously stand between their will to power and the truth. But this 1970's stock of deadly bio-agents may not be necessary, for now with total control of all phases of the military and intelligence command in complete concordance with the plan to take over America, it will be like taking candy from a baby. And with the scum at CNN and FOX broadcasting day and night how eager and willing EVERY AMERICAN is to give up their basic civil and human rights to the new military command there will be no sizable resistance. And with a population whose brains have been so completely numbed by years of television, "programming," many will, "believe," it's a great idea to cede their rights over to military rule, so long as they are guaranteed the illusion that their precious fat bodies will be spared the fate that will befall their neighbors - the other guy.

In the months leading up to the 2004 elections, the Bush crime group will privately witness actual polling data showing WIDE-SCALE DISSATISFACTION with Bush. The numbers will be dismal indeed. (And this is coming from polls that Bush themselves largely control.) As usual, the official published poll results, however, will be completely fraudulent, the complete opposite of reality, and the reported poll results will show wide-scale SUPPORT for Bush or at least a 50/50 split. But in the back rooms of the polling machinery and in any independent polls, the actual truth about how little support there really is in America for this human scum named George W. Bush will be impossible to hide (something like a 90% disapproval.)

So once again the CIA / Zionist controlled media will portray the horrendous 90% dissatisfaction of Bush as 49% dissatisfaction - with 51% percent of the nation still firmly behind the president, That's how it is done folks! It's the, "DIVIDED NATION," technique. But there is no division, there is only deception. There is only the illusion of division. AMERICANS ARE FINISHED WITH THIS PIECE OF SHIT IN THE WHITE HOUSE. But if you watch the news (especially CNN and Fox) you will see mythical reports about how EVENLY DIVIDED this country is. It's a fraud. That's how it's done, people. There is no support for Bush. The urban populations in America are constantly being fed this illusion that there is this HUGE base of support, somewhere in the middle of this country. But do you know something - there is not even enough people living in this mythical hillbilly belt to comprise these fraudulent numbers that we are tricked into believing exist. There simply are not enough so-called ignorant redneck hillbillies left in this so called "Heartland" to even comprise a small percentage of support - but certainly not this mythical 50% of the US population. No way - no how! And furthermore if you know anything about reality you will know that the people in the Heartland of America are getting fucked by the policies of the Bush criminal cartel just as hard as the people in the urban population centers. Sure, one can find a few highly visible and vocal retarded idiots anywhere, who support this scum in the White House but they are in the minority. But you will not be informed of this fact. Thanks to an American media completely controlled by the CIA / Zionist partnership of disinformation.

So now, the grim reality is that as a rule: if you take the exact opposite of whatever the media is presenting to you regarding events of the day, that by drawing this diametric inverse scenario, you will arrive closer to the essential truth of the matter than if you were to take their story for face value. It is pretty much a safe game of opposites these days, especially in the area of right and wrong, or moral or value judgments. And certainly regarding poll data on Bush - It's a complete and total fraud.

For, all such critical components required to maintain a normally functioning decent society have come under attack by the corporatists. The pigs of the New World Order believe that only through the obliteration of the human mind and through spectacular displays of terror can they maintain their grip on power, their fingers around our necks - and they will do anything to keep their fingers dug tightly into our necks - We should eviscerate them. All of them.

The Bush cartel's biggest task right now is to broker enough back-room coercion or payoffs to their non-CIA controlled, allis in the media to keep their fraud alive - to suppress the truth about what is really happening - that they are indeed hated by nearly everyone and that they have fucked the whole world up. (Media megaliths such as CNN do not require such efforts because they are totally and completely under NWO/Zionist control.)

The New World Order cartel's number one effort is to make sure you never find out the truth. That is the most important operational task of the Bush criminal empire - to suppress the information about how UNPOPULAR Bush really is. This is what the pig Karl Rove is all about. This sleazy scumbag occupies considerable economic resources of this criminal industrial cartel in order to manufacture this illusion of support for Bush. But it is just an illusion.

But with a supine media eager to serve the power elite fronted by the Bush group - creating this illusion of popularity might not be such a difficult task. As long as the Bush group can fill the pockets of key executives in these media empires they will keep his illusions alive, and think nothing about the the loss of revenue that their own corporations are suffering. The New World Order is about the interests of the few over the well-being of the many. And buying corporate managers is as easy as buying world leaders only much cheaper. If the price is right - you can buy anyone, least of all some corporate schmuck. Corporate loyalty is non existent so you can easily buy the editorial or management executives in any corporation to see things your way - it is every man for himself - When the Bush team pays off key Senior Editors, these editors (scum) will be quite happy to trumpet Bushes lies even at the expense of the entire US economy which will eventually bring their own companies' economies' into the ground as well. But this doesn't matter because like I said, It's every man for himself. Bushes disinformation team headed by the porcine Karl Rove know exactly which key executives to pay off, and those key executives know the protocol. Come election time the press will be chock full stories glorifying and deifying this Bush filth. With the kind of economic juice that bush has just extracted from the US Treasury ($87 bill) to buttress his illegal and murderous regime (defense industry kickbacks and energy industry support) the Bush crime cartel can simply buy off nearly every Sr. Editor of nearly every Major news organization in America, and coerce and intimidate the rest. But if you know about the nature of this human scum in the media you will know that there will be little resistance. This human filth called journalists is cut largely from the same mold as these Bush types - Climbers, all. Each one thirsting to make it up to the next rung of the ladder. They have proven time and time again to be eager accomplices in the big lie.

Anyone who resists Bushes crusade on a national level - like Senator Paul Wellstone did - risks being, "accidented." Know this about these Bush reptiles - They are sociopathic little yuppie jerks who quite obviously don't have too much experience being human. They are so bloodthirsty because they are so immoral and just as dumb as can be and can't provide any real answers to real problems...

But it is likely that even with this total media clampdown firmly in place, they will still be unable to hide the HUGE dissatisfaction with Bush - And so there is only one option left for the Bush criminal cartel, one last sure fire methodology - TERRORISM.


The plans are being finalized right now. The pre attack preparatory memes are surfacing as I write this. General Tommy Franks just let a little more cat out of the bag by saying that if the US suffers another devastating attack that the constitution of the United States of America would likely be scrapped in favor of MARTIAL LAW. So get ready folks because it looks like this is indeed the plan.

In the past I had written that it would be the dreaded "Dirty Bomb" scenario. However I believe now that it is going to be a biological attack. You see, since the whole fraudulent Iraq war quagmire has come up with ZERO biological weaponry, a staged biological attack would be the perfect pre-election linkage. Then they wheel Bush out in front of the CIA lie news organizations to swagger and gloat, "SEE EVERYBODY, I WAS ALWAYS WARNING YOU ABOUT SADDAM'S BIO WEAPONS AND LOOK, HE JUST DROPPED ONE ON NEW YORK CITY, WAIT A SECOND, WHAT'S THIS, THE CIA JUST REPORTED THAT THE ANTHRAX APPEARS TO BE FROM A STRAIN MADE IN IRAQ, GUESS I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG, RE-ELECT ME AND I WILL PROTECT YOU ALL - BECAUSE, AS YOU KNOW, I AM THE CANDIDATE BEST SUITED TO DEAL WITH THIS KIND OF STUFF." You get the picture.

It's called the "Link bomb" It links the impending bio attack with vindication of Bushes failed indistrio/pseudo-religious debacle. And we have witnessed that its not too difficult a task to pull off the most implausible of hoaxes on the American people. The critical capacity of many Americans is so completely obliterated that in the short term this will be a winning strategy. Literally all of the major media are in on the game. Literally across the board the pigs of the American establishment are in on the hoax. America will descend into total darkness and the American population, beaten and wasted by the mind toilet of lies that is American capitalism, will not rise up. And the wolves and pigs of the New World Order will continue to feed on the carcasses of the American population until there is nothing left. Or until some brave outside force takes action to stop this madness. Don't expect the American population to rise up - they will not. Their own television induced slovenliness and lethargy will guarantee Bush a free ride and the sheep rape that is coming. The "Patriot" act which is designed to quell any real acts of patriotism, will take care of the rest. All true patriots know what should happen to Bush and his type. George Washington spelled out, quite explicitly what should be the fate that awaits all tyrants. And the television will guarantee the suppression of any revolutionary possibilities. Unless EVERY SINGLE TELEVISION TRANSMITTER IS DESTROYED there will be no revolution. Like sheep the American population they will continue to watch TV and continue to take the fucking - And they will get everything they deserve. I never did like sheep anyways, so good riddens to them.

So here's the prediction: Within three months of the next Presidential election (August-November 2004) the clandestine intelligence terrorist team, linked to former CIA Chief and President George W. Bush Sr. will absolutely positively stage a terror attack in America, killing hundreds, possibly thousands of Americans. I believe the most logical location for these attacks will once again be New York City. By making it appear that, once again, islamic terrorists have killed scores of Jews, Bush tightens his support from the major media (completely beholding to Zionist interests certainly over any discernible US interests) and also he can gloat about the "Vindication" of his "Saddam bio weapons" obsession. He kills two birds with one stone. And by choosing New York he also attacks a region firmly opposed to his policies.

So Hunker down people. The worst is yet to come. Until some brave individual or group or foreign country or coalition of foreign countries or group of rouge industrialists with intelligence connections, moves to stop the madness coming from this group of terrorists fronted By George W. Bush - the United States of America will be left in ruins - an empire collapsed.

Know your enemy
Fight the big lie
Receive all of your news from alternative Internet sources.
And get the fuck off your knees.


Viewer Commentary: 132 comments

I am not sure the Bush crime family will unleash their doomsday yet. There is still money to steal from the American Treasury. Diebold will give him the election if he needs it to continue the looting of the American taxpayer. Bush is not afraid of America he has that all wrapped up, he is afraid of the NWO losing faith in his usefulness to them. Bear in mind his skull and bones nickname, "temporary".
Like the criminal cartel that defines this occupation, Bush & Company will use their terror weapon only to increase their wealth accumulation, the blood lust is currently being satisfied in the Middle EAst.

Posted by reader @ 11/17/2003 11:17 PM EST

hi voxie,

uuuh, vox, are you referring to the almost daily spraying of "chemtrails" directly over my house? the neo-cons could easily include in this spraying oooh, lets say, spanish flu,anthrax, lime disease.....the sky is the limit...just use your imagination!

goota keep those bottom line profits UP for the evil pharmaceutical industries...that's why they are doing their damndest to eliminate vitamin supplements and to shut down dr.hulda clark's website.

is it any wonder why there are now so many fat people, major chronic diseases out there....i don't know about you, but if my food is not "certified organic" or free range...no hormones...no anti-biotics i don't buy it period...yes it is a little more expensive,,, but would you rather pay in terms of your health???

and and and, i get comments all of the time AND carded buying vino, i look at least 15 years younger than my real age. and with these new "ashley banfield media whore" look alike glasses...the men are drooling like crazy:):):)incredible!


Posted by jhf @ 11/17/2003 11:26 PM EST

sounds like you could use a little vacation, to me. travel out in nature, camp-out alittle. listen to some good music like reggae and dance some. no?

Posted by k alfred @ 11/17/2003 11:27 PM EST

I sense that the Bush's are afraid. Their plan is backfiring as millions of people are learning that they were behind 911 and want to hold them accountable for treason.

I think activists should concentrate on three things:

- bringing diversity to the media. Try writing your cable or satellite provider and asking them to add foreign news channels. Tell them you'd pay extra if you'd get more diversity.

- getting rid of the Diebold crap. Think locally. Get your own local community to not use the Diebold "we won't bother counting your vote" machines. Go visit your voting representatives. The elite have almost zero power at the local level.

- support your troops. The Bush's have abandoned them (no hospital care, no equipment in battle, etc.) The military is there to defend our constitution. Help bring them home to the USA to defend the values the Bush's are gutting. Try sending 911 links to military newspapers, etc. When the shit hits the fan, it is the military that gets rid of creeps like Bush. Look at the Venezuala coup, Russia, etc.

These three action points are their achilles tendon.

If you see some moron tell you that it isn't patriotic to protest against Bush's blood lust, attack them like a rabid dog. Look to some of Vox's posts - we don't need the O'Reily, Rush shit polluting people's minds.

By the way, you can influence public discourse by inundating right wing pro Bush pro War farts with your opinion. It will soften their stands.

O'Reilly: oreilly@foxnews.com
Limbaugh: rush@eibnet.com
Bush: president@whitehouse.gov
His Wife: first.lady@whitehouse.gov
Cheney: vice.president@whitehouse.gov

They assume each email they receive represents tens of thousands of people that didn't bother writing.

Tell their advertisers you don't like them supporting this filth:


The majority always gets what it wants. There are five hundred thousand of you for every one conspirator. Their money means nothing unless you let it control you.

I'm sick of some of the defeatest attitudes on this board - the Bush's can and will be defeated and America will return to the constitution.

Think of the anti-globalization protests in Seattle - the pigs backed off big time.

Posted by sammy @ 11/17/2003 11:41 PM EST

Support the troops:


Posted by sammy @ 11/18/2003 12:25 AM EST

Looting the treasury.


Bush is NOT a NAZI:


Posted by sammy @ 11/18/2003 12:30 AM EST

Blood for oil?


Posted by sammy @ 11/18/2003 12:39 AM EST



Posted by sammy @ 11/18/2003 01:03 AM EST

If you're in the military or intelligence, click here:


Posted by sammy @ 11/18/2003 01:10 AM EST

From http://www.whatreallyhappened.com

Just because you were born in 1983, doesn't mean you should die.


Posted by sammy @ 11/18/2003 01:26 AM EST

Vox i have a question. You say CNN is linked to the CIA. But how come conservatives criticise it as Liberals Criticise FOX?

Posted by Ed @ 11/18/2003 08:45 AM EST

The above article is a false statement. It is libel and treasonist. When you can't deal with the facts you apparently have to make up your own, see you in Federal court.

Posted by Captain Isaac Davis @ 11/18/2003 09:00 AM EST

The above article is a false statement. It is libel and treasonist. When you can't deal with the facts you apparently have to make up your own, see you in Federal court.


Posted by Captain Isaac Davis @ 11/18/2003 09:01 AM EST

Well for one thing is it really Libel if its talking about stuff that happened yet.

Also, What facts are you Disputing?

And to add insult to injury, Do it proper, Foo'

Posted by Ed @ 11/18/2003 10:39 AM EST

The Bushes are FILTH! FUCK THEM!!!

Posted by Poor Veteran @ 11/18/2003 11:00 AM EST

I agree VOX. Another terror attack is the death card up the sleeve for this monsterous Bush cartel. As 2000 showed, Bush doesn't actually have to win the election, people just need to think he did. Even with electronic voting it will be hard to convince 90% of the people Bush won without terrorizing them into buying it. And unless the NWO decides to sacrifice him, they will stop at nothing to keep him in office. However, I tend to think they will unleash a far more devestating attack effecting more than a few hundred or a few thousand. Also, I'd be a little weary of what's in store for California (which tends to vote Democratic), now that the regional Gropenfurer is in place.

Posted by MR. ELEVEN @ 11/18/2003 12:36 PM EST


Posted by crusader bunnypants @ 11/18/2003 01:07 PM EST

Voxfux, I am fighting the New World Order as bravely as I can, now that I have finally woken up. Nine months ago, I screamed the scream of one who has woken from a nightmare trapped in a real burning bedroom.

Rising from despair in recent weeks, with my $7/hour income, I print up flyers showing multiple pictures of the Pentagon on 9/11, including shots of the wall before it collapsed into a tidy heap, and pass them out on the street.

Voxfux, I have been called crazy, I have been called traitor, I have been bodily ejected from the newspaper that daily published my freelance work for more than six years, but I STILL cannot see a Boeing 757-200 commercial aircraft.
Here is where you can see AA Flight 77 actually hitting the Pentagon--or not: www.msnbc.com/news/720851.asp?cp1=1

Since my awakening, I have learned much about many things. What is happening to my beloved country is much, much worse than I might have imagined. My son is the most important person in my life, and I am fighting the New World Order on his behalf.

These bastards are literally banking that there is no G~D. I continue to hope that there is, but it's getting harder and harder.

Posted by a concerned citizen @ 11/18/2003 01:50 PM EST

176. Collusion of D.o.D. and D.o.J. (11/6)

After Bush got the Iraq war power, US had once planned to use small pox virus to activate the bio-attack. That's when Bush ordered a small pox vaccine program on December, 2002. The plan was abandoned. Perhaps it's too evident. How could US know there would be a small pox outbreak in advance? Finally they used SARS. Targetted at Hongkong for a regime change to exchange Great Britain to join the Iraq war. SARS also broke out in Beijing to divert the attention of Chinese government. So Beijing government couldn't attend two big crisis at the same time. SARS was also embedded in Europe and other countries. In case there was an strong opposition of Iraq war, the outbreak of SARS could divert public's attention. D.o.D. was quite lucky in Iraq war but SARS failed to change the regime of Hongkong.

SARS virus must come from secret military bio-lab of D.o.D. intelligence. But the spreading of it was done by intelligence. D.o.J. (FBI and DEA) took the chance to plot an elimination with its framed drug case. The framed drug case was abandoned after my wife cancelled her trip to China. The unusual events took place around her flight date (4/18) enabled me to realize the SARS plot.

Of course, intelligence wouldn't waste such a good chance to make money. The stock and option market in Hongkong and Taiwan became a cash register. I talked about foreign capital rapidly and violently invested in Taiwan stock market after 4/19, I thought it was fund used in drug case. But it might be only a minor part of speculator's investment. Most of them could be the funds from all those who planned the SARS attack, Include D.o.D and D.o.J. Or even possibly came from the funds from secret police of other countries who knew it. And apparently, they made a good money on this bio-attack that they even wanted to set up a special market particularly for predicting terror attack.

177. Terrorism future market

On 7/29/03, S.J.M.N. reported, "New Pentagon plan bets on future terror", "Controversial program allows speculators to win or lose money based on their predictions of future attacks, assassinations and coups. The Pentagon said such futures trading has been effective in forecasting elections."

"Traders bullish on a biological attack on Israel or bearish on the chances of a North Korean missil strike would have the opportunity to bet on the likelihood of such events on a new Internet site established by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as DARPA."

This time they targetted at American's pocket. The apparent ill-conceived plan caused a strong criticism. It was shut down right away. The progenitor of this trading market, Poindexter, had to resign.

This program revealed how corruptive US government was. The job of army is to defend its country. Now it is used to invade other country for the interest of a little group. It even tried to develop a trading market to make money. On the other hand, it also revealed many terrorist attack were manipulated by government. They either knew it in advance but allowed it to happen (911 attack), or create it themselves.( such like OKC bombing, anthrax attack, DC sniper shooting, SARS bio-attack)

As a matter of fact, the inside group has turned US, and the world into a terror market already. In which they manipulated terror attack, then in the name of "war on terror", they won a huge profit. Oil resource, big military spending, police power. And American people, lost big money, (though they haven't realized it right now, they will realize it later. government cleverly turned it into their debt) lost their job, and most of all, they lost their bill of rights. They are the big loser.

See whole story at:


If there is harassment (blank page, slow entering, server busy....) try


Posted by Kat Hak Sung @ 11/18/2003 01:53 PM EST

176. Collusion of D.o.D. and D.o.J. (11/6)

After Bush got the Iraq war power, US had once planned to use small pox virus to activate the bio-attack. That's when Bush ordered a small pox vaccine program on December, 2002. The plan was abandoned. Perhaps it's too evident. How could US know there would be a small pox outbreak in advance? Finally they used SARS. Targetted at Hongkong for a regime change to exchange Great Britain to join the Iraq war. SARS also broke out in Beijing to divert the attention of Chinese government. So Beijing government couldn't attend two big crisis at the same time. SARS was also embedded in Europe and other countries. In case there was an strong opposition of Iraq war, the outbreak of SARS could divert public's attention. D.o.D. was quite lucky in Iraq war but SARS failed to change the regime of Hongkong.

SARS virus must come from secret military bio-lab of D.o.D. intelligence. But the spreading of it was done by intelligence. D.o.J. (FBI and DEA) took the chance to plot an elimination with its framed drug case. The framed drug case was abandoned after my wife cancelled her trip to China. The unusual events took place around her flight date (4/18) enabled me to realize the SARS plot.

Of course, intelligence wouldn't waste such a good chance to make money. The stock and option market in Hongkong and Taiwan became a cash register. I talked about foreign capital rapidly and violently invested in Taiwan stock market after 4/19, I thought it was fund used in drug case. But it might be only a minor part of speculator's investment. Most of them could be the funds from all those who planned the SARS attack, Include D.o.D and D.o.J. Or even possibly came from the funds from secret police of other countries who knew it. And apparently, they made a good money on this bio-attack that they even wanted to set up a special market particularly for predicting terror attack.

177. Terrorism future market

On 7/29/03, S.J.M.N. reported, "New Pentagon plan bets on future terror", "Controversial program allows speculators to win or lose money based on their predictions of future attacks, assassinations and coups. The Pentagon said such futures trading has been effective in forecasting elections."

"Traders bullish on a biological attack on Israel or bearish on the chances of a North Korean missil strike would have the opportunity to bet on the likelihood of such events on a new Internet site established by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as DARPA."

This time they targetted at American's pocket. The apparent ill-conceived plan caused a strong criticism. It was shut down right away. The progenitor of this trading market, Poindexter, had to resign.

This program revealed how corruptive US government was. The job of army is to defend its country. Now it is used to invade other country for the interest of a little group. It even tried to develop a trading market to make money. On the other hand, it also revealed many terrorist attack were manipulated by government. They either knew it in advance but allowed it to happen (911 attack), or create it themselves.( such like OKC bombing, anthrax attack, DC sniper shooting, SARS bio-attack)

As a matter of fact, the inside group has turned US, and the world into a terror market already. In which they manipulated terror attack, then in the name of "war on terror", they won a huge profit. Oil resource, big military spending, police power. And American people, lost big money, (though they haven't realized it right now, they will realize it later. government cleverly turned it into their debt) lost their job, and most of all, they lost their bill of rights. They are the big loser.

See whole story at:


If there is harassment (blank page, slow entering, server busy....) try


Posted by Kat Hak Sung @ 11/18/2003 01:54 PM EST

176. Collusion of D.o.D. and D.o.J. (11/6)

After Bush got the Iraq war power, US had once planned to use small pox virus to activate the bio-attack. That's when Bush ordered a small pox vaccine program on December, 2002. The plan was abandoned. Perhaps it's too evident. How could US know there would be a small pox outbreak in advance? Finally they used SARS. Targetted at Hongkong for a regime change to exchange Great Britain to join the Iraq war. SARS also broke out in Beijing to divert the attention of Chinese government. So Beijing government couldn't attend two big crisis at the same time. SARS was also embedded in Europe and other countries. In case there was an strong opposition of Iraq war, the outbreak of SARS could divert public's attention. D.o.D. was quite lucky in Iraq war but SARS failed to change the regime of Hongkong.

SARS virus must come from secret military bio-lab of D.o.D. intelligence. But the spreading of it was done by intelligence. D.o.J. (FBI and DEA) took the chance to plot an elimination with its framed drug case. The framed drug case was abandoned after my wife cancelled her trip to China. The unusual events took place around her flight date (4/18) enabled me to realize the SARS plot.

Of course, intelligence wouldn't waste such a good chance to make money. The stock and option market in Hongkong and Taiwan became a cash register. I talked about foreign capital rapidly and violently invested in Taiwan stock market after 4/19, I thought it was fund used in drug case. But it might be only a minor part of speculator's investment. Most of them could be the funds from all those who planned the SARS attack, Include D.o.D and D.o.J. Or even possibly came from the funds from secret police of other countries who knew it. And apparently, they made a good money on this bio-attack that they even wanted to set up a special market particularly for predicting terror attack.

177. Terrorism future market

On 7/29/03, S.J.M.N. reported, "New Pentagon plan bets on future terror", "Controversial program allows speculators to win or lose money based on their predictions of future attacks, assassinations and coups. The Pentagon said such futures trading has been effective in forecasting elections."

"Traders bullish on a biological attack on Israel or bearish on the chances of a North Korean missil strike would have the opportunity to bet on the likelihood of such events on a new Internet site established by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as DARPA."

This time they targetted at American's pocket. The apparent ill-conceived plan caused a strong criticism. It was shut down right away. The progenitor of this trading market, Poindexter, had to resign.

This program revealed how corruptive US government was. The job of army is to defend its country. Now it is used to invade other country for the interest of a little group. It even tried to develop a trading market to make money. On the other hand, it also revealed many terrorist attack were manipulated by government. They either knew it in advance but allowed it to happen (911 attack), or create it themselves.( such like OKC bombing, anthrax attack, DC sniper shooting, SARS bio-attack)

As a matter of fact, the inside group has turned US, and the world into a terror market already. In which they manipulated terror attack, then in the name of "war on terror", they won a huge profit. Oil resource, big military spending, police power. And American people, lost big money, (though they haven't realized it right now, they will realize it later. government cleverly turned it into their debt) lost their job, and most of all, they lost their bill of rights. They are the big loser.

See whole story at:


If there is harassment (blank page, slow entering, server busy....) try


Posted by Kat Hak Sung @ 11/18/2003 01:57 PM EST


obviously, there will be another staged terror attack, propably a biological outbreak. such a move would allow the bush junta to delcare national MARTIAL LAW and scrap completely the remaining bill of rights as well as the constitution. when it happens we better act quickly and speak loudly so people know who is really responsible for these attacks.

it is possible too that bush will be removed from power (though a rigged voting system of course) by the international banking community, even as he serves their interests in bankrupting America, he has altogether outlived his usefullness.



Posted by bX @ 11/18/2003 03:56 PM EST

I think BFEE control of the Diebold et all voting machines and the lack of VNS exit polls will make additional "terra" unnecessary, as Dim Son would be vunerable to charges that "he left America vunerable to attack." Having said that, I've often thought another fake "terra" incident would be their new October Suprise Version 2004 too. And because Carlyle and Marvin Bush's investment fund are investing heavily in smallpox attack mitigation, I'd place my money on a smallpox attack. Carlyle recently bought the CSX, the shipping subsidiary of CSX Rail, Treasury Sec. Snow's old company and this year's homeland security bill had no money for port security. So look for delivery to be via shipping container. I disagree that it'll be New York, however. They are already at the point of diminshing returns there. They need to spread the "terra" to acheive maximum psychological warfare impact (and turn a traditionally democratic state into their column) - so it'll be California. Long Beach or Oakland. Or, possibly, a plane that dumps it over L.A. and crashes into the Hollywood sign. Think of the symetry. "They've" already hit the financial capital. An L.A. attack would hit the cultural/(a)"moral" capital. And think of the televisual spectacle of smoke rising from the damaged Hollywood sign.

By the way, dear law enforcement/intelligence people monitoring this web site: please understand that I'm not advocating any of this, just predicting it. And you all need to get your heads out of your careerist asses long enough to realize that it's people in your professional community that will be responsible for it, not me, not Moslems. So if you really want to save the Constitution and the rule of law in this rapidly disintegrating empire, please work to clean your own house first before you follow the criminal orders of your jackbooted overlords and spy on the last few honest awakened citizens domestically.

Posted by Patrick Henry @ 11/18/2003 04:06 PM EST

This website is Off the Hook and Right On The Money! I've always known that the bushes were a bunch of bastards, deceitful, manipulating assholes. I knew when the Trade Centers in New York City were attacked they had something to do with it. All this that I feel is just pure natural intuition without a thought of "Well, maybe it's not true", but never would I even think that, I'm sure. That's the power of the intuition and people need to really open their eyes and think for themselves. Turn off that dumm stupid ass T.V., it's a choke hold, choking the fuck out of the American public and it's a damn shame that people really believe that shit that they see on the Cynical Crackpot News (CNN) and all the other media outlets. They are literally full of shit and I'm just astounded by the ridiculous mental attitudes that people have over this Al Qaida and Bin Laden Bullshit! It's absurd and like some T.V. program (notice the word program) because that's what they do, they program your fucking mind so that you can't think for yourself, they think for you. And Hollywood, where in the fuck are they at this time, I know there are many who disapprove of the muderous acts that are taking place at this moment. But we all run to the movies like dumb asses and spend money to see their asses act like most of us could if we wanted to. The top athletes, where are your asses, and all you other so called famous people. Stop supporting all and anything that is not in opposition to what is happening to America today. Those assholes in the White House (The Bushes) have no idea of what Patrotism is all about and yet they put passed this Lynching of a bill "The Patriot Act". It's fucked up and sad as hell that we even let some shit go on like what is happening today. STAND UP and WAKE UP everyone who really wants Freedom, because that is about to end if you don't and you can count on that! The people are the ones with the Power if you make it known to the Motherfuckers that we aren't playing and we are ready to take it wherever it may go. The American Military should get the hell up out of Iraq, and come home and drive them goddamn tanks into the White House, now that would really get things started.

Peace to all who believe and don't let up, keep it coming!!!!

Posted by MSgt @ 11/18/2003 07:54 PM EST


"Not merely peace in our time, but peace for all time." ­ JFK June 1963

As we approach the 40th anniversary of the assassination of JFK, we can expect to be temporarily suffocated under a cascading avalanche of asinine platitudes before being returned to our regularly scheduled programming of the Kobe Bryant trial, terrorist alerts and reality programming. What this onslaught of duplicitous piety and lone gunman disinformation will obscure, however, is how militarized corporatism has destroyed any chance that the ideals represented by JFK will ever be realized ­ ideals that still durably represent those of America's better nature, in spite of his oft-recited shortcomings as a philanderer and escalator of the conflict in Vietnam.

The window of opportunity to forestall doom is closing fast. No amount of nauseating bromides gingerly placed on the altar of the cult of personality can change that. It is imperative that we use this milestone to understand what went so horribly wrong and consider how America can pull out of its free fall into permawar, bankruptcy, fascism, ecological catastrophe and international isolation.

In spite of the torrential condemnation that greeted Oliver Stone's film "JFK," no conscientious and honest researcher considers the Warren Commission's theory of a lone gunman as anything more than a pathetic farce, an ongoing travesty of justice and a festering sore on the body politic. Instead, anyone who takes time to investigate the matter blames some combination of the CIA, anti-Castro Cubans, the Mob and rich Texas oil men. This confluence of reactionary thugs and their handlers have been called the "secret team" or the "octopus," that miniscule .01% of the intelligence-paramilitary-organized crime world that runs the remaining 99.9% and control key strategic choke points in the military, the Departments of Justice and State, the Judiciary, high finance and the media, giving them an unparalleled ability to suppress culpability and manufacture the Conventional Wisdom.

These venal and short-sighted faux patriots have proven themselves in the decades since JFK's murder to be nothing more than dutiful servants of the great commercial dynasties and mega-corporations, non-partisan technicians implementing oligarchic capitalism's agenda of worldwide enslavement. For services rendered, they also feel entitled to a healthy share of the booty created in the wake of their black ops, typically narcotrafficking, arms dealing and financial fraud, tapping bottomless fonts of misery drowning hope across the globe.

Although this hideous procession of murder, deceit, and plunder must stop immediately, few critics dare to speak out against it. Those who do - even prominent ones like Dennis Kucinich, Noam Chomsky or Michael Moore - are successfully cast as Beyond the Pale, Cassandras doomed to wonder the desolate American cultural landscape of gluttony, fear and solipsism unheeded. Those with the power to do more than speak out against it - who can actually change it - are simply killed, like Paul Wellstone.

The secret team has already killed too many of our prophets and activists: JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, and Che Guevara; maybe even Jimi Hendrix and Bob Marley. The psychic bruise of their deaths (and resulting collapse of hope in collective action) has been compounded by Watergate, which continues nearly 30 years later to destroy our faith in government and inure us the endless treason done in our name by "public servants."

The Reagan-Bush years were an unbroken chain of fraud, scandal and violence, and the much-vaunted Clinton years served only to destroy the last remaining differences between the Democrats and the Republicans. This revealed the two parties plainly for what they are: the center-right and far-right factions of a single Money party that cares nothing for peace, social justice or sustainability but is a hideous monster hell-bent on the destroying this beautiful planet and the natural ecstasy of its human inhabitants.

The amateurish effort of Oliver North and William Casey to create a stand-alone, off-the-shelf, self-sustaining covert-paramilitary capability failed. Unfortunately, we must frankly admit to ourselves that more careful attempts did not. In all likelihood, numerous secret offshore multi-billion dollar slush funds finance the mercenary praetorian guards of the great commercial dynasties and mega-corporations. They are accountable to no national government and yet capable of bending these governments to their will.

The politics of jingoistic hate-mongering practiced by the right wing over the last 30 plus years has fostered an atmosphere of such willful ignorance, virulent fundamentalism and vacuous self-interestedness that America now teeters like a drunken elephant on the edge of a rocky cliff. Sadly, there is little evidence that the sheeple will have the nerve, imagination and compassion to back up from the brink.

Dennis Kucinich's idea of a Department of Peace is an interesting proposal for drawing America back from the edge. It is also, I fear, a wrong-headed one. Why a separate department? Shouldn't the commitment to peace, sustainability and social justice be woven into the entire fabric of government as a whole?

The proper Archimedean lever for change is the amendment or repeal the 1947 National Security Act that set us on permanent war footing after World War II and created the CIA and National Security Council, the leading organs of the national security state, which have been such dutiful servants of the military-industrial-finance capital complex. Eliminate these agencies, give the State Department the primary responsibility for peace and intelligence, and strip intelligence of its covert capacity. In actual practice, black ops have only been used to enslave, impoverish, deceive and kill millions fighting an endless stream of enemies manufactured by the rich and powerful to make themselves richer and more powerful.

While these charges may challenge the Conventional Wisdom, they are not frivolous. In any event, time spent debunking them as the ranting and raving of a conspiracy theorist is time we can't afford to lose. We need to take that leap of faith into sanity and joy - immediately. The damage is already far too advanced and the point of no return is approaching far too fast. Unless America elects Dennis Kucinich and thousands like him into all levels of government over the next decade, we are unquestionably going to drag the rest of the world over a cliff and into a hell of our own making, with dire consequences for the human race and the planet earth.

Posted by stonefruit @ 11/18/2003 08:57 PM EST


what do you think about doing a story on just exactly what a coward junior(dumbya) really is? if you think about it for a second, this is the "man" that sat in a sarasota, fla elementary school during the most outrageous "attacks" on nyc and washington dc reading a dumb story about a goat to the students.

during the attack, i believe andrew card came in to brief him on the attacks and on the video...he did not look surprised in the least and then went on for 20 more minutes reading the story.

how safe and convenient to be in sarasota far away from total chaos and how convenient that brother jebbie declared martial law in fla just 4 days prior to all hell breaking loose...hmmm.

then we have mr. courageous pulling a media event by landing on the flightdeck of that carrier all decked out in that macho "flight suit."

but, don't forget this is the druggie alcoholic that went awol while a pilot for the texas rangers for appx. a year or better.

and the cowardice taunts to the iraqi's: bring "em on? bring 'em on??? look how many soldiers have been maimed and killed since this nonsense was spoken...awhole lot!

what do you think voxie? might as well pull out all the stops on this evil coward.

Posted by jhf @ 11/18/2003 09:26 PM EST

They call it the "Patriot Act" because the Patriots in this country need to Act and get rid of it.

Posted by sammy @ 11/18/2003 11:50 PM EST


Posted by denise @ 11/19/2003 01:18 AM EST

This website (www.stanley2002.org) is dedicated to returning America to a constitutional government. To those inside and outside of the government, that has overthrown America, turning our beloved country into the Police State of America, I have this to say: "We will destroy what you are doing. Millions of us, individuals and yet great numbers of Americans, who are Patriots to the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence: "WE THE PEOPLE, will not be dominated and enslaved by the unconstitutional actions of those in government who are breaking the supreme law of the land under the guise of "color of law." You have accepted "OUR" power and with each step you take outside the boundaries of the People's law to those of you in the government, and your continuing arrogance in violating your oath of office to defend the U.S. Constitution through the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government, is TREASON. The U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence are OUR guiding documents of retribution. Read them carefully. America demands that each and every act by all three branches of this unconstitutional government since 1789 be renounced and overturned. "WE THE PEOPLE" will accept nothing less. Each and every one of you will one day be put on trial in the COURT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. If you don't do this, we know who you are. From the highest to the lowest level of government, you will be picked out."

May God have mercy on your souls.

Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Warrior for God and America

Posted by denise @ 11/19/2003 01:27 AM EST

What a fucking laugh.

Quoting MSNBC. "Bush: defending peace and defending values"


The moron has to be isolated from the protests. ISOLATED FROM REALITY. The reality is that the entire fucking world hates you GEORGE W FASCIST MAGGOT! Imagine. Britain was the USA's only real ally in the hostile takeover of Iraq. There were others, but most of them were paid to join the charade. Now, if this is the way the general population of your biggest ally reacts to your visit, IMAGINE WHAT THE REST OF THE WORLD, THAT DESPISES YOU, WOULD DO. Go visit France or Germany or Sweden. Fuck, you'd never got out of the airport.

Fuck it's a depressing state of affairs when a tool like George is the fucking President....

man, I gotta quit swearing so much...........

Posted by GREATWHITE @ 11/19/2003 05:33 AM EST

its funny, how i was banned from posting on this forum, considering i only had posted only ONE message ...ever. And that message was about how its useless and counter productive to talk about "lets take arms and start a revolution". I fully agree that there are some nasty people out there who will stop at nothing to reach their perverted goals, but to have knowledge and to teach others that knowledge is what we need and given enough time things will take their course. Not some "lets kick the governments ass and start a revolution" because guess what??? it will fucking FAIL and any achievement there is to speak of right now will be forever crushed. Dunno if vox personally decided to ban me, or what, but i found that odd, but it seems to let me post now

Posted by peopleLIKEnedFLANDERSdoEXIST @ 11/19/2003 06:35 AM EST

Captain Isaac Davis A QUESTION.

Is that a threat or a promise?

If it's a THREAT then using your words 'you can't deal with the facts you apparently have to make up your own'you need a life neocon.

Sorry, I meant oldcon!

Posted by InfoSearch @ 11/19/2003 12:41 PM EST

You're a brave soul Vox. Continue exposing the darkness...

Ephesians 6:11-13

[11] Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
[12] For we wrestle NOT against FLESH and BLOOD, but against PRINCIPALITIES, against POWERS, against the RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
[13] Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to STAND.

Posted by Friend @ 11/19/2003 01:07 PM EST

VOX WROTE _ : "America will descend into total darkness and the American population, beaten and wasted by the mind toilet of lies that is American capitalism, will not rise up. And the wolves and pigs of the New World Order will continue to feed on the carcasses of the American population until there is nothing left. Or until some brave outside force takes action to stop this madness. Don't expect the American population to rise up - they will not. "

well i certainly see what you're saying - but i don't agree.

I know you understand much of what these fuckers are doing is psychological. This is because our reality is constructed from our collective consciousness (whether sub or not). And they understand this.

I live here as well (amerika) - i know we can change things, and it CAN come from the inside.

America doesn't NEED to fall into darkness.

It can be quite the opposite.

But only if we choose to go in that direction.

I have liked reading your articles for sometime now, but i feel that you could address WHAT WE SHOULD DO FROM HERE - and CERTAIN STEPS THAT ALL OF US CAN TAKE TO CHANGE THINGS. - - and we CAN do this legally (at least before its to late).

thanks -

Posted by network @ 11/19/2003 01:08 PM EST

"I live here as well (amerika) - i know we can change things, and it CAN come from the inside. "

At the risk of sounding defeatist or capitulatory, your words bespeak an ignorance of the origin and extent of this conspiracy. It pervades nearly every aspect of 'Amerika' (i.e. Mystery Babylon, The Scarlet Whore)-- from it's government/leaders, to its institutions, to its culture, to its values. The lamentable present state of affairs is deliberate, of course.

But you are correct, we CAN change matters, but not from within the maggot-ridden core of the dark establishment. The nature of this seething, festering sore can not be changed. Reforms and petitions nothing avail...

On a related note, the oft-invoked hortative quips and dictums of these so-called 'patriots' (the execrable Black Nobility of Benjamin Franklin/George Washington, et al) in the name of 'freedom' is an absolute travesty, for these men were the very designers of this Hell, according to their Grand Masonic Plan. They incubated and fostered this ill-scheme from the moment they set foot upon the threshhold of the the Green Dragon Tavern. Yes, they cherished the American people, but only in so much as the people were the means to an end.

One need only briefly glance at the streetplan and architecture of Washington D.C. to realize the structured impurity of this Chthonic Realm called America.

America was destined from its inception to assume the role of the "New Atlantis", as Sir Francis Bacon, among others, so grotesquely envisioned.

It is the Nation of the Phoenix (hence the 'Great Eagle' symbolism so cherished by faux patriots and fools). The role of the phoenix, obviously, is to 'perish and be reborn anew from its ashes'.

Their most dire aspiration is that this rebirth will result in a Global Government (the UN being the current prototype), America being the sacrifice, and they becoming the Overlords (this is the crux of a 'Novus Ordo Seclorum.) The consequence? Absolute enslavement of the entire planet-- manacles for the mind and shackles for the soul.

"America doesn't NEED to fall into darkness."

Nay, America HAS fallen into darkness.

America is the UNHOLY INSTRUMENT of darkness.

America is the very WOMB of darkness and all that is vile.

And why do you seem so alacritous to salvage this Beast?

Endeavor rather to save the innocent minds of the enslaved, not this pathetic lair of falsity.

Venerate the memory of the untold innocents thrust into fraudulent, unjust conquests and promptly exterminated. Remember the indigenous people the world over, massacred in pursuit of the REAL 'American Dream'-- the establishment of a New World Order under the aegis of the Morning Star.

To the hearts and sensibilities of the truly aware, the very thought of this country/vehicle and it's enshrouded agenda is detestible in the most profound sense of the word.

Reflect: A nation predicated upon the desecration of the land, the merciless slaugher and displacement of the Native Peoples, the enslavement of the black peoples, and the strict adherence to Occult law by its framers and founders, could result in nothing but perpetual suffering.

"It can be quite the opposite.

But only if we choose to go in that direction."

Agreed. Veritably, we combat the essence of evil, but pure evil will only be permanently vanquished by pure Good/Truth/Christ.

That is not to say one should cease the proliferation of legitimate information in the effort to spread awareness-- quite the contrary. Rather, valiant men such as Vox should be encouraged, aided, and buttressed by the minority of conscientious people of integrity remaining in this world. It is the prime duty of every decent human being...

But do not be so myopic as to consider this plight as simply an 'American' problem, this is a HUMAN problem--this Plague has and intends to continue to enthrall every human being on the planet (or at least those who remain after their calculated depopulation)

"I have liked reading your articles for sometime now, but i feel that you could address WHAT WE SHOULD DO FROM HERE - and CERTAIN STEPS THAT ALL OF US CAN TAKE TO CHANGE THINGS. - - and we CAN do this legally (at least before its to late).

thanks -
network. "

To await some kind of secular bellwether is folly.

Have you not already realized that these DEMONS will never make a concession on our behalf? On the behalf of Truth?

One must understand that they thrive on the acquisition of power and force, it's their very raison d'etre-- to hoard. George Orwell was an unheralded prophet...

Operation 9-11 was their baptism of fire, their Gateway to Hell. They've now harnessed their ill-angels, though these wraiths shall wither in sight of the Truth...

I fear we have entered the End-Times, as was foretold. 2-years ago I, like so many others, was a witless, albeit inquisitive, cog in the Beast System. Now, in so short a span, I have unraveled the putrid secret of the Luciferian bloodlines, and truth seems to guide me at every step.

It must be borne in mind that many of these apparent signs are enacted by the 'elite', in a vain attempt to forward their agenda.

Look upon the Whore of Babylon and observe the rampant duplicity, lies, and atrocities, shamefully carried out in the name of Christ.

And be forewarned, the self-described 'elite' have a slew of ingenious technological deceptions they seek to unleash on the unwitting-- False Christs, False Prophets, False Gods, False Saviours, False Solutions.


In Christ,

Post Script: To whom it may concern, read "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allen Poe, it may brighten your spirits.

Posted by Link @ 11/19/2003 06:00 PM EST

Pharmacists and/or doctors should watch for where and when Republicans start requesting CIPRO or other bio-agent antibiotics, this will be a warning of an attack coming-

Of course everyone who listens to corporate media knows how relentless and dogged they have been in pursuing the question as to why the Bush White House started staff on anti-anthrax CIPRO on 9-11-01, exactly ONE WEEK BEFORE the first (US origin Ft. Detrick Ames strain)anthrax letter was EVEN MAILED (to, who else?- Democrats! Leahy and Daschle).



Jun 7, 2002 Contact: Press Office


Judicial Watch Wants to Know Why White House Went on Cipro Beginning September 11th

What Was Known and When?

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse, said today that it has filed lawsuits against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”), the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”), the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (“USAMRIID”) and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) for those agencies’ failures to produce documents concerning the terrorist anthrax attacks of October 2001, under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”).

Judicial Watch has additional anthrax-related FOIA requests pending with the White House and other government agencies that will see legal action in the next two weeks.

Judicial Watch represents hundreds of postal workers from the Brentwood Postal Facility in Washington, DC. Until the Brentwood facility was finally condemned by the CDC, Brentwood postal workers handled all of the mail for Washington, DC, including the “official mail” that contained the anthrax-laden envelopes addressed to Senators Daschle and Leahy. While Capitol Hill workers received prompt medical care, Brentwood postal workers were ordered by USPS officials to continue working in the contaminated facility. Two Brentwood workers died from inhalation anthrax, and dozens more are suffering from a variety of ailments related to the anthrax attacks. A variety of legal actions are being planned for the disparate treatment and reckless endangerment the Brentwood postal workers faced.

In October 2001, press reports revealed that White House staff had been on a regimen of the powerful antibiotic Cipro since the September 11th terrorist attacks. Judicial Watch is aggressively pursuing the disclosure of the facts and the decision for White House staff, and President Bush as well, to begin taking Cipro nearly a month before anthrax was detected on Capitol Hill.

Posted by Mick @ 11/19/2003 07:25 PM EST

Vox....it's quite clear you want Bush out of power. But my question for you is do you simply want him replaced with a big-government socialist democrat? If that's the case then your words ring hollow. If you are advocating dramatically reducing the power of the federal government and their control over us, then you'd have a lot of followers.

Posted by truthseeker @ 11/19/2003 07:36 PM EST

Vox. I have a question for you. And if this doesn't happen? Then what? Will you reevaluate your ideas and positions, or will you just come up with some other crazy theory to explain away the fact that you were wrong? Who knows? You might be right? But, again, if you aren't right, are you willing to eat crow? That is the mark of a person who actually thinks clearly. They make guesses based on the information they can personally verify, and, then, if those guesses turn out to be wrong, they reevaluate their positions. Having read your page for a number of months, this is what you seems to want people to do. The question is: Are you, yourself, capable of the same? Time will tell.

Posted by Nick @ 11/19/2003 07:55 PM EST

Vox. I have a question for you. And if this doesn't happen? Then what? Will you reevaluate your ideas and positions, or will you just come up with some other crazy theory to explain away the fact that you were wrong? Who knows? You might be right? But, again, if you aren't right, are you willing to eat crow? That is the mark of a person who actually thinks clearly. They make guesses based on the information they can personally verify, and, then, if those guesses turn out to be wrong, they reevaluate their positions. Having read your page for a number of months, this is what you seems to want people to do. The question is: Are you, yourself, capable of the same? Time will tell.

Posted by Nick @ 11/19/2003 07:55 PM EST

Vox. I have a question for you. And if this doesn't happen? Then what? Will you reevaluate your ideas and positions, or will you just come up with some other crazy theory to explain away the fact that you were wrong? Who knows? You might be right? But, again, if you aren't right, are you willing to eat crow? That is the mark of a person who actually thinks clearly. They make guesses based on the information they can personally verify, and, then, if those guesses turn out to be wrong, they reevaluate their positions. Having read your page for a number of months, this is what you seems to want people to do. The question is: Are you, yourself, capable of the same? Time will tell.

Posted by Nick @ 11/19/2003 07:59 PM EST

Vox. I have a question for you. And if this doesn't happen? Then what? Will you reevaluate your ideas and positions, or will you just come up with some other crazy theory to explain away the fact that you were wrong? Who knows? You might be right? But, again, if you aren't right, are you willing to eat crow? That is the mark of a person who actually thinks clearly. They make guesses based on the information they can personally verify, and, then, if those guesses turn out to be wrong, they reevaluate their positions. Having read your page for a number of months, this is what you seems to want people to do. The question is: Are you, yourself, capable of the same? Time will tell.

VOX COMMENT ANNOTATION:  Nick, if I were you I would be more concerned about how your friends and loved ones are going to fare when the criminal military/intelligence/pseudo-religious cartel which is fronted by George W. Bush unleashes further attacks on Americans, and less concerned about whether I will "eat crow" Think big my friend and hunker down because some inside terror strikes are coming down the pike, I promise you this.
Having said that, let me just say that there is nothing that would make me happier than to have these terrible events NOT occur. That is the tag-line of our little news service here "THE NEWS BEFORE IT HAPPENS - SO THAT IT FUCKIN' DOESN'T HAPPEN." This is a PREEMPTIVE NEW SERVICE here, buddy.
Everyone reads it ESPECIALLY THE SPOOKS WHO ARE BEHIND ALL THIS TERRORISM.  If it does or does not happen, I don't eat crow, ever. I work too hard sounding the alarms of the oncoming FASCIST state to take shit from someone like you who sits there and reads my work and the only thing they have to offer the struggle is your shitty little comment. You either get off your ass and do something my friend or keep your mouth shut and take your EDUCATION like a good student. Because your question indicates that you are a shitty student. You have a lot to learn my friend. I have been around and have unfortunately studied too much of this stuff - I know what I am talking about.
Let me tell you a little story about how my mind operates. Back in 2001 a certain Republican senator JEFFORDS from Vermont defected from the party, thus stealing TRIPARTITE CONTROL OF THE US GOVERNMENT form this scumbag in the White House. That night I wrote that a Democratic senator would be assassinated by the Bush Criminal Cartel. That it would be a Democratic Senator from a state with a Republican Governor (Because Governor's choose replacements in the event of a premature death of a Senator.) Read the article my skeptical friend. Then when I was informed that a Senator's plane went down, I said, "Which one was it, Dashle, Leahy or Wellstone?" When the person told me it was Wellstone a chill went down my spine. Now how did I guess that???
So listen up nick and read your voxfux lessons well. It's not fun seeing this stuff clearly for what it is. It's terrible. But I wouldn't trade my brain with anyone's. And one last thing. There was no voxfux website prior to this fucking piece of shit, Bush. Nobody would be happier to get back to my previous life than me. I am simply WASTING MY LIFE ON THIS FUCKING HUMAN SCUM BUSH. And frankly I am getting sick and tired of it all. But I will not rest till this little YUPPIE, SOCIOPATHIC, YUPPIE, SPOILED LITTLE DADDIES BOY, COWARD, DRAFTDODGING, FAKER, PHONY, LITTLE FUCKING PIMP FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER is removed from the White House. But mark my word my skeptical friend, this shit is going to get a lot worse before it get better if ever, and believe me, Mr. Incredulous, the CONSPIRACY to rape the world is bigger that you can even imagine. It starts in the hearts and minds of Billionaire Industrialists and filters all the way down to each and every single person who receives a paycheck by these New World Motherfuckers. So the task at hand is ENORMOUS.
EAT CROW. I don't eat crow, I am a vegetarian, And I would suggest if you do not want to become a disgusting bloated fat pig you had better curtail your consumption of this shit because your post reeks of all the American meat you are eating.
Good luck on your Journey.
I hope you wake the fuck up.
Know You Enemy
Get off your knees
And wake the fuck up.

Posted by Nick @ 11/19/2003 08:01 PM EST

Vox, sorry. Server problem. Please ax extra posts.

Posted by Nick @ 11/19/2003 08:06 PM EST

Nick-Go back to the First Grade and learn what "click once" means.

Vox isn't a person. Bush is. Bush has lied before the American people and the world, he rarely tells the truth of what he is doing, or having others die for. He has lied about everything from his past business dealings, his campaign and what he would do as President (humble, uniter), his un-election or selection by Republicans on the Supreme Court not the voters, to who was behind the signs on the USS Lincoln "Mission Accomplished" (paid for by the White House and similar to numerous other signs he used for photo-ops), his tax policies, claims as late as Jan. 2002 he saw the first plane hit the WTC on 9/11 on live TV as it happened see:

not to mention WMD, Iraq being ready to nuke the US etc etc.

Over 400 Americans aren't eating crow, but are pushing up daisies becaue of Bush Lies.

A lot of Americans and Iraqi's are not 'eating crow

Posted by NIck Nack @ 11/19/2003 08:25 PM EST

Great article here. Apparently London's mayor hates Bush as much as the rest of the world..


Posted by GREATWHITE @ 11/19/2003 09:51 PM EST

Off the subject a little. But so what? FYI

Subject: Ford

> No one knew where the money was coming from to fund all these NGOs,"
> remembers Judith Palkovitz of Pittsburgh,
> Hadassah general secretary and a delegate to Durban. "I assumed it was a
> foreign group - say Saudi Arabia."
> When asked, one Jewish communal leader after another, and several State
> Department officials, also guessed: Saudi Arabia.
> They were wrong.
> The Ford Foundation, one of America's largest philanthropic institutions
> - and arguably the most prestigious - was a
> multimillion-dollar funder of many human rights NGOs attending Durban.
> That is the conclusion of a two-month JTA
> investigation, involving interviews with dozens of
> individuals in seven countries, as well as a
> review of more than 9,000 pages of government and
> organizational documents.
> Ford - which was endowed with funds donated by
> Henry and Edsel Ford but no longer
> maintains any ties to the Ford Motor Company - has long been known as a
> funder of Palestinian causes.
> But most observers did not suspect the extent of the foundation's
> involvement in funding of groups that engage in anti-Zionist,
> anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian activities both inside and outside the
> Middle East.
> With hundreds of millions of dollars being pumped into Mideast NGOs by
> numerous private foundations here and in Europe,
> government and communal officials are raising significant questions
> about transparency, how the money in Palestinian areas is
> being used and whether funders such as the Ford Foundation are
> exercising proper controls.
> Increasingly, federal agencies concerned with fighting terrorism are
> asking: When money goes in one NGO's pocket, where
> does it go and whom does it benefit?
> The Jewish representatives at Durban "didn't understand the efforts, the
> financing and the organization that went into hijacking
> the conference," recalls Reva Price, Washington representative of the
> Jewish Council for Public Affairs and a Durban
> delegate.
> Many Jewish organizational officials who participated in the long
> process complained that a key organization responsible for
> the methodical hijacking of the conference was the Palestinian Committee
> for the Protection of Human Rights and the
> Environment, which operates under the acronym LAW.
> LAW officials took leadership positions on the Durban conference
> steering committees, conducted workshops and even
> sponsored a pre-conference mission to the West Bank and Gaza Strip for
> South African delegates, to convince them that
> Israel was an apartheid state.
> "LAW was instrumental in creating the anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic
> focus at Durban," confirms Andrew Srulevitch, executive
> director of U.N. Watch, a Geneva-based group that monitors the world
> organization.
> But it was not just LAW. The Palestinian NGO Network, or PNGO, an
> umbrella organization of some 90 Palestinian NGOs,
> as well as many of its constituent groups, diligently became embedded in
> the conference bureaucracy that created the hostile
> environment at Durban.
> PNGO led the move to craft an NGO resolution that would "call upon the
> international community to impose a policy of
> complete and total isolation of Israel as an apartheid state,"including
> "the imposition of mandatory and comprehensive
> sanctions and embargoes, (and) the full cessation of all links
> (diplomatic, economic, social, aid, military cooperation and
> training) between all states and Israel."
> Durban was not a one-time investment for the Ford Foundation - a major
> funder of LAW and PNGO.
> Indeed, through its Cairo office, Ford has extended more than $35
> million in grants to some 272 Arab and Palestinian
> organizations during the two-year 2000-2001 period alone - the most
> recent years for which data is available.
> Since the 1950s, the foundation's Beirut and Cairo offices have awarded
> more than $193 million to more than 350 Middle
> East organizations, almost entirely Arab, Islamic or Palestinian.
> Ford's Web site, at www.fordfound.org , offers detailed information about
> its Middle East grants. On the site as of
> mid-October, "Palestine" is frequently mentioned on its Mideast pages,
> but Israel's name is absent. Moreover, the Web site's
> shaded map of the geographical region from Egypt to Lebanon and Jordan
> blanks out over Israel's territory.
> Initially, despite more than two dozen requests by phone and in writing
> over a period of several weeks, the Ford Foundation's
> communications vice president Alex Wilde, deputy media director Thea
> Lurie and media associate Joe Voeller refused to
> answer any questions or clarify any issues regarding the foundation's
> funding of groups engaged in anti-Israeli agitation and
> anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist activity.
> However, after this investigation was completed, Wilde did send a
> six-page written statement, declaring, "We have seen no
> indication that our grantees in Durban or elsewhere engaged in
> anti-Semitic speech or activities. The Foundation does not
> support hate speech of any kind."
> Wilde adds: "Some of our human rights and development grantees have
> certainly been critical of policies and practices of the
> Israeli government insofar as these discriminate against Palestinians or
> otherwise violate their rights, according to
> internationally agreed human rights standards and international law."
> "We do not believe that this can be described as 'agitation,' " the
> statement asserts.
> Both LAW and PNGO confirmed that their Ford funds were pivotal.
> "Ford has made it possible for us to do much of our work,"says a senior
> LAW official in Jerusalem.
> Since 1997, LAW has been the recipient of three Ford grants, totaling
> $1.1 million, to engage in "advocacy" and participate
> at international conferences, according to LAW officials. A Ford
> Foundation official's check of the charity's confidential
> computer databases confirmed the information.
> Reached in Ramallah on her cell phone, PNGO program coordinator Renad
> Qubaj recalls her coordination of activities in
> Durban.
> "In Durban, for sure we published posters saying, 'End the occupation,'
> things like that," says Qubaj, "and we published a
> study, had a press conference, organized our partners and protest
> marches."
> Asked about finances, she adds, "Unfortunately we are very dependent on
> the international funds. Not just PNGO but all the
> Palestinian NGOs - 90 of them in our group. We get very little money
> from the Arabs - just needy family cases. Ford is our
> biggest funder."
> Allam Jarrar, a member of the 11-person PNGO steering committee network,
> and one who helped organize the events at
> Durban, explains that Ford money allows PNGO to have a global scope.
> "We do lots of international advocacy conferences and regional forums,"
> Jarrar explains, "and we always try to represent our
> political view to Europe.
> "Our biggest donations come, of course, from Ford," Jarrar adds. "We
> have been in partnership with Ford for a long time - a
> real partnership, a real understanding of our needs.
> >From 1999 to 2002, PNGO received a series of Ford grants totaling $1.4
> million, plus a $270,000 supplement, according to
> an examination of the Ford Foundation's IRS Form 990 filings, Web site
> databases and annual reports. PNGO continues to
> receive at least $350,000 annually from Ford, according to the data.
> LAW and PNGO were hardly the only Ford-backed groups at Durban. The
> conference was a major enterprise for the Ford
> Foundation.
> In a Ford Web site commentary written prior to Durban, Bradford Smith,
> Ford's vice president for peace and social justice,
> wrote that the conference's issues were "at the core of the Ford
> Foundation's mission since its inception."
> More than a dozen activist organizations - from Brazil to Sri Lanka -
> received well over $1 million in Ford grants specifically
> earmarked for the production of advertising materials, public meetings
> and advocacy at the Durban conference.
> Since the Durban conference, LAW has continued its public crusade
> against Israel and Zionism, and PNGO, as well as many
> of its 90 members, continue organizing efforts to try Israeli officials
> as war criminals, boycott the Jewish state and label Israel
> a racist, illegitimate state that must be stripped of its Jewish
> identity.
> While a number of the Ford-financed organizations at Durban, such as LAW
> and PNGO, engaged in anti-Israel and
> anti-Zionist agitation, certainly many did not.
> Either way, Ford Foundation money, as intended, was a prime mover in the
> production of the advocacy pamphlets, posters,
> workshops and other materials at the conference that shaped the overall
> atmosphere.
> "I saw the Ford representative at Durban," remembers Palkovitz, the
> Hadassah delegate, who spotted him in connection with
> African American reparations issues. "There was no way to miss the
> anti-Semitism. The Ford guy would have to be blind. It
> was the most anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist stuff you ever saw.
> "I told the Ford representative I thought it was a mistake because the
> whole meeting was being hijacked," she relates. "He
> disagreed. He said he believed what the conference was doing was
> correct."
> Edwin Black is the author of the newly released "War Against the Weak:
> Eugenics and America's Campaign to
> Create a Master Race" (Four Walls Eight Windows, $27 hardcover), which
> investigates corporate philanthropic
> involvement in American and Nazi eugenics.

Posted by Gerald @ 11/19/2003 10:31 PM EST

I liked the annotation Vox. This stuff isn't inevitable and the warnings you post can stop it from happening.

On another topic:

Why did Richard Perle let these payments happen? Did it affect editorial coverage in Hollinger and competing papers?


Posted by sammy @ 11/20/2003 12:04 AM EST

The most frightening thing about george bushie is that someone like that fuck could actually exist.
the second most frightening thing about him is that he may actually be so black that he feeds off hatred in the same way that normal people thrive on love, so it may take the reverse of normal and to actually "pour coals on his head" so to speak you need to send him love vibes
the third most frightening thing about bush is that he wants American troops in Iraq to die.
Let me explain . Who got picked to go to Iraq, wasn't it as Alex Jone uncovered those who refused to sign on to being willing to fire on American citizens in the coming martial law New world Order vice grip on Human thought speech and action? and aren't they thus persona non gratis in the USA . Could that be the main reason they are being left in Iraq to rot.

Posted by charlie @ 11/20/2003 01:57 AM EST

According to a report at Democracy Now (and elsewhere I'm sure), Bush had requested diplomatic immunity for his entourage of hundreds of bodyguards. The reason? Probably so that they could use excessive force or even kill people who were protesting his visit to Britain. Apparently British authorities said "No" to this request. See, in a different country where Bush the fucked-up, spoiled frat-boy

Posted by GREATWHITE @ 11/20/2003 02:47 AM EST

According to a report at Democracy Now (and elsewhere I'm sure), Bush had requested diplomatic immunity for his entourage of hundreds of bodyguards. The reason? Probably so that they could use excessive force or even kill people who were protesting his visit to Britain. Apparently British authorities said "No" to this request. This is very fucking revealing. See, in a different country where Bush is NOT the boss, he has to ASK for special powers. IE: Killing people (protesters who despise him) and not having to face the consequences. Imagine the kinds of sneaky, subversive

Posted by GREATWHITE @ 11/20/2003 02:51 AM EST


According to a report at Democracy Now (and elsewhere I'm sure), Bush had requested diplomatic immunity for his entourage of hundreds of bodyguards. The reason? Probably so that they could use excessive force or even kill people who were protesting his visit to Britain. Apparently British authorities said "No" to this request. This is very fucking revealing. See, in a different country where Bush is NOT the boss, he has to ASK for special powers. IE: Killing people (protesters who despise him) and not having to face the consequences. Having said that, imagine the kinds of sneaky, subversive, ILLEGAL shit Bush and his pals get up to when they're back home and have no-one to answer to......
Oh yeah. I've heard lately that 8,000,000 of the 87,000,000,000 dollars earmarked for Iraq are actually being funelled to Florida. These funds will be used to harass and beat the shit out of protestors of the Free Trade Summit thing going on.....ahhhh freedom and liberty for the whole world brought to you by your friendly neighborhood fascist..........

Posted by GREATWHITE @ 11/20/2003 03:00 AM EST

VOXXXIE......please read the article on antiwar.com's website from the guardian unlimited about the comments neocon richard perle made concerning the "invasion of iraq had been illegal." UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!! Please address this statement by perle.

Posted by jhf @ 11/20/2003 07:51 AM EST

vox...check out fuck-ups remarks concerning the suicide bomb blasts in istanbul....the hypocrisy about "innocent lives" while this scumbag doesn't hesitate for one nano-second to send our innocent troops over to iraq as i said earilier and neocon perle ADMITS ADMITS that we "illegally invaded iraq." i don't know about you voxie, but this makes my blood boil!!! please say SOMETHING about this...please.

VOX COMMENT ANNOTATION: I too read the Pearl remark. But it doesn't particularly stand out to me among the complete standard modus operandi of lies and illegality from the Bush Crime Cartel. I have the same reaction when protestors want too focus on the "Bush Lies" with posters and buttons that say "Bush Lied"
To me the concept of politicians lying is such a desensitized non issue at this point, that I believe that it will simply not carry much weight with a population whose whole life is nothing but lies. A politician lying or commiting illegal acts is nothing new - it's all they do.
What is happening in this society is that it has now become so bad that a scumbag like Bush can lie and even admit he lied and even continue to lie and there is just not a damn thing anyone can do about it because most people sort of intrinsically know that they themselves are living a lie on a daily basis on the very most fundamental issues such as their so called "Belief in God" or sexuality issues and many other issues, that this concept of a President lying just doesn't have too much impact.
People like you and I may know that Richard Pearl is Zionist Scum but Joe and Jane sixpack who are loyal CNN viewers have no clue who richard Pearl is because he is not one of the STARS of the New World Order. He is very much a big part of the new world order but not for Joe and jane. For joe and jane cnn rolls out this piece of shit Bush and joe and jane genuinely get choked up with emotions of gratitude for all the "leadership" and "strength" and "patriotism" and "honesty" that Bush demonstrates. These are the times of our lives.

Posted by jhf @ 11/20/2003 10:12 AM EST

I was watching CBC Newsworld and they had breaking news about the Whitehouse evacuation this morning.

Government buildings like the Whitehouse (Pentagon, etc.) have an automatic evacuation plan that was triggered when a commuter jet entered the air space over the white house.

Fighter jets were scrambled in less than a minute and the plane was escorted out of the airspace.

I wanted more information, so I flipped to CNN and all they could talk about was Michael Jackson and the attack in Turkey.

Anyway, zero coverage on the White House evacuation.

Our news is bad, but CNN is a news vacuum - it's embarrassing.

Posted by canadian guy @ 11/20/2003 11:23 AM EST

Turkey didn't let the US use it's soil to attack Iraq, so they are in the "bad boy book".

The bombings this week in Turkey made me think.

Given the experience in Iraq, I think it is clear that the US can't successfully invade Iran or Syria without a draft, but they began ammassing troops on the Syrian border this week.

I'm also noticing that the pipelines going north from Iraq are getting sabotaged, but the ones going south are getting left alone. Turkey is being cut off from Iraq oil.

I'm assuming that factions in the US did the bombings in Turkey, but CNN set us up this morning to blame local terrorists trained by Al Quaeda as opposed to Al Quaeda directly. This is an unusual shift.

I'm starting to wonder if they are trying to set up a new country of Kurdistan to get friendly access to Azerbaijan and Armenia resources.

They've been setting us up for years about the poor Kurds, defending them with the no fly zone, etc.

Could they be planning to carve Kurdistan out of parts of Turkey, Iran and Syria?

Anyone else have any other theories?

Posted by sammy @ 11/20/2003 11:59 AM EST

vox or anybody on the board.
Who do you think was behind the bombings in Turkey today?Great timing Bush being in the uk with Tony fuck wit Bliar.

Posted by rob @ 11/20/2003 12:17 PM EST

Thanks Vox for the commentary...sadly, you are right.My entire family with the exception of a brother believes in all of this shit too, hubbie included. I don't know what else to do at this point. Keep distributing deception dollars I guess?

Posted by jhf @ 11/20/2003 12:50 PM EST


Posted by rob @ 11/20/2003 02:37 PM EST


Posted by rob @ 11/20/2003 02:41 PM EST

Between Diebold "Only matters who counts the votes, not who does the voting" and making a candidate out of a non candidate.... howard dean... Shrubaya has the 2004 elections in the bag.

The deals the Bushs made with the Klintoons ensures that Hitlery wont run until after shrubs 2 terms are done, that will be the 2008 election. The sheople dont vote for their governing masters, they get appointed by "the Order"

Poker Face http://www.pokerface.com/MIA/index.html ... Writing the soundtrack to the 2ND American Revolution

Posted by pokerkid @ 11/20/2003 03:44 PM EST

Vox.... If you would like a copy of our recently released disc "Made In America" #4 for us..We would love to send you one. Send me a snail mail address to my email address and i will get it in the mail to you.

if you want to check out some of the tunes before hand please go here:

paul from poker face

great site by the way brother

Posted by pokerkid @ 11/20/2003 03:51 PM EST

Hey all, guess all who was at the dinner conference in London during Bush's visit? Almost every god damn prominent Illuminati member that exists throughout the world. It is CRUCIAL that every able body that reads this DO SOMETHING, instead of think about doing it, spread the word, post the links, pass the information. Rule By Secrecy, The Biggest Secret, Tales From the Time Loop, Illuminati Bloodlines, read them all. peace

Posted by watcher @ 11/20/2003 04:28 PM EST

It was not any "plane" that made the first hit on the world trade center.
Since March 2002 I've been practicing enlargements of the details of the calumny of 911.

Three chances to spot a plane, one real good reason why you can't.

An intrepid internet correspondant named Marcus was frustrated cos there wasn't no plane, so he put one in.
Looks pretty realistic when small, even.
He had to chop off the first third of the jet to give it a whatzit-ly profile.


They recently turned a building in Russia into dust, and blamed it on leaky plumbing.

Posted by Rosalee Grable - The Webfairy @ 11/20/2003 05:06 PM EST

Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.

"The people have given us the duty to defend them, and that duty sometimes requires the violent restraint of violent men," Bush said, "In some cases, the measured use of force is all that protects us from a chaotic world ruled by force."
"The hope that danger has passed is comforting, is understandable and it is false," he said, adding the recent synagogue bombings in Istanbul to a recitation of terrorist attacks. "The danger only increases with denial."

Addressing the protests, the president had yesterday spoken of his enthusiasm for free speech but a joint press conference today with the prime minister was dominated by the twin bombings in Istanbul.
"The nature of the terrorists is evidenced once again - we see their utter contempt for innocent life. They hate freedom, they hate free nations," he told reporters.
The bombings were taken as evidence by some of the protesters that the war on terror was not succeeding in making the world safer.

"There have been more and more bombings since the action in Iraq and more terrorism," said Mischa Gorris, a 37-year-old London lawyer. "You will never change the hearts and minds of terrorists by bombing them. This is what you will get."
"Freedom is beautiful," Bush said Thursday, adding he was happy to be in a country where people were allowed to speak their minds freely. "All I know is that people in Baghdad weren't allowed to do this until recent history."

U.S. forces have sealed off Saddam Hussein’s little home village of Auja, Iraq, ringing the town with barbed wire and forcing locals to show identity cards to enter or exit.
Why not just start flying the Israeli flag?

Car Bombs Hit Iraq, Bush Says U.S. to Stay
"We could have less troops in Iraq. We could have the same number of troops in Iraq. We could have more troops in Iraq -- (whatever is) necessary to secure Iraq."

Touring Buckingham Palace's collection of jeweled Faberge eggs, first lady Laura Bush told reporters she had barely noticed the opposition to her husband's state visit to Britain.
"We've seen plenty of American flags. We've seen plenty of people waving to us -- many, many more people in fact than protesters," she said.

The tab for the security operation during Bush’s three-day visit will be nearly $17 million. No Clintonian walkabouts were on the schedule: Bush was even driven the few steps from his suite at Buckingham Palace to the welcoming ceremony in a bomb-proof car.
Against the backdrop of a massive security operation, hundreds of thousands of protestors marched against George W. Bush in London

Posted by crusader bunnypants @ 11/20/2003 09:46 PM EST

Nick:"but not from within the maggot-ridden core of the dark establishment. The nature of this seething, festering sore can not be changed. Reforms and petitions nothing avail..."

i absolutely know what you are saying within your post. but this is what i was trtying to say - - if the focus is the root - then a place where the most catalysts, methods for evolution in social thinking would come from being directly surround by the "situation" at hand.

that much more pressure and tension from the top always results in that much more release from underneath. - rubber band.

within this darkness you're talking about america - there is also an awakening surging through many people. - granted many are still sleeping - im sure many many will choose to stay that way.

- but just don't focus on that - i try to see it, understand it , know that it's there but not get caught up within that limiting structure.

using these catalysts around us - we can change things right now. - - of course this is the nation of the phoenix - and this is already happening - "perish and be reborn anew from its ashes" - - there is a falling happening right now - but there is also a rising.

- - as for this being a human problem - i couldn't agree more. - but since this place is one of the strong roots - it certainly should be considered a focal point for change - - of all energies.


Posted by network @ 11/21/2003 12:09 AM EST

Vox says bio attack before 2004 election.
Gen Tommy Franks says military dictatorship after next terrorist attack.
Can anybody say military dictatorship 2004.

Posted by charlie @ 11/21/2003 03:00 AM EST

Real convenient for the Brits in Turkey to be blown up while George W. Orwell goes to London. Much like how convenient the fires here in Oregon were when the idiot came here in August to blather about forests. My prediction - same as yours, Vox. Even with the crooked voting machines they won't allow an election to happen. Terrorism is now their first and last strategy.

Posted by mobux @ 11/21/2003 03:07 AM EST

If an attack WMD STYLE does happen this is what the government will do according to Gen. Franks.


Posted by InfoSearch @ 11/21/2003 10:30 AM EST


when is someone going to put a bullet in the little zionist fuck Perles head?

Posted by rob @ 11/21/2003 10:52 AM EST

A careful and competent analysis of President Bush's astrological chart indicates a high probability that he will be killed in office around the time of the Nov 2004 election. Furthermore, his martyrdom will be immortalized by many.

Posted by NOVA @ 11/21/2003 12:15 PM EST

It seems might funny that Tommy Franks would just happen to mention that if there was a NBC attack,all civil liberties would end and the US would be put under martial law.This would make Bush our new dictator.I don't know about you people,but that worries me.Funny also was that I heard nothing about this on CNN,but I do know every second of Jocko's freak life yesterday and from the looks of it,it is all we will here about for the next month! http://www.propagandamatrix.com/211103martiallaw.html

Posted by Tha Advenger @ 11/21/2003 12:23 PM EST

In bold for anyone that doubts Vox's analysis. It's coming down people!


"Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government."

Posted by Zepherhills @ 11/21/2003 01:05 PM EST

I hope vox is very wrong on this one.

Posted by rob @ 11/21/2003 01:52 PM EST

um...I didn't know about the General Franks' comment. That gives additional credence to Vox's theory of a bio-attack.
The Diebold plot is too risky, too many people are being vocal about it, I agree they wouldn't want to risk it. Seems this is coming faster than expected.
On French CBC news tuesday night, the reporter was covering the Bush protest in London, and as if to counter-balance it, he mentioned a poll giving 62% of Britons saying Bush was a good statesman. Now, you have to ask yourself, does that make sense?
Having worked for Gallup polls some years ago, I can assure you that results are a very touchy thing; while we would poll people over the phone, the data was entered into a computer which compiled all results as we went along. No surprise there. Now, the funny thing is this: after the polling was over (i.e. a sufficient number of subjects had been polled to give a "significant" sample), the executives would lock themselves into a conference room, sometimes for hours on end, and they'd come out with a poll with results supporting the client, no matter what. If the Tories had paid for it, it would show results in favor of Tories, if the dog food company had paid for it, it would come out in favor of Purina over whatever, etc. Think about it, what was there to discuss since the computers added it up by themselves?
Years later, while working as a sales manager for a radio station, I ordered a poll to get a grasp of our ratings, and I GOT JUST WHAT I PAID FOR. Reasonable ratings, sanctioned by an "official" pollster. I even managed to negotiate an extra 0.9% for prime time.
Whatever the boob tube tells you, trust your instinct, and stick with your gut feeling.

Posted by Nicolas K. @ 11/21/2003 02:48 PM EST

I like your picture of Dubya laughing at how the Sheeple have bought into "War on Terror".

You'd look smarter than Dubya though, if you'd learn how to spell "Coming"!!!

Posted by Cultmember @ 11/21/2003 02:48 PM EST


Check this link Cultmember, it will help you.

Posted by Zepherhills @ 11/21/2003 03:06 PM EST

Vox said: "I don't eat crow, ever. I work too hard sounding the alarms of the oncoming FASCIST state to take shit from someone like you who sits there and reads my work and the only thing they have to offer the struggle is your shitty little comment."

So much for questioning authority...

I just noticed when I was reading the 25 Rules of Propaganda that in this single message and thread, you are guilty of #2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 15, 18, 24.


If you don't reply to this, you're also guilty of #6. Well actually, your reply to Nick makes you guilty of #6. Nevermind.

Delete this.
Dissent is bad.

Posted by missouri hillbilly @ 11/21/2003 03:23 PM EST

Zepherhills said:


Check this link Cultmember, it will help you.

Dontcha mean that a Speel Cheeker might help VOX in the writing of his captions??????

I suppose the captioning of "comming" acts as a copyprotection scheme? I wouldn't want to pass on his excellent photo interpretation, with such an unprofessional caption, as "comming".

Posted by Cultmember @ 11/21/2003 03:27 PM EST

I just came from Branson,MO and there are a lot of fuckin Missouri hillbillies there.Most are almost as dumb as you are. Missouri kids all think they are intercity rappers except they don't know what color they are or how to put their pants on before their underware.The girl I met,I dumped because her dad was fucking her.If that was not bad enough,all that the girls know how to cook is crow,(and no,it don't taste like chicken,but shows the origin of the word.)You don't seem to worried about the US becoming fascist but then again since you hillbillies interbreed,you might just be one of Ashcroft's kids or a redneck.Being a hillbilly is a slang word for being a non educated interbreeding dumbass which explains why you would brag about it!

Posted by Tha Advenger @ 11/21/2003 04:19 PM EST

This is a question for any vets out there...
"If" there is an attack and a military govnt is put in place.
What is the function of the army in a situation like this? And do you actually think the sons and daughters of this once great country would stand for this and actually arrest and shoot their neighbors?
Im asking because I really cant see the military actually following orders if it came down to somethin like this. On the other hand I think we have them outnumbered.
Eventually, EVERYONE will feel how we feel.

Posted by dogmonsta @ 11/21/2003 04:54 PM EST

"What is a stake...is no small country...it is a big idea.....


George H. W. Bush Sept 11th 1990

Posted by Mechanic @ 11/21/2003 05:02 PM EST

VOX. It's not that I disagree with what you're saying. It's just that you haven't gone deep enough.

The real "WHO" here is not the Bushes. It is David Rockefeller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Bushes work for him and the International Bankers who are the driving force behind the NWO

Posted by Doc @ 11/21/2003 06:29 PM EST

bushjr is an antichrist


Posted by bushjr is an antichrist @ 11/21/2003 06:50 PM EST

The first American soldiers to die for this country in the war on terror will be the ones who turn around and shoot the officer giving them the order to fire on or round up american citizens. It will fire the opening volley in the war to take back this country from the Lord bankers!

Posted by charlie @ 11/21/2003 07:36 PM EST

Vox, PLEASE notice there is no plane in the fireman footage perporting to show the first hit.
No plane in the Naudet DVD version even.
We are seeing missiles here, not a "plane."

Too many people just insert an imaginary plane where they think the plane ought to be.
An internet correspondant named Marcus went one better, and put the plane in there himself, at least for a few frames.

It's quite instructive, cos to make the "plane" match up with the only-moving-object-in-sight, he had to do a "plane-ectomy", removing the front third of the plane to make it fit.

I know you're thinking it will be bioweapons, but they turned a building into dust in Russia recently, blamed it on "leaky pipes" and it looks like people bought the notion, even tho so much of the picture is reminiscent of scenes of the 911 "collapse."

They could just as soon turn some nuclear power plant into dust, the way they did the world trade towers.


None of their excuses can account for the "nuclear glow" or the pillar of standing steel turning to dust on live television.

Posted by The Webfairy @ 11/21/2003 08:27 PM EST

Bush said he never watches TV or reads a newspaper....he has advisors that do that for him.

I wonder if they also read the gazillions of internet post and web sites that express the "true" feelings of many Americans for him also?

Everytime a bell rings an angel is born...Every time Bush dings...another soldier dies.

Posted by Joe Smo @ 11/22/2003 05:50 AM EST

This article is worth reading because it is about a small village that was destroyed by elitist (NWO) types of the day some 500 years ago but it is still relevant today.


Posted by MARTIN @ 11/22/2003 07:15 AM EST

The US has been bringing in foreign troops for quite some time now - they know it will be difficult for our own troops to inforce Martial Law on their own citizens. It won't be any problem for Russians or Israelis to shoot us. All of our troops are sent someplace else to die - including the reservists.

Posted by ESMERELDA @ 11/22/2003 11:46 AM EST

The US has been bringing in foreign troops for quite some time now - they know it will be difficult for our own troops to inforce Martial Law on their own citizens. It won't be any problem for Russians or Israelis to shoot us. All of our troops are sent someplace else to die - including the reservists.

Posted by ESMERELDA @ 11/22/2003 11:48 AM EST

Very interesting comments fellow rebelutionaries! Just remember! choose your revolution wisely, for he that lives by the sword, dies by the sword and he that lives with virtue, conquers the world!

Posted by jaberwocky @ 11/22/2003 11:54 AM EST

Hey,VOX,I'm with you...I suspect a chemical/biological attack because they can easily be faked or made to seem bigger than it actually is.I can envision a scenario where some people might actually be infected with "Bio/Chemical X" and then many more strange happenings can be faked(remember "Close Encounters Of the Third Kind,where they put animals to sleep and left them all over the place,and herded people out of the area? They blamed it on a train crash,I think).All they have to do is say that "It" is undetectable,have the Robot News Networks run it day and night,and people would be running down the street screaming,probably killing each other! It would be SO EASY! Watch the movie "Dreamcatcher" with Morgan Freeman or "Outbreak",with Dustin Hoffman for a glimpse of the future...

Posted by Mike Z. @ 11/22/2003 12:22 PM EST

Hey,VOX,I'm with you...I suspect a chemical/biological attack because they can easily be faked or made to seem bigger than it actually is.I can envision a scenario where some people might actually be infected with "Bio/Chemical X" and then many more strange happenings can be faked(remember "Close Encounters Of the Third Kind,where they put animals to sleep and left them all over the place,and herded people out of the area? They blamed it on a train crash,I think).All they have to do is say that "It" is undetectable,have the Robot News Networks run it day and night,and people would be running down the street screaming,probably killing each other! It would be SO EASY! Watch the movie "Dreamcatcher" with Morgan Freeman or "Outbreak",with Dustin Hoffman for a glimpse of the future.It's coming,brothers and sisters...

Posted by Mike Z. @ 11/22/2003 12:23 PM EST

Come on ESMERELDA Israelis attack us,ya gotta be kidding! Just ask the men who got killed on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967!It does seem funny there are alot of Israeli spys in the US though(HUM)as for Russia,I really think they might be our only hope of saving us.Bush and Sharone both like to push Russias buttons and Russia is only going to put up with their shit for so long.Why do you think Russia put those sunburn missiles in Iran.To keep the US (BUSH)from stealing their oil too. I think Russia knows the US has been overthrown by unelected leaders already and if they are true friends they might help clean out the mess we have pretending to lead in DC now.Did you notice they arrested the jew oil mogal in Russia for pulling an enron on Russia.How come no one has the balls to arrest Ken Lay though?

Posted by Tha Advenger @ 11/22/2003 12:25 PM EST

PS.I am sure their are some if not most israeli's that are good people like there are also bad russians and Americans(bush and his gang)so don't take my statement as raceist or anti- Semitic,lol

Posted by Tha Advenger @ 11/22/2003 12:39 PM EST

You have a lot of guts and a lot of knowledge. I commend you. Especially knowing what you've been through telling the truth. This is one wicked family that ties in with the assassination of JFK as well. And let's not leave out Nazi supporting Granpa Prescott.
A bad tree can only produce bad fruit.
Great work - Meria

Posted by Meria @ 11/22/2003 01:56 PM EST


Come on people, what are we going to do about it? Can the ass clowns running everything really kill 300,000 or hopefully more pissed off, gun toting freedom loving americans with nothing left to lose marching on washington and storming corporate media offices? Have you heard what is going on in Georgia (the country, not the state)? The government held elections on Nov.2, the elections were proven to be rigged, even by this county, so the opposition leaders stormed the parliament and they are currently demanding change. They only had 30,000 protesters.(Note: If spooks are reading this, I’m not sitting behind a proxy, I’m not hacking someone’s wireless system and posting from there. I’m not going to hide right now. If you want me, you can find me here. Afterall, this is America and I have the write to speak my mind and suggest revolution just like South Carolina always threatens to succeed from the union.)

What about when the next draft comes, are you 18 to 26 year olds going to fight someone else’s war, or are you going to suddenly have respect for your own life and kill the real enemy? Face it kids, if you have a shitty life it is because of the NWO. Do something about.

I for one know people who are just waiting, JUST WAITING for something like voxfux's latest scenario to play out. We have nothing left to lose, no job, no family, no money....the only thing we have is our education and above average reading and analytical abilities so we can share and put things in simple terms with those who are 'washed' by the boob tube.

Lets march on Washington, pull the fuckers (the liars and fate thiefs) out into the streets, tar and feather or strip them naked and make them run around downtown washington with no clothes during a cold winter day. I wont name names as to who we should drag out of public offices, (reasons I’m sure are understood) take the liars, and put them out of a job, without physical harm. Replace those senators and congressman with ones that aren’t proven liars. Then we can storm the media offices all across the country and do the same to them.

You see folks, there was a time in American history that this has happened once before. The stamp collectors (I would see them as the media conglomerates of today) betrayed the american colonists trust and they were lead out into the streets and tarred and feather. But the people who were leading this nation into rebellion knew that we needed a 'conservative rebellion', meaning we didnt need to kill anyone and let mob rule take over the rebellion (The stamp collectors were not hanged or executed, just humiliated so they would not want to collect tax stamps.) Sure, the colonists went to war with britian, but the americn revolution was by no means a revolution with the same carnage as the french, russian, or chinese revolutions.

Lets make some gesture politics before we need to whip out the big guns.

‘Wake the fuck up’ and ‘bring em on’ mutherfuckers!

Posted by john c calhoun @ 11/22/2003 02:07 PM EST

Daddy Bush: the Man With The Plan; The man who put together the hits squads that followred Kennedy from city to city until they could remove the Kennedy's from power and allow the New World Order direct access to the tools necessary to transform this nation into a ourely fascist state, and now, well, all we're witnessing is the End Game, final icing on the cake, and Patriot II is designed to give the power to eliminate any American who recognizies and speaks out against the regime---which will occur by the thousands after the next doemstically designewd an diomplemented terror attack on Americans.

So, what will thye have on their side:
1. Mainstream news media
2. critical players in military, intel and business
3. backing of the Bankers (actually, this game belongs to The Bankers, who impleneted the criminal Federal Reserve System and a credit system designed to largely finance thes eoperations; bankrupt the Americans; Bankrupt the government; and result in US being "bailed-out" by the World Banlk (THE Central Bank of all Central Banks).
4. tools for and to implemenmt scandalous, murderous acts of terrorism against its own nation (these people, the Bushes, the bankers, the NWO are not Americans, they are just evil incarnate.

Notice the use of rubber bullets against legal, constitutionally protected civil protest? Just trial balloons, "sticking in the fork" so to speak".

Question is, will REAL Americans be willing to die in order to regain control of our country and re-establish a Constitutional Republic?

We're looking evil in the eye everyday they put this regime on TV: and they have an amoral moron at the head of the class, while daddy spook runs it all form behind the scenes. Once they killed Kennedy, they knew they could get us to buy into any lie.

Wake-u America, smell phosphorous, anthrax, and plutonium...its much later than ya think, and not the same country you were born into.

Posted by scarletfire @ 11/22/2003 02:14 PM EST

The method we choose to overthrow this criminal enterprise, must be considered carefully. While it is stimulating to imagine thousands of us rising up with force of arms, it may also be foolhardy, and play right into their plans for martial law. Each of us as individuals must look within and decide whether the principles of non violence are relevant and can be applied succesfully in this situation. For myself, it comes down to the dichotomy of civilization vs law of the jungle. Once we enter into the war game, we give up the moral high ground, the right to decry methods of violence as reasonable approaches to solving problems. This is the law of the jungle, the one who can kill the other gets to eat them. This cycle of violence thrives on fear, it is an argument the neocons use to justify their "war on terrorism". you can't negotiate with terrorists, they are fond of saying. Those of us who aspire to a rule of law, cannot simply abandon those principles in this fight, out of fear of our oppressors. We have a choice, resist through all means short of violence and sieze the ideological high ground, or fight in the streets and risk losing the intellectual battle, when we kill our first innocent in the struggle. this is not an easy choice, the darkness gathered against us is very powerful, we must realize that this war is not just people against people but one of ideas. Thus, we must ask ourselves, is the reclamation of the principles of freedom, democracy and equal justice under the law served better by armed resistance, or by the strict adherance to a relatively new concept in human evolution, rule of law? would 30,000 or more armed people storming Washington give us victory in the court of world opinion? or would 200 million people who suddenly refused to pay their taxes? Would thousands of dead united states freedom fighters, give us back democracy and liberty, or would the gathering of 100s of millions of online signatures in a new digital constitutional congress. Is it possible that the pen is mightier than the sword ? or in this case the keyboard ? I think we can all imagine how a bloody fight might be fought, we have seen movies that demonstrate the heroic sacrifices of many inthe cause of freedom. Ask yourself, can you imagine a way to bypass their channels of control, convene the nation under the flag of a digital revolution, and simply write them out of office, repeal the authorizations of money for their military idustrial complex, establish a new constitution that inspires new life in the heart of people and this nation? I have the idea...may it spread and be discussed, if it is found to be folly, then I 'll join you on the battlefield, but first let us consider the alternatives.

Posted by Righteous Debate @ 11/22/2003 03:04 PM EST

I agree with the last two posts.

1. The New World Order (and the Kennedy assassination) is about who gets to create money: the government or the international bankers.

Kennedy lost his life after creating government money.

We're close to a currency crash followed by a bailout from the BIS. Sorry, Vox, I think that an economic disaster is more likely than a germ attack. My reasoning is that they can do most of their dirty work overseas and no one here stops them. As long as their brainwashing works, they don't have to resort to martial law.

The bankers would rather use economics than violence if they can get away with it. (They are made of flesh and blood, too.)

2. Only non violent protest will work.

I posted my suggestions in the Kennedy threat: concentrate on media, voting and getting rid of the Patriot Act II.

I showed many of my CNN friends the Trafalgar Square protests live on a webcam. Suddenly I stopped being a conspiracy theorist when they saw the size of the protest with their own eyes, then heard CNN downplay it or talk about Michael Jackson instead of the current/in progress World War III.

Millions of people in the street let the powers that be know that they never really had the power. They may send orders to good people in uniform, but it was always those good people that had the power.

I've wondered if they sent some of the "good" soldiers to die in Iraq so they won't be here in Amerika to defend the sheeple.

Man, now Georgia - has anyone else noted how countried are falling everywhere the oil pipeline needs to go?

The oil could flow north through Turkey and Georgia to Moscow or south to the sea. For some reason, the northern pipeline keeps getting sabotaged.

Posted by sammy @ 11/22/2003 09:57 PM EST

Read up on recent Venezualan history for inspiration. The CIA sponsored a coup but the people wouldn't let their democracy go away. Contrast that with Diebold and the Patriot Act II here in the USA where most people don't really care about freedom or democracy. Or maybe they just don't know what those words mean.

Plagiarized from another site:

"An old saying ....
lies are half way around the world, while truth is still getting its boots on ...

Well this time, thanks to the internet, the truth has a fighting chance of gaining access to the sloth of the popular mind ... we have to help it ... bore everybody within hearing distance, write emails constantly to all the media scumbag outlets, and use this marvelous medium to get the facts in the public domain immediately ..."

Posted by sammy @ 11/22/2003 10:05 PM EST

Hmm, could there be oil there?


Posted by sammy @ 11/22/2003 10:08 PM EST

From Rivero's site:


Posted by sammy @ 11/22/2003 10:25 PM EST

Did people here know there is another President under Mt Weather?

"The patriot data bank is constantly updated so that when the appointed hour arrives all patriots can be rounded up with little if any effort. the plan calls for this to be accomplished in the dead of night on a national holiday. the most likely holiday is Thanksgiving when everyone, no matter the religion, race or creed, will be at home. The targets will be ripe for the picking after a heavy meal, maybe some alcoholic beverages, and during a deep sleep.....MY RECOMMENDATION IS THAT NO PATRIOT SHOULD EVER BE AT HOME OR AT THE HOME OF ANY FAMILY MEMBER ON ANY HOLIDAY EVER AGAIN UNTIL THE TRAITORS HAVE BEEN HUNG AND THE CONSTITUTION RESTORED AS THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND"
Bill Cooper. (emphasis his)
M.....mmmm. those gulags, 600 counted to date(how many more?) aren't there for nothing.

Posted by charlie @ 11/22/2003 10:54 PM EST

wow awsome site. thanks for sharing all your hardwork!! now THIS is more like my kind of news. thanks again

Posted by annix @ 11/22/2003 10:58 PM EST


Posted by bill cooper @ 11/22/2003 10:58 PM EST

Note that he admitted that UFOlogy is probably government disinformation to discredit people that support the constitution.


"Cooper began to admit that he most likely had been shown disinformation by the government while he was in the service. On this point, I truly commended Cooper for his admission. Cooper began to state that he was not a ufologist. It was Cooper who coined the term "ufoology" and I also commended him for it"

Posted by bill cooper @ 11/22/2003 11:13 PM EST

Greetings All

It would help all of you a great deal if you were to read from the following site http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion1.htm . It describes who is controlling this country and how it came about. The PROTOCOLS will give you insight and understanding, together with the mechanism of how we have become what we are today.

Posted by Truethseeker @ 11/22/2003 11:53 PM EST

This is about one of the most honest sites I have seen on the internet and I have read a hell of a lot of them.I just wish you would drop all this UFO,666,Illuminati,Masonic temples and all this other shit that discredits the reason for this message board 50 million people can all come up with their own ideas of why and who is controlling what but not everyone is going to agree and I think the numerology bullshit is about the stupidest I have heard yet.I took this info from a 9-11 website and Quote"Many people also recognized the fact that the number 11 seems to appear over and over in relation to the events of that day. For example, the actual day number is 11, the first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11, it had 92 people on board - 9+2=11, the name Afghanistan contains 11 letters, and so forth.

Why would the number 11 appear to be so dominant on that day?
After all, the number 11 is the least aggressive of all numbers. The 11, like the 2, is a non-confrontational, sensitive, and peace-loving number. So it appears to make little sense that the 11 is recognized by so many people in connection with the satanically, cold-hearted actions of a relatively small group of perversely distorted religious zealots. And to those who sent me emails, here is the good news: the number 11 does not represent the dark side of September 11, 2001."With this nonsense any number can be affixed to any word and some fool will think they figured out the meaning of life or something as stupid.I am writing this at 2.43 am,which means 2+4+3=9,my birthday is Sept which is 9,so that must mean if I wrote this five minutes sooner,9-11 would never have happened.Now can you see how stupid this shit sounds?Yet millions of people believe it,though it is absurd.

These are stupid ideas that the government plants so that the real news like Tommy Franks more or less telling us we are headed toward a police state are deemed less creditable.I just read on information clearing house California's electronic voting machines will not be required to have a paper trail until 2006.Now you know why Arnie is governor.It would seem a democratic Governor would want a paper trail by 2004 but that's why CA sold out and with CA having the most electoral votes it looks like Bush has already won 04 elections.If I was from CA,I would try some how to force them to have a paper trail by 04.Diebold won't let the secrets of their machines be investigated because someone might try to steal their trade secrets.What is so fucking secret.You vote,your vote is counted,the most votes win.Simple as that(unless you have something to hide.)

I love these people who think a peaceful solution will work and I hope it does but I think we are way past that and that is sad.Bush and family (spawn) and friends,bribetakers and just to dumb to know better have been planning this takeover for the last 40 years at least when JFK got taken out.If you think these guys won't do anything to control the world you are mistaken.As for voting in 04 if somehow it can be legally done,I endorse Dennis I. Kucinich or Howard Dean.Clark has been a republican his whole life and is tied to all the same people as Bush is so don't let his bullshit fool you.Kucinich is the closest we have to Paul Wellstone but the media is so scared of him they just ignore him and say he has no chance in hell of winning,but when has the media ever told the truth?One more thing to get off my chest is I am sick of hearing Bill Clinton brought up everything Bush fucks up.Clinton was not the best president(in fact he kinda sucked)but at least he could walk the streets of London and shake peoples hands without being so hated he had to have 250,000 cops to protect him from protesters.Clinton is gone so drop it .The Holocaust is done,the slaves were freed,etc.We fucked up and tried to right our wrongs but as long as the so called victims keep playing the victim card forever it is getting old and worn out.PS,I worship one god and not the one in the bible.I worship the same one Thomas Paine did in his book The age of Reason.On the internet but I don't have the time to look it up,use google.Good luck my fellow patriots,and link this site to your emails and personal websites and newsgroups.Long live America!!!


Posted by Tha Advenger @ 11/23/2003 03:45 AM EST

As Vox would say: WAKE THE FUCK UP.

Posted by adrian @ 11/23/2003 05:04 AM EST

January 27th 1933, Hitler and the Nazi party were rising to power. The Reichstag building was burnt down by the Nazis, something which almost all historians agree on. It was blamed on communists and used as a justification for the curtailment of civil liberties and dictatorial powers for Hitler.

Now most certainly there were people who recognized this for what it was at the time, the equivelant of many of the people who post messages on here. No doubt they would have been called paranoid and delusional not to mention traitorous for doubting that Dutch communist terrorists were behind it. But now their positions are justified with the benefit of hindsight. they were right all along.

Now the modern day equivalen of the Reichstag fire is 9/11, Hitler - Bush, and the acts which curtailed civil liberties - the patriot acts.

Years from now historians will look back and see these current terrorist attacks as what they are - inside jobs by fascist elements.

-Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it-

Posted by Sledgehammer @ 11/23/2003 05:38 AM EST

The forces of darkness find great comfort in our mistreatment of each other.

American history is littered with watersheds where one or another party was split by rancorous infighting and that dis-unity resulted in the loss of concensus and therefor the majority vote.

So too, here in this forum we have the potential of divisive rancor on myriad subjects and minutia which can divide us. The peril is great for disunity to undermine the birth of what is pregnant in this moment in history.

In my earlier post I suggested that there may be reason to believe that a new constitution could be ratified and implemented using the tools of the digital age. That the opportunity exists to remove the representative notion of democracy and replace it with direct citizen governance.

The events in Georgia, (Europe) have demonstrated that a velvet revolution is possible, that the principles of non violence can move great objects of inertia aside, even with great risk and threat of violence.

Those in military service in Georgia, acted with restraint in the face of a tide of moral action, this is nothing short of miraculous.

So again I put the question to this forum, who among you feels inspired to take up the cause of a new America?

Do the principles of civilized rule of law inhabit the hopeful chambers of your heart ?

Specifically, is it possible in your opinion to bring to life a new constitution, one born of a digital medium? Debated and ratified in full view of the public and with their blessing.

The creation of a document that carries over the full weight and priciples of our American Constitution, but adds to it those principles, which have been born in the struggles since, of which the founding fathers could not have foreseen?

To write out of our nation through rule of law, the scourges of military commerce, undue monetary influence in the halls of government and to write in the establishment of direct citizen rule, and complete trancparency in the actions of government.

I believe that it is possible to use information technology to expand or eliminate the need for representative government. To re-invigorate the body politic of the united states, with personal responsibility.

Do you agree?
If so, what is the path to lead us there?

What does it look like when we arrive?

If you disagree, Why?
What would be a better way?

Are you willing to put asside your reasoned argument, of why it will not work, put asside your fears of failure or aprehension and raise it up the flag pole and see who salutes anyway..?

I for one have a glimmer of hope, a willingness to debate and discuss the practicle merrits and challenges to this idea.

I can't escape the feeling of doubt, but it is always followed quickly by the feeling of well hell it is worth a try, and what if we don't try, what are the concequences? Bloodshed ..? economic slavery...? the death of truth, justice and freedom for all..?

what do you think..?

Posted by Righteous Debate @ 11/23/2003 11:33 AM EST

Bloodshed? Economic slavery? The death of truth, justice and freedom for all..?

These have all happened, pal.

Where you been for the last forty years, eh?

Posted by Dave @ 11/23/2003 12:50 PM EST

Thank God I discovered this site! Vox you are a true American hero for having the balls to say what everyone knows to be the truth. Bravo!

Posted by True Patriot @ 11/23/2003 01:11 PM EST

Thank God I discovered this site! Vox you are a true American hero for having the balls to say what everyone knows to be the truth. Bravo!

Posted by True Patriot @ 11/23/2003 01:13 PM EST

yo Dave,
I think you missed the quiz son...
care to comment on the meat of my post or does that mean you would have to think too hard..?

Or would you rather just give up and not have to try to work out an answer, cause it is just too hard and it's so much easier just to roll over and let them steal it all away..?

Posted by Righteous Debate @ 11/23/2003 04:36 PM EST

The pre-engineered neo-con attack will happen in California. Where else? A fellow Nazi sympathizer can share in the glory and be seen as the "hero/victim" (most hallowed status in US culture.) Californians need to get their heads checked for electing that neo-con/elite drone. What happened to critical thinking skills?

Some of us can finally begin to see what's going on. As Marvin Gaye sang "War is NOT THE ANSWER. FOR ONLY LOVE (and KNOWLEDGE) Can CONQUER HATE."

What will it take for the masses to get up off their asses? The moneyed elite got theirs. Expose them for the deceivers they are to your friends and neighbors. Turn off the TV. UNPLUG.

Praises, voxfux.com for your true patriotism and democracy.

Posted by Panama "Just Cause" vet @ 11/23/2003 05:13 PM EST


There is nothing wrong with the existing constitution except the politicians and judges stopped following it long ago.

Let's demand that we get the rights that are spelled out in the constitution back: we want to vote and have that vote fairly counted, we want freedom of the press and don't want people like Vox hassled, we want the government to issue money directly rather than monetize debt, we want to assemble for protests without getting shot by rubber bullets, we don't want to invade sovereign nations, we want the government to report to us rather than the other way around, we don't want a strong central government or a standing army, we don't want the constitution suspended because a few thousand people were killed when a plane crashed into a building, etc.

We the people...

Posted by sammy @ 11/23/2003 05:16 PM EST

Absolutely right Panama, UNPLUG THE TV, the best thing that was ever invented to brainwash the pod people without them even knowing it.

And when you do cancel your cable, make sure you tell the cable company exactly why you are cancelling, because they monitor all their calls.

I told them I was cancelling because of the war.

If everyone did that it would have a huge impact. Money talks.

If enough subscribers left the system that would send a clear message.

That would be a beautiful day in the neighbourhood - but not for Mr. Rodgers.

But the trouble id, most are still caught up in the false promises of this 'entertainment' medium. The people don't know brains from bullets anymore.

The apathy is like a fog that nobody sees.

Now I know what it must have felt like living next door to Nazi Germany in the 1930's. Same deal, only worse.

At least the weapons weren't so advanced back then.

And even the most innocuous and truly dumbo shows have an element of social conditioning sneakily inserted into them.

Ever watch kids cartoons lately? Disgusting amoral trash, probably financed by the CIA.

Once your eyes have been opened, you'll see all that bullshit for what it is - mind control.

I wouldn't watch TV if you paid me.

I prefer to think for myself, why doesn't everyone?

When you die, do you think you'll wish you had wasted more time watching lies and propaganda on TV?

Send the liars in the media a clear message, the only one they are capable of understanding: SHUT THE FUCK UP! I WON'T PAY YOU TO MAKE A FOOL OUT OF ME!

"If thine eye offends thee, put it out."

Great work Vox, there must be some way of stopping these assholes.

Posted by screade @ 11/23/2003 08:30 PM EST

vox,everything you write makes sense to me .I can only hope that there are more of us out there. Keep up the good fight

Posted by Deborah @ 11/23/2003 08:47 PM EST

From a Michael Ruppert article:
"People close to the Pope claim that amid these concerns, the Pontiff wishes he was younger and in better health to confront the possibility that Bush may represent the person prophesized in Revelations." this is referring to the antichrist. Interesting article at http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/042803_vatican.html
Another great site is www.tbrnews.org.

Posted by Artemesia @ 11/24/2003 02:08 AM EST

Tha Advenger I agree we have to concentrate on practical thing's we can do as time is of the esence when our liberties are being attacked.I do see bad numerology being used,but sometimes it is compeling evidence toward forces(Probably negative)that manage to remain unseen,Occult.Check out this article and site for more depth on these issues. http://ellisctaylor.homestead.com/twotowers.html

Posted by All is maya @ 11/24/2003 01:13 PM EST

JHF, isn't it amazing what a difference eating certified organic food makes to the way you look and feel!

I, like you, refuse to eat non-organic produce because I know our standard of health is being adversely affected by the barrage of chemicals added to our food and water.

This much is clear; that whatever gains in longevity people received in the last century by temporarily conquering the diseases that ravaged humanity before that era are soon going to be lost.

What's the point in living until you're 80 if you're slotted to become an Alzheimer Basketcase by the time sixty-five rolls around?

Because of large-scale food poisoning of a most insidious variety, the unwitting are going to start dying at a younger and younger age. It's already happening and it's intentional folks, it's part of the plan.

This is one of their most effective 'SILENT WEAPONS' being used against us. After all, everyone has to eat.

So the plan seems to be; ravage the economy, then people generally become poorer, so then they can't afford good wholesome food, and make sure you brainwash the masses as to crackpotedness of eating correctly.

Health food nuts are what they call us, we're considered crackers because we don't buy into their death-by-over-indulgence.

The quality of life is being compromised and decimated by this headlong rush into chemical dependency, and artificial flavour addiction is the order of the day.

The ironic thing is, organic food tastes much better and not only that, lasts a lot longer than food laced with preservatives. That type of food is already dead before it reaches the shelves, that's why it needs preservatives.

How about the horrible smells that jump out at you when you walk down the centre aisle of a standard supermarket. But you only become sensitive to those 'aromas' once you have changed your diet!

The fact is, the mainstream food industry IS trying to kill us, but first they want to reap huge profits off a sick and unwary public.

We are branded as crackpots by the media and everyone knows that organic food costs more. All most people want is the cheapest possible source of food and they don't care what the ingredients consist of, as long as they are cheap.

I now find it unnecessary to 'bulk up', because the food I eat has the necessary vitamins and minerals, so I eat less and have more energy.

After all, you wouldn't adulterate your gas with a cup of sugar every time you fill up your car and expect it to run for very long. It's the same analogy.

In effect, eating fast food is like signing your death warrant. Only it's a slow death and mostly undetectable.

Unless you have all the facts at your disposal you are offering yourself up as a willing victim.

My skin has finally cleared up after having had problems with it all my life and with a little yoga my health has definitely improved and I do believe it improves mental processes as well.

I would dearly love to see all these industrial purveyors of agro-chemicals and fake-food bankrupted and put out to pasture.

You may as well eat the packaging it comes in as well - almost as good for you as what is being offered up as nutrition, if you see what I mean.

For instance, there is ZERO NUTRITION in margarine, ZERO! Even a fly wouldn't eat margarine. It's a petroleum product.

In twenty years, if we still have a habitable planet, everyone will eat organic food - if they want to survive.

Just think, 100 years ago there was no 'organic' category because ALL food was organic.

I did an internet search of my surname and was astonished at how many people with the same last name as me lived to ripe old ages of 90-110 years up until 50 years ago. Our immediate ancestors ate organically, although they didn't call it that.

There was no chemicals or preservatives in our food until the fifties.

We are being compromised genetically, that's why we are getting sicker in general.

Genetically modified food is a time bomb, tick tick tick....

And what about future generations? Will they be ravaged by as yet unknown diseases because of what we are putting in our bodies today?

Just think about it people. Boycott the mainstream food industry. Put another nail in the coffin of the New World Cannon Fodder Machine.

A healthy population is one that eats healthy food. You can't be healthy if you have to survive on prison food offered up by the warden, because by incarcerating your body, they also incarcerate your mind.

Sure it costs a little more, but in a couple of years you'll thank yourself for being wise enough to see the truth through all the lies, disinformation and distortions.

You will be rewarded by greater vibrancy and health and you will be depriving them of another source of income - which they are using to subvert and control us even more every day.

Not buying any more chemically laden food and genetically modified garbage will hit them in the pocketbook.

That's the only language these money misers seem to be able to understand.

It's one more building block to creating a healthy world, free from death-for-profit merchants.

Do it and you won't be sorry - you only have one life to lose.

Educate yourself to the perils inherent in the mainstream food industry.

At least there is an alternative to what is being offered up as 'food' out there in the wasteland of false-belief systems.

Food for thought.

By the way, they were chemspraying big-time in my area on the night of the eclipse of the moon, the same night as the Harmonic Concordance.

They obviously don't want us to look up from our oblivious nose-to-the-grindstone mentality and see the signs that point to an evolutionary raise in consciousness that is approaching fast which will help remove the yoke of oppression from around our collective necks.

Desperate men do desperate things and don't care a bit about the consequences for all humanity.

Firth Of Fifth

The path is clear
Though no eyes can see
The course laid out long before
And so with gods and men
The sheep remain inside their pen
Though many times
They've seen the way to leave

He rides majestic
Past homes of men
Who care not or gaze with joy
To see reflected there
The trees the sky the lily fair
The scene of death
Is lying just below

The mountain cuts off
The town from view
Like a cancer growth
Is removed by skill
Let it be revealed
Oh waterfall is madrigal
An inland sea his symphony

Undinal songs urge the sailors on
'Til lured by the sirens' cry

Now as the river dissolves in sea
So Neptune has claimed
Another soul
And so with gods and men
The sheep remain inside their pen
Until the Shepherd
Leads his flock away

The sands of time were eroded by
The river of constant change

Posted by screade @ 11/24/2003 01:15 PM EST

I feel noxious just from the smell of McDonalds. How do people eat that fake food? Yucko.

Did you ever wonder why they give you salt to put on the fries? It's because that stuff they shake on the fries isn't salt. They will give you "nutritional information" listing the ingredients of their food if you ask.

Ever wonder why they call their drinks "shakes" instead of "milkshakes"?

I couldn't agree more with the food post.

I want to go into McDonalds and yell at the people "Can't you see - what you are eating isn't food!"

But then I also want to yell, "Which one of you morons voted for the idiot child and this stupid war?"

Posted by james k @ 11/24/2003 02:28 PM EST

Yes McDonald's is one of the worst things that ever happened to people's dietary habits. Here's another reason why it sucks to eat at McDonald's...

Posted by screade @ 11/24/2003 03:58 PM EST

The McDonalsd's family is one of the thirteen satanic bloodlines of the illuminatzi.Buy Organic and save the planet.It's not just food it's a political vote.Nature or Monsanto.

Posted by All is maya @ 11/25/2003 06:23 AM EST

Instead of referring to food as "organic", they should call it "pesticide free" or "pesticide reduced".

I bet it would sell a lot better.

Posted by james k @ 11/25/2003 10:59 AM EST

Monsanto, makers of fine products such as Agent Orange, which was used in the Vietnam War to burn the skin off civilians (only a terrorist would do this to a human being, although it was claimed to be just a 'defoliant') and Roundup, an extremely toxic pesticide.

They also had a hand in the development of the first atomic bomb and invented saccharin, which causes brain tumors.

Not to mention being makers of other 'fine products' such as PCB's, dioxin, styrofoam, bovine growth hormone, and genetically modified vegetable seeds, which are patented.

How does a company get the right to patent nature, even if they have modified it? Throw money and lots of it, and presto...

If the 'Monsanto police' they 'find' it in some farmers field, even if the farmer never purchased it, he will be sued. And the farmer will probably lose the court case because every one knows that a judge will always rule in favour of those corpserations who have plenty of money to fling around.

The thinking is that everyone is equal in a court of law, only some are more equal than others.

Here in Canada a farmer just lost a test case, so I'm sure they're waving lots more money in these crooked judges faces and we can expect more of the same in the future.

Oh and by the way, the first Prime Minister of Canada was a McDonald, an Illuminati and to boot a raging alcoholic, while his wife was a opium addict. It just makes ya proud to be a Canadian.

Sir John A. was the one who forced the development of the railroad from coast to coast, tying the country together, presumably between bouts of alcoholism.

The railroads were used to help herd the Indigenous populations onto reservations and to exterminate them (and the buffalo who numbered in the millions) something they must of forgot to include in the history books written about our fine national heritage.

And then later, Hitler came along and studied how our anscestors in North America took care of the Indian 'problem', and like monkey see monkey do, he developed his own 'final solution' to the Jewish 'problem'.

Then Bush's grandaddy Prescott Bush came along and admired Hitler's way of problem solving and financed the rise of fascism in Germany.

And here we are back to the future with the same type of criminal cartel still running things, and an even worse wickedness in high places than we ever imagined possible.

Only now, due to the complacency of the general public towards this large scale slaughter we are quickly sliding towards, they are getting more and more bold. They think they can get away with anything.

The roots go deep, and the tree is one gnarly old motherfucker. It must be removed and burned if the human race is going to survive in anything but perpetual slavery.

Because these 'people'(if they can even be referred to as that) will not rest until they have taken control of every aspect of our lives - or are destroyed, possibly taking much of the human race out in the process.

And I don't mean taking them out to dinner at McDonald's either.

Posted by screade @ 11/25/2003 11:07 AM EST

Monsanto's contributions to the human race:

Posted by screade @ 11/25/2003 11:15 AM EST

Hi Chemtrail Buster. I have an open mind about these types of things, and I have visited some of these sites. But I must confess, the amount of information I am trying to personally wade through is a bit overwhelming lately.

I'm not doubting your word as such, or your sincerity, and I do think I have been 'fucked with' on more than several occasions, because some of the things that have happened to me have not been of the garden variety psychic disturbance.

I'm quite sure God is not malevolent, but somebody out there sure as hell is, and I know 'they' could not possibly be advanced spiritual beings, so that only leaves advanced technology and swine-like fascists who know how to fuck and manipulate people but little else.

At the risk of being labelled a crackpot do I make these statements. Too many things don't add up for me to believe such a technology doesn't exist. I wonder what it costs them to operate such a monstrosity of a system?

But money is no object, and that's because it's not their money in the first place - it's money THEY STOLE FROM US, the citizens!

All crimes stem from theft...and government is and has legalized theft on a grand scale.

All that is made and considered legal by governments is not necessarily 'the law' as pertains to right and wrong.

Just because some amoral government makes a law doesn't make it 'justice for all'. Justice has been subverted to serve the few. Justice now is in the service of power and corruption in high places. Justice is no longer serving the people.

The government is supposed to serve the people, not the other way around! When are people going to start getting outraged about these kinds of abuses? When they are shown on TV?

If pigs could fly Jane and Joe Public would be on top of things...

It would be nice if such a simple solution really did work. Maybe I'll try it...thinking out loud...

Robert Silverberg wrote a science fiction saga about a planet called Majipoor, in which the complete memory of a terrible war was forcefully kept from the billions of inhabitants by means of a mind control machine.

There was a terrible price to pay for imposing such control. The cure was worse than the disease, but in the story, the memory-lock was imposed for good, but misguided intentions.

Would that the iron-fisted controllers of our little world HAD any good intentions. I believe they have NO such good intentions.

Quite the opposite, they are COMPLETELY MALEVOLENT in spite of their flowery patriotic caring words and some day I'm quite sure EVERYONE will feel the way I do.

It's like this, if you are the standard pod-type person, read the newspaper, watch TV, you won't be targeted. Once you begin to colour outside of the lines, strange things might begin to occur.

However, discernment is everything, which leads me to my question; how can you tell these devices work against these towers, in what way are the results manifested, and if the tower operators know about cloudbusters, do they target you even more and how do they target you?

Please understand, I am not making fun of this activity, I just don't understand entirely why it would work against something like a microwave tower or HAARP installation. Do you have an active cloudbuster? How can you tell if it works?

I have another question maybe you might know the answer to. The Slim Spurling Harmonizer, do you know if it actually works?

Posted by screade @ 11/26/2003 10:42 AM EST

Free speech, even for dickheads, that's what we believe in. It's tempting in this case to think that some people really do deserve the government they voted for.

Even when you present the clear evidence that tyranny is at hand, they still think it's just a joke.

The facts speak for themselves, this guy is just an uneducated heckler. He'd of made a good brown-shirter for the Hitler youth.

Posted by screade @ 11/27/2003 07:30 AM EST

Prof Leland Milton Goldblatt Blog intellectual Property of Univsierty

George W. Bush is the worst fuck-up
Undoubtedly George W. Bush is the worst fuck-up in the entire history of
fuck-ups. Never in US history has there been a politician who has so
completely, devastated the economy of the United States and imperiled so
many future generations of American citizens as this war profiteering
scum, George W. Bush.
Never in the history of the world can one find a single world figure who
was as blustering and blundering an idiot as this colossally blundering
retard, George W. Bush.
In fact even Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin ladin have never proven to be
as incredibly inept to the point of near certifiable retardation as the
globally hated retard, George W. Bush.
Try to name just ONE SINGLE THING in George W. Bushes ENTIRE LIFE that
he didn't completely fuck-up. You cannot. And do you know why? Because
there has never been a single venture or business or political office or
anything in his life in which he has done anything other than completely
fuck it up.

Starting in 1975 when Osama Bin Laden's older brother Saleem financed
the young George Bush in his very first business with his very own oil
company, Arbusto Energy Inc. Which the young Bush promptly drained of
all it's cash and drove straight into the ground while extracting
delirious profits for himself, to the present day where he exhibits the
same pattern of sneaking in, then looting and driving the thing straight
into the ground - George Bush is consistent about one thing - He fucks
things up big time, and loses money for everyone else, yet extracts
delerious profits for himself and key buddies of his. It's what the
Bushes are designed to do - it is all they have ever done.

George Bush Jr. was designed from the beginning to fuck up, and fuck up
BIG TIME and rip everyone off - and cash in. Oh there is one other
fuck-up who comes in a close second place to Bush Jr. His dad. Remember
that fuck-up? He's the fuck up who didn't finish the job in Iraq the
first time. He's the fuck up who thought that it would be a great idea
to not harm Saddam - presumably so that his retarded son could come
along years later and have have another four year stint at US Treasury
looting AND STILL NOT GET SADDAM - just like his dad did.

Hands down. No competition.

But wait a second though - These two fucking reptiles are both
descendants from Prescott Bush, who it took an act of Congress to get to
And remember this - ONCE A NAZI, ALWAYS A NAZI.

Posted by: Leland / Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Posted by RONN @ 11/27/2003 08:19 AM EST

And so, is this why my Father spent five years as a Prisoner Of War in Germany and my Mother laboured in a bomb factory, later succumbing to cancer at the young age of 44? Something was definitely wrong her whole life (low white cell blood count) because of the materials she was handling. Defending the freedoms of future generations just so scum like George Bush could come along and turn us into the very same heinous thing my parents fought against and sacrificed everything for. It just makes me sick that idiots like @Sentia come along, with zero understanding of history and how it connects to what is occurring in the present and have the gall to deride the efforts of people on this thread to wake the ignorant up to the true facts at hand. You should be ashamed of yourself sir for your egregious behaviour and moronic level of understanding. And the same for everyone like you. And to everyone who agrees that something has to be done, I commend you, because we are by far in the minority. And to you, smug cretin, I can't wait to see your response, if you've got any guts. I'll bet you don't even know what it means to sacrifice anything at all for someone else. All you know is how to hoot from the sidelines, as if this were some kind of FOOTBALL GAME. I'll bet you have a wargasm every time you see someone else has died on your extra-large TV screen. If you were really a human being you'd have some compassion for others, but you don't...so I don't why you are here gutless wonder. This is a forum for people who care. Get lost until you become fully human.

Posted by screade @ 11/27/2003 03:12 PM EST

P.S. Don't think that I enjoy flaming slow learners like you. If you had any respect it wouldn't be necessary. But someone has to remove the smirk from your face just to make you, and millions like you, realize the gravity of the situation. Do you smug little neo-fascist supporters even comprehend what's going to happen to the economy if Bush gets another #1 hit in North America? And the fact that it won't be just a couple of skyscrapers next time, but probably a whole city? Anyway, everyone here knows exactly who the real terrorists are (except you, bonehead!) and is screaming at the top of their lungs for people like you to wake up and STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN IF YOU BELIEVE IN ANYTHING AT ALL. Do you really think your little yuppie lifestyle is going to survive intact if the NWO have their way? Think about it!

Posted by screade @ 11/27/2003 05:10 PM EST

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