#!/usr/local/bin/perl # ============================= # GREYMATTER - Main Program # Weblog/Journal Software # version one point two # Copyright (c)2000 Noah Grey # http://noahgrey.com/greysoft/ # ============================= # *** Your possession of this software indicates that you agree to the terms *** # *** specified under the "Copyright & Usage" heading in the "manual.txt" file. *** eval { ($0 =~ m,(.*)/[^/]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); ($0 =~ m,(.*)\\[^\\]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); }; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); require "gm-library.cgi"; # ---------------------------------------- # gathering the input & checking for login # ---------------------------------------- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $authorIP = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; $logindeletednotice = ""; if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") { $getin = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } else { read(STDIN, $getin, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } @pairs = split(/&/, $getin); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $name =~ tr/+/ /; $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; unless (($name eq "logtext") || ($name eq "loglink")) { $value =~ tr/+/ /; } $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $IN{$name} = $value; } &gm_bancheck; &gm_readconfig; if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "") { &gm_login; } if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Re-Login") { &gm_login; } &gm_validate; if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "login") { &gm_writetocplog("$IN{'authorname'} logged in"); &gm_versioncheck; &gm_readcounter; $statusnote = qq(Welcome, $IN{'authorname'}.
if ($newentrynumber eq "0") {
open (FUNNYFEET, "gm-cplog.cgi") || &gm_dangermouse("Can't read the control panel log. Please make sure that gm-cplog.cgi is CHMODed to 666 and is in the same place as all your other Greymatter CGI files; also try running Diagnostics & Repair from the Configuration screen.");
@cploglines = );
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "rebuildupdate") { &gm_rebuildupdate; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Update Now") { &gm_versionupgrading; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "gmbmpost") { &gm_addentrypopup; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Return To Main Menu") { &gm_frontpage; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Add A New Entry") { &gm_addentry; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit An Entry") { &gm_editentryselection; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Configuration") { &gm_configuration; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Templates") { &gm_edittemplates; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Authors") { &gm_editauthors; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Banned IP List") { &gm_editbanlist; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Add Bookmarklets") { &gm_addbookmarklets; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Upload Files") { &gm_uploadfiles; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Rebuild Files") { &gm_rebuildfilesmenu; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "View Control Panel Log") { &gm_viewcplog; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Add This Entry") { &gm_savenewentry; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Preview Before Posting") { &gm_previewentry; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Re-Edit This Entry") {
if ($IN{'gmbmspecial'} eq "popupblog") { &gm_addentrypopup; } else { &gm_addentry; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Change View") { &gm_editentryselection; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Search") { &gm_editentryselection; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Selected Entry") { &gm_editthisentry; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Open/Close Selected Entry") { &gm_changeentryopenstatus; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Search And Replace Across All Entries") { &gm_editentrysearchandreplace; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Selected Comment") { &gm_editselectedcomment; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Delete Selected Comment") { &gm_deleteselectedcomment; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Save Changes To This Entry") { &gm_saveentrychanges; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Select Another Entry") { &gm_editentryselection; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Return To Entry Selection") { &gm_editentryselection; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Perform Search And Replace") { &gm_performsearchandreplace; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Save Changes To This Comment") { &gm_savecommentchanges; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Return To Entry Editing") { &gm_editthisentry; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Add New IP") { &gm_addbannedip; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Delete Selected IP") { &gm_deletebannedip; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Diagnostics & Repair") { &gm_diagnosticscheck; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Save Configuration") { &gm_saveconfiguration; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Perform Diagnostics & Repair") { &gm_diagnosticsperform; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Return To Configuration") { &gm_configuration; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Main Index-Related Templates") { &gm_editmainindextemplates; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Archive-Related Templates") { &gm_editarchivetemplates; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Entry Page-Related Templates") { &gm_editentrypagetemplates; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Karma & Comments-Related Templates") { &gm_editkarmacommentstemplates; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Header, Footer & Sidebar Templates") { &gm_editheaderfootertemplates; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Miscellaneous Templates") { &gm_editmisctemplates; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Return To Templates Menu") { &gm_edittemplates; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Save Template Changes") { &gm_savetemplatechanges; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Edit Selected Author") { &gm_editselectedauthor; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Delete Selected Author") { &gm_deleteselectedauthor; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Create New Author") { &gm_createnewauthor; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Save Changes To This Author") { &gm_saveauthorchanges; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Return To Author Panel") { &gm_editauthors; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Upload This File") { &gm_processupload; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Rebuild Last Entry Page Only") { &gm_rebuildlastentrypageonly; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Rebuild Main Index File") { &gm_rebuildmainindexfile; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Rebuild Main Entry Pages") { &gm_rebuildmainentrypages; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Rebuild Archive Master Index") { &gm_rebuildarchivemasterindex; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Rebuild Archive Log Indexes") { &gm_rebuildarchivelogindexes; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Rebuild Archive Entry Pages") { &gm_rebuildarchiveentrypages; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Rebuild All Entry Pages") { &gm_rebuildallentrypages; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Rebuild Connected Files") { &gm_rebuildconnectedfilescheck; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Rebuild Everything") { &gm_rebuildeverything; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Clear And Exit") {
unlink ("$EntriesPath/gmrightclick-$IN{'usethisauthorname'}.reg");
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Reset The Control Panel Log") { &gm_resetcplog; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Include This Image In A New Entry") { &gm_addentry; }
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Include In Entry As A Popup Window") {
$IN{'newentrymaintext'} = $IN{'newentrypopuptext'};
if ($IN{'thomas'} eq "Include This Link In A New Entry") { &gm_addentry; }
# ------------------------
# front page - log options
# ------------------------
sub gm_frontpage {
if (($cgilocalpath eq "") || ($cgiwebpath eq "") || ($LogPath eq "") || ($EntriesPath eq "") || ($LogWebPath eq "") || ($EntriesWebPath eq "")) {
if (($cgilocalpath eq "") && ($LogPath ne "")) { $cgilocalpath = $LogPath; }
if (($cgiwebpath eq "") && ($LogWebPath ne "")) { $cgiwebpath = $LogWebPath; }
if ($cgilocalpath eq "") {
if ($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}) { $cgilocalpath = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}; }
$cgilocalpath = $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'};
$cgilocalpath =~ s/\\/\//g;
@cgilocalpathtemp = split(/\//, $cgilocalpath);
$cgilocalpath = join("\/", @cgilocalpathtemp);
@cgipath = split(/\//, $cgilocalpath);
$cgiwebpathextension = pop(@cgipath);
if ($cgiwebpath eq "") { $cgiwebpath = "http://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}/$cgiwebpathextension"; }
if ($LogPath eq "") { $LogPath = $cgilocalpath; }
if ($EntriesPath eq "") { $EntriesPath = ("$cgilocalpath" . "/archives"); }
if ($LogWebPath eq "") { $LogWebPath = "http://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}/$cgiwebpathextension"; }
if ($EntriesWebPath eq "") { $EntriesWebPath = "http://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}/$cgiwebpathextension/archives"; }
if ($gmloginaccess ne "yes") {
&gm_writetocplog("$IN{'authorname'} attempted to log in without authorization");
$loginnotice = qq(You don't have access to log in. );
if ($statusnote eq "") { $statusnote = qq(Main Menu ); }
if (($IN{'authorname'} eq "Alice") && ($IN{'authorpassword'} eq "woCCASD0Wk0IA")) {
$setnameandpwcookie = "";
} else {
$setnameandpwcookie = "";
if ($cookiesallowed eq "no") {
$setnameandpwcookie = "";
$visityoursitelink = "";
unless (!(open(CHECKMATE,"$LogPath/$indexfilename"))) {
unless ($newentrynumber eq "0") {
$indexfilenamesmartcheck = "/$indexfilename";
$indexfilenameprefix = substr($indexfilename, 0, 6);
if ($indexfilenameprefix eq "index.") { $indexfilenamesmartcheck = "/"; }
$visityoursitelink = qq(
"Our life is what our thoughts make it."Marcus Aurelius
and run Diagnostics & Repair to validate your installation.
Post a new entry to your weblog/journal.$gmfonttag
Your site's settings and options.$gmfonttag
Edit and delete entries or comments.$gmfonttag
Change your site's layout and appearance.$gmfonttag
Edit or add authors to post to your site.$gmfonttag
Regenerate part or all of your site.$gmfonttag
A record of how your site's been used.$gmfonttag
Post entries with one click (IE 5+ only).$gmfonttag
Upload images or other files to your site.
Ban someone from using your site.$gmfonttag
Re-enter as another author.