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Chapter 10

Techniques and Weapons and 100 Dead Conspirators and Witnesses

      As Chapter 1 made clear, one of the two fiendish stratagems used by the Power Control Group to cover-up the truth and to fool the people was the use of various intelligence techniques and weapons. The use of such techniques in assassination and murder completely conceals the real killer's presence or the real cause of death. From the moment the crime occurs the public is led to believe that there is either one lone madman assassin or that the death was accidental, due to natural causes, or committed by natural enemies of the victim. Some of the techniques are so unique that they are nearly impossible for the average American to believe.
      The intelligence forces of the United States as well as those of other countries have out-Bonded James Bond. The development of sophisticated murder methods and the control of humans for warfare and spying in other countries came home to the United States, effectively used by the Power Control Group. Penn Jones, Jr. published a list of "mysterious deaths" in his series of four volumes, Forgive My Grief.[1] Sylvia Meagher published facts about the first eighteen witnesses at Dealey Plaza murdered through the use of these techniques in the book, Accessories After the Fact.[2] Very few people other than researchers pay any attention. Two movies with somewhat wider circulation, Executive Action and The Parallax View, covered the techniques fairly well, but they were considered to be fiction by most viewers. So the PCG goes on murdering where and when it is necessary, and it covers up the murders where necessary.
      In 1974 and 1976, two murders became necessary. Rolando Masferrer, mentioned as a JFK conspirator, became dangerous to the PCG, and he was eliminated in early 1976 with a non-sophisticated weapon. A bomb was planted in his car in Miami. The cover-up in this case merely involved planting an informer who claimed Masferrer was killed by a rival anti-Castro Cuban faction in Florida.[3]
      Clay Shaw became quite nervous in 1974 after Victor Marchetti's statements to the press earlier that year made it known that Shaw was a CIA contract employee and that the CIA gave him assistance and protection before his trial in New Orleans and after Jim Garrison arrested him. Shaw was murdered in New Orleans by the PCG and the murder covered-up by simply controlling his embalming and burial and blocking any local investigation.[4] The reason for his murder was to keep him from talking and from returning to the public eye.
      The techniques and weapons fall into several classes. First, there are sophisticated weapons developed by the CIA. An example of this is the umbrella poison dart gun used in Dealey Plaza to shoot JFK in the throat. Such a weapon was postulated by Robert Cutler and the author in mid-1975 as the one that fired the first shot from near the Stemmons Freeway sign.[5] This seemed incredulous to most observers and so wild an idea that the author and Cutler did not discuss it with many researchers. Then Mr. Charles Senseney, a CIA weapon developer at Fort Detrick, Maryland, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee in September 1975 and described an umbrella poison dart gun he had made.[6] He said it was always used in crowds with the umbrella open, firing through the webing so it would not attract attention. Since it was silent, no one in the crowd could hear it and the assassin merely would fold up the umbrella and saunter away with the crowd. (That is almost exactly what happened in Dealey Plaza. The first shot had always seemed to have had a paralytic effect on Kennedy. His fists were clenched and his head, shoulders and arms seemed to stiffen. There was a small entrance wound in his neck but no evidence of a bullet path through his neck and no bullet was ever recovered that matched that small size.)
      Senseney testified that his Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick had received assignments from the CIA to develop exotic weaponry. One of the weapons was a hand-held dart gun that could shoot a poison dart into a guard dog to put it out of action for several hours. The dart and the poison left no trace so that examination would not reveal that the dogs had been put out of action. The CIA ordered about 50 of these weapons and used them operationally. Senseney said that the darts could have been used to kill human beings and he could not rule out the possibility that this had been done by the CIA. He said he had developed a dart-launching device that looked like an umbrella.
      A special type of poison developed induces a heart attack and leaves no trace of any external influence unless an autopsy is conducted to check for this particular poison. The CIA revealed this poison in various accounts in the early 1970s.
      Among the witnesses, important people and conspirators who might have been eliminated this way are: Clay Shaw, J. Edgar Hoover, Earlene Roberts (Oswald's land-lady) and Adlai Stevenson.
      A second category, already discussed in the Robert Kennedy and George Wallace shootings, is the use of a "programmed" assassin. The Manchurian Candidate always seemed to be a science fiction story. It is now well known that the CIA has used hypnosis and "programming" to achieve a number of objectives, including murder. Certainly there is little doubt that Sirhan Sirhan was under hypnosis when he wrote in his diary and when he fired the shots in the general direction of Robert Kennedy.[7] There is also evidence that Arthur Bremer was "programmed" to shoot at George Wallace. It is conceivable that one of the assassins in Dealey Plaza could have been "programmed". A man surfaced after 1975 who -- under deprogramming -- remembered a firing situation resembling Dealey Plaza. However, it is much less likely that the PCG had to use hypnosis in the JFK murder.
      It is completely untrue that Oswald was programmed, as the book Were We Controlled? by Lincoln Lawrence (an alias for radio commentator Art Ford) postulates. The evidence shows Oswald didn't fire a shot, that he was on the second floor of the TSBD Building at the time of the shots, and that he was very calm until Patrolman Baker pointed a gun at him. Strangely enough, Ford's thesis is true. We were controlled by the PCG, although he had the details wrong.
      A third popular technique is, of course, the patsy. The PCG has developed this to the level of a real science. The assassination is allowed to be obvious, but the assassin is presented as a single madman or criminal who acts alone. Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan and Arthur Bremer have all been patsies. They are not all exactly alike, nor is the way in which they were used the same in each case. For example, Oswald and Ray did not fire any shots, while Sirhan, Ruby and Bremer did. Sirhan and Bremer were "programmed", whereas Ruby was talked into killing Oswald by his friends in the PCG. Four of the five men were framed; a lot of evidence was manufactured and planted to implicate them, including fake diaries, fake photographs, planted guns, bullets and shells, and men using their identities. The one who did not fit this category was Ruby. It was not needed in his case because he killed Oswald before live television and believed until the day he died of cancer that his friends were going to get him out of jail in exchange for his "patriotic" act.
      The use of "seconds", men who looked like the patsy and who used his name (true of Oswald, Ray and Sirhan) is a common intelligence technique. The planting of fake photos in the case of Oswald required some relatively special photographic facilities, but the job was not done well enough to avoid detection.
      A fourth technique is the "accidental" death. Many witnesses and conspirators have been murdered in this way. Lee Bowers, the railroad yard control tower man who saw the real assassins behind the picket fence in Dealey Plaza, was killed when his car rammed into a concrete abutment in Dallas (it was traveling at high speed). The doctor who examined Bowers prior to his removal from the car, stated that he probably received an injection of some kind prior to the crash. Louis Lomax, the black author who was getting close to the truth in the Martin Luther King case, was killed in Arizona when his car was forced off the road after he was made to drive at high speed. Hale Boggs disappeared in an airplane crash that left no trace of the plane. And of course the classic "accident" occurred at Chappaquiddick.
      A fifth technique is an induced death that produces another finding of the cause either by disguising the true cause or by controlling the coroner or those in charge of burial. Examples are: David Ferrie's murder by means of a karate chop to the back of his head, disguised as an embolism of the brain, Clay Shaw's murder by means unknown because there was no autopsy and complete control of his removal and burial; Jack Ruby's supposed death by cancer in jail (real cause unknown because he was never out of the PCG's hands until he was under ground).
      Then there is a favorite sixth technique: mock suicide. Examples of PCG murders that somehow became suicides are: Hank Killam, a husband of one of Ruby's dancers, who committed suicide by throwing himself through a plate glass window off the street in Miami; Betty Mooney, one of Ruby's girls who hung herself in her jail cell by using her leopard-skin tights; Roger Craig, who shot himself; Jesus Crispin, who knew Sirhan, supposedly killed himself in his jail cell; Grant Stockdale, who threw himself off the top of a tall building in Miami.
      There are some on the list who were admittedly murdered, but supposedly not by the PCG. These include Robert Perrin, Nancy Perrin's husband; Buddy Walters, deputy sheriff under Sheriff Decker, shot by a man he was trying to arrest; Eladio Del Valle, a cohort of Ferrie, killed in Miami by an axe on the same day Ferrie was murdered; Rolando Masferrer, blown up in his car; Eddy Benevides, shot by an unknown assailant (he recovered). The cover-ups in each of these cases were put into effect by controlling the investigation or simply by not having one.
      The complete list of deaths, including the eight major ones (JFK, RFK, MLK, Mary Jo Kopechne, Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Ruby and Clay Shaw) numbers over a hundred. Here is a partial list:

      The large majority of these murders eliminated witnesses to, participants in, or investigators of one of the assassinations. People involved with the participants in one of the assassinations or cover-ups were also listed above. The participants were: Jack Ruby, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Rolando Masferrer, J. Edgar Hoover (in the cover-up), and Robert Perrin. There were four investigators: Jim Koethe, Louis Lomax, Dorothy Kilgallen and Hale Boggs. The rest were witnesses or associates.
      Two articles [8] written in 1976 analyzed some of these deaths and concluded that they were not accidents unconnected with the assassinations of our leaders. Another analysis by the authors demonstrated that fifty of the first seventy murders met three criteria for proving death by foul means. All involved people directly or indirectly linked to the major assassinations. All met death under violent or very strange circumstances. No autopsies were performed in any of these murders.
      The Charles Senseney dart weapon might have been used in some of the murders. The injection given Lee Bowers produced such a paralytic and terrorized expression on Bowers' face that the doctor examining his body exclaimed he had never seen such before. Grant Stockdale was found to have died of a heart attack on his way to the street from the top of a building (a dart might have killed him).


  1. Forgive My Grief Volumes I, II, III, IV, Penn Jones, Jr., Self Published, Midlothian, Texas.

  2. Accessories After the Fact, Sylvia Meagher, Scarecrow Press, N.Y., 1976

  3. Miami Herald, March, 1976.

  4. "The Mysterious Death of Clay Shaw," Richard Russell, True Magazine.

  5. "The Umbrella Man," R.B. Cutler, & R.E. Sprague, Gallery Magazine, June, 1978.

  6. New York Times, September 19, 1975.

  7. RFK Must Die!, Robert Kaiser, E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., N.Y.C., 1970.

    1. Self published article by Gary Schoener -- Minneapolis, Minn. Researcher.

    2. Assassination Information Bureau (AIB), Cambridge, Mass, Research project and article.

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