Drug Trafficking
This is not a conspiracy; this is just the way it is.
is business as usual.
Many wealthy families in the United States made their money trafficking in drugs.
Yale's "secretive Order of the Skull and Bones" was involved in the Opium trade
and founding family were the Russells. Samuel Russell established "Russell and
Company" in 1823 and acquired opium in Turkey, smuggled it into China and in
1830 established the Perkins Opium syndicate of Boston and Connecticut.
Warren Delano Jr, grandfather of Franklin Roosevelt was involved as were
Coolidge, Perkins, Sturgis, Forbes and other well known families.
The Order became prominent in the US and membership in the Order included
wealthy American families: Whitney, Taft, Bundy, Harriman, Weyerhauser, Pinchot,
Rockefeller, Goodyear, Lord, Whitney, Sloane, Simpon, Phelps, Pillsbury,
Perkins, Kellogg, Vanderbilt, Bush, and Lovett and the Order has had a very
close association with the U.S. Intelligence Community. The Bush family was a
member and George Bush was the Director of the CIA before he became President.
And, that same relationship exists with his son, the current president Bush.
The Bayer Company also was a big player in opium and "Heroin" was a trade
name of the Bayer Company [1898].
U.S. Intelligence can be traced back to Yale where the "Culper Ring" was
established secretly by George Washington to gather intelligence on the
British during the U.S. War of Independence.
Yale also established schools and hospitals in China and Mao Zedong was on
staff in 1903. US intelligence used this connection in China. The League of
Nations banned Heroin and Cocaine in the 20s and use increased but during the
war years "addiction" was practically eradicated.
Then things started to heat up in Indochina. The French controlled Vietnam,
Cambodia, Laos and Thailand and after the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu the
U.S. moved in. The French when there financed their covert intelligence with
you guessed it, opium. Maurice Belleux, who was the head of the French CIA,
called the SDECE confirmed this. He stated that French paratroopers would
collect raw opium and move it by French military aircraft to Saigon where it
was distributed by the Sino-Vietnamese Mafia. The Corsican crime syndicate
also shipped opium to Marseilles and refined it into Heroin from where it was
distributed to Europe and the U.S, to-wit: "The French Connection." Not the
first nor the last time the mafia and underworld has been in bed with the
French government - as it has with the U.S. government.
The secret wars in the region of Cambodia, Laos and Thailand continued after
the Vietnam War into the 80s. It was "off the books" and the CIAs secret hot
war using American soldiers, the air force and local tribesmen. Winning
militarily was never a U.S. objective, but the securing of the area's opium
trade and production was. What followed was an increase in heroin addiction
in the U.S. and Western Europe, not least of which were the heroin addicts
among U.S. troops who served in Vietnam. It is estimated also that one third
of all our combat troops were hooked on "China White," all of which is to the
discredit of the CIA.
In Laos, General Vang Pao, leader of the Meo tribesman fought the CIA's
secret war. He would collect raw opium in Northern Laos and transport it via
CIA's "Air America" to a U.S. complex at Long Thien - known as "Spook Heaven"
and "Alternate 20," where it was processed into white heroin. Vang Pao had
his own airline courtesy of the CIA known as "Air Opium," which transported
the heroin to Saigon [Ton Sohn Nut Air Base]. There part of the opium was sold
to hooked US servicemen and the Corsican syndicate shipped the bulk to
Marseilles and then to Cuba and Mafia boss Santos Trafficante and from there on
to the United States. Some heroin were sealed in body bags of returning
dead American soldiers.
After the invasion of Cambodia, a U.S. backed operation in 1970,
another pipeline was established. The Vietnamese navy operated the pipeline
along bases at Phnom Penh and the Mekong River. Up until U.S. withdrawal from
Vietnam, General Quang of South Vietnam, who was considered the biggest player in this
operation, fled and was relocated in Montreal, Canada by way of Fort Chaffee
in Arkansas courtesy of the CIA.
And, in 1973, President Nixon declared the "war on drugs." Nixon closed the
Turkish connection which had the effect of increasing demand from the Golden
Triangle of Southeast Asia [and especially Burma].
In Burma the opium production business was controlled by the CIA backed
warlord there, which by 1992, was 300,000 tons.
The so-called "war on drugs" is a charade of the U.S. government and it is
about money and influence.