Bush Son Had Dinner Plans With Hinckley Brother Before Shooting The Associated Press Domestic News March 31, 1981, Tuesday, PM cycle HOUSTON
The family of the man charged with trying to assassinate President Reagan is acquainted with the family of Vice President George Bush and had made large contributions to his political campaign, the Houston Post reported today.
The newspaper said in a copyright story, Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr., who allegedly shot Reagan, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice president's sons.
Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr., who allegedly shot Reagan, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice president's sons.The newspaper said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley, vice president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corp., for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he works for Standard Oil Co. of Indiana.
In 1978, Neil served as campaign manager for his brother, George W. Bush, the vice president's oldest son, who made an unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974 through 1980.
On Monday, Neil Bush said he did not know if he had ever met 25-year-old John Hinckley.
"I have no idea," he said. "I don't recognize any pictures of him. I just wish I could see a better picture of him.
From what I know and I've heard, they (the Hinckleys) are a very nice family and have given a lot of money to the Bush campaign."
SHARON BUSHSharon Bush, Neil's wife, said Scott Hinckley was coming to their house as a date of a girl friend of hers.
"I don't even know the brother. From what I know and I've heard, they (the Hinckleys) are a very nice family and have given a lot of money to the Bush campaign. I understand he was just the renegade brother in the family. They must feel awful," she said.
The dinner was canceled, she added.
George W. Bush said he was unsure whether he had met John W. Hinckley.
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Not for commercial use. Solely to be used for the educational purposes of research and open discussion.
Scott Hinckley, vice president of Vanderbuilt Energy Co., the
independent oil and gas exploration firm founded by his father in
Texas and moved to Denver in 1974, was secluded with his parents at the
home of a neighbor and not available for comment
on his acquaintance with Bush.
Bush, whose job involves preliminary negotiations between Amoco and
various owners of land for prospective oil and gas
wells, also could not be reached.
Amoco spokesman R.N. Murphy said hundreds of independent energy
companies were moving to Denver in anticipation of the
oil shale and coal development boom on Colorado's Western Slope.
''It is not unusual for companies to enter into a joint drilling venture
but to my knowledge there are no partnerships between
Amoco and Vanderbuilt Energy,'' said Murphy. ''I have contacts with all
the major companies but I had never heard of Hinckley
until yesterday.
Bush told the Post he knew the Hinckley family because they had made large contributions to the vice president's campaign. He said he could not recall meeting John Hinckley Jr., who shot President Reagan and three other men as they exited the Washington Hilton Hotel Monday. ''I don't recognize any pictures of him,'' Bush said. ''I just wish I could see a better picture of him.'' Sharon Bush said she did not know the suspect. ''They (the Hinckleys) are a nice family ... and have given a lot of money to the Bush campaign,'' she said. ''I understand he (John Hinckley) was just the renegade brother in the family. They must feel awful.'' Another of the vice president's sons, George W. Bush, lived in Lubbock in 1978 and ran unsuccessfully for Congress. Police have said John Hinckley Jr. lived in Lubbock at that time and once attended Texas Tech University. Young George Bush did not recall meeting the suspect. ''It's certainly conceivable that I met him or might have been introduced to him,'' he said. ''I don't recognize his face from the brief, kind of distorted thing they had on TV and the name doesn't ring any bells. ''I know he wasn't on our staff. I could check our volunteer rolls.'' Peter Teeley, the vice president's news secretary, said by telephone from Washington he knew nothing about any Hinckley-Bush family connection. ''I don't know a damned thing about it,'' Teeley told a Post reporter. ''I was talking to someone earlier tonight and I couldn't even remember his (Hinckley's) name. All I know is what you're telling me.'' |
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A statement released by counsel for Vanderbilt Energy Corp. said the
elder Hinckley had "temporarily relinquished his duties"
as chairman of the Denver-based firm "because of a tragedy involving a
member of his family."
John Hinckley Jr., 25, who was arrested seconds after Reagan was shot in
Washington, was being held Tuesday at a Marine
base in Quantico, Va.
The corporate statement did not mention any change for Scott B.
Hinckley, vice president of operations for Vanderbilt and
brother of John Jr.
The father's move came amid confirmation that the Department of Energy
was reviewing Vanderbilt's books. Jack Vandenberg,
a DOE spokesman in Washington, said auditors met with Scott Hinckley in
Denver on Monday.
The Washington Star quoted an unnamed "White House official" as
confirming that DOE auditors asked for an explanation of an
overcharge when oil price controls were in effect between 1973 and 1981.
The Star said DOE auditors told Scott Hinckley
there was a possible penalty of $2 million for the overcharge.
The Hinckleys, through attorney James Robinson, issued a brief statement
Tuesday expressing their "deep concern" for
President Reagan and all those involved in Monday's shooting, including
their son, John.
Robinson said the Hinckleys had spoken by telephone to their son Monday night and Tuesday afternoon and were trying to hire a Washington lawyer for him. It was confirmed later in Washington that the Hinckleys had retained the law firm of millionaire defense attorney Edward Bennett Williams. The Hinckleys said they planned to see their son "as soon as possible, but at this time they have no definite travel plans worked out," Robinson said. They sent "personal expressions of sorrow" to the wounded men and their families, he said. The Hinckleys reiterated through Robinson that they have provided psychiatric care for their son in the past, adding that "recent evaluations alerted no one to the seriousness of his condition." William Sells, the Hinckleys' next-door neighbor and in whose home the couple was staying Tuesday, said the couple was "just destroyed" by their son's arrest and the attempt made on Reagan's life. In Washington, an aide to Vice President George Bush disputed a Houston Post report that the Hinckleys made large contributions to Bush's presidential campaign. The aide, Shirley Green, said no record of such a contribution could be found. The Houston newspaper also reported that Scott Hinckley was to have dined Tuesday night in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice president's sons. Neil Bush's wife Sharon said Scott Hinckley was coming to their house as the date of one of her girlfriends. "I don't even know the brother," she said. "I understand he was just the renegade brother in the family. They must feel awful." The FBI investigated a bomb threat directed against the Hinckleys on Tuesday, but nothing came of it. The senior Hinckley is described by associates as a devout Christian who belonged to a weekly Bible reading club and recently did work in Africa for a Christian service organization. |
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Although the governor lives in Highland Park and is involved in the oil
business, he said he did not know the family of accused
assassin John W. Hinckley Jr., 25, previously of Highland Park, whose
father is president of Vanderbilt Energy Corp. of
Clements said he felt ''horrible'' when he heard Hinckley was from
Texas, the same state in which Lee Harvey Oswald
assassinated President John Kennedy in 1963 and where Mark Chapman,
killer of former Beatle John Lennon, was born.
''This hasn't got anything to do with Texas, but if the news media works
on it long it long enough it could hurt the state,''
Clements said.
''People in public office always run a risk of this sort of thing. There
will always be unstable people, and this young man
(Hinckley) was unstable.''
Clements said he had not increased his personal security since the assassination attempt Monday in Washington and said he and others in public life accepted the possiblity of having attempts made on their lives as a part of public service. ''Anyone in public life, be it the mayor of Fort Worth, city councilmen or the governor, has to expect there is a certain risk there,'' he said. ''It's just part of it.'' Despite the assassination attempt in which a ''Saturday night special'' was used, Clements said he still opposed strict handgun controls. ''Guns have to be registered in Texas now,'' he said. ''I'm not sure it would help. People will be able to get guns.'' Clements was with Vice President George Bush on Bush's aircraft in Austin a short time after the assassination attempt on Reagan, but would not characterize Bush's mood at the time. He also said he received a call from the White House Monday night but did not say who he received the call from or what was discussed. Clements did say, however, the caller said Reagan was ''doing fine.'' The governor did not comment on the assassination attempt during his address to the cattlemen, more than 2,500 of whom are attending the convention. Bush addressed the convention Monday morning just minutes before Reagan was shot. Air Force Two carrying Bush went to Austin where the vice president met with Clements before returning to Washington. |
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In his self-published novel, ''The Afternoon of March 30,'' Blumberg
blends fact and fiction in looking at the unreported
''connections'' between Hinckley's family and that of Vice President
George Bush, the man who came within a heartbeat of the
presidency of the United States.
''What I'm really after is the case to be officially reopened,'' said
the Rhodes scholar and former dean of the University of
Montana journalism school. ''If they can answer all the questions
satisfactorily, I'll be delighted,'' he said in an interview. ''In
truth, I don't think all the questions can be answered without opening
up a whole new can of worms.''
Blumberg's unease is now focused on the indifference shown to what he
calls ''the story behind the story.''
Bush, he said, has questions to answer in connection with the attempt.
So do the FBI and the judge who presided over
Hinckley's trial, according to Blumberg.
''I'm not saying there was a conspiracy to assassinate Reagan,''
Blumberg emphasized. ''I'm saying there was a conspiracy to
keep significant information from the public that it has a right to
Blumberg asks his readers to consider his contentions that:
-- Hinckley's brother was scheduled to have supper with Bush's son the
day after the assassination attempt, which struck
Blumberg as ''the most remarkable assassination coincidence in the
history of this country.''
-- The friendship between the Hinckley and Bush families goes back more
than a decade to their shared conquest of the oilfields
of Texas.
-- The Hinckley oil company was warned, just hours before the shooting,
that it faced a $2-million fine for overpricing oil. The
possible charges were never mentioned after Hinckley's attempt.
-- The widely accepted official story that Hinckley was trying to get the attention of actress Jodie Foster was based entirely on a letter that Hinckley was said to have written, but which the public and the media never saw. Blumberg's book attempts to documents those assertions and blasts the nation's journalists for sloth and neglect. He said journalists were fed a barely believable story full of inconsistencies. ''And the press had submitted to this in a way I find unprecedented,'' he said. But Blumberg, a long-time media critic, decided the example warranted more than a critique of press performance in a crisis. Such efforts, he said, usually ''go out there and die.'' Instead, he chose to weave his questions into a novel so it would reach a broader audience and allow him to probe problems in society and corruption in government, as well as maladies of the U.S. press. The book chronicles the adventures of a fictitious Montana newsman who follows the information trail deserted by the national media. His documentation is put in the form of an article the fictitious hero is writing. The professor was living in semi-retirement at his home on the shores of Flathead Lake, near Bigfork, Mont., when he was jarred by a newscast that mentioned the planned supper between Scott Hinckley and Neil Bush. That sparked an intense interest which has grown into an admitted obsession with the assassination attempt. ''So I began looking into it and checking all the papers and right away all sorts of things began cropping up,'' he said. The press, according to Blumberg, underreported anything but the official story of the assassination. He looks skeptically at the theory that Hinckley shot Reagan to impress Foster, who starred in a movie revolving around a similar plot - ''Taxi Driver.'' The novel has been criticized for Blumberg's inexperienced prose style, but praised for its research. However, he has been stung by suggestions that he is crazy or a ''conspiracy nut.'' Blumberg published the book on his own Wood Fire Ashes press to ''retain total control over the quality.'' ''Have you ever heard an author say what a great job his publisher did with a book?'' he asks. But, without a commercial advertising campaign, he's had to market the book in an ''organic, straightforward fashion.'' Blumberg says he mails out several copies of the novel each week and expects it to ''stay alive as long as people continue to care about justice.'' |
Author Blumberg does a nice job of summarizing the key points in the last article of the thread, so I'll just quote him:
''I'm not saying there was a conspiracy to assassinate Reagan,'' Blumberg emphasized. ''I'm saying there was a conspiracy to keep significant information from the public that it has a right to know.''Blumberg asks his readers to consider his contentions that:
-- Hinckley's brother was scheduled to have supper with Bush's son the day after the assassination attempt, which struck Blumberg as ''the most remarkable assassination coincidence in the history of this country.''
-- The friendship between the Hinckley and Bush families goes back more than a decade to their shared conquest of the oilfields of Texas.
-- The Hinckley oil company was warned, just hours before the shooting, that it faced a $2-million fine for overpricing oil. The possible charges were never mentioned after Hinckley's attempt.
-- The widely accepted official story that Hinckley was trying to get the attention of actress Jodie Foster was based entirely on a letter that Hinckley was said to have written, but which the public and the media never saw.
Blumberg's book attempts to documents those assertions and blasts the nation's journalists for sloth and neglect.
Hinckley's attempt on President Reagan's life on March 30, 1981, was said to be an effort to impress Foster, with whom he
was obsessed after seeing her portray a prostitute in the movie "Taxi Driver."
Prosecutors submitted the correspondence under seal to a federal court judge here two weeks ago, the night before a
scheduled hearing to determine whether Hinckley should be allowed out for the day trip, which would have been supervised by
hospital officials.
At the hearing before U.S. District Judge Barrington Parker, St. Elizabeths officials abruptly withdrew their proposal after
learning that the Secret Service had uncovered unspecified new writings by Hinckley. Sources identified these writings as
Hinckley's request for Foster's picture.
Jay B. Stephens, U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said he expected the Hinckley correspondence to be made public at that point. But Hinckley's attorney, Vincent J. Fuller, asked that the documents remain under seal. In papers filed this week, prosecutors argued that "whatever minimal privacy interest Mr. Hinckley may have in the materials at issue . . . is plainly overcome by the strong public interest in open judicial proceedings and in understanding the reasons for the hospital's withdrawal of its request" to allow the field trip. Prosecutors argued that the writings were in the hands of a "third party" who provided them to the Secret Service -- which sources suggested was the mail-order firm. The "third party," prosecutors said, was free to make them public whenever he saw fit. Privately, sources expressed some surprise that the correspondence had not already found its way into news reports. Fuller, Hinckley's attorney, has argued that there is no need to give the public access to his client's correspondence, which he said is protected by Hinckley's privacy and property rights. "By disclosing the sealed documents now, the government hopes to inflame the public passion against Mr. Hinckley," Fuller said in pleadings submitted to Parker. Hinckley, who was committed indefinitely to St. Elizabeths after he was acquitted of Reagan's shooting on grounds of insanity, was prevented from leaving the hospital to visit his parents last year when hospital officials found photos of Foster in his room. Hinckley's room was searched after a psychiatrist testified that he had written to Theodore Bundy, a multiple murderer now on Florida's death row. |
Vanderbilt announced Monday that it had received a proposed remedial
order calling for a $790,241 settlement from the
Department of Energy after an audit of the stripper well sales.
A stripper well is one that produces fewer than 10 barrels of oil per
The Post quoted a source, who asked not to be identified, as saying ''it
could be one inference that could be drawn from the
facts'' when asked if an audit of the company might have been protracted
because of the assassination attempt.
''Another inference is that it's in retaliation for an unpopular jury
verdict,'' the source said.
In an official statement, Vanderbilt said the ''routine audit'' of the stripper well properties was begun by DOE in February 1981. ''On March 30, 1981 (the day of the Reagan shooting), while the audit was still in progress, information was leaked to the press by a government official claiming Vanderbilt had overcharged purchasers by approxiamately $2 million.'' James Dodd, an Enid, Okla., lawyer representing Vanderbilt, who said he had visited ''ever one of the wells,'' aid the government's overcharge allegations were completely ''fraudlent.'' He vowed to fight ''tooth and nail'' the settlement of the alleged overcharges. The Vanderbilt statement noted that ''as a result of additional audit work by the DOE and meeting with advisers retained by Vanderbilt, the alleged overcharges were first reduced to $1.4 million and a few days later to $800,00.'' Vanderbilt received the proposed settlement ''claiming that overcharges on the sale of crude oil at stripper prices are now $509,404, plus interest due of $280,347.'' The company said the ''alleged violations stem from differing interpretations made by Vanderbilt and the DOE of the extremely complex regulations governing such matter.'' Vanderbilt said it used an ''officially prescribed method'' in pricing the oil, but ''the DOE maintains it is not the preferred one.'' |
From Chapter -XVII- The Attempted Coup D'Etat of March 30, 1981
"George Bush was visiting Texas that day. Bush was flying from Fort Worth to Austin in his Air Force Two Boeing 707. In Fort Worth, Bush had unveiled a plaque at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, the old Hotel Texas, designating it as a national historic site. This was the hotel, coincidentally, in which John F. Kennedy had spent the last night of his life, before going on to Dallas the next day, November 22, 1963. Here was a sinister symbolism!"
(note from Patriot76...boy do they love to insert symbolism when they do something big)
Not more than five hours after the attempt to kill Reagan, on the basis of the most fragmentary early reports, before Hinckley had been properly questioned, and before a full investigation had been carried out, a group of cabinet officers chaired by George Bush had ruled out a priori any conspiracy. Haig, whose memoirs talk most about the possibility of a conspiracy, does not seem to have objected to this incredible decision. From that moment on, "no conspiracy" became the official doctrine of the US regime, for the moment a Bush regime, and the most massivew efforts were undertaken to stifle any suggestion to the contrary. The iron curtain came down on the truth about Hinckley. "What was the truth of the matter? The Roman common sense of Lucius Annaeus Seneca (who had seen so many of Nero's intrigues, and who would eventually fall victim to one of them) would have dictated that the person who would have profited most from Reagan's death be scrutinized as the prime suspect. That was obviously Bush, since Bush would have assumed the presidency if Reagan had succumbed to his wounds.
The same idea was summed up by an eighth grade student at the Alice Deal Junior High School in Washington DC who told teachers on March 31: "It is a plot by Vice President Bush to get into power. If Bush becomes President, the CIA would be in charge of the country." The pupils at this school had been asked for their views of the Hinckley assassination attempt of the previous day. [fn 17]"
There is much more at the above link.
John Hinkley Jr. was represented during his trial by attorney Greg Craig -- the guy who represented Clinton during his impeachment "trial"
This isn't the first time that Washington attorney and former Hill aide Greg Craig signed on to help a famous politician survive a titillating scandal fraught with allegations of impropriety and questionable conduct.(from "INVESTIGATING THE PRESIDENT New White House Aide Has Hill Scandal Experience," Amy Keller and John Bresnahan, Roll Call September 17, 1998)Craig - who was tapped earlier this week to "quarterback" President Clinton's legal defense strategy and to craft the White House's response to independent counsel Kenneth Starr's damaging report - served as Sen. Ted Kennedy's (D-Mass.) lawyer back in 1991 when the Senator's career was nearly undone by the infamous Palm Beach controversy.
That fiasco erupted over Easter weekend in 1991, when a vacationing Kennedy roused his son and nephew, William Kennedy Smith, out of bed to go nightclub- hopping in Palm Beach, Fla. Smith was later charged with raping a woman in the course of that evening - he was eventually acquitted - but Kennedy's own reputation was sullied and his career endangered as the story made national headlines and he was forced to testify at the trial.
If Kennedy owes any part of his political resurrection to Craig, then Clinton may have hired just the right guy, and in a prepared statement, the Senator praised Clinton's choice.
"Greg is a wonderful friend and outstanding lawyer with great ability, sound judgment, and an extraordinary commitment to public service," Kennedy said of Craig, who also served as a foreign policy adviser on his staff from 1984 to 1989. "He did a brilliant job as foreign policy adviser on my staff in the 1980s, and he's been a wise and trusted adviser ever since. The President's made an excellent choice."
In more recent days, the Harvard-educated Craig has been camping out in the State Department advising Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on Tibetan issues - but it's Craig's legal career that has earned him noticeably more fame and appearances on TV shows like CNBC's "Geraldo."
During his years in private law practice at the D.C. firm Williams & Connolly, Craig - who got to know the Clintons when the power couple was attending law school at Yale and he was making waves as an anti-war activist - was the attorney who represented Ronald Reagan shooter John Hinckley and successfully defended him using an insanity defense. (Ironically, Hinckley, it was later revealed, had stalked a number of politicians over the years, including Kennedy.)
But besides Craig's legal prowess, Clinton defenders are hoping Craig can help fill the communications gap between Clinton and the Hill. As Clinton adviser Doug Sosnik told The Associated Press, "He's thought of as a good bridge between the political world and the legal world. People on Capitol Hill know him as someone they can work with and someone they can trust."
The key here is to remember, most of all, the mentality of these spook types in the intelligence agencies. They take care of themselves first and foremost. The agencies had the possibilities of promoting one of their own (Bush) to the job of President. You better believe that they would NEVER miss that opportunity. Reagan was a marked man as soon as he was forced by the powers that be to put Bush as the number two on his ticket. It wouldn't be long before NUBMER TWO made the move to become NUMBER ONE. As for the FBI, CIA, and Secret Service - Bush is one of THEM. The following account implicates the U.S. Secret Service as key players in the Bush Industrio/pseudo-religious crime cartel's plan to snuff out Reagan and put their man in the top job.
Exerpted from Our Ruler Bush 12/09/98 Excerpts from a talk given by Lt. Col. "Bo" Gritz in Mesa, Arizona on April 4, 1992. In Mesa, I met with him [Cleon Skaas(?)] and I said, "Why in the world did Ronald Reagan sell us down the tube by taking George Bush as his running mate?" And I really didn't know that Cleon knew Ronald Reagan rather well. But he told me: He said, "Bo, George Bush was Ronald Reagan's greatest opponent," (if you'll remember, back in the 1980 elections), "and Ronald Reagan said he would never have him. Then, Ronald Reagan was invited to New York to go see Rockefeller. When he saw Rockefeller, he was told, 'If you do not take my head of the Trilateral Commission'" (remember, the Council on Foreign Relations, George Bush) "'as your running mate, the only way you'll see the inside of the White House is as a tourist.'" Two months after he was inaugurated, two months is all that Ronald Reagan lasted. March 30th, 1981, two months after his inauguration in January of 1981, he was shot -- was he not? And the news said that he was shot by John Hinckley, Jr., and that John Hinckley, Jr., was some kind of a Jodie Foster freak. And that he came out of nowhere, and that he shot Brady in the head, and he shot a policeman in the neck, and he shot a Secret Service man and blew him back over the vehicle, and he shot Ronald Reagan. Right? Well, remember the hardware. That's why I gave you a little introduction... I did. [Gritz had talked earlier about some sophisticated "tools of the trade."] Soon as I see this stuff I begin to wonder, because I've been a part of these kinds of operations. Let's just go back and review. It's all in the book [*Called to Serve*(?)], and so, very quickly I'll run down through you. When Brady was shot, no question. Here we've got John Hinckley, Jr., Oh, by the way, is John Hinckley, Jr., just some kind of a "weirdo?" Isn't it strange that John Hinckley, Sr., is the owner of Vanderbilt Oil? And, of course, George Bush is the owner of Zapata Oil. Was it a coincidence, then, that John Hinckley, Sr., and George Bush are neighbors *for years* in Houston, Texas, working together? Is it any coincidence that John Hinckley, Sr., when you go back through the FEC, the Federal Election Commission, his own record of giving maximum donations every year to Mr. Bush even when he started running for Congress. Well now, does that make his son, John Hinckley, Jr., seem a little bit less of a coincidence? I think it does. Here's why: When the President was shot, if you'll remember, he was pushed into the car by a man named Jerry Parr(sp?) that was his Secret Service guard. Jerry Parr fell on top of him and, I just saw in the *Reader's Digest* where Jerry Parr was telling his "valiant story." And the limousine tore off, didn't it? Now it was *five minutes later* that the ambulance arrived and they put the Secret Service man, the Washington, D.C. policeman, and Brady in the ambulance and *it* roared off. Using normal time-rate/distance, who should have arrived at George Washington University Hospital first? The President should have. Well, who did? You know it's a trick question. The ambulance arrived 15 minutes before the President. When asked, "What happened?" the Secret Service simply responded, "We got lost." The Secret Service does not get lost in Washington, D.C. They don't get lost in most places of the world. And so, now the investigation starts to get a little interesting. When they take Ronald Reagan in, they can see that he... matter of fact, his heart almost stopped. And he is convulsing; there's blood on his lips. They know he's hurt... seriously. But they can find no wounds. They X-ray him *3 times* and can find nothing. Finally, a nurse notices a tiny entrance wound right at the seventh rib, underneath the armpit. And a doctor takes a probe, and by... very carefully, because they couldn't see it on X-ray, the doctor is able to extract what he said was a planchet, thinner than a dime, that was one-quarter inch from Ronald Reagan's aorta. Now, Ronald Reagan says... as a matter of fact, let me just see if I can just read it to you... best what Ronnie says. I've got all this in the book... This came right out of a newspaper: I knew I had been hurt, but I thought that I'd been hurt by the Secret Service man landing on me in the car. As it was, I must say it was the most paralyzing pain. I've described it as if someone hit you with a hammer. But the sensation, it seemed to me, came after I was in the car and so I thought that maybe his gun or something had broken a rib. I set up on the seat, and the pain wouldn't go away -- and suddenly, I found I was coughing up blood. Now you see, to almost anyone else you might say, "Well, just some kind of a fluke." But I'm a skeptic. Because I know how these things have happened ever since they "took out" John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I think maybe JFK was the last honest President that we had...
But of course, we know now that Kennedy was as much a cheat as Bill Clinton.
Here is another fact regarding Reagan's mistrust and dislike for Bush and about the powerful forces that forced Reagan to put the viper Bush in his midst.
During Reagan's first campaign, he said he would not accept Bush as his VP running mate. Two days later he did a complete reversal and announced publicly that Bush would be his running mate. Jerry Falwell was a big supporter of Reagan and asked him why he suddenly changed his mind. Reagan's response was (paraphrasing): "Nancy and I have just experienced the worst two days of our lives and that's all I'm going to say about it."
If there is a lesson to be learned from rcent history it's that nothing is what the government and media tells us it is. We have, for every day of our lives, been fed a lie of a smooth continuous well-running and law abiding goverment, the better to coerce taxes and children from us, while the reality is that our history is determined by an ongoing, covert, and very bloody war between rival factions,m who fear nothing so much but that the people will figure out what's really going on and lynch the lot of them.
Finally, this statement from assistant Bush press secretary Shirley Green:
''Neil met Scott Hinckley at a party in January that his (Neil's) wife, Sharon, gave for him. A lady friend of their's had a date
with Scott and brought him to the party. Neil has not seen or been with Scott at any time since.''
Mrs. Green confirmed the same unnamed woman friend was invited to the Bush's home in southeast Denver for dinner
Tuesday night and planned to bring Scott with her.
''Obviously, that has been canceled,'' she said.
Amoco officials also confirmed there was no connection beween the oil giant and Vanderbuilt Energy Co., the Denver-based
independent oil and gas production firm founded by J.W. ''Jack'' Hinckley, the father of the accused attempted assassin.
''We have looked into that,'' said Ralph Stow, supervisor of corporate-media relations for Standard Oil of Indiana, Amoco's
parent company. ''At this point, there is nothing to indicate we have any joint ventures with Vanderbuilt.''
Scott Hinckley, 30, is the vice president of Vanderbuilt Energy, which moved its headquarters to Denver from Dallas, Texas, in 1974. Another Amoco official said it was not unusual that the paths of young Bush and Scott Hinckley would cross in Denver's booming oil business scene. R.N. ''Dick'' Murphy, Amoco's public affairs advisor, said ''hundreds'' of independent energy companies were moving to Denver in anticipation of the oil shale and coal development boom on Colorado's Western Slope. ''It is not unusual for companies to enter into a joint drilling venture but to my knowledge there are no partnerships between Amoco and Vanderbuilt Energy,'' said Murphy. ''I have contacts with all the major companies but I had never heard of Hinckley until yesterday.'' Murphy said the vice president's son had worked for Amoco for about one year as a ''land man.'' ''A land man goes out and gets leases signed before we drill or lay any lines,'' said Murphy. ''He takes care of the preliminary negotiations and is the contact man between the company and the land owners.'' Neil Bush told the Houston Post he knew the Hinckley family because they had made large contributions to the vice president's campaign. However, Mrs. Green said a check of the campaign records showed neither Jack nor Scott Hinckley had been a Bush contributor or supporter. ''One Bush met one Hinckley at one time and that was it,'' she said. ''Neither does the senior Mr. Bush know the senior Mr. Hinckley. |
Not only is this lunch between Hinckley's brother and "Sweet Deal Neil" (who later gained lasting infamy from the Silverado S&L scandal) well documented, but in late 1981 the Washington Star newspaper (which closed down a year later) reported in its society pages that John Hinckly Jr and VP George H.W. Bush were ninth cousins to each other, being descended from a governor of Connecticut. No further details were given but 9th cousin suggests that the ancestor was a British colonial governor. A couple of years later I was told by some acquaintances who claim to be dabbling in genealogy that this allegation was reported in genealogical magazines, but again I have no further details.
About ten years ago Burke's Peerage published a separate volume about the family trees of US Presidents - it stopped with Reagan, so it didn't include Bush's family, but I wrote to the editor for info about this Hinckley story - and never got a response. A couple of years ago Hinckley Jr was in the news again trying to get released from the mental hospital and I found the name of his lawyer and sent the lawyer a letter asking him to ask his client about family connections with Bush - and never got a response.
I had also heard that VP Bush knew the Hinckley parents fairly well, had stayed at their house while campaigning for President in early 1980, etc. Again, I have no details or verification.
If anyone can enlighten me on these stories I would be appreciative.
IF the story about a family connection between Bush and Hinckley were true, it might explain a few things about Hinckley's motives ... and about how and why the prosecutor took a dive on the insanity plea.
Prepared by R. M. Coie
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10. Samuel Hinckley (1652-1698), wife Sarah Pope (1657-bef 1727)
11. Mary Hinckley (b Barnstable MA 23 Jul 1678, d 7 Jan 1741), m Samuel Banks
13 Jan 1703 (b Eastham MA 12 Jul 1680, d Harwich MA11 Jun 1750)
12. Joseph Banks (b Harwich MA 30 Jan 1713, Oblung NY ca 1757, m Thankful Hamlin Barnstable MA 18 Sep 1735 (b Barnstable MA 6 Aug 1715, living 1768)
13. Lemuel Banks (b Harwich MA 31 Dec 1739, d Portage NY 9 May 1824), m Rebecca Keeler ca 1774-1775 (b Ridgefield CT 29 Apr 1751, d Grand River, Upper Canada 24 Feb 1812)
14. Elijah Keeler Banks (b Stratford CT 4 Jun 1780, d Philadelphia PA 13 Sep 1856), m Esther Stockhouse Philadelphia PA 29 Oct 1807 (b Philadelphia PA 17 Oct 1787, d Philadelphia PA 27 Sep 1819)
15. Mary Ann Banks (b Philadelphia PA 15 Jun 1817, living 1876), m Joseph Ambrose Beaky Philadelphia PA 1 Jun 1840 (b Emmitsburg MD 14 Jun 1818, d on Mississippi River steamship "Minnehaha" 27 Jan 1858)
16. Martha Adela Beaky (b Emmitsbury MD 1 Jun 1841, d 1 Jul 1917), m David Davis Walker St. Louis MO 25 Dec 1862 (b near Bloomfield IL 19 Jan 1840, d Kennebunkport ME 4 Oct 1918)
17. George Herbert Walker (b St. Louis MO 11 Jun 1875, d New York NY 24 Jun 1953), m Lucretia (Loulie) Wear, St. Louis MO 17 Jan 1899 (b St. Louis MO 17 Sep 1874, d Biddeford ME 28 Aug 1961)
18. Dorothy Walker (b near Walker's Pt. York ME 1 Jul 1901, d Greenwich CT 19 Nov 1992), m Preston Sheldon Bush, U.S. Senator 1952-1963, Kennebunkport ME 6 Aug 1921 (b Colombus OH 15 May 1895, d NewYork NY 8 Oct 1972)
19. George Herbert Walker Bush, U.S. Vice President 1981-1989, 41st U.S. President 1989-1993 (b Mitton MA 12 Jun 1924- ), m Barbara Pierce, Rye NY 6 Jan 1945 (b Rye NY 8 Jun 1925- )
20. George Walker Bush, Governor of Texas 1994-2000, 43rd U.S. President 2000- (b New Haven CT 6 Jun1946- ), m Laura Lane Welch, Midland TX 5 Nov 1977 (b Midland TX 4 Nov 1946, the dau of Harold Bruce Welsh and Jenna Louise Hawkins)
Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush are descendants of Edward Bangs as follows:
The above information is based on the best sources currently available. If you have information that is different or additional to that shown above, I would like to receive it. Please contact me at e-mail and mention this web page in your message.
NOTE: These archives were gathered from various sources. Any copyrighted material from the various wire services is presented here as a research archive not to be used for commercial purposes.
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