Furedi, Frank. Population and Development: A Critical Introduction. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997.

Grimes, Seamus. "From Population Control to ‘Reproductive Rights’: Ideological Influences in Population Policy." Third World Quarterly 19 (1998): 375-393.

Kasun, Jacqueline R. The War Against Population. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1988.

Malthus, Thomas "A Summary View of the Principle of Population" in Three Essays on Population (Mentor Books: New York, 1960).

Sassone, Robert L. Handbook on Population. 5th ed. Stafford VA: American Life League, 1994.

Todaro, Michael. "Population Growth and Economic Development" in Economic Development, 5th ed. New York: Longman, 1994.

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Scientific Data

United Nations Development Programme, The Human Development Report 1999 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999)

World Bank, Knowledge for Development: The 1998/99 World Development Report (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998).


Structure Critique

May, Robert M. "The Scientific Investments of Nations." Science 281, 3 July 1998. 49-51.

Ross, Eric B. The Malthus Factor. London: Zed Books, 1998.




Masood, Ehsan and Laura Garwin. "Costing the Earth: When Ecology Meets Economics." Nature, 1 October 1998, 426-427.


Malthusian Perspective

Ayers, Ed. God’s Last Offer: Negotiating for a Sustainable Future. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1999.

Harrison, Paul. The Third Revolution: Environment, Population and a Sustainable World. London: IB Tauris & Co., 1992.

Shah, Anup. Ecology and the Crisis of Overpopulation. Northampton MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1998.

Vitousek, Peter, et. al. "Human Domination of Earth’s Ecosystems." Science, 25 July 1997, 494-499.

Ramphal, Shridath and Steven W. Sinding. Population Growth and Environmental Issues. Environmental Literacy Series. Westport CT: Praeger, 1996.


Free Market Response

Fullerton, Don and Robert Stavins. "How Economists See the Environment." Nature, 1 October 1998, 433-434.

Kasun, Jacqueline. Population and Environment: Debunking the Myths. Baltimore: Population Research Institute, 1991).

Stavins, Robert. "Clean Profits: Using Economic Incentives to Protect the Environment." Policy Review 48 (Spring 1989): 58-63.

"Plenty of Gloom." The Economist, 20 December 1997, 19-21.

"Green My Lips." The Economist, 17 February 1990, 18-19.


Human Capital/ Technological Improvements

Commoner, Barry. The Closing Circle: Nature Man, and Technology. New York, Knopf, 1971.

Simon, Julian. Hoodwinking the Nation. New Brunswick NJ: Transaction, 1999.

----------------. Population Matters: People, Resources, Environment, and Immigration. New Brunswick NJ: Transaction, 1990.

----------------. "Are People an Environmental Pollution?" in The Ultimate Resource (Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1981): 240-248.

Lewis, Martin. Green Delusions: An Environmentalist Critique of Radical Environmentalism. Durham: Duke University Press, 1992.


Structure Critique

Dobson, Andy P. et. al. "Hopes for the Future: Restoration Ecology and Conservation Biology." Science, 25 July 1997, 515-521.

Kiester, Jr., Edwin. "A Town Buries the Axe." Smithsonian (July 1999).

Mahsood, Ehsan. "World Bank Invests in Global Science Base." Nature 397, 7 January 1999, 6-7.

Matson, P. A. et. al. "Agricultural Intensification and Ecosystem Properties." Science, 25 July 1997, 504-509.

Rabkin, Jeremy. "Greenhouse Politics." On the Issues, November 1997 (Washington DC: The American Enterprise Institute).


Scientific Evidence

Avery, Dennis T. "Global Warming—Boon for Mankind?" American Outlook (Spring 1998): 12-16.

Cao, Mingkui and F. Ian Woodward. "Dynamic Responses of Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Cycling to Global Climate Change." Nature, 21 May 1998, 249-252.

Cowen, Robert C. "New Evidence Heats Up Climate Debate,’ Christian Science Monitor, 15 July 1999.

FAO. Earth Summit +5: Progress on the Road from Rio, Progress Report, June 1997.

FAO. Land and Water Development (online document accessed 16 August, 1999); available at; Internet.

Fialka, John. "Flat CO2 Emissions Give Experts Hope," Wall Street Journal, 2 August 1999.

Gaffen, Dian. "Falling Satellites, Rising Temperatures?" Nature, 13 August 1998, 615-616.

Lamb, H. H. Climate History and the Modern World. London: Methuen, 1982.

Michaels, Patrick J. Sound and Fury: The Science and Politics of Global Warming. Washington DC: Cato Institute, 1992.

Sarmiento, Jorge et al. "Simulated Response of the Ocean Carbon Cycle to Anthropogenic Climate Warming." Nature, 21 May 1998, 245-248.

Schimel, David S. "The Carbon Equation." Nature, 21 May 1998, 208-209

Waite, Paul. United States Climatological Chronology (on-line document, accessed 15 August 1999); available at; Internet.

"Studies May Alter Insights Into Global Warming." Washington Post, 15 March 1999.

"Greenhouse Forecasting Still Cloudy." Science, 16 May 1997, 1040-1044.



Malthusian Perspective

Brown, Lester , Gary Gardner and Brian Halweil. Beyond Malthus: Nineteen Dimensions to the Population Problem. Washington DC: Worldwatch Institute, 1999.

Brown, Lester. Tough Choices. Washington DC: Worldwatch Institute, 1996.

-----------------. Full House: Reassessing the Earth’s Carrying Capacity. Washington DC: Worldwatch, 1994.

Dobkowski, Michael and Isidor Walliman, eds. The Coming Age of Scarcity. Syracuse NY: Syracuse University Press, 1998.

Ehrlich, Paul and Anne Ehrlich. The Population Explosion. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990.

Ehrlich, Paul. The Population Bomb. New York: Ballantine Books, 1968.

Geyer, Georgie Ann. "Economic Dimension of Population Growth." Washington Times (Washington DC) 5 June 1999.

Hardin, Garret. "The Tragedy of the Commons." Science 162: 1243 (1968).

------------------. The Ostrich Factor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Starr, Chauncey. "Global Energy and Electricity Futures" in Population Growth and Environmental Issues. Environmental Literacy Series. Westport CT: Praeger, 1996, 3-12.


Economic Review of Literature/ Empirical Evidence

Krautkraemer, Jeffrey A. "Nonrenewable Resource Scarcity." Journal of Economic Literature 36 (December 1998): 2065-2107.

Robinson, J. A. "Long-term Consequences of Population Growth: Technological Change, Natural Resources, and the Environment" in Handbook of Population and Family Economics. eds. M.R. Rosenweig and O. Stark. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1997.


Human Capital/ Technological Improvement Critique

Farinelli, Ugo. "Materials and Minerals Resources" in Resources and Population: Natural, Institutional, and Demographic Dimensions of Development. eds. Bernardo Colombo, Paul Demeny and Max F. Perutz. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

Rosenberg, Nathan. "The Impact of Technological Changes on Resources for Growing Populations" in Resources and Population: Natural, Institutional and Demographic Dimensions of Development. eds. Bernardo Colombo, Paul Demeny and Max F. Perutz. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

"Will the World Starve?" The Economist, 16 November 1996, 21-23.

Samuelson, Robert J. "A Coming Food Crisis? Unlikely." Washington Post (Washington DC) 23 August 1996.

Simon, Julian. Population Matters: People, Resources, Environment, and Immigration. New Brunswick NJ: Transaction, 1990.

----------------. "Population Growth is Not Bad for Humanity." The National Forum (Winter 1990): 12-16.

Simpson, R. David. "Mother Nature Necessitates Invention and Technology Buoys Industry." Resources (Spring 1999): 5-8.

Wattenberg, Ben. "Miscalculating Malthus." Washington Times (Washington DC): 11 June 1998.

Winpenny, J.T. "Managing Water Scarcity for Water Security," (on-line document prepared for the FAO, accessed 12 August 1999); available from; Internet.


Structural Critique

Abbot, Alison. "Science Moves Up Europe’s Aid Agenda." Nature 397, 7 January1999, 8-9.

Baland, Jean-Marie and Jean-Phillipe Platteau. Halting Degradation of Natural Resources: Is There a Role for Rural Communities? Oxford: Clarendon Press and the FAO, 1996.

Blanc-LaPierre, Andre. "Population and Physical Resources: Introduction" in Resources and Population: Natural, Institutional and Demographic Dimensions of Development. eds. Bernardo Colombo, Paul Demeny and Max F. Perutz. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

Colombo, Umberto. "Energy Resources and Population" in Resources and Population: Natural, Institutional and Demographic Dimensions of Development. eds. Bernardo Colombo, Paul Demeny and Max F. Perutz. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

John Paul II. "Address to Participants in the Study Week on "Resources and Population." Resources and Population: Natural Institutional and Demographic Dimensions of Development. eds. Bernardo Colombo, Paul Demeny and Max F. Perutz. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

"Feeding the World." The Economist (16 November 1996): 18.

"Promises and Threats of a Knowledge-Based Economy." Nature 397, 7 January 1999. 1.


Scientific Data/ Evidence

Cachan, Carlos. "No habra escasez de agua si se evita el despilfarro." Aceprensa .9 Diciembre 1998.

Cohen, Jon. "Corn Genome Pops Out of the Pack." Science, 27 June 1997, 1960-1962.

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Getz, Wayne, et. al. "Sustaining Natural and Human Capital: Villagers and Scientists." Science, 19 March 1999, 1855-1856.

Inamdar, Amar, et. al. "Capitalizing on Nature: Protected Area Management." Science, 19 March 1999, 1856-1857.

Leary, Warren E. "Research Yields Underused Source of Food in Africa: Grains." New York Times, 23 April 1996.

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